Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1077

The yuchenfeng standing opposite the blood prince, like the yulingfeng and yulingyue seen by Shen Lang, is composed of vines and leaves.

Petals and leaves replaced his hair, and golden SAP flowed in his veins.

He just stood quietly in the air, holding a long sword in his hand, which drooped.

With him as the center, endless green floats, forming a space with a radius of 300 Li.

Like a bubble in the sea of blood, it isolated the pressure of the sea of blood and protected a group of people below.

Yuchenfeng didn\'t show much terrible breath, no killing intention, or even no war intention.

The lazy smile hung on his face. It was not like fighting with the strong emperor\'s martial mirror. Instead, it was like standing in the void and chatting with friends.

Although his expression was lazy, the smell of being indifferent to everything had an unspeakable liking.

This attitude of indifference to everything made the two blood prince mad.

Yu CHENFENG\'s body seems to be integrated with nature and heaven and earth.

Now and then, it\'s elusive and people don\'t dare to underestimate it!

It is only a hundred years since this gentle and extraordinary Yumu genius was born from the tree of eternity.

Then there is the achievement of martial arts that can make thousands of races jealous and crazy.

Quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!

Just one step away, it will become the emperor\'s martial mirror!

Not only that, with the cultivation of quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, he beat back two strong emperor Wujing!

From the blood clan, a group of strong people of multiple races who were brought to the "source of pain" were saved!

However, there is an insurmountable gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror as long as it does not cross that ridge.

This Yumu family\'s amazing yuchenfeng

Can you really compete with the two princes of the blood clan with the cultivation of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian?

In the distance behind him, more than 500 strong men and a large group of monsters are watching all this nervously.

Among these people, there are stone people who are tall, powerful and covered with rocks;

There are Shura and Luocha who were originally hostile to each other;

A winged family with a pointed mouth;

There are also a large group of crypt people who are only about one meter in size.

The worst cultivation of these people is only equivalent to the six or seven heaven of the Terran King\'s martial mirror, and the strongest is the realm of the six or seven heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

But there are only six strong people in the quasi emperor martial mirror.

And these six people, like others, are depressed and seriously injured at the moment.

One\'s accomplishments are forbidden by the blood clan, and one thousandth of them can\'t be brought into play!

Even if you\'re not imprisoned

The battle between Yu CHENFENG and the prince of emperor Wujing\'s blood clan is no longer something they can participate in.

Now everyone\'s hope lies on Yu CHENFENG!

If yuchenfeng loses this battle, everyone will end up being taken to the source of pain and finally become a member of the immortal legion of blood clan!

The evil and strange strong man of the blood clan has sealed their power, so that they can\'t even explode themselves.

If yuchenfeng can\'t repel these two people, everyone\'s end is to be transformed into the dead by the source of pain!

Even suicide now can\'t change this end!

Everyone\'s face is humiliation, indignation, and

And tension.

"Yu CHENFENG, you are proud to fight with me without losing the wind with your cultivation of jiuchongtian, the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror." a blood prince said coldly: "think about it. Submit to my prince, you will become my most powerful assistant!"

"You will witness the glory with me and blood clan!"

Feather CHENFENG smiled calmly and said, "prince, this joke is not funny. The killing and sins committed by the blood clan in this land need to be cleaned with blood."

"The hatred between the blood clan and us can\'t be dissolved. Either you or we die."

"Yumu clan is a gentle race, but I still want to say that the evil and dirty race of blood clan must be erased from the world. There is only hatred between me and blood clan."

Even if it is surrounded by strong enemies, even if it is life-threatening, even if it is a matter of hatred to the enemy

Yu CHENFENG\'s voice is still steady as usual, and his posture is still so elegant.

The two blood princes who thought themselves the most natural and unrestrained and noble were like ridiculous clowns in front of him, so ridiculous that they couldn\'t stand it.

Another blood prince sneered, "what\'s the use of talking too much? There is an insurmountable gap between the quasi emperor martial mirror and the emperor martial mirror. Your terrible power is bought by burning your life and can\'t last."

"If you are stubborn again, you will lose your form and spirit in a short time!"

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Don\'t you worry that after you die, we will kill all the races and reptiles you protect now?"

This sentence reveals the secret of Yu CHENFENG\'s repelling the two princes of the blood clan... Yu CHENFENG uses the secret method of burning life, which is why he takes the jiuchongtian cultivation of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to compete with the two strong emperor\'s martial mirror without losing the wind!

He is very clever and secretive.

