Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1076

"Wait, the nine sky devil bird was captured and killed by the rosefinch family... The rosefinch family, is this really a strong man of the nine sky devil bird, a man from the rosefinch house? The legendary nine sky devil bird was not captured and killed by the rosefinch family?"

"The rosefinch mansion is one of the five great devil generals. Even if it is Lan Er, at best, it is far from such a situation with Bozhong, the eighth heavenly king."

"And other magic generals are the same... Now there is a strong man who is not weaker than the ghost Zun night ghost, and he is also the legendary nine day devil luoniao. It\'s really weird!"

Many thoughts flashed in Shen Lang\'s mind.

At this time, at the location of the demon temple, an old woman with a bent waist and a crutch hobbled along the corridor suddenly paused.

The old woman casually looked in the direction of Shen Lang, and a dazzling golden light flashed in her turbid eyes!

"Granny Feng, what\'s the matter?" asked a military woman who followed her.

Granny Feng shook her head slightly and said, "nothing. I\'m thinking, young master, should he come soon?"

"Before I came here, my lady told me to take good care of the young master. In fact, my old lady would like to see what this young master who makes the young lady so nervous looks like? Ha ha."

The military woman Zhan Yan smiled and said, "the envoy Zuo has made a great name in the demon temple for more than a month. Almost all the things he did in the dragon scale temple have become legends."

"For his sake, your Royal Highness has brought you all over, and this is really...... is your highness not so good to anyone?"

"People in the left envoy department can\'t wait to see him and see what kind of person he is."

Granny Feng nodded slightly, staggered forward and said, "Alas, my old woman hasn\'t walked out for many years. I hope she won\'t let me down."

She raised her head, looked at the horizon and said: "cultivation is so low and her mind is so weak, but she peeps here across hundreds of thousands of miles. Only the first few of the ten pupil techniques can do it. With the advent of troubled times, all kinds of anti heaven talents begin to emerge."

"The war spirit is introverted, but it is thin and surging; the sword is foreign and influential... It seems that there will be no one except the young master."

"After so many years, the young master is extremely lucky and can\'t imagine. He has a deep fortune and envies others. The old lady finally sees something interesting..."

The corners of mother-in-law Feng\'s mouth tilted slightly and her eyes flashed.

At the moment, mother-in-law Feng\'s eyes, but where is the appearance of turbidity?


On the other side, Shen Lang has calmed his mind.

King Dapeng with golden wings is already in charge of the ten thousand demon mansion, and the nine day devil luoniao is in charge of the demon God hall.

These two forces are not much worse than the blood clan.

If we can work together

However, these two forces are in the same situation, which is a headache.

It seems that after finding yuchenfeng, you should go to have a round with the people in Zhuque mansion as soon as possible.

Find a way to unite the demon temple with the ten thousand demon mansion.

Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly, turned around and said, "Lingyue, you Yumu family can feel the breath of others. Can you feel the approximate position of yuchenfeng?"

Lingyue pointed to the northeast and said, "I can feel that the smell of the morning wind is very weak, just in the northeast of the moonlight forest... But I don\'t know how far it is and where it is."

"Northeast?" Shen Lang frowned.

Then, he cautiously looked at ah Xiu and Shi Tian and said, "both of you have been seriously injured. In the face of this situation, you can\'t protect these people."

"I have a magic weapon, which has a large space and can protect them..."

Before he finished, Shi Tian suddenly waved his hand and interrupted Shen Lang\'s words: "we can protect them. You don\'t need to worry."

Ah Xiu hesitated and said, "we have lived here for generations. We are very familiar with the mountains and rivers here. We know where it is safe and where it is dangerous. We will find a safe place to settle them down, and then go to find other people and friends. Thank you for your kindness."

Shen Lang was silent.

He didn\'t blame these people for their ignorance.

For thousands of years, the Terran has ascended from a vulnerable group to the top and become the largest and most powerful race in the world.

This has done many things to deceive and bully other races.

Many things can\'t be explained in one or two sentences.

The gratitude and resentment can not be expressed clearly in one or two words.

Shi Tian and ah Xiu and others looked at Shen Lang\'s eyes, very indifferent and very afraid.

In fact, if Shen Lang hadn\'t just arrived, many of them would have become members of the undead Legion.

Shen Lang was silent for a moment and looked at Yu Lingyue again: "Lingyue, you three go with me."

"That\'s not good!" Shitian and Ashu were surprised and immediately wanted to stop it.

