Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1084

Previously, Shen Lang got the origin of cause and effect from the book of heaven.

But I haven\'t been very clear about it. After all, no one in the world has ever touched it.

Now, unconsciously, Tai Chi map has refined the origin of cause and effect by one tenth, and conveyed the importance of origin to Shen Lang!

Origin and rules are necessary to open up Hongmeng!

After refining the origin of cause and effect, the growth of Taiji diagram is definitely much greater than absorbing one or two powerful imperial martial mirrors now!

At this moment, the direction of future cultivation seen by Shen Lang has finally become so clear!

This also makes Shen Lang have a clearer and deeper understanding of his future cultivation

First, the chaotic divine body is promoted to the extreme and reaches the apex of the myriad worlds of the heavens;

Second, let chaos two Qi absorb all sources, absorb and understand all laws, and create a world!

Shen Lang took a deep breath, calmed his state of mind, and temporarily put aside these things of cultivation.

Now is not the best time to practice.

Shen Lang\'s eyes swept from the faces of the strong men of the surrounding races.

When Shen Lang pondered rules and other things, everyone kept looking at him and didn\'t dare to disturb him.

Shen Lang said in a loud voice, "please come with me to sweep away the haze and eradicate evil! I, Shen Lang, would like to live and die with you and never shrink back!"

People who have been waiting for Shen Lang, you look at me and I look at you, silent for a while.

Then, the strongest of the major races here, such as the Shiren, Shura, Luocha, etc., came out and took a deep look at the Shen wave

All of them knelt down on one knee and said in a loud voice, "we are willing to follow adults, live and die with adults, and never shrink back!"

"Please lead us to sweep away the darkness and move towards the light!"

In addition to Xiuya and other people, the strong people of the major races around us knelt down together and repeated this sentence: "we are willing to follow adults and live and die with adults, and we will never shrink back!"

"Please lead us to sweep away the darkness and move towards the light!"

Shen Lang\'s palms shook slightly, and a gentle force lifted everyone up.

He said to the leader of the stone people standing in the front: "Uncle Shi Hao, your strength has been banned by the blood prince. Although I can untie this prohibition, it will take a lot of time."

"From the memory of CHENFENG, I already know that not long before your group, a group of people of all races were sent to the source of pain. In the source of pain, there were many people of all races."


Shi Hao suddenly patted his chest and said, "brother Shen Lang, needless to say, I know what you mean!"

"You go, don\'t worry about us, you go and save them!"

"Let\'s hide first. We won\'t be a burden to you!"

"Shen Lang was speechless.

The simple and honest stone people talk nonsense, which is still a little scary.

Before Shen Lang had finished his words, he was already good at making suggestions.

At this time, a cave man less than one meter high came out.

He is adami, the leader of this group of cave people.

Adami kicked Shi Hao and said, "big man, you\'re stupid! Although leader Shen Lang is powerful, he\'s still so far from that... The Terran imperial mirror. Do you know?"

"It\'s the source of pain. If it\'s difficult to enter the large array tens of thousands of miles outside, don\'t say. Even if you can enter the large array, who has the ability to save our people?"

"The source of pain is the base of blood clan! You fool!"

"All the blood clan strongmen gather there. Even if the emperor Wujing strongman goes, there will be no return!"

"Do you want leader Shen Lang to die?"

Shi Hao opened his mouth wide and didn\'t say a word for a long time.

Everyone around just showed a little smile. As soon as they heard adami\'s words, they immediately became ugly and silent.

How terrible the blood clan base camp is, anyone who has not been to it can guess one or two.

Among them, there are two giants, Milos and Oakes

It\'s not nice to say that if the two giants are really crazy, a few slaps can lift the plague land to the sky!

They didn\'t do that, and they didn\'t want to fight with the powerful forces in the demon temple and the ten thousand demon mansion. The reason is very simple... They are looking for the entrance of the amber dream!

Once the strong at the top of the imperial martial mirror really let go, the space may be broken, and the entrance of the amber dream may also be destroyed!

So until now, oaks and Milos have rarely shot!

In addition to these two giants, there are dozens of powerful imperial martial mirrors in the blood clan base camp!

Shen Lang has gone. Didn\'t he throw himself into the net?

At this time, a stunned young man of the stone people came out and said in a deep voice: "uncle, uncle adami is right. You can\'t let the leader take risks. If you let him go, according to the words of the people... Well, that\'s meat buns and dogs, there\'s no return!"

"..." Shen Lang turned his eyes.

Haven\'t you heard that the stone people have this virtue?

Haven\'t you heard that stone people have stones in their heads?

Is that human talk?

You\'re the meat bun!

Your whole family are meat buns!

Shiyun, this boy really deserves to be beaten!

Shen Lang has integrated Yu CHENFENG\'s memory and knows that this guy is Shi Yun and Shi Hao\'s nephew.

Adami kicked away Shi Yun, went to Shen Lang and said respectfully, "leader, you have integrated the power of the morning wind and absorbed the power of the two blood princes. It\'s only a matter of time to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror."

