Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1081

Yue Qingqian stood up, walked to the window, sighed and murmured, "when the demon rhinoceros proposed to kill him just now, why would I clatter in my heart?"

"I have focused on the Dao for thousands of years, making decisions and cutting off seven emotions and six desires. In the face of such a person who has nothing to do with me, I will hesitate?"

"If such a person grows up, he will become a great danger. Why should I hesitate? I am uneasy to kill him?"

"When I promised to kill him, why didn\'t I feel a trace of killing on myself? It was like... I was perfunctory to them?"

"Just when the blood clan Milos and ox wanted to kill him, I didn\'t because he saved us from the blood emperor, but subconsciously in panic!"

"It\'s an excuse to say that he did it because he saved me!"

The more you think about it, the more disordered your head is. With a slight force and a bang, the window edge is directly pinched into ashes by her.

At this time.

In her mind, Shen Lang, dressed in black and holding a long knife, and the war emperor in white, suddenly coincided


Yueqingqian was startled by such a picture in his mind!

This kind of thing has no reason, inexplicable!

And these two people have nothing to do with each other!

"It\'s impossible. When that bastard fought against the demon temple, he chose self explosion. He used the power of self explosion to send the God of war temple into the space-time crack, which is completely out of his mind... Even if the soul mark is still there, how can he come back without a million years?"

"Even if he comes back, what does it have to do with me!"

"What am I in his eyes?"

When yueqingqian thought of this, an unknown fire came out again.

Every time I think of the war emperor, my mind will be in a mess.

Angry, angry and sad

"Emperor Zhan is the Lord of the God of war hall, but this boy is the man of the demon God hall. He is a couple with the eldest miss xuedingdang of the demon God hall, and has an unspeakable relationship with the blue dream spirit of the rosefinch house... Such two people can\'t be put together."

"But why... I have been practicing for so many years, my mind is as strong as iron stone, and no one can shake anything. Why is there such a strange boy besides the war emperor, which makes me confused?"

Yueqing\'s mood became chaotic. The stable state of mind forged by years of cultivation began to feel the invasion of heart demons!

At this level, the most terrible thing is not the robbery, but the invasion of demons.

Once the enemy falls, there will be no end!

Many strong people are difficult to advance because of thousands of years of cultivation. They are unbalanced and uncomfortable. Finally, they are invaded by heart demons.

They were not knocked down by more powerful enemies. Finally, after being invaded by heart demons, they were either crazy or crazy, and were destroyed in their own hands


In a flash, Yueqing sat on the couch with his legs crossed, and then closed his eyes.

"Now that he has come here, he can\'t run. We must find a chance to catch him!"

"I\'ll see how he can stir my mind!"

"I also want to find out if he really has anything to do with the war emperor?"

"Damn war emperor, if you don\'t die, you\'d better die simply!"

"This damn bastard, I don\'t know his name until I die!"

"When I first met him and asked his name, he told me that his name was Emperor Zhan! He would become emperor Zhan... No, why can\'t he stop? I can\'t think about these things anymore!"

Month Qingqing concentrated on one, pinched a few printing formulas with her fingers, and forced herself to calm down.


Such a big valley was completely destroyed.

Here is the valley where Yu CHENFENG fought with the blood prince.

The valley finally returned to calm, but the collapsed Valley has completely become ruins.

The sky tree made by Yuchen weathering still maintains its original posture and takes root in the ruins.

Under the big tree, Yu CHENFENG is half lying in the arms of a Shura family.

Everyone is crying except Yu CHENFENG who is still laughing.

Silent cry.

Everyone desperately controls his emotions and voice for fear of disturbing feather CHENFENG.

The sound of breaking the air came suddenly

Shen Lang, carrying the immortal sky knife, was dripping with blood, like a bloody man, stepping down from the air.


"Get out!"

A strong stone man and a strong wing clan shot at the same time and attacked from the left and right sides of Shen Lang!

People hate the blood clan. When they see the Shen waves like blood people, they think of the strong blood clan at the first time.

The fist of the strong man of the stone Terran was wrapped by a glittering rock, as big as a dustpan. Although the cultivation was sealed, it still had the power of destroying mountains and mountains;

The strong man of the wing clan turned his two wings into two invincible blades, left two vacuum tracks in the air and hanged at Shen Lang\'s neck!

"Poof, poof!"

Two soft sounds, the attack of the strong of the stone man clan and the strong of the wing clan, roared in front of Shen Lang.

The cultivation of these two strong men is imprisoned, and their strength is insufficient in case of their heyday.

What\'s more, they are facing Shen waves.

