Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1080

Moon Qingqian is recalling the scene outside Yumu Cave

When the blood emperor appeared and the people were defeated, ghost Zun night Youming and the Wu XingKong in the God of war hall asked to stay.

What can\'t let the blood emperor succeed!

If the blood emperor succeeds, isn\'t it a good thing that the demon God Temple and the blood clan will not die?

Two old guys ask so, what else can Yue Qingqian and Bai Luobing do?

Although strange, I can only choose to stay.

After a big war, everyone fell into a vortex and it was difficult to get out.

The strength of the blood emperor ladaos was beyond everyone\'s expectation.

All the strong men joined hands and were beaten by him. He was in a mess!

It\'s too late to escape at this time.

In times of crisis

A boy in black rushed out at the entrance of blessed land in yumudong.

When Qingqian saw this person that month, he had a very strange feeling in his heart.

The original panic and tension disappeared strangely!

It\'s as if this boy has a mysterious ability to make people calm!

This is very unusual, very incredible!

Because what everyone met was the blood emperor ladaos who had advanced to the military realm of the great emperor!

Everyone could die!

Including ghost respect night ghost!

But yueqingqian relaxed inexplicably

Moon Qingqian can\'t figure out what kind of complex feeling is after seeing Shen waves.

She thinks this boy with poor cultivation is very annoying!

Yes, it\'s annoying!

It\'s the first time to see this man, and the other party is still beautiful.

But yueqingqian has such a feeling in her heart.

However, with the moon\'s shallow character, will you pay attention to a very annoying person?

Since Shen Lang appeared, the moon\'s shallow eyes have never left him again!

As one of the famous three kings of Wanyao mansion, Yue Qingqian definitely doesn\'t think his mood is so bad that he can be attracted by such a boy!

And I still feel annoying in my heart!

Whether demon or human, he is much more handsome than him!

This is a real nuisance. I hate that I wanted to rush up to catch him and beat him!

Only by beating him flat and beating him like a pig\'s head, can you get your ideas through!

This inexplicable feeling startled yueqingqian.

The top strongman of Tangtang emperor\'s martial mirror, one of the three kings of the ten thousand demon mansion, and in the face of the blood Emperor... He was distracted and wanted to do such a mess?

At that time, Yue Qingqian thought that he was affected by the blood energy Qi of the blood emperor and drew out the heart devil!

However, this worry did not last long, that is, for a moment.

Because just after that moment, the boy who just appeared had a big fart and even rushed up and grabbed a chain on the blood emperor!

In fact, I didn\'t think about it before the moon was clear. The chain should seal the blood emperor.

But the idea just flashed by.

During the war, such speculation could not be put into practice casually.

If the chain is not the thing that seals the blood emperor, but the magic weapon he carries, he may die on the spot as soon as he touches the chain!

So the war lasted so long that no one ever grabbed the chain.

On the contrary, everyone tried to avoid the chain... In fact, several strong people in the demon temple were directly killed by the chain!

Until the Shen wave appeared.

As soon as Shen Lang appeared, he pulled a chain and asked everyone to help!

As if he knew the chain very well and knew that it was something that sealed the blood emperor!

What happened next confirmed Shen Lang\'s practice and Yue Qingqian\'s guess.

The chain is really something that seals the blood emperor.

The blood emperor ladaos, who is as powerful as the great emperor, has been sealed!

And the chains that sealed him have not all been withdrawn!

When a group of strong men pulled the chain, so that the blood emperor was restrained and difficult to move in a short time, Yueqing subconsciously glanced at Shen Lang again.

The boy in black jumped on the head of the blood emperor!

It\'s just impatient to live!

In fact, at that moment, yueqingqian imagined Shen Lang doing that.

There are so many strong people present. In terms of single attack power, even if it is as powerful as ghost Zun night Youming, it is a little worse than her with divine sword.

But the moon\'s shallow state of mind has long been affected by Shen waves.

I hesitated at this moment.

At this moment, Shen Lang was holding the handle of the knife with both hands and straight down towards the blood emperor\'s head!

"Another man who is desperate for women, and another man who thinks he is right and reckless!"

At that moment, Yue Qingqian suddenly became angry.

She didn\'t know whether she was jealous or disdainful or what.

In short, at that moment, yueqingqian was very uncomfortable!

I feel crazy!

Once upon a time, that bastard called the war emperor was the enemy of the whole war god temple and the whole world for the sake of the Eastern Emperor;

Once upon a time, that bastard named Zhan Di almost destroyed her appearance and spirit for the sake of the Eastern Emperor!

