Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1085

Shen Lang raised his voice and said, "I know that the people in the demon temple have also killed many of your people... I promise you, I will write down this account and ask them for it with interest!"

"You can see, right here, in this plague land, I will make them pay the price!"

Then Shen Lang lowered his voice and said, "some of you just asked why they didn\'t send you to Wanyao mansion? You all know that the people in Wanyao mansion take good care of you and speak much better than the people in the demon temple..."

"The reason is very simple. First, because I am from the demon temple, sending you there will cause a lot of trouble and problems;"

"Second, and the most important point, the devil\'s temple is an irreconcilable hostile relationship with the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul house. If you go to the ten thousand demon house, the people of the devil\'s temple regard you as enemies, they are likely to anger your people and kill for it!"

"After you go to the demon temple, the power of the rosefinch house will protect you. You nominally become the people of the rosefinch house and mine. Then other people of the demon general house should weigh up and think about the consequences before moving you!"

"If they dare to move you, that is to oppose the rosefinch house. It\'s Shen Lang!"

"When you get to the demon temple, even if you seem to be standing on the side of the demon temple, as long as you don\'t fight with the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall, they won\'t hurt you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Everyone was speechless.

Adami Zaba said, "the Terran is the Terran. It\'s really insidious and cunning... Er, leader, I don\'t mean that. I mean, you are wise and divine. Yes, you are wise and divine!"

Shen Lang smiled helplessly, "it\'s nothing to be insidious and cunning. Just don\'t say I\'m despicable behind my back."

The crowd immediately laughed.

The atmosphere has become much more relaxed.

"Then... What about you, chief?" Xiuya, who had never spoken, suddenly asked.

At this time, the Shen wave still looks like the feather morning wind.

Xiuya kept looking at him and refused to move away from his face for a minute, which made Shen Lang feel very uncomfortable.

It integrates the soul of the war emperor and accepts everything of the war emperor, because the war emperor is his soul.

However, integrating the soul of yuchenfeng, Shen Lang is also willing to help Yumu family and eternal tree, but he doesn\'t want to accept yuchenfeng\'s feelings.

Shen Lang dodged his eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "I\'m going to the moonlight forest land. Please don\'t worry about me. I have enough means to protect myself."

He didn\'t tell Xiuya and others why he had to go to moonlight woodland.

First of all, he promised Yu CHENFENG to rescue the people of all races trapped in the source of pain. If he goes late, the people arrested will become a member of the undead army;

Secondly, he must get the source of pain. In addition to cutting off the immortal legion, the meaning of creative law is very important to Shen Lang and Tai Chi diagram;

Again, the memory of Yu CHENFENG is very clear. The entrance of amber dream is on the edge of moonlight forest land! The moonlight forest land is now shrouded in the blood clan array!

With these three reasons, Shen Lang couldn\'t wait until after the advanced imperial martial mirror.

In fact, in the face of the base camp of the blood clan and so many strong people of the blood clan, we need to be wise, not reckless.

In the face of that terrorist lineup, there is little difference between quasi imperial martial mirror jiuchongtian or imperial martial mirror.

"Chief, you\'re a dog. I\'m Shi Yun. I\'ve identified you!"

A voice like thunder sounded in Shen Lang\'s ear, startling several people on the edge of Yu Lingyue.

Shen Lang turned his eyes and said, "first of all, we should correct it. It\'s not \'dog breeds\', it\'s enough breeds!"

"Again, next time I run to my ear and shout. I don\'t care who it is, I\'ll catch him and beat him up before I speak!"

Shen Lang shouted angrily, "your ears are deaf!"

"Ha ha!" everyone laughed together.

As soon as Shi Yun\'s head shrinks, he laughs foolishly.

Xiuya seemed to want to say something. Finally, she looked at Shen Lang and stopped talking.

At present, Shen Lang spent more than an hour helping adami and Shi Hao unlock the seal.

Then the three of Yu Lingyue received the seal inside the Tianding.

After all this, Shen Lang turned his wrist and released a rosefinch fire.

As soon as the rosefinch fire came out, the surrounding temperature suddenly went crazy!

Adami, who stood nearest, rolled away!

Shi Hao scratched his head and said, "what is this? It seems very powerful?"

Adami jumped three feet high: "fool, that\'s rosefinch fire, rosefinch fire! Go away!"

Shi Hao suddenly realized: "it\'s rosefinch fire? Isn\'t the leader a Terran? How can he use rosefinch fire?"

"Well, adami, why did you run so far? Do you think the leader will burn you with rosefinch God? Cut!"

"Yeah?" adami finally reacted.