Shen Lang did nothing, but he seemed to have an invisible shield around him, which blocked the attack of the two men.

The two men\'s attack hit the shield like a clay ox into the sea. There was no news.

The rest of the strong were shocked. Under the soaring breath, they were ready to shoot at the same time!

At this time, Yu CHENFENG\'s words made everyone stop

"You\'re here..." Yu CHENFENG smiled more happily, as if he were waiting for a distant guest, and finally waited.

"I\'m coming." Shen Lang slowly approached and squatted down.

"You\'re here, but I\'m leaving." Yu CHENFENG wants to raise his hand and kill me with Shen Lang, but he can\'t make it out at all.

Shen Lang frowned, "I\'ll try to save you."

Yu CHENFENG smiled and gently shook his head: "no, Yu CHENFENG, in fact, is dead. Two powerful warriors of the blood clan emperor martial mirror... I killed them, but my soul was shocked to pieces. In order to wait for you, I used a secret method to gather my soul and support it until now."

"Morning wind..." Shen Lang\'s eyes were red and could not speak any more.

Yu CHENFENG still smiled: "yesterday I dreamed of you again. I dreamed that you had come to the wilderness, so I insisted."

"Take my soul and my strength. In my memory, I have all my understanding of the avenue of nature in my life, and my strength has not dissipated."

"In addition to myself, I have also prepared two blood prince of imperial martial mirror for you. Look..."

Yuchenfeng raised his head and looked at the canopy above.

On the crown of the tree, the two blood princes had died, but they were completely wrapped into balls by the branches of the tree.

Their strength, under the influence of this big tree, has not dissipated.

On the ball, blood and gas flow, which is extremely frightening.

Yu CHENFENG said again, "I saw it in my dream. You can absorb the power of others..."

"You\'re strong now, but it\'s not enough."

"Just that storm, many strong men fought for you... Very good, really good. In such a storm, if it were me, I wouldn\'t survive."

"My dear brother, take my soul and strength and live for me."

Shen Lang clenched his teeth: "you don\'t need to do this..."

Feather CHENFENG smiled freely and said, "don\'t be sad. I\'m the child of the eternal tree. As long as the eternal tree is still there and our soul mark is still there, I\'ll come back one day."

"As long as the soul is imprinted on, feather CHENFENG will come back in many years."

"I know that for your Terrans, unless you are the strongest person whose cultivation breaks through the peak of the emperor\'s martial mirror, others can\'t retain the soul mark."

"We Yumu people are very weak, but each of us has his own soul mark after birth, which is well preserved... Maybe this is a gift from God."

"Don\'t be sad for me. Death is only a reincarnation for us Yumu people."

"I can\'t see what\'s behind me, and I can\'t do anything. You go down instead of me and do these things instead of me."

Shen Lang felt very uncomfortable: "why do you do this? Why do you bother!"

"Time, you and I have no time." Yu CHENFENG said with a little difficulty: "the threat to the world is not just the blood clan. I found this when the roots of the eternal tree grew underground and spread to the whole world."

"Pangu didn\'t tell us the truth, but the eternal tree was discovered, and I also found it. The real enemy of the world is not the blood ancestor, but something more terrible than the blood ancestor."

"Blood ancestors at most threaten our personal world, but the ultimate fear is that they may destroy hundreds of millions of personal world."

"We have no time."

"Give me another five thousand years, and I will be strong enough to be confident enough to deal with all this. But it can\'t be five thousand years... Not even fifty years."

"In fact, I really want to live another 5000 years..."

"Shen Lang, live for me. I often dream of you in my dreams. I don\'t know why. Although you are a human, I always feel that you are my brother of Yumu family. Every time I dream of you, my pain and trouble will become less and I will be very happy..."

"I saw many possibilities in my dream. This possibility is like the roots of the eternal tree, growing in all directions... There is one direction, which is correct, and there is your figure in that direction."

There were repressed cries all around.

Shen Lang holds Yu CHENFENG\'s hand.

He knew that Yu CHENFENG was right.

The soul of Yu CHENFENG has been completely broken.

In other words, what is talking to Shen Lang now is not the soul of Yu CHENFENG, but the last wisp of soul he left in the world.

Yuchenfeng\'s real soul is the big tree behind him.

A big tree that may break at any time

This big tree looks complete, but as Yu CHENFENG said, his soul is gathered up by secret method.

It\'s like sewing pieces together in a short time.

Can\'t last, can\'t be one again.

Even if the soul has completely collapsed, even the spirit of life can\'t save Yu CHENFENG\'s life