Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1088

"Pa Pa Pa!"

The whip in Ellos\'s hand made a sharp sound in the air and beat it on Shen Lang\'s face.

Shen Lang\'s eyes were dead and motionless.

But he immediately burst into a strong force on his face and bounced the whip away.

Even if they become undead creatures, the undead creatures of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing are not something that the blood clan of the quasi emperor Wujing one heaven can deal with.

Ellos whipped three whips and found that even the whip was broken, but there was no mark on the face of "feather CHENFENG", so he was a little frustrated.

Amanda saw this and shouted, "yuchenfeng! My eldest brother beat you, you are not allowed to resist! Restrain your strength!"

"Yes." Shen Lang made an inhuman voice.

"Eh, your boy is still smart?" Ellos also reacted and praised Amanda.

Amanda\'s face blossomed with laughter.

Abigail on the side was so angry that he gave Amanda a hard oblique look.

At this time, he saw that Ellos had exhausted his strength and another whip had been whipped!


An impression immediately appeared on Shen Lang\'s face, just like an impression drawn on a hard stone.

Even if he restrained his strength, elroth could not hurt his strong body.

However, Ellos himself did not want to kill him. After all, this is the tool for Ellos to prosper in the future.

When Ellos saw the print, he was much more balanced. He slapped it in the past and made shocking whip marks on Shen Lang\'s face and body.

Amanda turned her eyes and offered another plan: "brother, you waste your strength if you beat him... Where do you need to do this waste? Let him take his own mouth and beat himself?"

Ellos was stunned: "yes? Why didn\'t I expect... Cough, good, good!"

"Yu CHENFENG, take turns pumping his mouth with his left and right hands. Try hard. Hit ten mouths first!"

"Yes." Shen Lang made a vague voice.

Raise your left and right hands and start slapping your mouth.

A slap down, immediately sent out a loud bang, flying sand and stones around, strong Qi surging wildly!

The second slap down, countless boulders were washed directly towards the three of Ellos!

"Stop! Stop!" Ellos shouted in panic.

If it goes on like this, Yu CHENFENG won\'t have anything. The three of them may be killed!

Ellos kicked Amanda out with one kick: "what bad idea did you give him!"

Immediately, Ellos whipped Shen Lang with two more whips and laughed: "ha ha! The so-called Yumu family\'s peerless genius is nothing more than that?"

"This is not the end of talking about the peerless genius? It\'s not to become a slave of Lao Tzu, or to be ravaged by Lao Tzu as he wants?"

Ellos laughed wildly, and the whip in his hand pulled wildly at Shen Lang, leaving scars on Shen Lang.

Although he knew that the "feather morning breeze" had no pain or even felt it, Ellos played very well.

"Stop! You beast!"

"Please, don\'t hit him again. Please, we can do whatever you want!"

"CHENFENG is dead. Don\'t insult him any more!"

"Beast, we will not let you go if we are ghosts!"

"CHENFENG, you are the genius of Yumu nationality and the most admired person of all our races. You shouldn\'t be like this. Wake up! Wake up!"

Five Shura women cried.

However, "feather CHENFENG" only listens to the blood clan\'s words and has no reaction to anything else.

"It\'s so noisy!" ayrlos shouted, "what about the Yumu genius? Insult him? I\'m going to insult him in front of you, okay?"

"I will insult you in front of him!"

Ellos twisted his face and stepped over in three or two steps. First, he slapped the Shura women, and then stretched out his hand to tear the clothes on one of them!

In the screams of these women, Shen Lang\'s dead gray eyes flashed, and the violent murderous spirit flashed away!

But the three blood families didn\'t notice at all.

Ellos came back again, grabbed Shen Lang\'s collar and dragged it to the Shura women.

However, he dragged, did not drag

"Yes, are the people of the feather wood clan also forged? Is their body so strong? So heavy?" ayrlos scolded.

"Feather CHENFENG, stand over there for me!" ayrlos pointed to the position next to the Shura woman.

Shen Lang hung his head and staggered to the Shura woman.

Five Shura women were tied back, but they all stood up desperately and surrounded Shen Lang in the middle.

Amanda licked her tongue and said, "brother, do you want to..."

"What do you think? Of course, I want this Yumu genius to watch me do this Shura woman!" Ellos said angrily: "he is not known as the first genius of Yumu? He doesn\'t mean to lead these pig races to break the darkness?"

"I\'ll show him now. The Shura women are struggling under my body!"

