Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1086

Shen Lang must find the blood clan.

Otherwise, it will turn into a dead soul and fly slowly to the moonlight forest land. I don\'t know what year and month it will take.

Shen Lang killed several blood clans before and absorbed the soul and memory of the prince of blood clans. Therefore, Shen Lang knows that... In this plague land, thousands of portal gates have been arranged by blood clans and linked with each other.

Some of the hidden large portals can be directly transmitted to the area outside the blood clan base camp.

It is the quickest and easiest way to find the blood clan and let the blood clan take him to the moonlight forest.

Broken false silver eyes scanned the earth quickly.

"Well, good luck!"

Shen Lang sees the energy fluctuation of blood clan!

That location is more than 5000 miles away from here. It\'s the opposite way to the moonlight woodland. Shen Lang has to go back.

Shen Lang sneered and his eyes moved. His eyes, which were as bright as stars, immediately became dim and dead!

The body moved, and Shen Lang imitated the unconscious posture of the dead and staggered close to the ground.

At this time, he is Yu CHENFENG.

The dead, feather CHENFENG.

This is a place called "Heishui mountains".

Although the name appears dark, it turned out to be a very good place.

Only every ten years, the rivers in the mountains will turn black, so it has the name of Blackwater mountains.

Today\'s Heishui mountains, like other places, seem to have experienced a big earthquake, the mountains are cracked, and the rocks are piled up at the foot of the mountain.

Three blood clans and five Shura women are resting in the rubble.

The five Shura women were ragged and had shocking whip marks on their faces and bodies.

However, the three blood clans were not so good, and they were all in a mess.

"Big brother, what happened before? A huge wave hit, and all the undead and Zerg we took turned into ashes, which scared me to death!" a blood clan said with lingering fear.

Another person also patted his chest and said, "I feel the breath of the strong of our blood clan. It should be the strong above our blood clan prince who fought with those pigs."

"Yes, fortunately, brother saw the opportunity early and led my brothers to hide underground when he found something wrong, otherwise we would be all finished!"

"But with so many undead and Zerg, it\'s all over now. How can we make a job when we go back? That bastard emiro will certainly take the opportunity to make trouble for us!"

The blood clan called eldest brother said at this time: "prince? You know a fart! How can the prince cause so much damage?"

"Those who shot before were our emperor Milos and Emperor ox!"

"This simple fight swept an area of at least 130000 miles!"

"Ah!" the other two opened their mouths and could not speak.

The emperor Milos and the emperor ox had seen the dragon head but not the tail. Even they had not seen what it looked like or what they had done.

Just now, it turned out that they fought with other forces?

It\'s horrible!

The eldest brother looked at the two people\'s expressions, sneered and said, "don\'t worry too much. Emperor Milos and Emperor oaks, who are peerless strong at this level, won\'t do it casually. Let\'s wait and see. As long as it is stable and there is no vitality fluctuation, we can go to the portal and send it back as soon as possible."

"As for the undead and Zerg destroyed, after all, it has something to do with emperor Milos and Emperor ox, and they won\'t blame us too much. Besides, we were lucky and caught five Shura women after we came out... Hey, hey, my uncle is salivating for Shura women!"

"How many Shura women have we caught since our blood clan came here for so long? No more than ten! And now I have five!"

"As long as you give them to my uncle, are you afraid my uncle will blame us? Ha ha!"

The eldest brother laughed wildly and said, "who am I Ellos? Abigail, Amanda, as long as you follow me and obey me, you can make a success of yourself!"

Abigail and Amanda looked at each other and immediately laughed.

"Big brother is big brother. Before, we could not only feel the fluctuation of vitality, but also hide with us at the fastest speed. We also analyzed it so clearly!"

"Brother is really lucky. With this move, we caught five Shura women. We will follow brother, bring tea and water, go through fire and water... Just one word from brother!"

They flattered one by one and patted Ellos.

After a while, Amanda said, "by the way, brother, it\'s more than 500 miles from the nearest transmission point. Why don\'t we hurry there as soon as possible and then return to the moonlight forest through the transmission array?"

Ellos snorted coldly, "you know a fart!"

"How terrible are the wars of those big people? Who knows if they will continue to fight?"

"Our current position is like a safe haven... If there is anything like that before, it can save our lives!"

Ellos is going to wait for the wind to pass before returning to the moonlight forest through the portal.

Abigail immediately agreed and said, "yes, yes, big brother is big brother. It\'s much more thoughtful than we thought... Don\'t worry, let\'s wait here for a while and go out when we\'re really calm."

"If we go out and they fight again, won\'t they all turn into ashes like those Zerg and undead?"

Amanda thought of the scene and slapped herself in the face: "brother, I\'m wrong. Fortunately, brother is wise, otherwise..."

Abigail sneered and said, "elder brother is more than wise? Amanda, you know, elder brother is the real aristocrat of our blood family! It was because elder brother had a fixed spirit compass in his hand that he felt the great changes in the vitality of heaven and earth in advance, and then took us to hide, which saved him!"

"We\'ll follow brother. In the future, we\'ll be popular and spicy, natural and happy!"

Ellos looked pleased: "hum, Abigail is smarter, Amanda, you have to learn."

With that, Ellos narrowed his eyes slightly and swept to the five Shura women not far away.

The obscenity in that eye is undisguised!

Amanda knew that she was flattering this time. She turned her eyes and said hurriedly, "brother, we have caught five Shura women?"

"Each of the five women is beautiful, charming, beautiful and enchanting. Their beauty and skin... Anyway, I don\'t know how many we caught. Brother can choose one first and play!"

"We\'ll tell them later that we caught four. That\'s good?"

Abigail immediately echoed: "yes, yes, these people were arrested by our eldest brother. They should be regarded as eldest brother\'s people! In fact, we can just leave a few. Other eldest brothers can enjoy them at will!"

Ellos laughed: "well, you two are pretty good. You know you think of me."

The man said and was ready to stand up.

And the five Shura women who were tied up over there immediately screamed.

Four of them hid behind an older woman, their faces full of despair and fear.

"Beast, what do you want to do!"

The woman in front was calm and scolded.

Ellos stood up and said leisurely, "beast? I\'ll make you happy in a minute. See if you can say that!"

"Hum, you naughty bitch, I\'ve taken a fancy to you for a long time. You\'re more interesting than those four. Hey, hey, I\'ll play with you first... I\'ll make you inseparable from me, beauty!"

With that, Ellos immediately walked towards the woman.