Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1093

"The situation here is different from that in the blood prince\'s memory. After half a month, one fifth of the people have been sent to the pain resource tower... So, in 15 days, the pain resource tower can transform 1000 people?"

"No, there are four cities outside the moonlight forest land. If it is evenly distributed, 4000 people should be sent to the pain resource tower in 15 days."

"And there are people who bring the source of pain. In addition, within these 15 days, there are others who have been caught in Luocha city... In this case, the number of people who can be transformed within 15 days will rise a lot!"

"Unfortunately, the two princes killed by CHENFENG don\'t seem to have a high status and don\'t know much about the pain resource tower."

"Anyway, the longer the delay, the more people will be killed. I hope Dick won\'t delay too long and send me to the moonlight forest as soon as possible..."

"In addition to the Moonlight City, many ethnic people are also imprisoned in the other four cities. It is not generally difficult to save them."

"We have to find a way to let the forces of the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon house join hands. As long as the two sides can join hands temporarily, the problem of dealing with the blood clan is not very big."

Shen Lang once had a plan when he had not completely refined the memory of the blood prince.

It is to turn into a dead soul and go deep into the pain resource tower. At that time, collect all the people detained in the moonlight forest land into the fengtianding, then seize the source of pain, and finally leave a moment of silence to kill the God Lei Wang, pat his ass and leave!

Wait until the edge of the moonlight forest to find the entrance to the amber dream.

At the moment of entering the entrance of the amber dream, detonate the silence killing God thunder king, and directly blow up the blood clan base camp!

The plan is really perfect.

Whether it\'s killing God thunder king, sealing Tianding, or pretending to be the dead, only Shen Lang can do it!

If you can succeed, even if you can\'t kill the two giants of ox and Milos, you can at least kill more than three-quarters of the strong blood clan in the blood clan base camp!

And the source of pain and the Zerg nest will be completely destroyed!


After extracting the blood prince\'s memory, Shen Lang knows that things are not so simple.

The power of the blood clan is scattered among the five cities. How to use the silent God thunder king needs to be considered.

The five cities are scattered and independent. The Luocha city is more than 100000 miles away from the moonlight forest land, far beyond the area covered by the explosion of the silent God thunder king.

A silent God thunder King exploded in the moonlight forest land, and the radiation range is almost an area with a radius of more than 3000 miles.

The place that can really be destroyed is the source of pain.

In Shen Lang\'s hands, there are only two silence killing thunder kings. In the face of this big scene, it\'s a drop in the bucket.

Shen Lang had three silence killing thunder kings. One of them was given to Zhuge Xianer. Now he still has two in his hand.

These two silent thunder kings must be used on the blade!

Moonlight City is sure to bury one. Where to put the other one is still a problem.

In addition, before Shen Lang blatantly detonates the silence killing God thunder king, he needs to rescue the imprisoned strong man who is the source of pain!

"Luocha city is in the west, opposite to the front of the demon temple. There is a large empty area in the middle as the battlefield. This Luocha city has been regarded as the front line of the battle between the blood clan and the other two forces!"

"Now the blood clan doesn\'t seem to pay attention to the other two forces, and its main energy is to find the entrance to the amber dream... But this period of time is obviously wrong. There is a strong and unparalleled breath surging out of the demon God hall and the ten thousand demon mansion, and it is likely that the strong ones on both sides are coming one after another."

"At the beginning, I sent the information to the rosefinch house. Although the rosefinch house came first, the magic generals such as the candle dragon house and the Phoenix House arrived successively, which shows that the demon God hall also attaches great importance to this matter and is constantly sending strong people here!"

"As for the ten thousand demon mansion, it\'s hard to say about the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall, but I once asked the eight heavenly kings to pass the information to the major legend level sects and calculate the time. Recently, some strong people of the legend level sects should come one after another."

"In this way, a big war is inevitable!"

"Even if the blood clan is stupid, it should garrison heavy troops to Luocha city!"

"Not like now, one prince died at the earliest time and has not been made up; while the other two princes were killed by the morning wind, Dick is still at a loss!"

"In other words, when the war really starts, most of the strong men of the blood clan are likely to appear in Luocha city!"

"Very good. Another moment of silence kills the God thunder king. I\'ll put it in Luocha city!"

"It\'s better for the people in the demon temple to directly enter the Luocha city and have a bloody battle with the strong blood clan. I\'ll set off fireworks for you!"

When Shen Lang\'s mind turned, baturu and others suddenly stopped.

"Well, this is the place where the Yumu people are detained. Open cell 27," batulu said with flying eyebrows.

"Bang Dang!"

The heavy prison door was opened. Although Shen Lang\'s silk thread was blocked by the blood clan in front, it could be vaguely seen that there were three seriously injured Yumu people sitting against the wall and hanging their heads.

The long anticipated scene finally came, and Shen Lang\'s heart hurt fiercely!

At this time, baturu waved and let the six undead loose their chains.

Then he kicked Shen Lang and said, "well, go in and make a good identification. There are three of your compatriots. Remember their names, and then kill them. Do you understand?"

With that, baturu stuffed a long blood red sword into Shen Lang\'s hand.

Shen Lang raised his head slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "yes."


Shen Lang dragged his chains to the ground, made a series of harsh sounds, and staggered into the cage.

The cage door clanged and closed again.

At this time, the three women of the plume family raised their heads.

As soon as the three men looked up, Shen Lang almost lost his mind!

The man sitting in the middle is not Yu Lingfeng. Who is it?

Feather Lingfeng

This is the first person of Yumu clan Shen Lang knows.

Shen Lang once made a big fuss over the imperial capital of the state of purple Chu and fought against the strong of Tianjian mountain for her;

Although they don\'t communicate much, they have already become close friends.

Later, when he returned to xuandaozong, Yu Lingfeng left a message and told Shen Lang that after the accident of the eternal tree, he rushed back to the wilderness with a small crystal!

After getting the memory of the blood prince, Shen Lang knew that he had to pass this level and face the barrier of killing Yumu family.

On the road, Shen Lang has been thinking about it.

I thought of countless possibilities.

But Shen Lang never thought that he would encounter Yu Lingfeng here!

There is feather Lingfeng among the people the blood clan asked him to kill!

Feather Lingfeng is here. What about the little crystal?

The crystal girl, isn\'t she