Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1087

Ellos just took two steps, but he stopped nervously and quickly took the compass around his waist.

The compass is half a foot in diameter, but it is very precise. There are many pointers in different colors, and there are blood red scales on the pointers, which can show energy fluctuations.

At this time, a gray black pointer was trembling slightly and pointed to the southwest.

"Yes, I was shocked. I thought the war had begun again." Ellos scolded angrily.

"Brother, did you find anything?" the other two came together.

Elroth waved his hand and said, "it\'s no big deal. No, it should be a good thing... A powerful undead is attracted by us and is coming to us!"

Undead creatures transformed by the source of pain have no independent consciousness.

They are completely controlled by the blood clan. When they are lost, they will also be attracted by the nearest blood clan and naturally approach the blood clan.

Ellos frowned and said, "it\'s strange. The aftereffects of the previous strong wars won\'t have eyes."

"The Heishui mountains have been destroyed. Whether it\'s blood clan, undead, or Zerg, they\'re all dead. How can such a dead soul survive?"

Ellos looked at the compass, hesitated and said, "what a terrible energy fluctuation. Is it the ghost of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror more than seven days?"

"Ah?" Amanda was surprised and said, "it\'s impossible. Even if such a powerful guy catches the source of pain, it will take ten days and a half months to really transform! How can such a powerful undead appear here?"

Ellos gave him a cold look and said, "you know what a fart? How terrible were the ripples of the previous wars? It\'s hard to support the cultivation without imperial martial mirror!"

"Is it obvious that the strong among the pig races were shocked to death by the aftershock, and then transformed into undead?"

The blood race regards all other races as the pig race.

They think they are gods. These pig races kill as they want, and kill as they want.

Ellos said again: "in addition, I noticed that there are two princes of our blood family in that direction. They are fighting with people. Hum, how can these people resist the two princes no matter how strong they are?"

"Maybe he was killed by the prince, and then we picked up a bargain!"

"Hey, hey, first I caught five Shura women, and now I get such a powerful undead... My luck is amazing!"

"If there is such a powerful undead as a subordinate, who dares to disrespect me in the future?"

Amanda and I immediately flattered each other.

It makes ayrlos light and comfortable.

Ellos looked at the Shura woman, licked her tongue and said, "just wait for the dead to meet, and then cook the woman later!"

"Ah, Shura women are a gift from God. I can\'t wait!"

The five Shura women, gnashing their teeth, looked at Ellos.

It\'s a pity that their accomplishments have been banned and tied up. Let alone run away, they can\'t even commit suicide. There\'s nothing they can do.

After a while, the sound of breaking the air came from a distance.

The Shen wave, which turned into a feather like morning wind, swayed in the air and smashed down like a meteorite!

"Lying trough!"

The three of Ellos were so scared that they grabbed five Shura women and quickly moved out!

The power of the dead is still preserved. Although it is not as strong as when it was alive, it is still very strong.

But the undead is an unconscious urging force, which often causes such great damage.

At this time, the flying undead obviously became the undead. It didn\'t take long to fly around.

As soon as I saw Ellos, I flew over madly.


At the moment when the three of Ellos flew out in panic, the crazy waves smashed the rubble they were originally in and smashed out a big hole with no bottom!

Gravel and dust!

"The undead who has not been purified by the real pain blood pool is so stupid! He doesn\'t even know how to control his power! Alas, what a pity!" the floating Ellos shook his head again and again.

Amanda said, "yes, if we catch a living and send it to the pain blood pool for purification, this is one of our fierce generals!"

Abigail sighed and said, "it\'s not bad. After all, only the eldest brother of the three of us is a quasi emperor martial mirror. We are both in the imperial martial realm. It\'s not easy to catch such a powerful person."

That\'s beautiful. It\'s not easy?

This is impossible, isn\'t it?

Amanda rolled her eyes.

The blood clan thinks itself a natural aristocrat and never lacks green goods.

If you don\'t load green goods, you may have to be suspected of pure blood!

So even Amanda, such a fool, pretended to be a model, and even Abigail turned his eyes.

At this time, the stone below was shaken up, and the confused "feather morning wind" climbed out.

Surprised, Ellos slowly shouted, "Hey, you fool, stop!"

The sinking waves below did not move.

Any transformed undead is controlled by the blood clan!


A scream startled the three of Ellos.

But the five Shura women saw Shen Lang\'s face clearly and screamed together!

"CHENFENG! Is CHENFENG you? Say a word!"

"Why! Damn God, why did you become a dead man! My God!"

"Morning wind, how did you become like this... What did those King bastards do to you?"

"CHENFENG, wake up quickly. Don\'t let the breath of death control you. You are the yuchenfeng of Yumu family!"

"Shura God, have you given up our Shura family? Even if you give up our Shura family, please help CHENFENG, please!"

Ellos was stunned: "feather CHENFENG? The guy who integrated all the races living here and formed an alliance to fight the blood clan?"

"The peerless genius of the Yumu family?"

"Hahaha, I\'m rich, I\'m rich!"

"This is the name mentioned by the Immortal Emperor!"

"Take him back and give him to Emperor Milos, and our status will soar!"

Amanda and Abigail looked at each other and were ecstatic: "it\'s all the credit of big brother. Big brother, don\'t forget us!"

"Sobbing..." five Shura women cried bitterly.

Even the woman who had been calm before was now in tears and could no longer control it.

Once upon a time, the peerless genius of the plume family became their pillar, leading them to fight against fate and want to expel the blood family from this land.

Under the mediation of the Yumu genius who always wears a bright smile, even the Shura and Luocha, who have been fighting for years, have abandoned their past grievances, shook hands and made peace and become allies.

Unexpectedly, now even Yu CHENFENG is dead and has become like this!

Become the undead, controlled by these scum blood families!

The hearts of the five Shura women are full of despai