Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1075

Shen Lang didn\'t speak and didn\'t even comfort Yu Lingyue.

The control over the war spirit has reached the level of perfection, and we can feel the surging war spirit in the hearts of any of these people.

This is a group of people who are desperate to defend their homes and fight to the end.

The wilderness is so big that they can leave the plague land and look for other habitats.

They gave up the choice.

Choose to stay here and fight to the end!

No matter what race they are, any one of them deserves respect.

Shen Lang tries to become stronger in order to protect the people around him.

And these people, is it not to protect their own ethnic groups, to protect their homes, to protect their brothers and sisters?

At this moment, Shen Lang\'s intention to kill all blood families became more firm than ever!

Shen Lang turned and looked in the direction of moonlight forest land.

Now is not the time to sigh. The top priority is to find Yu CHENFENG.

The only one who knows the amber dream is Yu CHENFENG.

If yu CHENFENG falls into the hands of the blood clan, the real body of the eternal tree will be found.

Whether those green dragons can beat the blood clan or not is still a matter of two words.

The blood clan is determined to win the eternal tree. There are always strong people from other demon generals\' house in the demon God hall, and strong people from Wanyao house and qianhun hall. Who knows whether the blood clan will send more strong people here?

Enter the amber dream, find the green dragon, obtain the green dragon blood essence, and then further strengthen the chaotic God, which is what Shen Lang can\'t wait to do.

Only further become strong, can do a little bit in this environment!

Otherwise, it is a small stone falling into the sea.

I can\'t do anything. I can\'t even set off a wave flower!

"The names\' Immortal Emperor \'and\' insect mother Emperor \'tell us that it is definitely not easy to provoke one who controls undead creatures and the other who controls Zerg. But whether there is the ability of the emperor or not is a matter of two words."

"There is no record of these two people in the hall of the God of war. Where did this come from? Did the blood ancestor hide in the blood ancestor\'s mausoleum for millions of years?"

"It\'s also normal to make several great emperors in a million years."

"I\'m afraid the strength of the blood clan is more than that."

Shen Lang\'s broken silver eyes run again.

The map of the three forces of "land of plague" appears again.

The plague land is like a big cake, and the blood clan occupies a full half of the area;

The ten thousand demon mansion, the thousand soul hall and the demon God hall occupy a quarter of the area respectively.

On the blood clan side, dozens of powerful blood gas rise into the sky, two of which are like blood pillars to the sky, connecting heaven and earth!

Those two heavenly blood pillars should be the strong ones of Milos and ox.

With these two people sitting in the town, the moonlight forest land completely turned into a sea of blood, which was extremely terrible.

The war emperor had been to the blood clan and sealed the blood emperor. At that time, there were no Milos and ox in the blood clan.

It seems that it came out of the blood ancestral mausoleum again.

On the other side of the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon house, the most powerful and terrible breath turned into a vivid golden winged ROC bird in the void.

Shen Langgang looked at the golden winged ROC bird. The golden winged ROC bird in the air turned its eyes and looked at Shen Langgang!

"Shit! Yueqingqian has made great progress in her cultivation for thousands of years. Even my broken silver eyes can detect it!"

Shen Lang immediately closed his eyes and put away his broken silver eyes between lightning and flint.

At the same time, Feng Tianding was urged to restrain his breath.

With Shen Lang\'s present mind and the broken false silver eyes, even the blood clan namilos and ox were unaware of it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she peeped at the golden winged Dapeng king, she found it!

Feng Tianding wandered around in Shen Lang\'s sea, releasing a blue light all over Shen Lang\'s body.

This function of fengtianding is really better than any hidden breath in the world.

At the beginning, a strong man appeared over the dragon scale temple and imprisoned the Lord of the abyss and the red dragon road for thousands of years in an instant. However, Feng Tianding not only dissolved the unpredictable power of imprisonment, but also completely restrained the breath of Shen Lang, and hid the life spiritual power and Tai Chi diagram in his body.

Those with the same degree of terror can\'t perceive the difference of Shen wave.

Although the golden winged ROC king is powerful, it is naturally impossible to find the abnormality of Shen Lang.

A strong spirit came from a distant place and turned around Shen Lang, who seemed to pause in surprise.

After finding nothing unusual, he took it back.

"What a golden winged ROC king. He has been quiet for months. His mind is so terrible! He is not only aware of my broken silver eyes, but also can come in an instant hundreds of thousands of miles away!"

"It seems that her current cultivation is only a line worse than the ghost respect night ghost."

The gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror is just a divine idea, which has been interpreted incisively and vividly

Shen Lang\'s mental strength now exceeds that of most of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirrors. The farthest he can reach is only more than 5000 miles.

