Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1074

With a fierce wipe of tears, Yu Lingyue began to tell Shen Lang what happened here with a fast speed and concise language

The strongest of the blood clan attack are the two peak strongmen in the later period of emperor Wujing.

One of them called himself Milos, one of the three giants under the Immortal Emperor of the blood family;

Another claimed to be ox, one of the three giants under the throne of the blood family insect mother.

Shortly after the arrival of the blood clan, there were six strong people who saved a large number of Yumu people.

Their cultivation is peerless and thorough. They once worked together to hurt Milos and oaks, beat the blood clan back and forth, and then forced the blood clan out for more than a million miles, giving more than a dozen races living here breathing time.

However, there are too many strong people from the blood clan, not only Milos and oux

The six strong men had too many scruples and were unwilling to put the battlefield in the moonlight forest land. Finally, the six men were defeated. They were seriously injured and had to retreat.

Milos and okes refused to let them go, leading a strong blood clan to pursue and kill the six people.

And threatened the six people with the lives of the Yumu people.

So that the six people were constantly frustrated and encountered an ambush.

Just when Milos and ox led the blood clan strong men to catch up with the six human clan strong men and wanted to surround them

A huge whirlpool appeared out of thin air in the void, pulling four of the six strong men into it, and the remaining two disappeared.

Milos was furious, but they had no choice but to withdraw.

Hearing this, Shen Lang suddenly looked up: "what\'s the matter with the vortex you said?"

The war was so fierce that the eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall were chased and killed, and then four people disappeared!

Shen Lang\'s eyes also became sharp.

Shen Lang is the most clear about the abilities of the eight heavenly kings.

If the eight heavenly kings come out together, even in the face of the Tiangang and Disha under the black dragon demon king, they will not be so embarrassed!

The eight heavenly kings came personally and suffered such a defeat

Even if the war god temple and the demon God Temple have fought openly and secretly for so many years, this has never happened!

Although two people didn\'t come, but

The development of this matter has exceeded expectations.

I\'m afraid the blood clan is determined to win the eternal tree!

Yu Lingyue hurriedly said, "young master, don\'t worry. The four strong men are not in danger."

"The one who saved them should be the mother tree in the amber dream."

"Because when the vortex appeared, we felt the existence of the mother tree!"

"Not only that, we also feel the smell of the green dragon family guarding the mother tree... That is to say, the vortex should be the channel to the amber dream!"

"The four strong Terrans just moved the mother tree because of their noble righteousness, so the mother tree saved them at the risk of being discovered by the blood clan at the time of crisis!"

Shen Lang\'s face softened a little: "I see."

Yu Lingyue went on

Not long after the six Terran strongmen lost and fled, the strongmen who claimed to be the demon temple also came one after another.

However, these powerful people in the demon temple are not the saviors of the plume family.

As ah Qing just said, except for a group of people in Zhuque mansion, the rest of the strong people in the demon Temple do not treat the Yumu clan and Shura clan as people.

The people in the demon Temple don\'t care about the life and death of these racial creatures.

The strong among them even coveted the beauty of Shura women and wanted to attack Shura.

As a result, it was destroyed by the people who rushed to the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon mansion... But this will happen later.

As soon as the people in the demon Temple arrived, they directly fought with the blood clan to compete for the land of moonlight forest land.

The two sides fought like the end of the world!

At that time, the moonlight woodland, the home of Yumu nationality, began to be destroyed and fragmented!

Not long after that, the strong men of qianhun hall and Wanyao mansion also arrived.

They were accompanied by the two human strongmen who had disappeared before... At this time, the Yumu family understood that the six human strongmen were the eight heavenly kings of the God of war hall.

However, these strong men did not join hands with the demon temple to deal with the blood clan.

They are the enemy of blood clan and demon temple. The three sides scuffle and each has damage.

Under such circumstances, a situation of "tripartite confrontation" has been formed in this area with a radius of one million miles.

Blood clan is one force, thousand soul hall and ten thousand demon house are one force, and demon God hall is one force.

And the dominant one is still blood clan!

And among the forces of the demon God Temple, in fact, it is also like the separation of princes. The major demons occupy the mountain as the king.

Some of the devil generals didn\'t know why. Before they started with the blood clan, they fought by themselves and made a mess.

Many races who originally lived here have deep blood feuds with the blood clan, but they don\'t believe in the other two forces.

