Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1090

"What\'s going on in your head?"

Xue Shiyin said in a funny and angry way, "I\'m thinking about Xiaolang going to the moonlight forest land!"

"You know what happened before. The moonlight forest land is now the base camp of the blood clan!"

"There are at least more than 20 strong imperial martial mirrors in it, and two peerless strong men in the later stage of imperial martial mirrors sit down..."

"Xiao Lang wants to go to such a place now, but we can\'t help at all. Do you understand?"

Hearing the voice of snow poetry, the heads of zombies and bone demons fell down.

Giving advice is not what zombies and bone demons are good at.

Now the strength of the zombie and the Bone Demon is extremely poor. I can\'t help if I want to help.

At this time, a ghost fog floated over, and the voice of the ghost king came out: "the landlady doesn\'t need to be so anxious. I was the first to be loyal to the boss and have been with him. I know the boss\'s character very well..."

"He rarely does anything beyond his ability. As long as he does it, even if he is not fully sure, it will not be bad enough to rely on luck."

"For example, most of the things the boss does belong to this - there is a fruit hanging on it. The boss can\'t reach it, but as long as he jumps with all his strength, he can reach it without spraining his leg."

"If the boss tries his best to jump and still can\'t touch the fruit, he will stop, start practicing, start improving his strength, and start thinking about how to pick the fruit."

"And everyone has seen the ability of this Tianding. Even the strong emperor Wujing can\'t find it!"

"This one alone, the boss is already in an invincible position!"

"What we have to do is to rely on this yuan force fragment as soon as possible to improve our cultivation, so that we can help him in the future."

"I know that the landlady actually understands these principles, but care is chaos... But chaos will affect cultivation. The landlady should try her best to control herself and calm down."

The ape, who had not spoken for a long time, nodded and said, "the old ghost is right. I think the boss can go to the blood clan base camp to do a big job! For the time being, we just have to wait and see what happens."

Xue Shiyin\'s face eased down, nodded slightly and sat down cross legged.


Shen Lang is still flying, flying as a dead creature.

Fast and crazy.

The undead looking for blood clan is like looking for the final destination, just as the moth sees the flame.

In addition to Shen Lang, there are many undead creatures on the earth, walking slowly towards the position with blood clan breath.


Because Shen Lang disturbed the situation before, let the blood clan and other three strongest forces hand in once and test each other. After more than ten days, there was no other movement in the plague land!

Each side\'s forces have converged, so they remain in a delicate situation of balance and calm.

During this period of time, there was not even a big war that could draw the attention of the strong on all sides.

The three forces seem to be gaining momentum, have converged, and are unwilling to take the initiative to provoke.

On the side of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall, the strong men of the legendary sect in the world began to arrive, and their strength is constantly increasing;

Here in the demon God hall, the powerful generals of the four wastelands in the southeast, northwest and Zhongzhou also came one after another. Two of the four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king came, which was an unprecedented event!

In the past, the little-known demon Temple seemed to want to take this opportunity to really go to the front desk.

As soon as he came to the front stage, his peerless lineup and strong strength stunned many legendary sect strongmen who came here!

The major races who originally lived here also began to turn to the Zhuque house of the demon God hall.

Because there is a powerful and mysterious presence in the rosefinch house, the rosefinch house has become the leader of the demon God hall.

Even the coming "king of bronze and fire" and "king of earth and mountain" should come respectfully to greet the mysterious existence. It can be seen how respected the status of that person and how powerful his cultivation is!

In half a month, the power on the side of the demon God hall has faintly overwhelmed the blood clan.

There is a prelude to expansion.

On the contrary, there are no other strong ones coming from the blood clan. They just focus on using the source of pain to transform the undead legion, which is very calm and strange.

The night of the plague is deep.

Death filled the air and the cold wind roared.

In the plague land shrouded by the gas of death and plague, it is clear that there is an ominous blood gas floating in all directions.

This piece of land, just a month ago, was still covered with green grass, like a paradise.

Now it has completely become a place of plague, spreading plague and death everywhere.

Only when the night comes, the night covers up all this, can people forget this cruelty for a short time.

This is the 16th day after the best of the three.

Late at night

A group of blood clan people appeared in the hidden fog forest, and suddenly it became lively.

