Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1079

The battle between the top three forces is fleeting.

While the aftereffects are still wreaking havoc in the plague, the three forces have returned to calm.

At the top of the mountain on the side of the ten thousand demon house and the thousand soul hall, a strong man looked at the void with awe inspiring expression in the hall where the great magic power had been transformed.

This group of more than ten people, including strong people like ordinary people, strong people with demon family characteristics, and strong people in qianhun Hall who are completely shrouded in ghost fog.

Everyone\'s breath is influential and sweeping the world!

Among the eight heavenly kings in the temple of war, King Nara is impressively listed as the reincarnation of the Marquis and the Dragon King.

Sitting high on the throne is the palace dress woman who fought against Tiangang and Disha in the demon temple in yumudong blessed land. Wang Yueqing, a golden winged ROC!

The knife that just cut Milos\'s palm was sent out by the moon.

This golden winged ROC, Wang Yueqing, is definitely a cruel role.

When she was in yumudong blessed land, she fled with the Witch of the God of war hall, but she was natural and easy!

At the very beginning, with one knife for each person, she made the four heavenly kings under the black dragon demon king helpless with a group of strong people in Tiangang and earth.

Then he took Wu XingKong and flew into the blessed land of Yumu cave. A large group of Tiangang and Desha were also mad with anger and had nothing to do with her.

This month\'s Qingqian Sabre skill is peerless and its attack power is super strong;

It is even more difficult to match in speed, one wing ten thousand miles.

There won\'t be too many people who can play so hard that the strong turn around and retreat all over, whether in the God of war hall or the ten thousand demon mansion.

At this time, the moon is light, one hand is holding his chin, and his face is expressionless.

Although his face was expressionless, the divine light in his love eyes went out from time to time, which showed that his heart was not as calm as his appearance.

A strong man with a corner on his head in the ten thousand demon House said with a strange look: "king, since that man is the left envoy of the rosefinch house in the demon God hall, why do you want to help him like this?"

Yue Qingqian slowly raised his head and said, "at the entrance of Yumu cave, he once hit the blood emperor ladaos with a knife, and we were able to retreat."

"The king owes him a life and naturally wants to save him once. Do you have any opinion?"

The strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion was in a cold sweat: "no... no, my subordinates are just curious."

Yue Qingqian snorted and said, "the king is also very curious. What\'s the origin of this Terran boy? The long knife in his hand is sealed with the power of terrible gods and demons, which can break out the power to destroy the sky and the earth, and split the blood emperor ladaos of the great emperor\'s military territory into two parts."

"And the speed of cultivation into the country has reached an unimaginable level!"

Before speaking, the strong man of the ten thousand demon mansion immediately said in surprise: "yes, it\'s really strange. The knife meaning I felt before even made me feel like facing the king... This boy\'s cultivation obviously didn\'t reach that level, and among the Terrans, I haven\'t heard that anyone has made such achievements in the Dao way?"

Yue Qingqian shook his head and said, "the powerful sword meaning doesn\'t belong to him. The breath he shows now is completely different from when he met him that day."

"There is another soul in his body."

"Lord Yue is right." a strong man in the thousand soul Hall who was completely shrouded in the black fog said, "there is indeed another soul in his body, a Supreme Soul of Dao. I found it just when he bounced off his mind."

"This is... Definitely not weaker than Lord Yue\'s Dao. The soul of a strong man, Jie!"

"Not weaker than Lord Yue?" everyone present was surprised!

What kind of cultivation is moon Qingqian?

Imperial martial mirror peak!

In the Dao way, besides the fallen Dao emperor Zuo Wentian, where else can she compare with her?

The strong in qianhun hall have absolute right to speak in terms of soul.

Since he said so, that should be the case.

At this time, Yue Qingqian said, "I don\'t know why. When I first saw this boy, I had a very annoying feeling in my heart. It was very uncomfortable..."

"Ah?" all the strong people present were stunned.

Moon Qingqian has no head and no head. It\'s inexplicable.

Yue Qingqian added: "according to my later investigation, this person advanced Wang Wujing some time before entering the yumudong blessed land. He was located in the imperial capital of Zichu state. Many people have seen this."

"But later... You know what happened in the dragon scale temple."

"You\'ve seen what happened just now. Apart from the strong swordsman in his body, I\'m afraid his current strength has reached the peak of the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror."

"Shit!" the word came out of the mouth of a group of strong people regardless of the presence of King Dapeng with golden wings.

Such a pervert is unique in the world!

Said unique, of course, there is still one

That is the Lord of the God of war hall, the supreme nine day war emperor of Zhongzhou people!

War emperor is so abnormal, of course, it is a blessing in the world.

But now this boy is from the demon temple!

King Naro\'s eyes moved, but he still didn\'t speak.

Another strongman of Wanyao mansion said: "king, this man is now in the limelight and his qualifications are earth shaking. If he is allowed to develop, it will not take long. It may be more difficult to deal with than a demon general!"

