Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1089

When Ellos\'s soul was burned by the rosefinch fire and screamed bitterly

Amanda and Abigail, who looked at all this, finally reacted!

The two men screamed, turned around and turned into bloody bats trying to escape!

However, their speed is no different from that of worms in front of Shen waves.

The blood fog just exploded and turned into a blood bat. The Shen wave just standing in front of Ellos left a series of residual shadows on the court. Ghosts generally appeared in the middle of Amanda\'s standing position!

Shen Lang stretched out his hands and hissed twice. The bloody bats in the void on the left and right sides were shrouded by a force in an instant. They gathered immediately without any resistance!

After the bloody bats gathered, they immediately changed back to Amanda and Abigail!

Shen Lang\'s outstretched hands, one left and one right, are pinching on the necks of the two people!

Amanda in Huangwu territory is not as good as a chicken in Shen Lang\'s hand. They are completely two small grasshoppers.

"No, no, don\'t kill me... Cluck!"

Amanda was so frightened that they made a strange noise in their necks and shouted for mercy.

Anyway, they can\'t imagine

A few seconds ago, the five people of the Shura family were in despair and fear. A few seconds later, the despair and fear had turned to them!

A few seconds ago, they were still thinking about giving the Shura woman and the first genius of the Yumu family to the top, and then prospered

A few seconds later, it became such a nightmare!

"Poof poof", the fierce rosefinch fire spread out of Shen Lang\'s arms, wrapped Amanda and her two people and burned.

Under the package of rosefinch fire, they screamed bitterly, but they couldn\'t get rid of the flame at all.

Their bodies, blood is burning.

The soul is burning!

Shen Lang was so angry that he didn\'t want to urge the "star sucking Da Fa" to swallow the souls of the three people. Instead, he directly used the rosefinch divine fire to reduce them to nothingness!

Never exceed life!

The shrill screams of the three blood families continued and echoed in the valley, making people feel like they were in hell.

Shen Lang came here to go to the moonlight woodland through these three blood families.

However, looking at the women of Shura clan being * * * * by blood clan, Shen Lang finally didn\'t bear it anymore.

Some things, there is no right or wrong.

Only choice.

Any choice, some people think it is right, some people think it is wrong.

Shen Lang didn\'t even know whether he could stand it when he really went to the moonlight woodland and saw that the people there were trampled, abused and killed by the blood clan.

If you can\'t help it, Shen Lang will think he\'s not human;

I can\'t help it. I may die, and others can\'t save it

This is a multiple-choice question.

When you face such a problem, you will feel the cruelty of the problem.

Before leaving xuandaozong, Shen Lang got drunk and expressed this meaning... The war emperor is a God, and he is a mortal.

God is perfect.

But mortals have many flaws.

Quietly watching Amanda and the two were burned by the rosefinch, three seconds later

Shen Lang slowly turned around, bent his fingers, flashed four small knives, and cut the ropes on the four people.

At this time, Shen langcai said, "Celia, I\'m sorry to make you afraid."

The four people who were looking at Shen Lang with fear and strange eyes heard the sound, cheered and immediately wanted to rush towards Shen Lang with tears.

"Wait a minute!"

The woman in front stretched out her hands and stopped the four people behind her: "you\'re not CHENFENG! Why do you want to look like CHENFENG? Who are you!"

The back four were stunned.

"Sister, he must be the morning breeze. I can feel it. There can be no mistake!"

"Sister, he called your name. Who is not CHENFENG?"

The four people in the back chattered.

But they are very dependent on Celia. Celia won\'t let them pass. They are still obedient and stop their pace.

Celia shook her head and said, "no, he can\'t be CHENFENG. CHENFENG can\'t have such a blade like look anyway!"

"Even if CHENFENG kills people, it can\'t be so violent!"

"Although his appearance is the same as the morning wind, he is two completely different people!"

As soon as Celia reminded the latter four, they immediately found out that it was wrong.

The man in front as like as two peas, but the gesture, the look, is like killing God.

Even the murderer seems to be on his side.

But several people of Shura nationality looked at him and still felt cold and trembling.

Shen Lang is not a split personality, but Shen Lang\'s temperament is quite the opposite when he is happy and angry... Shen Lang is obviously in a very bad mood today!

Feather CHENFENG is almost the other extreme. Feather CHENFENG\'s smile can make anyone relax, such as spring breeze.

Yuchenfeng doesn\'t even get angry easily. Even killing people is like art, beautiful and natural.