This group of blood clan people, with more than 30 people, led more than 4000 undead creatures, escorted Shen waves pierced by blood red chains to the gate of the only city in the hidden fog forest.

Shen Lang\'s body is full of Rune seals and chains made of deep-sea meteorite iron.

Six wrist chains pierced his lute bones and limbs.

These chains are blood red, and there are also runes flashing on them, as if there were life, evil and strange.

The other end of the six chains was held in the hands of six huge undead creatures.

These six huge undead creatures have changed so much that people can\'t see what kind of race they were.

They are as high as five feet, like hills. Their skin is torn, their whole body is purulent, their big mouths are constantly flowing disgusting saliva, and their two tusks are flashing a gloomy and powerful light.

They are distributed around shenlang. Each of them is about ten meters away from shenlang, but they walk much more steadily than shenlang.

It seems that after the "purification" of the blood pool, which is the source of pain, it has become more loyal, stronger and more flexible.

In contrast, Shen Lang, who was pierced and sealed by the chain, looked only one meter eight. Being in it was like a little bit.

The one meter eight Shen wave is surrounded by the six undead creatures. If people outside don\'t pay attention, they can hardly see him.

Six undead creatures like a hill control Shen Lang, surrounded by a group of blood clan strongmen, and finally followed by thousands of undead creatures, which is really big enough.

So the team came under the gate and stopped.

The leading young blood clan looked up and said, "I\'m baturu. Please tell the city Lord that I have caught the first genius of Yumu clan, yuchenfeng!"

When he said this, the young baturu was elated, and the joy on his face was completely undisguised.

And obviously he was talking with his head up. The strong blood clan on the wall was higher and stronger than him, but he looked down with pride.

It seems that baturu has understood that he may be promoted to three levels in a row.

Before the strong blood clan on the wall of Gaogao City spoke, a powerful and extremely powerful thought covered the sky like a curtain of heaven, enveloping everyone in it.

Immediately, a voice laughed and echoed in the night, as if it had shaken the night

"Baturu, you did a good job! This time, the city Lord will reward you! Ha ha!"

"Bring him in!"

Above the gate, the light burst, and a curtain of light suddenly opened.

Then the huge city gate roared and opened.

A group of blood clan and this group of undead creatures immediately surrounded Shen Lang and walked into the city.

Shen Lang kept hanging his head, his eyes were dead gray, and his mind was completely shrouded in the light of Feng Tianding, without any outward release.

He doesn\'t need to urge his mind to observe everything around him.

Shen Lang, who has absorbed the memory of the blood clan prince, has already understood all the arrangements of the blood clan territory.

Moreover, the potential of heaven and earth made him feel integrated with this heaven and earth, and everything around him actually appeared in his mind.

For the application of this understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth, although everything you feel is not as clear as that of the divine mind, many things, many mysteries, that the divine mind can\'t feel.

This potential of heaven and earth is the application of the understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth.

When Shen Lang\'s mind was not strong enough in the past, he used the power of heaven and earth many times to find abnormalities around him, find dangers and break them.

For example, when peeping at Yu Wenhua and collecting animal souls, Shen Lang was attacked by Yu Wenhua. Shen Lang took advantage of the potential of heaven and earth to break Yu Wenhua\'s "blood fingerprint" with his different cultivation skills;

On the way to xuandaozong, he was chased and killed by the shadow building killer. He also used the power of heaven and earth to see through the shadow building killer who is familiar with the way of assassination;

Even in the dragon scale temple, Shen Lang sensed the existence of ghost zunye Youming with the power of heaven and earth, and finally found the ghost zunye Youming with broken false silver eyes!

For the understanding of heaven and earth Avenue, there may be people in the world who can surpass the emperor of war, but there will never be too many.

Although Shen Lang hasn\'t completely absorbed the understanding of emperor Zhan, now it\'s no better than in the past. Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror is unaware of the spread of the power of heaven and earth!

Shen Lang was led by six undead creatures and staggered forward.

In my mind, I was analyzing the memory from the blood prince.

Unfortunately, the two blood princes who killed Yu Lingfeng are also one of the city masters of Luocha city!

The Luocha City, located in the hidden fog forest, is a huge city near the West and the direction of the demon God hall.

The hidden fog forest is more than 100000 miles away from the moonlight forest land. It is shrouded in fog all year round. It is the periphery of the moonlight forest land.