Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1078

Just after the feather CHENFENG became a giant and stood on the earth.

The whole earth is like a wave, the waves fluctuate!

The vitality of the world around him, the Qi of the earth, gathered madly towards him!

Centered on yuchenfeng, the endless vitality of heaven and earth gathered from all directions, forming a terrible vortex.

The feather spirit wind in this vortex is not only the son of the earth, but also the king of demons!

The two blood princes in the void felt the terrible breath, shocked and retreated constantly!

"It\'s impossible! Even if it burns life, it\'s impossible to create such a momentum! What did you do, yuchenfeng?"

"The earth... Changes are taking place in the depths of the earth! Yuchen wind is using the earth to absorb the power of the world!"

"Wuwuwuwu..." the crowd in the rear, both men and women, burst into tears.

Everyone knows that the secret method of Yu Lingfeng has reached the most critical time, and no one can save him!

Feather CHENFENG said calmly, "the earth has bred thousands of races. You will eventually get retribution for destroying the earth and slaughtering other creatures for your own self-interest."

"Yumu clan is the spirit in the forest, the son of the earth and the power of the earth mother. Naturally, we can borrow it... How can you understand such a self righteous blood clan?"

"No matter how you practice, you can\'t see the truth of heaven and earth Avenue. You can never reach the highest!"

"You think you are powerful, but you don\'t know how terrible the power of heaven and earth is!"

Feather CHENFENG\'s indifferent voice swept the audience like a strong wind: "you are complacent and call yourself God, but you don\'t know that your so-called blood clan is just the tool of blood ancestors."

"I once dreamed that you will soon be abandoned by your blood ancestors, you will be displaced, you will become enemies of thousands of races and billions of creatures, and most of the earth and heaven have no place for you!"

"It\'s ridiculous. You don\'t know it yet. You want to dominate the world!"

"I dreamed of my ending, but you don\'t know your end. It\'s sad."

Yu CHENFENG smiled, like an emperor, gently raised his hand and said, "well, you two have listened for so long, are you ready to go to hell with CHENFENG?"

Yu CHENFENG said angrily. The long sword in his hand vibrated slightly, and flew into his body upright and became one with his body.

At the same time, the feather morning wind, like a towering giant tree, really turned into a big tree and grew wildly towards Jiutian at an amazing speed!

Unimaginable thick branches, with the power of terror, grabbed at the two blood prince.

The speed is incredible!

In the void, the sharp sound of breaking the void can be heard all the time!

"What a terrible power!"

The two blood princes were surprised and immediately retreated!

However, their speed is very fast. The branches are faster than them, and they catch up with them in an instant!


These two people, in any case, do not believe that Yuchen wind energy can kill them.

If there is only one person here, maybe I have to be afraid of three points.

But together, they can kill the first-class strongman of imperial martial mirror of almost any race!

"Since you want to die, we\'ll give you a ride."

In the void, the blood shadow flashed, and the two blood prince shot at the same time!


Two blood red giant swords fell on the thick branches, made the sound of gold and iron, and burst out all over the sky.

The branch fracture expected by the blood prince did not happen.

When these two swords went down, they didn\'t even cut the bark!

You know, the two of them are the strong ones in the sky!

This branch extending from Yu CHENFENG is so terrible?

Just when the two blood princes were shocked

The huge branches slipped like a giant dragon, circling around the two princes in an instant and entangled them!

A wrong move will lose the game!

Blood prince, you underestimate the power of Yu CHENFENG.

This kind of power, not to mention the strong ones in the early stage of emperor Wujing, is probably the strong ones in the middle stage of emperor Wujing. They can\'t compete at all!

This is the way to die together!

Some of the strong have been fighting for three or five years, but the battle between some of the strong takes only a second or two.


In the void, two blood princes screamed bitterly.

Yuchen\'s weathered tree suddenly vibrated, and the branches in all directions stretched out crazily

Part of the branches instantly pierced the heads, limbs and hearts of the two blood princes.

Part of the branches entangled the two bodies, tighter and tighter.

The blood prince of emperor Wujing, with fear and despair in his eyes, was completely unable to move in an instant!

Endless blood came from those branches and gathered on Yu CHENFENG.

The original green tree soon turned into a blood red tree!

The blood energy of the real blood clan aristocracy can transform other creatures into blood clan.

Even if yu CHENFENG didn\'t urge this secret method against the sky, even if he didn\'t burn life, he had to die after absorbing the blood of two emperor Wujing blood family princes!

"Woo woo!"

The people watching all this in the back burst into tears


In the void, Shen Lang is still running with the immortal sky knife.

Because of the undisguised release of the breath, many blood clan strongmen intercepted on the road.

However, Shen Lang did not stop at all.

The strong blood clan under the emperor\'s martial mirror appears. No matter what cultivation, no matter how many undead creatures or Zerg, Shen Lang\'s long knife has no one enemy!