But he can\'t hide from the people below, but he is the blood prince who can\'t hide from emperor Wujing!

The two men deliberately gasped there. Didn\'t they want to avoid the edge for a while and wait for the strength of feather CHENFENG to disappear?

The strong men of all nationalities in the rear who listened to this were extremely sad and angry, and roared one by one.

"CHENFENG, we\'re not worth it. Stop it!"

"Don\'t worry about us, CHENFENG, run away! As long as you don\'t die, you can kill more blood families! As long as you don\'t die, we have hope. Don\'t do anything stupid!"

"Since CHENFENG has done so, can we just watch him go to death? Yes, I, Shi Hao, fight with them!"

"Fight! Die together!"

The strong of many races in the rear finally broke out.

Among the more than 500 strong men who had been imprisoned, a strong breath began to appear and rushed straight into the sky!

They are also ready to burn their lives and fight to the end!

A blood prince sneered and said, "they are all cowardly reptiles. They know how to use this stupid means. But even if they use this means, they are nothing more than powerful reptiles. What can they do? Your destiny is already in our blood clan!"

"Not only you, but the fate of all races and creatures in the world is in the hands of our blood clan!"

"We are God. We let you die. You can\'t live without death! If we let you live, no one can die!"

The blood prince laughed wildly: "yuchenfeng, you are the top genius of Yumu family. Before we came here, even the \'Immortal Emperor\' praised you. I hope we can take you back. Otherwise, do you think you can really compete with us with your strength?"

"We just don\'t want you to destroy it!"

"Now you even urge this secret method... Is it worth burning your life for these reptilian races behind you?"

"As long as you agree to submit to the blood clan, you will have the same power and rights as us!"

Yu CHENFENG smiled and said, "I never think it\'s worth it or not. Any life is worth respecting. Anyone or means trampling on life should disappear from this world."

"If you have to ask if it\'s worth it... I burn my life for them, and they\'re ready to burn their life for me now, do you say it\'s worth it?"

"You scum of blood clan are selfish, evil and dark. You were still calling brothers and sisters a moment ago. You can attack your brothers and sisters in an instant, but you think you are the most noble race in the world."

"A race that doesn\'t even have the least self-knowledge is actually just a joke."

Dirty words came out from the gentle Yuchen tuyere, and the two blood princes were angry!

But these two people are not fools. The reason why they hold Yu CHENFENG talking all the time is to wait for the secret of Yu CHENFENG\'s burning life to pass!

So even if they are so angry, they still don\'t do it, just sneer in the air.

At this time, Yu CHENFENG gently waved back and said, "everyone, please listen to me."

Everyone in the rear immediately quieted down.

Feather CHENFENG said, "please rest assured that these two blood princes will die, so we don\'t need to do anything stupid..."

"Morning wind, you stop first, you stop working! As long as you stop, we will listen to you!" a Shura woman came out and cried.

Feather CHENFENG sighed and said, "Xiuya, I can\'t stop. I dreamed of today\'s result three days ago. I will die here, but please don\'t be sad for me... This is my destiny."

"The real son of fate has come. He will live for me."

"After the battle of CHENFENG, I will say goodbye to you forever, so... I hope you can promise me one thing."

As soon as these words were said, even the big men of the stone people began to cry in the crowd behind them.

Yu CHENFENG turned his back to the crowd and said with a smile, "race does not mean glory. People should not make rash judgments about their different existence."

"This sentence comes from the mouth of a people."

"When he said this, for the sake of the feather Lingfeng of the feather wood family, he used the cultivation of Wang Wujing to fight against the strong in the Imperial military territory."

"He is the son of fate in the prophecy of the eternal tree. He will come with the blade of destruction. He will live instead of me and with you... He will destroy all evil, all dirt, all darkness and return a bright future to the world."

"CHENFENG hopes that everyone will give him a trust, and he will walk out of the darkness and go to new life with all the kind races living on this earth."

"He will do what I feather CHENFENG can\'t do; the blood clan will eventually be sent to the grave by him and become history."

"Please promise me to accept him, follow him and eradicate these demons that destroy our home, will you?"

In the last sentence, the breath on Yu Lingfeng suddenly changed!

From the original non wind and light clouds, it has become like an ancient fierce beast stepping into the air!

At the same time, Yu CHENFENG\'s body soared wildly, from the original appearance of about one meter eight to a giant dozens of feet high!

Just like a towering giant tree, it is rooted in the earth!

A dark flame began to burn on him.

The black flame seemed to burn the void, making this space extremely unstable