Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1095

When Yu Lingfeng held the blade and stabbed himself in the chest.

Shen langbing is in danger!

He urged the energy of the two blood princes in the Tai Chi diagram to burst out from his body!

In an instant, the whole cell was filled with blood.

It was as if the two princes suddenly appeared in this cell!

At this moment, all the spirits of the blood clan strong were suddenly bounced out!

The blade that Yu Lingfeng grabbed stopped in front of his chest, and it was difficult to enter any more!

Shen Lang put his other hand around Yu Lingfeng\'s waist, and his eyes recovered in the horror of Yu Lingfeng!

Originally dead, unconscious eyes become as bright as stars!

These eyes are full of killing intention, but they are tender like water.

Yu Lingfeng, who is very familiar with Shen Lang, immediately understood everything when he saw these eyes

It was not Yu CHENFENG who came here.

It\'s Shen Lang!

Moreover, Shen Lang was not controlled by blood energy and death Qi!

Shen Lang did not speak, nor did he use divine thoughts to transmit sound.

In the moment when Yu Lingfeng\'s face showed a happy look, and the other two Yumu women were stunned

Shen Lang\'s long sword reached the extreme speed, hissing, hissing, three swords stabbed!

When the sword fell

Shen Lang grabbed it with his hands in a flash!

"Star sucking big - method!"

The souls of Yu Lingfeng were immediately pulled into the Tai Chi diagram!

All this happened between electro-optic flint!

The next moment, in the cage, a powerful figure appeared out of thin air. With a wave of his hand, he scattered the strong blood fog!

"Information about Dima and Bruta? What\'s going on?"

Prince Dick felt the breath of the other two blood princes and looked at the standing Shen Lang thoughtfully.

In his eyes, Shen Lang stood there with his head down.

The three women of the plume family have been pierced by a sword and can\'t die anymore.

At this time, the prison door was opened and baturu and kuruno flashed in.

"My Lord, what happened just now? Why did I feel the breath of the two princes?"

Kuruno looked at everything in the cell and didn\'t understand what was going on.

Prince Dick\'s mind revolved around Shen Lang and the cell and scanned it carefully.

After a while, he said coldly, "there is no doubt that Yu CHENFENG is powerful. Without the cultivation of emperor Wujing, it is impossible to kill him."

"Dima and Bruta chased him half a month ago. Now they haven\'t come back, but yuchenfeng has died and become a dead soul."

"I wondered before how feather CHENFENG became a dead soul and fell into baturu\'s hands..."

"Dima and Bruta\'s blood just burst out of Yu CHENFENG. It seems that Yu CHENFENG used some secret method and died with the two idiots."

"Although they died together, the energy that Dima and Bruta put into his body has been preserved until now."

"Because the crying of these Yumu women touched the broken memory of yuchenfeng... The blood family energy that he used to suppress by secret methods finally broke out at this moment."

"That\'s it."

Dick thought he had guessed right, and there was a glow of satisfaction in his words.

Kuruno and baturu immediately flattered.

Dick waved his hand and said, "well, kuruno, take yuchenfeng to the hanging water prison. Even if they become undead, they can\'t let these powerful Yumu people touch the earth. Their power comes from the earth!"

"Three days later, kuruno will personally lead the team and take him to Moonlight City."

"Well... Sir, didn\'t you take him there yourself?" kuruno was stunned. Should it be his turn to do such good things?

Dick snorted coldly, "waste! Now there is only one prince in Luocha city. If I leave Luocha city... If there is a strong attack from the demon temple, how can you resist it?"

"Kuruno, I know you are not satisfied with guarding the dungeon here, but I have been friends with your father for many years. How can I really make you so wronged?"

"Now Dima and Bruta are dead. You are obedient, do this job well, and you will take their place sooner or later, okay?"

Kuruno was overjoyed and directly bowed to the ground and said, "it\'s all done by the prince! Kuruno will never forget his kindness!"

Baturu on the side smiled more brightly.

I held kuruno\'s thigh before. I didn\'t expect kuruno to replace the prince soon!

Is there a better deal than this?

This morning breeze is a treasure!

"Go on, remember to make it clear to Milos and Lord Oakes that the feather CHENFENG was caught by this seat himself, okay?" Dick asked with a curled mouth.

Kuruno suddenly patted his chest and said loudly, "yuchenfeng fought with Prince Dima and beat the two princes seriously and fled. At the time of crisis, Prince Dick arrived and killed the Yumu genius on the spot! Kuruno and others saw it with their own eyes!"