Since they don\'t believe Shen Lang, they certainly don\'t believe that Shen Lang can take care of the three Yumu people.

Most importantly, they are more worried that Shen Lang finds the amber dream entrance through Yu Lingyue!

Unexpectedly, Yu Lingyue said first, "two elders, the childe is the \'son of prophecy\' in the mouth of the eternal tree. I can\'t explain many things to you or explain them like you."

"We Yumu people trust him just as we trust the eternal tree."

"We believe in him. He will really help us, really lead us out of the darkness, and lead all races in the world out of the darkness..."

"Time, and everything you do later, will tell you that our choice is not wrong."

Shi Tian and Ashu looked at each other.

The Yumu nationality is a much weaker race than these races, but the Yumu nationality is more brainless than them, and it is difficult to change what they believe.

Shi Tian and ah Xiu don\'t think they can convince Yu Lingyue.


The two sighed in unison.

Shen Lang doesn\'t talk nonsense. When his palm turns over, he releases his surging spiritual power.

This spiritual power contains the life spiritual power transformed by the life spiritual liquid. As soon as it appeared, it spread like the sea, enveloping everyone present.

How rebellious is the spirit of life?

Even the serious injuries of Zuo Wentian can be cured, not to mention these people?

As soon as this psychic power enveloped everyone, it immediately drilled into these people as consciously.

The wounds of these people began to heal in an instant!

Better than countless panacea!

"All right, let\'s go!"

Shen Lang took Yu Lingyue and the three of them into the fengtianding, and placed them in one of the arrays.

The next moment

"Bang bang!"

Under everyone\'s attention, Shen Lang ran wildly in the air and went northeast at an amazing speed!

Every time the soles of his feet fall in the void, there are circles of air ripples in the void.

At the same time, it makes a huge noise!

And every step he takes is a distance of tens of miles!

"So strong, too strong!" Shi Tian sighed.

Ah Xiu hesitated for a moment. His palm gently crossed the air, as if he were touching the sea in the sea.

Finally, he said leisurely, "stone sky, do you feel that this spiritual power is not pure. This spiritual power contains another kind of pure and anti heaven life spiritual power."

"As soon as this spiritual power entered my body, I didn\'t even have time to urge it. It combined with my spiritual power and began to quickly repair the damage of my meridians."

"You said that the Terrans who can release such spiritual power are really the kind of selfish, despicable and shameless people we think..."

Shi Tian was stunned and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t say a word.

Ah Xiu sighed and said, "let\'s go to Yinlong Bay. There are ancient ruins and a broken ancient array, which can protect us temporarily."

The party immediately flew away in the opposite direction to Shen Lang.


When Shen Lang raised his speed to the extreme and ran wildly in the air.

In a grand canyon outside the moonlight woodland, the earth shaking battle is coming to an end.

The two sides of the war finally separated and confronted each other in vain.

On one side are two blood princes of emperor Wujing, and on the other is Yu CHENFENG, a genius of Yumu family.

This is an unequal battle, a very strange battle.

The quantity is not equal, and the cultivation is not equal.

As a result, it is also obviously abnormal.

The two blood princes of emperor Wujing fought with Yu CHENFENG, the peak of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, and fell down

On both sides of the two blood princes\' sub stations, their blood gas is diffuse, congealed and overwhelming.

The cloak turned into blood behind him made a sound, releasing the terrible blood evil spirit.

Looking around, the eye has turned into a sea of Shura blood, Shura hell!

In the blood clan, only when you break through the emperor\'s martial mirror can you be qualified to become a prince.

There are lords, emperors and emperors above the prince.

In fact, this level is very strange. In the past, blood clan was not so graded.

Only after the blood clan was defeated millions of years ago, they lost the ability to turn other creatures into blood clan by sucking blood, and then began to integrate into other races, did they begin to call "emperor" or "great emperor".

Now the two princes of emperor Wujing are here, but they can\'t help a Yumu clan

This made the two princes\' self-esteem hit hard and furious!

With their anger rising and blood gas urging, the area within a radius of 5000 miles was completely filled and shrouded by blood mist.

The area with a radius of 5000 Li has really turned into a sea of blood!

And the sea of blood is now stirring up a towering storm!

The creatures in this area, whether Zerg or undead, are like a boat floating in the sea of blood.

May be torn to pieces by this blood storm at any time!

The only area not affected by this sea of blood is a small area less than 300 miles around.

This area was just opened by Yu CHENFENG standing opposite the two blood princes.