Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1097

How can we implement this plan to be perfect?

Can we not only save the people here in Luocha City, but also affect the plan to go to the moonlight forest land?

Shen Lang, however, wants to bury a silent thunder king in Luocha city!

With so many races trapped here, how can the king of silence thunder detonate?

It is impossible to let these people be destroyed together with the blood family regardless of their life and death.

Shen Lang does not agree with the argument that "killing a small number of people can save most people".

No one was born to die.

No one is born to die for others.

In Shen Lang\'s mind, plans were quickly formed and then quickly overturned.

His brain is like a computer, running at full speed and calculating.

All possibilities have to be counted!

Or don\'t do it, as soon as you do it, you must be furious!

But it\'s hard, very hard

When he broke into this place alone, he felt the difficulty of fighting alone at this time.

If someone could distract Prince dick for a minute, everything would be solved

If you want to ask the people in the demon God Temple and the God of war temple for help, you should send the news.

But how to get the information out under Dick\'s close surveillance is a problem.

Moreover, the plague place is so large that it is difficult for others to get here in a short time except for the peerless strong man such as king Dapeng with golden wings.

Once the golden winged ROC King starts to move his body with one hair, the two Milos of the blood clan and the mysterious strong man of the demon God hall will also do it!

When a strong man of this level makes a move, he will destroy the sky and the earth.

After all, this is not a place like yumudong blessed land. There are thousands of creatures here

The source of the blood clan\'s pain has no time to transform so many undead, but the blood clan is still holding people of all races. These people are like hostages, mixed with the blood clan

The blood clan has already seen it, and the people in the war temple and the ten thousand demon house will be timid.

This is also a reason why the strength of the blood clan remains unchanged and the demon God hall is getting stronger and stronger, but the blood clan is still reckless.

The devil temple is killing a lot. The ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall are bound to block the devil temple for these people.

At that time, the situation will become that the blood clan and the ten thousand demon mansion will deal with the demon temple

Shen Lang constantly calculated all kinds of possibilities.

Thinking about how to send information;

Thinking about how to save some of the strong in the dungeon and ask them to help;

It won\'t take long to spread the news with the secret method of the war emperor.

But Prince Dick has been watching Luocha City, and Shen Lang has no chance at all.

And there\'s too little time.

Only three days!

Three days later, Shen Lang will be escorted by kuruno to the pale land through the portal!

Now, although Prince Dick\'s mind has no longer enveloped him, Luocha city is under Prince Dick\'s eyes. It\'s very difficult to do something!

Moreover, the suspended water prison has nothing. Kuruno is still guarding outside with a group of blood clan strong men. His eyes have never left Shen Lang!

Shen Lang hooked his head and frantically calculated all the possibilities.

The most direct way, of course, is to control kuruno outside the suspended water prison.

The cultivation of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian is no different from an aphid in front of today\'s Shen waves.

The problem is still with Prince dick!

It is impossible to do such a thing under Prince Dick\'s eyes.

The whole city of Luocha was shrouded in Prince Dick\'s thoughts. With him, Shen Lang wanted to control kuruno. It was as difficult as heaven!

Outside the suspended water prison, kuruno sat on a chair and leaned back. He was drinking and watching the waves in the water prison.

A blood clan woman dressed very exposed was squatting down, gently kneading kuruno\'s thighs and massaging him.

Behind, there are 15 strong blood clan strongmen with strong breath.

All the accomplishments of these blood families are on the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Such a lineup is now "on guard" outside the suspended water prison

This is the first time kuruno has paid so much attention to prisoners!

In addition to the fact that the "yuchenfeng" inside severely injured him and retreated and lost his face, the most important thing is that the current yuchenfeng is the stairs he climbed up!

Prince Dick\'s words made kuruno, who had always felt weak, become high spirited!

Become a prince, replace Prince Dima who is likely to have died, become the master of the city of Luocha, and enjoy the women of Shura at will... All this makes kuruno a little impatient!

He is now guarding the suspended water prison with a group of blood clans. He doesn\'t feel boring at all.

Instead, the more you think, the happier you are!

Originally looked very annoying "feather morning wind", has now become a treasure.

A treasure that can make kuruno prosperous!

Looking at such a treasure, kuruno didn\'t feel boring at all. He just felt that time passed too slowly.

He wanted to catch Yu CHENFENG to the pale place immediately, and then passed through the pale place to the source of pain in the moonlight forest land.

Finally, send the "feather morning wind" to Milos and Oakes!

Time passed bit by bit.

It was noon the next day.

Shen Lang is still waiting, calculating and planning.