Several blood clans inside and outside the cell also knelt down and repeated kuruno\'s words.

"Ha ha! Very good, very good!" Dick laughed twice and disappeared without a trace.

At present, kuruno happily went to the hanging water prison with Shen waves. There was a loud cry of killing in the dungeon, but it was suppressed again.


When Yu Lingfeng just recognized that the person in front of him was Shen Lang, Shen Lang\'s long sword had stabbed him.

The sharp pain spread all over the body in an instant, and Yu Lingfeng immediately felt shrouded in darkness

She subconsciously grabbed Shen Lang\'s hand, neither struggling nor nervous.

"Sorry, childe, I didn\'t listen to you and left xuandaozong without permission..."

Feather Lingfeng closes his eyes.

At the next moment, Yu Lingfeng only feels the earth spinning!

An irresistible force directly extracted her soul!

At that moment, Yu Lingfeng had an unspeakable fear.

As if the soul would disappear in an instant!

However, her trust in Shen Lang still supported her.

Anyway, she doesn\'t believe that Shen langzhen will kill her... Even for the blood clan.

Yu Lingfeng\'s trust in Shen Lang has reached the point of blindness. No matter what kind of desperate situation, she knows that as long as Shen Lang comes, there must be a solution!

When a cold swept over, Yu Lingfeng and the souls of the other two stood firmly in the Tai Chi diagram.

Standing in front of them was a towering giant tree like an eternal tree.

On the big tree, there are also several golden robbery thunder that make the three tremble!

The smell of robbing thunder only needs to leak out a little, which can make the three people who look at all this scared!

Around, endless chaos spread to infinity

"This... Where is this place? Lingfeng, are we dead? Why do our souls enter such a place?" one of them asked in surprise.


A voice that calmed Yu Lingfeng completely rang behind him: "I\'m sorry, I killed you."

When they turned around, they saw Shen Lang standing two meters away, looking at them with an apology on his face.

"Childe......" Yu Lingfeng sobbed.

The other two, their eyes wide, unbelievable.

"Are you... Childe Shen Lang? What about the morning breeze?"

"Are we dead? Was it you who disguised the dead before?"

When Yu Lingfeng came back from the purple state of Chu, he brought back the portrait of Shen Lang.

All the Yumu people who are together with yulingfeng know Shen Lang.

Shen Lang sighed and said, "I disguised myself as the morning wind and became a ghost. I want to go to the moonlight forest to save the people of all races."

"Sorry, I killed you. Your flesh has been destroyed, but I dragged your soul here."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll find a way to help you reshape your flesh."

"Soon you will meet Lingyue and them."

As soon as the voice fell, flowers and green leaves fell from the tree of the world.

The flowers and green leaves all over the sky revolved around Yu Lingfeng, and then integrated into their bodies one by one!

At this moment, the original virtual and real soul of the three became solid and bright.

And the previously felt cold from the soul disappeared without a trace.

The three of Yu Lingfeng felt that they were becoming more and more full. They no longer had the feeling that they were lonely and could be broken at any time after their soul came out of the body.

As like as two peas of flowers and green leaves, they are just like a muscle, but they are completely the same as they used to be.

Although the flesh has not been really reshaped, it seems to have flesh and blood!

Shen Lang said: "CHENFENG has left the world, his broken soul has been integrated by me, I will live for him, and I will realize all the things he wants to do."

"The Yumu clan guards the world. In the future, I will guard the Yumu clan."

"I\'m sorry, I didn\'t save CHENFENG. I\'m sorry..."

The three of Yu Lingfeng, who had just been happy, immediately burst into tears!

Shen Lang looked at them quietly without comfort or saying anything else.

Sometimes it\'s good to cry.

If you want to laugh when you are happy, you should laugh;

When you want to cry, you should let go of crying.

Why must we bear it?

Why must we be strong?

When you can\'t cry, it\'s the saddest time

After a while, the three finally stopped crying.

Crying, after all, can not find the feather CHENFENG.

"Childe, where are we? Where is this?" Yu Lingfeng looked around and asked.

The other two looked at it curiously.

After a moment of silence, Shen Lang said, "here is the world I created."

The three of Yu Lingfeng were stunned.

For the creatures in this world, it is unimaginable to create the world.

The Pangu Protoss who brought the Yumu family to this world once opened up the world, but

Feather Lingfeng suddenly relaxed.

Originally, her trust in Shen Lang has been blind. Now she has more reason to believe that Shen Lang will save all his people;

Shen Lang will also kill the evil blood clan and save the eternal tree.

How happy it is that despair suddenly turns into hope