"Since he also came here to join the fun, my subordinates believe that taking advantage of this opportunity, he should be strangled in the cradle!"

The king of Nara, who had not spoken, was startled with a jump in the corners of his eyes!

But at this time, no one noticed his abnormality.

The dragon king Qi Tian shook his head and said, "it\'s easier said than done. As you can see, there was a peerless strong man in the demon Temple just for him... That one should be the mysterious strong man mentioned by the moon king before?"

"With him covering the boy, it\'s not easy to kill him?"

"If you really want to kill him, you\'d better leave here."

Everyone\'s face changed!

Moon Qingqian once told them that there was a mysterious man who was probably stronger than her in the demon temple.

Now the mysterious man is clearly covered with Shen waves. At this time, he is not sure even if the moon is shallow!

Now in this situation, the moon does not move, nor does the mysterious strong.

If the moon moves, the other party will move

The important thing is that everyone comes for the blood clan. It\'s not decent for the blood clan to watch the play and work here first!

"You don\'t have to be specific to him, but if you have a chance, get rid of him."

When Yue Qingqian said this, he looked very strange, hesitated and dodged his eyes.

Before, her posture was completely the Queen\'s posture that people looked up to. When she said this, this strange situation occurred rarely, and the strong people present were a little muttering.

Suddenly, a strong man in qianhun Hall said with a strange smile, "please wait a minute."

"Hmm?" they were stunned.

The strong man of the thousand souls Hall said, "you should have heard that this boy once did great harm to our ghost Lord in the dragon scale temple... At that time, the ghost Lord wanted to do something to the big miss xuejingdong of the demon God hall, but the boy saw through his whereabouts and was on the verge of success."

"Lord Guizun has sent out words. No one can kill this man. Only he can kill him!"

"If you don\'t like that boy, you can capture him alive and send him to my thousand souls hall. The ghost Lord will be greatly appreciated!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Everyone has heard about these things.

Things in the dragon scale temple have long been rumored in the ten thousand demon mansion and the thousand soul hall.

The only strong men left in the war temple also know the context through the white flag leader Bai Luobing.

Although people don\'t think much of what ghost zunye Youming did, it\'s understandable that the ghost, who was famous thousands of years ago, has a strange temper and is difficult to deal with.

He was sealed by the strong man of yumudong blessed land for thousands of years, and finally got out of the seal. Then he and Bai Luobing were ready to attack the people in the demon God hall. As a result, he met the big miss xuejingdong of the demon God hall!

The opportunity was so rare that it was about to succeed, but it was destroyed by Shen Lang... Others would jump with anger.

"Then, try to capture him alive." Yue Qingqian\'s sentence put an end to this topic.

The strong people present were stunned again

When Yue Qingqian said this, it was obviously different from when he said killing Shen Lang before.

When he said to kill Shen Lang, he hesitated, as if he were thinking about something messy;

When talking about catching Shen Lang alive, he spoke quickly, as if a problem had been finally solved!

What medicine is sold in the golden winged ROC King gourd? Everyone can\'t understand.

"The king is tired. Go and have a rest."

Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she seemed to want to see something from her face. Yue Qingqian couldn\'t help sighing, got up and walked out slowly.

Originally, she was aggressive and aggressive. Her shadow was so long that people always felt a touch of sadness and sadness.


Sit down in your own room. The expression on Yue Qingqing\'s face changes constantly.

Everything at the entrance to the blessed land of Yumu cave clearly appeared in her mind again.

It was an earth shaking war.

A world war that can\'t be forgotten

There is no doubt that the blood emperor ladaos is powerful.

In the face of the blood emperor in the great emperor\'s martial realm, the strong in the war temple, the ten thousand demon house, the thousand soul temple and the demon temple had to join hands rarely.

So many peerless strong people work together, which really surprises the world and cries ghosts and gods.

However, such a lineup, in the face of the blood emperor who has been in the martial realm of the great emperor, is still not enough to see!

At that time, the blood emperor\'s goal was the big miss xuejingdang of the demon God hall.

Speaking of it, the moon has been strange

Whether it\'s the God of war hall, the ten thousand demon house, or the thousand soul hall, of course, they all want to catch the snow jingle.

The problem is that Tiangang and the strong ones did their best, and put on a desperate posture. In this case, it is impossible to grab xuejingdang.

After the emergence of the blood emperor ladaos, how can you win the blood emperor ladaos by relying on the light of the moon and the ghost night?

The best way at this time is to let the blood emperor fight with the people in the demon God hall!

Then yueqingqian and night Youming took this opportunity to escape!

But the ghost night ghost is very abnormal!

He insisted that everyone stay.

The strangest thing is that even Wu XingKong said he would stay!

They actually, as if they wanted to help the big miss xuejingdang of the demon temple?