Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1094

Rao is Shen Lang. He is as intelligent as a demon. His calculations are amazing.

In any case, I didn\'t expect that among the people the blood clan asked him to kill, only Yu Lingfeng was there!

In Yu CHENFENG\'s memory, more than ten days ago, Yu Lingfeng was clearly with the Shura people and was retreating in the direction of Wanyao mansion in the North

How come now he is seriously injured and dying and appears in the blood clan dungeon?

The person you want to kill is Yu Lingfeng?

At this moment, Shen Lang has a feeling of going crazy!

He kept his emotions under control.

There was no abnormality.

But it\'s too hard, too hard

It\'s so hard that Shen Lang wants to break out!

At this moment, Dick, the Lord of the city of Luocha, was still wrapped around him.

I haven\'t left yet!

Is Shen Lang\'s sword really going to stab Yu Lingfeng three people like this?

"Blood clan damn! All blood clan damn!"

Shen Lang clenched his teeth and shouted at the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Yu Lingfeng, with one hand on the wound on his chest, looked at the people who had become dead, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

This is not the first time I\'ve seen people become undead

Shen Lang had whip marks on his face and body. His hair was messy, covering half of his face, and was shrouded by death. He looked hazy, so Yu Lingfeng didn\'t recognize him at once.

Perhaps, they could not have thought that it would be Yu CHENFENG who came here.

Feather Lingfeng smiled bitterly and said very weakly, "you\'ve come to kill me, haven\'t you? My people. Please come closer and let me see who you are?"

"My people, why did we meet in such a place? I am Lingfeng. Please look into my eyes and you will remember me..."

Feather Lingfeng\'s voice suddenly stopped, and a pair of eyes showed an incredible look: "CHENFENG? Are you CHENFENG? No!"

At this time, the other two Yumu women also saw Shen Lang\'s face clearly.

"Morning breeze!"

After being stunned for a while, the three screamed and cried bitterly at the same time

The three struggled to stand up and hugged Shen Lang with a long sword.

Yu Lingfeng stroked Shen Lang\'s face, looked at the blood red chains penetrating Shen Lang\'s body, cried and said, "CHENFENG, why are you? I don\'t believe it, I don\'t believe it... They... What did they do to you, CHENFENG?"

"Your body is full of scars, your body is full of death, and even the lute bone is locked... God! Why is it like this? Why do they treat you like this?"

"Wuwuwuwu..." the other two women of Yumu clan cried even louder.

The roar outside is still ringing, like a wave after wave.

Obviously everyone knows what\'s going on here.

Feather Lingfeng stuck his whole body to Shen Lang, stroked Shen Lang\'s face, cried and said, "CHENFENG, you don\'t remember me, do you? I\'m Lingfeng."

"Damn blood clan... They took everything from you... Everything you rely on for revenge. They took all your kindness... They took all of you as a Yumu clan!"

"They asked you to kill us because they wanted you to completely lose the memory of the plume clan and make you their killing machine!"

"Morning wind, think about it, think about it! Think about the past, the place where you were born, the beautiful moonlight woodland... Think about the beauty of life and the eternal tree!"

"CHENFENG, you used to be the first genius of the Yumu family and the most powerful warrior of the Yumu family!"

"Now you, not you!"

The three of Yu Lingfeng are crying.

Shen Lang\'s heart is bleeding

Countless thoughts flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind, and a voice at the bottom of his heart kept roaring: "what to do? What to do! Absolutely not, absolutely not!"

"Let Zuo ask the sky to explode? If it erupts, you can kill Prince dick in an instant!"

"But there are thousands of people here. If there is no time to destroy the portal, the strong blood clan will come at the first time!"

"There will be no time to save these people!"

"At that time, the plan of moonlight forest land will be completely bankrupt..."

"Shen Lang, Shen Lang, calm down quickly. You are the war emperor! You are the Lord of the war god hall! You must think of a way!"

Turned into the "feather morning wind" of the dead and stood still.

With his head tilted and his eyes dimmed, he looked at Yu Lingfeng and the other two people, as if looking for their images and memories in the chaotic and broken memory.

In the main hall of Luocha City, Prince Dick was smiling and "watching" all this with a glass of blood red wine.

This procedure was repeated many times, but Prince Dick was very comfortable.

This is his favorite scene in his spare time.

In particular, this scene now happens to Yu CHENFENG.

This is an enemy he can\'t even deal with.

It\'s the old two princes who can deal with the enemy!

However, even such a powerful enemy is bound to pass this level today.

Yu Lingfeng shed blood and tears on his face, held Shen Lang and continued: "listen to me, CHENFENG, you must resist the control of the blood clan. I know you can do it! The blood clan are monsters. They just want to destroy the world... Our beautiful home! Don\'t let them use you to achieve their goals!"

"Morning wind, you can\'t kneel under the eternal tree for ten years. You have understood the profound meaning of life. This can resist the energy of blood and the Qi of death. Do you understand? Remember quickly!"

"CHENFENG, you used to be a hero, and you will still be a hero in our mind... Resist quickly, resist! Resist their control!"

At this time, baturu outside the cage shouted: "yuchenfeng, don\'t you remember? It\'s time to do it! Kill them and your people. You won\'t have any connection with Yumu family in the future!"

"In the future, you will become the killing machine of our blood clan! Do you understand?"

Feather Lingfeng\'s whole body trembled and said weakly, "there\'s no time. It\'s over."

"Do it, CHENFENG. We have been seriously injured and won\'t live long. Do it quickly, or they will destroy you! CHENFENG, remember my words and remember the beautiful moonlight lake, where we grew up."

"I believe you will be able to recall and resist the erosion of blood energy and death gas!"

"Eternal tree, our mother said that the world is still worth saving..."

"Childe, he is on his way to help us. Please don\'t give up, CHENFENG!"

"Kill me, CHENFENG!"

"But you must wake up, wake up!"

Yu Lingfeng grabbed the blade of Shen Lang\'s long sword with both hands and stabbed it hard at his heart

At this moment, a light flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind!

The next second, the energy of the blood prince stored in the Tai Chi diagram burst out from Shen Lang!


A blood mist exploded and completely filled the small cage!

The suffocating pressure crept out, and the strong breath from the blood prince turned this small cage into a blood pool, popping the thoughts of Prince Dick and other strong people!