Since Shen Lang can use the rosefinch fire, of course he can control the rosefinch fire. Why is he so frightened?

Yes, it seems that it\'s good to have a dull head like Shi Hao!

Shi Hao stood there steadily. Because he reacted too quickly, he was scared out of his wits.

What a shame

Adami coughed and came back. As he walked, he said, "I... cough, I just want to tell you that the rosefinch fire is very terrible!"

"Very terrible!" he repeated solemnly again.

"Of course, you don\'t have to be afraid of the rosefinch fire used by the leader, but if you see it in other places in the future, you must avoid it at the first time! This is the rosefinch fire that can burn all things! Understand? You earth buns!"

Everyone around is very happy. The old guy really can find himself a step.

But what he said is also right. The rosefinch is very angry. If it is encountered next time and not used by Shen Lang, it must escape at the first time!

Now Shen Lang has only such a small flower in his hand, which makes people feel like burning the sky and the ground!

In such a short meeting, Shen Lang had gathered up the rosefinch fire in his hand.

That terrible rosefinch fire, unexpectedly gathered into a gem, became not so terrible.

The surrounding temperature has also dropped to its original appearance.

Shen Lang stretched out his hand, handed the jewel like rosefinch fire to adami and said, "this rosefinch fire has been sealed by me. It is impossible to destroy this seal unless it is hit violently with powerful force."

"Uncle adami, take this as my keepsake."

"Then give me my name and the people of Zhuque mansion will accept you."

Looking at the rosefinch, adami swallowed a mouthful of water.

Of course, adami believed Shen Lang\'s words, but the rosefinch fire was a little too scary. Adami couldn\'t be careless.

"Chief, i... do I just take it? Won\'t it explode?" adami asked.

Shen Lang said, "urge your spiritual power and coerce it, just as you are carrying a magic weapon."

Shi Hao urged: "adami, do you take it or not? If you don\'t, let the leader give it to me! Look at your advice!"

As soon as the words came out, a group of crypts behind shouted with popularity.

Adami clenched his teeth, shook his palm, and the spirit power wrapped the rosefinch fire.

"Sure enough, I\'m scared to death!" adami thought happily.

Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "you go. I\'ll go to the demon temple and have a round with you soon."

Adami and Shi Hao led the crowd to salute Shen Lang respectfully, then waved their big hands, urged a circle of clouds, coerced everyone, and flew away in the direction of the demon temple.

Watching these people disappear in the sky, Shen waves spit out a mouthful of turbidity.

Next moment!

Shen Lang grabs with both hands!

Dozens of undead creatures thousands of miles away were photographed across the air!

"Bang bang!"

There was a constant explosion in the air, and all the captured undead creatures burst into pieces under the power of Shen waves.

And all the blood energy in these organisms is extracted by Shen wave!

All the blood energy began to envelop Shen Lang\'s whole body and spread in all directions with Shen Lang\'s meridians.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved and urged Feng Tianding.

Feng Tianding immediately released a blue light to cover Shen Lang\'s Danying group!

The soul is protected by the heavenly tripod. From the outside, it almost doesn\'t exist!

Even the top strongman of imperial martial mirror can\'t see his soul if he glances at Shen Lang with his mind!

Just like when I was in the dragon scale temple, I shielded everything in the body under the eyes of the mysterious strong man!

Not only that, Shen Lang, whose artistic conception of death has reached the realm of Xiaocheng, also urges the Tai Chi diagram to madly pour the Qi of death into his own body!

Under the control of the artistic conception of death, the Qi of death permeated Shen Lang, reaching a perfect situation!

At this moment, there is no breath of soul;

The whole body is still entangled by blood;

It\'s a "dead", a walking corpse!

Even if this blood energy contains the meaning of rules, the power of chaotic God doesn\'t care about this level of blood energy at all.

Although the Taiji diagram has not completely analyzed the meaning of the rules in the blood energy, Shen Lang only needs a dynamic thought to absorb all the blood energy pervading the whole body!

After all this was done, Shen Lang urged to break the false silver eyes and wanted to find the trace of the blood clan.

Turn into the dead, and then find the blood clan and let the blood clan take him to the moonlight forest land. This is Shen Lang\'s plan.

However, when the three strong forces fought, a large area of the plague land suffered great difficulties.

It\'s really a problem whether you can find blood clan nearby.

The canyon where Yu CHENFENG and his team are located is at least 150000 miles away from the place where Zuo Wentian came out to lead to the tripartite war.

The aftershock suffered here is the end of a powerful crossbow, and the destructive power is not much. The blood clan should not die so badly.