Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1082

Unspeakable sorrow haunts Shen Lang\'s heart.

Sadness and anger made Shen Lang\'s teeth click.

With a flash of light and shadow, Yu Lingyue, three people in fengtianding, appeared next to Shen Lang.

"Morning breeze!"

The three hugged Yu CHENFENG and cried.

"Don\'t be sad, don\'t be overwhelmed by sadness, you still have a lot to do." Yu CHENFENG gently stroked the hair of Yu Lingyue and comforted her.

At this time, yuchenfeng raised his head again and looked at the sky with his love for life.

He youyou said: "I have been looking for the answer to a question. What are we Yumu people coming to this world for?"

"Is it to save the world?"

"But why is our power so weak? Not only is it weak, but it is not accepted by other races."

"They treat us as aliens and don\'t believe everything we say."

"They even met our swordsmen."

"I can\'t get up on my knees under the eternal tree. I can\'t figure it out. I want the eternal tree to give me an answer..."

"I asked the eternal tree, the Yumu family will face great disaster. We have no power to resist... If we came to this world to save the world, who will save us when we perish?"

The crying in the crowd broke out suddenly, and many people could no longer control themselves and burst into tears.

Even the existence of these giants of the stone people is falling down with tears at the moment.

Yu CHENFENG smiled brightly: "it took me more than ten years to understand the profound meaning of life... Now I am not the confused I used to be."

"If there is an afterlife, I hope to be born in the Yumu family, but I hope the Yumu family will no longer bear such a great responsibility."

"I just want to chat with insects, watch birds fly in the sky, watch different winds and waves..."

Two lines of tears finally flowed down Shen Lang\'s cheeks.

"If there is an afterlife, I still want to be a tree and stand in an eternal position without sadness and joy."

"Half in the earth, half in the wind."

"Half in the shade, half in the sun."

"Very silent, very proud."

"Never rely on, never look for..."

The voice of Yu CHENFENG echoed in a repressed cry.

He stood up with Xiuya\'s help.

Glancing at the people around, Yu CHENFENG said to Shen Lang, "my dear brother, I\'m leaving. I entrust them to you."

"Live for me, help me take care of them, help me go to the source of pain, save other brothers and sisters, destroy the source of pain, and then expel the blood clan from this land... Okay?"

Shen Lang nodded, "I promise you."

He didn\'t say much, but the four words Shen Lang made Yu CHENFENG very satisfied.

Although he knew Shen Lang would say so early in the morning.

Feather CHENFENG opened his hands, looked at the sky and floated slowly.

Endless stars lingered around him as if he were going to go with the wind.

"The stars seem to put away their light, and they no longer shine for me. They seem cold and indifferent, and can\'t replace me to warm your hand. But I hold back my tears, live like a year, and try my best to record every moment here for you."

"However, loneliness is coming soon. The pain has come. Your faded smile gently goes with the wind from my memory."

"Don\'t cry in front of my tombstone. I\'m not there. I don\'t sleep long. I\'m a cold wind passing through the wild snow field. I\'m a gentle spring rain moistening the grass and trees of the moonlight forest land."

"I am the quiet dawn, filled in the woods of the pale valley; I am the vigorous drum, flying over the clouds of the endless sea; I am the warm stars, dotted with the night of the land of the Holy Spirit; I am the singing birds, preserved in the beautiful world."

"Don\'t cry in front of my tombstone, I\'m not there, I don\'t sleep..."

When the last sentence came out, Yu CHENFENG\'s body retreated and completely integrated with the sky tree behind.

The next moment, the big tree in the sky completely collapsed and turned into light spots all over the sky.

The light bit circled around the Shen wave.

In the air, you can vaguely see Yu CHENFENG\'s smiling face.

Then, all the light spots converged towards Shen Lang and entered Shen Lang\'s body.

Finally, in front of Shen Lang, there were only two blood princes who exuded terror and completely turned into blood cells.

Yuchenfeng, the first genius of Yumu family, finally disappeared in the void.

A trace of soul mark invisible to mortals, after rotating around the Shen waves in the air for two times, floated upward and soon escaped into the void.


With a roar of anger, Shen Lang put his hands out and ran the "star sucking Da Fa"!

Not only the power left by Yu CHENFENG, but also the strength of all the heaven and earth around the valley and the blood prince began to converge towards Shen waves.

One by one, swallowed up by the vortex like a black hole!