"I\'ll let him listen to the intoxicating voice of Shura women now, ha ha!"

Amanda and Abigail looked at each other with envy.

When he saw elroth laughing, he grabbed the clothes of the oldest looking woman, lifted her up, and three or two times untied the rope.

The woman raised her hand to hit Ellos, but her arms were soft and had no strength at all.

It was such an arm that Ellos directly grabbed his wrist and pinched it to tears.

But the woman was very patient. She was afraid of pain and shed tears, but she just bit her teeth and didn\'t say a word!

"Didn\'t you just call me an animal? I\'ll do what animals like to do with you now! Do you bite your teeth and think you won\'t make a sound? I\'ll make you cry out later!"

"This is your life! You races should all become slaves of our blood clan! I like you and it\'s your destiny! Ha ha..."

"Resist! The more intense the resistance is, the better I am!"

Ellos couldn\'t stop laughing wildly, which formed a great contrast with the crying of five Shura women.

The Shura woman who was grabbed by him had despair and hatred in her eyes. She looked at Ellos and seemed to want to devour him alive.

The other four Shura women kept screaming.

But there\'s nothing to do

Ellos stared at the woman\'s rich breast, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and grabbed it!


With a soft sound, Ellos\'s palm stopped in front of the Shura woman\'s chest. It was only a little short. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn\'t fall anymore!

Neither Ellos nor Shura people expected this to happen

It is the "feather morning wind" that has become a dead creature that grabs Ellos\'s wrist!

"Do you want to die? Loosen it!"

Ellos struggled twice, couldn\'t earn it at all, and suddenly became angry.

He thought it had become the feather of the dead, and the memory of CHENFENG had not completely collapsed, so he had such an action.

But the next moment, Ellos knew he was wrong

The "feather morning wind" with his head hooked and his eyes full of dead ash raised his head slowly at this time!

Like death, open your eyes!

This is a pair of eyes full of the spirit of death, and this is also a pair of eyes full of killing intention!

But whatever it is, where does it look like a dead creature?


Ellos stared round and was about to speak, but his right arm had been crushed by Shen wave!


The inhuman scream came from Ellos\'s mouth. Before Amanda and Amanda reacted, Shen Lang dragged Ellos\'s crushed arm and swung the latter round like a windmill, slamming it on the ground!

Smash the ground into a human pit!

The huge recoil force directly shook Amanda and them all out!

But the five Shura women behind Shen Lang were not hurt.

A strong energy wrapped the five of them and blocked the impact of energy and stones.

At this time, Ellos lay on the ground, his head at the foot of the Shen wave, and his sad voice was like killing a pig.

Just under the stunned gaze of the Shura people, Shen Lang\'s head had been raised, his body stood straight, his left foot was raised, and the lightning flash Gang kicked out, blocking the left hand blasted out by Ellos with unparalleled accuracy.

Then he stepped Ellos\'s left hand directly into the ground!

"Click, click, click!"

Ellos\'s left hand was crushed by the Shen wave!


Shen Lang left a series of residual shadows on the court and suddenly appeared opposite the original position, that is, the position of Ellos\'s feet!

At the moment, Shen Lang turned his back from five Shura women to five Shura women and Amanda.

"Hoo Hoo!"

Without any pause and hesitation, Shen Lang\'s right foot split twice like a knife and stepped on Ellos\'s thighs!

Crush Ellos\'s legs!

Simply four times

Just now, I was thinking about Ellos, who was going to take off the clothes of Shura women in front of the "feather morning wind". All his limbs were broken. There was only breath out, not breath in!

At this time, Ellos can\'t even scream!

Far more than the blood of ordinary humans and even monsters, it is constantly coming out of his mouth, just like a fountain

Shen Lang\'s body moved. The ghost moved to the right side of Ellos, clenched his fist and bent over!

Almost to the extreme, a punch to the extreme directly hit Ellos on the head!

The blood splashed everywhere, and the punch burst Ellos\'s head in an instant!

You can\'t die anymore!

It was at this moment that a terrible red flame burst out.

Not only the blood, but also Ellos\'s body and even his soul burned!

In the fire, Ellos\'s soul screamed and begged for mercy.

The five women of the Shura nationality, who were near the fire, were pale, surprised, happy and afraid. Their bodies shook and could not stand.

I can\'t bear it anymore!

Shen Lang is like Asura at this moment, showing his terrible means like the ferocious God of hell!