Now such a boy comes out again, at all costs for the little girl named xuedingdang and LAN Mengling!

This boy knows very well that there is terrible magic power in his long knife.

When he clapped that palm, he should have understood... Maybe he will lose his form and spirit!

But he did it without hesitation.

Yueqingqian looked at all this and felt that the picture became unusually slow.

She wanted to cry out and stop him

But she didn\'t make any sound.

When the power of the gods and demons in the immortal Sky Sword broke out, yueqingqian suddenly felt a sense of death.

Doesn\'t she hate that strange boy very much?

Didn\'t she want to catch him and beat him up?

Why is there such a feeling?

This feeling is as like as two peas when the emperor told her that the emperor was falling.

It\'s hard.

Want to shout, want to explode!

Why is it so hard?

When she knew that the emperor of war had fallen, she was so sad, and to her death, she didn\'t know why she was so sad!

Her goal in this life is to practice Dao to the extreme and defeat the emperor!

But the target is dead, which shouldn\'t make her so uncomfortable.

On the contrary, she should be happy!

The man, who had started with her very early, had no pity for her, and even slapped her in the buttocks - in anger!

That man, for the sake of the Eastern Emperor, beat her yueqingqian seriously!

He\'s dead. What\'s so sad about him?

Jealous of the Eastern Emperor?

What are you jealous of?

The woman betrayed the God of war hall. Although the war emperor saved her, they couldn\'t be together in the end!

It\'s impossible to be together!

The war emperor, from beginning to end, did not look at her in the eye at all!

What are you jealous of?

Just a pair of bitter mandarin ducks with no results.

Zhongzhou\'s supreme nine day war emperor had a brilliant life, but he had such a stain as the Eastern Emperor.

That\'s funny

But Yueqing couldn\'t smile.

Moon Qingqian once thought that there was only a man with a dead head like the war emperor in the world.

Only a man with such a dead mind as the emperor of war will be desperate for women, fight against the whole world for women, and would rather not be the throne of the emperor of war for women!

Like an idiot

Unexpectedly, Yue Qingqian saw such a person at the entrance of yumudong blessed place.

Without hesitation, desperate.

Even if you lose your soul

Women don\'t have much status in this world.

Even at the level of the three kings of Wanyao mansion, there are far fewer people who really respect her than the other two kings.

Although she is obviously stronger than those two.

This point is very clear.

Many men in this world regard women as playthings and even as commodities.

As long as they have strength, they can have a lot of women.

The more women they have, the more enviable they are.

And if a woman has more than one man, she will be scolded all over the world!

When I was very young, I saw my mother abandoned and her status replaced by another woman. Yueqingqian didn\'t believe in any man.

But yueqingqian saw a man like Zhandi.

This man, for the sake of the woman of the Eastern Emperor, is willing to abandon everything and dare to be the enemy of the whole world!

Outside the blessed land of yumudong, yueqingqian saw another Shen wave, giving up everything and life for his own woman

Yueqingqian watched Shen Lang taken away by the people in the demon temple.

I don\'t know why. Mingming didn\'t know me. Mingming met me for the first time, but Shen Lang didn\'t die, which made her feel jubilant.

Because of this feeling, her golden winged ROC king was stunned for a while.

At this time, ghost zunye Youming was the first to attack the seriously injured blood emperor;

All the strong men in the demon God hall also shot, and all kinds of attacks bombarded the blood emperor.

The moon is clear, but still in a daze

"King Dapeng with golden wings, move quickly! Otherwise we will all die!"

The four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king almost shouted at the same time.

In such a strange mood, the moon Qingqing, who came back to God, urged the "moon breaking magic knife formula" to the extreme, and broke out the strongest knife in his life!

A knife out, ghosts and gods surprised!

Everything is invincible, everything is invincible!

On the field that was already glittering with countless magic weapons and skill lights, the world killing Sabre light was born!

As soon as the terrible Sabre light came out, all the attacks of the powerful imperial martial mirror around gathered towards the sabre light together with the vitality of heaven and earth, which became the nutrient of the sabre!

That\'s it. The legendary light that even the moon can cut off with a knife, with the strength of heaven and earth, made a small cut in the indestructible chest of the blood emperor!

In this small opening, endless blood gushed out.

Even the blood emperor looked down in disbelief. Unexpectedly, his body would be broken by yueqingqian\'s knife!

This knife has become a legend of the moon.

Immersed in Dao Dao for thousands of years, I have been thinking about this problem for a long time... Why can I send out this Dao beyond my ability at that moment?

Is it because of Shen Lang?

Because of such a strange boy?