A loud noise came down from above, startling everyone!

Kuruno, who was hanging outside the water prison, raised his head with a flash of blood in his eyes and said, "hmm? Which guy who doesn\'t know his life and death is attacking Luocha city?"

When kuruno spoke, powerful breath surged out of Luocha city!

"Who ran to Luocha city to die!"

Prince Dick\'s evil voice echoed over the city of Luocha, roaring like thunder.

"Jie, the blood clan is not as terrible as the legend? The old turtle shrank in the city and didn\'t dare to appear and talk to me?" an equally evil but very young voice came in through the array.

"It\'s really impatient for a quasi emperor who dares to come to Luocha city to fight! You\'re not qualified to let us fight!" Prince Dick is an old antique who has lived for tens of thousands of years. Where is it so easy to be inspired?

Now he is the only prince of emperor Wujing in Luocha city. Without knowing the details of each other, he will not easily leave the array in Luocha city.

With a slight gesture from Prince Dick, the four blood family strong men immediately flew out of the array and will be surrounded by people in the future.

Here, kuruno\'s palm on the edge of the suspended water prison gently brushed in the air, and a water curtain immediately appeared.

Everything outside Luocha city clearly appeared on the water curtain.

I saw a young man in a cloak in the void. After being surrounded by four blood clan strongmen, he showed a look of indifference!

You know, each of those four people is a quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian, and they will never be much worse than kuruno!

The young man in the cloak smiled and said, "don\'t be nervous. I\'m not interested in your Luocha city. I just came to find someone."

One of the blood clan strongmen who surrounded the young man smiled darkly: "boy, no matter what your purpose is, since you have come, you can only stay."

"Luocha city is not a place where you come and go!"

While talking, all the four blood clan strongmen moved and revolved around the black cloak youth at an unimaginable speed!

From the outside, I can\'t see the four figures at all. I can only see the storm formed by the blood fog, which has enveloped the black cloak youth!

The young man in the black cloak tilted his mouth slightly and smiled.


The terrible murderous spirit released from him suddenly condensed into a sharp sword and cut off towards the bloody storm!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..."


The blood fog burst in the scream and floated out in all directions!

Then everything was calm

The black cloaked youth is still standing there, and the four blood clan strong men have disappeared!

No one saw how he did it, or he didn\'t do it at all!

Just with the sharp sword turned into murderous Qi, he killed four strong men of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian blood clan in an instant!

There was a dead silence in Luocha city

"Ho, Ho, Ho!"

Kuruno saw this scene and made a strange noise in his throat. He couldn\'t speak at all.

Almost jumped up.

No one knows the strength of the four better than kuruno.

Any one of them, one-on-one with kuruno, kuruno wants to beat each other, he has to do his best!

If you want to kill each other, you have to pay a great price!

One person is so powerful that the four people work together. Without the cultivation of imperial martial mirror, they can\'t resist it.

But these four people, one face to face, were killed without reaction!

"I want to die!"

In the city of Rocha, Prince Dick roared.

A huge blood red handprint appeared out of thin air, and the young man under the black cloak only grabbed it!

Seeing the huge blood red handprint, the look of the black cloak youth became solemn.

His body generally moved 300 meters to the left. When his wrist turned over, a long sword appeared in an instant and cut off the big handprint in the sky with rage!


The violent Qi ripples instantly scattered the most peripheral Zerg.

The young man in the black cloak just fell tens of meters down and stood firm again.

Prince dick of Emperor Wu Jing made a move, but he dissolved it so simply!

"Is the old turtle angry? Well, don\'t fight first. I\'m not interested in fighting with you." the black cloak youth smiled and said, "my name is Murong Changfeng. I\'m here to find a Terran named Shen lang."

"If he is in Luocha City, then give him to me and everything will be fine."

"If you don\'t, I don\'t mind destroying your bullshit Luocha city and killing your old turtle."

As soon as this remark was made, the whole Luocha city immediately fell into chaos.

Of course, the blood clan was yelling with anger, and the Yumu people in the dungeon were surprised... The name Shen Lang was so familiar to them.

But hasn\'t Shen Lang arrived yet?

Why did someone find Luocha city?

Is Shen Lang also caught by the blood clan?

It was previously found that Yu CHENFENG was caught. Now even the "son of destiny" in the mouth of the eternal tree has fallen into the hands of the blood clan?

In the suspended water prison, the Shen wave with his head down clearly flashed in his eyes!

"Murong Changfeng, second brother? You can\'t wait to find the wilderness."

"But is this really you?"