At the call of Yu CHENFENG, an alliance was established. However, the strength of this alliance is far from being compared with that of the three parties. It can only fight guerrilla warfare.

Feather CHENFENG once proposed that the alliance rely on qianhun hall and Wanyao mansion to join hands with them.

But most races do not trust them, not only do they not trust, but also they have deep hostility.

These races think that the strong in the thousand souls hall are actually undead creatures and are not good things;

At the same time, I also think that the demon family is not the demon family in those years. Now the demon family should worship the breath of the Terran and collude with the Terran

Yu CHENFENG had no choice but to give up.

The blood clan had the upper hand and pushed the other two forces and alliances back to the edge of the "plague land".

When talking about "the land of plague", Yu Lingyue\'s voice trembled.

And the faces of the people around him became more sad.

The world centered on moonlight woodland is the home and paradise of their Yumu nationality and more than a dozen other races.

Now their homes are destroyed, but they want to call their homes "the land of plague"

Who can understand such unspeakable pain?

After the blood clan strongly defeated the other two forces, it planted a steeple up to 300 feet in the moonlight forest land, which is called the "source of pain";

He dug a big hole on the edge of the source of pain and built a huge Zerg nest.

As soon as the "source of pain" appeared, it immediately began to spread plague and death.

Countless weak creatures were shrouded in the plague and death, and soon transformed into undead.

This speed is much faster and more terrible than the demonization of demons by the Qi of Yin.

Moreover, the creatures demonized by the Qi of Yin are at most used and difficult to be completely controlled. However, the undead creatures transformed by the plague and dead Qi have completely become slaves and tools of the blood clan!

These animals are not as good as blood races. They turn people of these living races into undead, and then take these undead to kill these living races!

The beautiful moonlight forest land has become such a scene in only more than ten days, and has become a "land of plague" in the real sense!

The blood clan also captured the strong of all major races and took them to the source of pain

In the source of pain, these strong men finally turned into unconscious and completely obedient undead creatures of the blood clan.

As soon as the Zerg nest appeared, endless Zerg surged out. Under the leadership of a group of powerful Mantis demons, these Zerg fought around the moonlight forest land.

There is no grass in the place where the overwhelming Zerg pass!

Its destructive power and unspeakable terror are no weaker than the undead Legion!

Single undead and Zerg are not very strong.

But their number is endless and increasing

Together with the Zerg, the undead fought with many races living here for generations, destroyed many races, and then transformed them into undead.

Together, these races can\'t resist.

Many times, it was the strong people of qianhun hall and Wanyao mansion who helped them not to be destroyed.

Even so, most of the races in the alliance still refuse to trust the thousand soul hall and the ten thousand demon house, and still refuse to use their strength to join hands with them to deal with the blood clan.

The contradiction between races can not be explained clearly in a few words, nor can one or two things be adjusted.

Human race, soul race and demon race are excluded by most races here.

After saying this, Yu Lingyue looked at Shen Lang with tearful eyes and said, "childe, we have been waiting for you. The eternal tree dreamed that childe, you came to the wild scene with the blade of destruction;"

"CHENFENG also dreamed that you led us out of the dark scene. Now we can only rely on you..."

At this point, Yu Lingyue and the other two burst into tears.

A group of Shura women also burst into tears.

Without knowing what had happened, their homes were destroyed;

Without knowing why, they were chased by the blood clan;

Peace is broken, happiness is a thing of the past

Death enveloped their homes and threatened any of them.

No one knows whether he can see the sun tomorrow.

Do the weak have to be bullied?

Can the weak be trampled on at will?

Among a group of Shura women, someone finally couldn\'t help crying.

Ah Xiu and Shi Tian also looked painful, and their fists clattered.

The difference between the strength and blood race of these races living here is too big.

Too big to resist!

Although powerful people such as the demon temple have destroyed their homes, they have to admit that if these people did not appear, these races might have died now!

Even ah Xiu and Shi Tian, who are the strongmen of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, may have become undead and walking corpses driven by the blood clan.

But how long will this situation last?

How long can people of these races live?

This is their home. They don\'t want to escape here and wander around.

Even if they can\'t resist, they will fight to the end!

fight to the bitter end!

A group of sad and angry people were full of fighting spirit.

Although no one spoke and no one guided, the war spirit in everyone\'s heart came spontaneously.

The race that can reproduce in the wilderness for generations is really very fierce!