In particular, Shen Lang now has no smell of Yumu family, but only the Qi of death and murder.

Shen Lang opened his mouth and said after a while, "I\'m Shen Lang, from the Terran. CHENFENG... Has left."

The five women of Shura nationality were stunned and seemed to be still thinking about the word "leave".

At the next moment, the five people all reacted. They immediately covered their mouths with their hands and cried.

Shen Lang was silent for a while, and his heart moved, so that Yu Lingyue three people came out of the fengtianding.


The three of Yu Lingyue screamed and ran to Celia\'s five people.

This is not the place to talk. The three of Yu Lingyue quickly explained two words, and finally calmed Celia down.

After a while, Celia came over, saluted Shen Lang and said, "Celia, I\'ve seen Lord Shen Lang."

"You\'re welcome, girl. Later, you and Lingyue will join my magic weapon. She will tell you about the Dragon pulse." Shen Lang nodded slightly.

Celia took a deep look at Shen Lang and said, "Sir, are you going to disguise as the dead and go to the moonlight forest?"

"The adult himself was beaten and insulted by the blood clan. He disappeared without any trace of leakage, but he showed his true body because of us..."

"We\'re really useless. We broke your big deal."

Yu Lingyue hasn\'t had time to tell Celia about it, but the ice snow smart Shura woman has guessed it.

"It doesn\'t matter. Just take a little more time to find the blood clan. Even if you can\'t find it, take a risk and go directly through the portal to the moonlight forest land." Shen Lang waved his hand and said.

Celia saluted again and said, "it\'s very difficult and dangerous all the way. She has low cultivation and can\'t help adults. Please take care of yourself..."

"Sir, let\'s enter your magic weapon together with Lingyue."

Shen Lang nodded. Feng Tianding immediately released white light, shrouded Celia and others, and brought them in.

At this time, the valley has recovered its peace, and the three blood clan have burned to ashes, leaving no residue in their souls.

With a slight sigh, Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly, urged the broken false silver eyes, and found the blood clan active in the recent area.

Then, Shen Lang immediately returned to the appearance of the previous undead creature.


The violent energy on the ground swept away in all directions, and the Shen wave rushed away in the distance like a missile.


In the sealed heavenly tripod, Celia was about to stop talking. She finally summoned up her courage and asked, "Lingyue, what kind of person is this Lord Shen Lang? What does he... Look like, do you know?"

"I have a very strange feeling about this adult. His previous killing methods are like the Shura God believed by our Shura family. In an instant, the Shura blood sea can destroy the world."

"But behind this violent killing intention, I clearly felt a kind of compassion and affinity like the morning wind."

"It\'s really a strange feeling. We look at him like a demon who wants to destroy the world, but on the other side, he looks like a merciful Buddha..."

"He made us afraid, from the bottom of our hearts; but he made us close and trusted us very much;"

"His eyes were cold, as if all could be killed; but he exuded noble righteousness and made evil bow down

"What kind of person is he?"

"Yes, yes, Lingyue, tell us about this adult quickly?" the other four people also surrounded Lingyue and chattered.

Yu Lingyue opens her mouth and seems to be organizing language.

After a long time, she took a deep breath and said, "sister Liya, your feeling is not wrong. Childe, he is such a person... He kills gods and demons to enemies; but he treats friends and us like the legendary Buddha..."

"In order to save people of all races, he is now going to brave the source of pain alone."

"I know you are all surprised, incredible and even absurd, but in him, everything is possible."

Celia suddenly stood up and murmured, "all beings are Bodhi fruits. The wicked have their own grinding and kill thousands of wicked. The devil is merciful Buddha."

"This... This doesn\'t mean that I, the Shura God believed in by our Shura family? Why..."

In this way, Yu Lingyue began to tell everything about Shen Lang.

Some of these things about Shen Lang are from the eternal tree, some are from Yu Ling\'s tuyere, and some are what Yu CHENFENG once dreamed of.

In the array on the other side of Feng Tianding, Xue Shiyin was pacing up and down with her hands on her back, very uneasy.

Duanmu Zheng ran over to flatter and said, "don\'t worry, landlady. I won\'t let those chicks have a chance to contact the boss. No matter how beautiful they are, how can they compare with you?"

The four bone demons nodded fiercely: "good!"

Xue Shiyin was so angry that she slapped Duanmu Zheng and the four bone demons and screamed.