The light of the knife is constant, and flesh and blood are flying!

Wherever Shen Lang\'s figure went, both the undead Legion and the Zerg Legion were crushed to dust, forming a straight vacuum.

"Boom, boom!"

When Shen waves ran wildly in the void, a huge roar came from the distant horizon.

The earth was shaken and fluctuated like waves, and spread wildly in all directions.

Under the broken silver eyes, a big tree full of pure wood energy and blood energy appeared.

"Feather morning wind!"

Shen Lang\'s eyes are about to crack and screams wildly!

There are still more than 100000 miles. Even if Shen Lang raises the speed to the extreme, it is too late

Anger and sadness, as well as the feeling of powerlessness, rose from Shen Lang\'s heart.

It makes him feel like he wants to go crazy.

Still too weak

Watching Yu CHENFENG die, there is nothing to do!

"Ask God, control my body and lend me your power!"

Shen Lang shouted at the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, he could no longer care about asking whether the breath of heaven would be found.

He just wants to get to yuchenfeng as fast as possible!

Endless sword thoughts erupted from Shen Lang.

After Zuo Wentian occupied Shen Lang\'s body, he stepped out thousands of miles!

This speed is hundreds of times the original speed of Shen Lang!

The speed increased too fast, and the void pressure increased greatly. Shen Lang\'s body seemed not to walk through the air, but through the knife. Immediately, terrible holes were opened all over his body!


But only three breaths passed, and Shen Lang has almost become a blood man!

At the same time, all the strong men in the blood clan territory, the ten thousand demon house territory and the demon God hall territory were shocked!

A strong breath broke through the air and wanted to lock the Shen wave!

"Get out!"

Zuo Wentian felt the sadness and anger in Shen Lang\'s heart. He was angry and drank violently!

He doesn\'t care who comes. The terrible mind turns into thousands of knife light and splits straight towards the peeping mind!

Anyone who peeps over will be killed!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Terrible ripples that cannot be seen by the naked eye burst out of the void.

Zuo asked the magic knife made by the God\'s idea. He fought three with one. Unexpectedly, he blew back the God\'s idea of the strong three!


Because the strong people of the blood clan suffered a great loss. On the tower of the source of pain in the moonlight forest land, two strong gods turned into big hands that seemed to be able to break the whole earth and grabbed it fiercely towards Shen Lang.

"Hum!" Zuo Wentian gritted his teeth and clenched the immortal blade!

Even if the power has not recovered to the peak, even if the current power is far from being compared with the two giants of blood clan.

But Dao Huang Zuo asked Heaven and never knew how to write the word "fear"!

Just then

In the direction of Wanyao mansion and demon God hall, a startling breath broke out at the same time!

This amazing breath is ten times and a hundred times stronger than the previously peeped breath!

On the other side of the ten thousand demon mansion, a peerless sword light shines, cutting through the void;

In the direction of the demon temple, a dark golden bird claw suddenly appeared, and the broken space suddenly appeared, grasping the huge palm that wanted to deal with Shen Lang!



Two loud noises, the palms of the two giants of the blood clan

One was cut into nothingness by the peerless knife;

One was directly caught by the dark golden bird\'s claws and completely dissipated!

A terrible storm suddenly formed over the plague land and swept away in all directions.

In an area of 50000 miles, the storm raged like the end!

And the terrible storm continues to spread out!

It seems that the direction of the ten thousand demon house, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately gushed out a lot of strong and powerful breath, and protected the creatures stranded in this plague place under the cover of the space!

All this is slow to say. In fact, it is just a matter between electricity, light and flint.

Zuo Wentian\'s appearance without the intention of a sword attracted the three forces that originally checked and balanced each other and shot at the same time!

In this fight, there was no interest in the moonlight woodland immediately.

Because Shen Lang, who had the same potential as water and fire, joined hands with the ten thousand demon house and the demon God hall once!

The four strong men had a simple fight, and the blood clan was obviously defeated.

This terrible afterwave sweeps in all directions!

Blood clan people are extremely cruel even to their peers. They have never thought of saving the people in this area.

The undead Legion and Zerg Legion who fought everywhere, as well as the leading blood families, were immediately unlucky

The tide surged over, and there were no bones!

The people of other races within a radius of 100000 - Li were protected by the people of Wanyao mansion and qianhun hall!

The strong at the top of the imperial martial mirror fought at will. Even these parties converged and restrained, but almost one tenth of the undead Legion and Zerg Legion instigated by the blood clan were destroyed!

The strong men in the blood clan were so angry that they wanted to spit blood

The number of undead legions and Zerg legions is very large. One tenth is really not a small number.

In this way, after such a war, the forces of all parties did not send out gods to peep here.

Once again, a balance is formed.

Zuo Wentian was not obstructed by the strong blood clan. The speed was raised again and rushed to the canyon where Yu CHENFENG was located.