If you want to see further, you can only use broken false silver eyes.

The golden winged ROC, Wang Yueqing, is the emperor\'s martial mirror and nine heaven, but the span of God has reached nearly 500000 - Li!

The gap between the two is a world of difference!

Speaking of this, the gratitude and resentment between the golden winged ROC king and the war emperor really gives Shen Lang a headache.

No, it actually gives the war emperor a headache.

The war emperor was born 6000 years ago. At that time, the golden winged Dapeng king was already a peerless strong man in the rampant side.

Later, the war emperor was born and soared to the sky in the competition and trial jointly held by the God of war hall and the ten thousand demon house.

In this process, Zhan Di and Yue Qingqian became the strongest pair of opponents.

Of course, the latter is needless to say.

The golden winged ROC king is certainly a generation of top talents, but the war emperor is a pervert of crushing talents!

For only two thousand years, those amazing talents all over the world have been eclipsed in front of him!

The golden winged Dapeng Wang originally regarded the war emperor as an opponent. However, this practice makes people desperate

But in Shen Lang\'s memory, the most deadly thing is not this kind of thing.

But at the beginning, in a trial, Yue Qingqian pestered and pursued Zhan Di, and finally angered Zhan di. He not only beat her to vomit blood, but also caught her and slapped her three times in her hip!

Just for these three slaps, after King Dapeng with golden wings became one of the three kings of Wanyao mansion, he once led this tribe against the God of war hall.

When Shen Lang was in the dragon scale temple, he noticed that the golden winged Dapeng king had come with his broken silver eyes. At that time, he was a little glad he didn\'t meet her.

And later, because he found the blood emperor and worried about the snow jingle, he put aside the matter of the golden winged Dapeng king.

Unexpectedly, I ran to this wilderness and encountered King Dapeng with golden wings in the land of plague!

Shen Lang can feel that in the soul of the war emperor, he is the last to encounter this woman.

In the end, is it because he started too hard at the beginning, or because **********************************************************************************.

When Shen Lang entered xuandaozong, he once spanked Hao Fengliu in Muren lane.

They were the same soul, and sure enough, they even acted the same


Shen Lang exhaled heavily and pressed these messy things down in his mind.

"It\'s a lot of trouble now. Yue Qingqian doesn\'t eat soft or hard. She\'s very strong. He has beaten all eight heavenly kings. At least three of the five color flag leaders have fought with him. It\'s difficult to deal with it!"

The golden winged Dapeng king, who once had a grudge against the emperor of war, was already very strong in the past. He was very difficult to provoke. He didn\'t expect to be seen for a thousand years. Now he is only one step away from the martial realm of the emperor!

It made Shen Lang\'s heart scream.

"Before, Lingyue said that the thousand soul hall, the ten thousand demon house, and the demon God hall were beaten back by the blood clan. It seems that the golden winged Mirs king had not arrived at that time... Now the moon has arrived, and the blood clan is afraid it will be difficult to be rampant again!"

The arrival of the moon finally calmed the situation, which finally relieved Shen Lang\'s heart.

It\'s a shame that the two strong men of the blood clan chase after the eight heavenly kings and beat them!

Even if Shen Lang doesn\'t have the status of war emperor publicly, Shen Lang is war emperor, which can\'t be changed.

Now there is a month of Qingqian, the golden winged Dapeng king is in charge, and the blood clan can never continue to be as proud as before.

Shen Lang tilted his head slightly, urged the broken silver eyes to the extreme, and looked in the direction of the demon temple.

At this look, Shen Lang was surprised again!

"Nine days demon Luo bird!"

Just above the demon temple, a dark golden nine day magic bird, which is more terrible than the golden winged ROC bird, is gently flapping its wings!

As soon as he saw the nine day devil Luo bird, Shen Lang brushed it, immediately lowered his head and put away his broken false silver eyes!

Shen Lang is much more surprised to see the nine day devil bird than to see the rosefinch or Phoenix!

According to legend, this nine day devil bird is the most terrible fierce bird in heaven and earth!

The nine sky devil bird is not like the rosefinch or the Phoenix.

Nine day devil bird does not have a group, but is born in devil kingdom!

Since ancient times, it has only been heard that there have been three nine sky devil birds in the world!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the demon clan came out of the demon realm and wanted to seize the control of the human world with the human and demon clan.

A nine sky devil bird was born from the devil Kingdom, shaking down mountains and rivers, overturning the earth and bringing disaster to the world.

Later, the rosefinch family was born, trapped it with great space and fortune, and finally captured and killed it.

In this war, heaven and earth broke, space collapsed, and the rosefinch family fell three strong men

Why is there a Merlot in this plague land?

And still in the demon temple?