"I suggest you join us in looking for a secluded place, close the door for a period of time and break through the bottleneck."

"As far as I know, the evil power of the source of pain is also limited. It can\'t transform too many creatures in a short time, and the stronger the cultivation is, the more evil power will be consumed... So many people who have been caught for a long time have not become undead."

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. Of course, Yu CHENFENG knew all these things.

Feather CHENFENG knows, naturally it is equal to Shen Lang knows.

Adami didn\'t know Shen Lang\'s progress in merging Yu CHENFENG\'s soul. He thought Shen Lang didn\'t believe it and said, "leader, you should know that some of our many races can know whether their own people die or not."

"For example, in the Luocha family, every Luocha family will integrate a spiritual card into their soul. This spiritual card is not only their life magic weapon, but also a sign of whether their soul exists or not. Once the soul dissipates, the spiritual card will be broken, and the Luocha family will know it immediately."

"The spirit cards of the Luocha people who were captured by them long ago are still well preserved. Moreover, we have seen that the blood clan came out to hunt with the people captured early, so I guess the blood clan has detained a large number of people, but it has not yet had time to turn everyone into an immortal Legion."

"I understand what uncle adami means." Shen Lang sighed and said, "I appreciate uncle\'s kindness, but I have my own opinion."

"Please don\'t worry, I\'m Shen Lang\'s life is very hard. I\'m not so easy to die."

"If I die so easily, how can I live with the morning wind? How can I live with the plume family who expects so much of me?"

Adami was stunned. The leader was very stubborn!

Sure enough, he is vigorous... But CHENFENG values him so much. Maybe he really has powerful means that we don\'t understand?

Alas, it\'s not easy for you to win the trust of so many races. It\'s not easy for us to accept you. CHENFENG also places his hope on you. You must not have no return!

But, but that\'s the base camp of the blood clan!

Other imperial mirror strongmen don\'t say that the two giants Milos and Ox are the existence of destroying the sky and the earth!

Adami sighed in her heart.

Isn\'t that what other people think?

The Shen waves in the Jiuchong sky of the martial mirror of the quasi emperor, no matter how powerful, how powerful can they be?

It\'s OK to do other things. If you want to break into the blood clan base camp alone, your courage is admirable, but

Adami wanted to persuade again, but Shen Lang stopped him.

Shen Lang said lightly, "since you have regarded me as the leader, let me arrange it."

"I will untie the prohibitions of Uncle Shi Hao and uncle adami, who are the strongest here, and then the two uncles will lead you to the demon temple..."

"What!" the crowd was listening quietly. When they heard this, they almost jumped three feet high!

Everyone thought they heard wrong!

What\'s wrong with going to the demon temple?

You\'re kidding!

Are there any good people in the demon temple?

This group of people has passed. Maybe they will chop them and eat them!

The crowd immediately made a noise

"Shut up and listen to the leader!" adami stopped the noise. "Do you think the leader will harm you, fool!"

The crowd immediately quieted down.

Adami is obviously better at holding the scene than Shi Hao.

Although adami looks like a little bit, his cultivation is really extraordinary. He has reached the point of six heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

And the prestige among this group of people is much greater than Shi Hao.

Shen Lang nodded with satisfaction and said, "gentlemen, I\'ll ask you a question. Do you believe what I said?"

Everyone looked at each other.

What\'s this called? I don\'t believe you can make you a leader. Can you say to live and die with you?

Shi Hao said in a deep voice, "if anyone doesn\'t believe the leader, I\'ll beat him to death! What\'s the big deal in the demon temple? As long as the leader says a word, I\'ll go too!"

The faces of the people immediately eased down and all wanted to understand.

If Shen Lang wants to hurt them, where does it need to be so complicated?

What\'s more, the current Shen wave is almost half a feather morning wind!

They won\'t believe that yuchenfeng will harm them.

"We believe in the leader. Please tell him!"

"Yes, the leader said, we will do whatever we are asked to do! We will go wherever we are allowed to go!"

Immediately someone in the crowd shouted, and the others echoed.

Shen Lang nodded and said, "good, then I\'ll go on."

"In fact, I have a magic weapon that can let you live in it and protect you... The three of them were hiding there before. But you can\'t hold back if you keep watching the play and don\'t do anything."

"So I let you go to the demon temple."

Shen Lang continued: "listen to me, no matter whether the demon temple is good or bad, but I\'m your leader, I\'m Shen Lang, I\'m also Yu CHENFENG! I won\'t let anyone hurt you!"

"I\'m the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon temple. My strength is not strong enough, but I can help you temporarily with the strength of Zhuque mansion!"

"Your accomplishments are sealed now, and I can\'t untie them for you in a short time. Now the best way is to take my keepsake and go to the demon God hall and let the strong man of the demon God hall untie the seal for you."

"Only when you untie the seal on your body can you show your strength and go out to gather people of all races!"