People cried and looked at it in horror.

After half an hour, everything was calm again.

Shen Lang\'s breath is rising and has reached the last stage of the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

Just one foot away from the door, you have to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror!

The two blood princes and the power of Yu CHENFENG are too huge. After Shen Lang absorbed them, the Tai Chi diagram is still refining.

Only the power of Yu CHENFENG and his soul are integrated into Shen Lang\'s body.

Let Shen Lang\'s breath rush straight to the peak of the Jiuchong sky of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, only the power of Yu CHENFENG.

Shen Lang closes his eyes, feels the power of Yu CHENFENG, feels his mood, and accepts all the insights of Yu CHENFENG in the past 100 years.

Just under everyone\'s attention, Shen Lang\'s body suddenly changed color

From the yellow skin began to turn green, and then gave birth to branches and leaves

Shen Lang is changing towards the appearance of the Yumu people!

No, to be exact, Shen Lang is changing towards Yu CHENFENG!

After a while, a living feather morning wind appeared in the field!

"Morning breeze? Morning breeze!" Xiuya cried.

She wanted to rush over and throw herself into the arms of Yu CHENFENG.

But as soon as he took a step, Xiuya stopped.

Standing in front of the crowd, he sensed from the breath that it was indeed the feather morning wind.

But the temperament of "feather CHENFENG" is completely different from that of feather CHENFENG.

This is not Yu CHENFENG, this is Shen Lang!

The current "yuchenfeng" exudes that kind of breath, which is unique to the Yumu family, just like the previous yuchenfeng.

This is a breath from nature, a breath of life that can be accepted by all life.

This pure and soft breath can only be felt by the Yumu family.

The breath of Yu CHENFENG, who has reached the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, is even more vast and unpredictable.

Standing in front of him is like being in nature. You can smell the fragrance of flowers and plants and feel the breeze, which makes people physically and mentally happy and comfortable.

This is something that no other race can imitate.

It\'s not just an energy difference that the strong of other races can\'t imitate

This is the difference in soul.

Now the man standing in front of people, who was still Shen Lang just now, has become a feather morning wind.

Simply perceive from the breath and explore with the mind. Even the three Yumu people of yulingfeng can\'t find anything wrong at all.

If it wasn\'t for watching Yu CHENFENG leave and Shen Lang change into Yu CHENFENG, I\'m afraid it would be Yu Lingyue. At the moment, they would completely regard the person in front of them as Yu CHENFENG!

Xiuya stopped, and the others looked complicated.

Because they all see the only difference


Yu CHENFENG smiles and smiles brightly even at the last moment of his life;

But now the feather morning wind in front of everyone is just like the Shura King worshipped by the Shura family, just like from the Shura hell!

Although the body releases the power of life that makes people close, those eyes

Those eyes were as calm as ever, but in the calm, there was a terrible storm rolling!

When people want to see the storm clearly, the eyes change again, return to normal and become as sharp as a blade!

Besides, it\'s full of murderous spirit!

This temperament, this kind of eyes, can\'t appear on Yu CHENFENG.

Only Shen Lang has such eyes!

What Shen Lang uses is not an ordinary technique of change.

It\'s not a cover up.

There are flaws in any degree of camouflage.

Because no one can freely convert between different energies, especially into the Qi of life closest to nature.

But Shen Lang has no flaws.

Shen Lang has integrated the soul of yuchenfeng and absorbed the talent and power of Yumu family.

Shen Lang, who integrates the soul of Yu CHENFENG, accepts all the memories of Yu CHENFENG.

Not only knew the entrance of the amber dream, but also absorbed all the power and ability of Yu CHENFENG.

Shen Lang spread out his palm, a seed immediately took root and germinated, and a flower slowly bloomed on his palm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of means can be done by any strong emperor and Wu.

But what any Terran strongman does is essentially different from what Shen Lang does now.

Because what Shen Lang is doing now is neither illusion nor cover up.

It really inspired the spiritual power of life and made a flower bloom on the palm of your hand.

The Yumu people are called tree people. They can change their bodies freely and become flowers, trees and even rocks.

This innate talent is stronger than any hidden breath skill of the Terran.

This is the gift closest to the way of nature.

Shen Lang put the flower in front of his nose and smelled it

Then he smiled, took a step and put this beautiful flower on Xiuya\'s head.

Xiuya was stunned

The people around were also stunned.