Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1073

As soon as the spirit stone cage cracked, people saw a young man in black withdraw his palm.

Just now, he turned his palm into a knife and easily cut the solid spirit stone cage!

This mysterious Terran boy came here hundreds of miles apart

Not only killed all undead creatures and destroyed the overwhelming Zerg, but also crushed the blood clan Aino and four Mantis demons, who are already the second heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, into powder!

I\'m afraid these terrorist means have reached the peak of the quasi emperor martial mirror!

Ah Xiu and Shi Tian protected the people, looked at him with fear and stepped back.

"Are you all right?"

The boy in black took a look at the group of people, and his eyes fell on the three people of Yumu family.

The three women of the feather wood family adapted to the light and were stunned when they looked at it.

Soon, the three went out and bowed to Shen Lang

"Yu Lingyue, Yu Lingxing, Yu Lingxue, have you seen childe Shen Lang!"

Shen Lang raised his eyebrows and said, "do you know me?"

The tears in Yu Lingyue\'s eyes fell, and she sobbed and said, "when Lingfeng came back, he brought us your portrait..."

"Childe, the mother tree was attacked by the blood clan and escaped seriously. The moonlight forest land has been shrouded by the natural disaster of death and turned into a dead area. The plague is still spreading. Please help us!"

At this time, the woman who had laughed at the blood clan Ainuo sneered and said, "Lingyue, the Terran is the most cunning and selfish. You can\'t believe him!"

"These individuals are all here for their own interests. Even if our races were destroyed before, they haven\'t seen a few people do it... They are also looking for the eternal tree, and they don\'t have a good heart!"

Ah Xiu rebuked, "ah Qing, shut up! It was this adult who saved us just now. How can you talk like that?"

Ah Qing was still unconvinced and said, "just now the boy hurt you with a knife, and the boy played with us when he saved us and scared us!"

"He can remind us first... If he reminds us, will we be so frightened?"

"Those strong Terrans who appear in the wilderness just want to find the eternal tree. They don\'t care about our life or death!"

"Those who destroy our home are not only the blood clan, but also the strong who call themselves the devil temple!"

"They fought in our home and destroyed our beautiful home like this... I\'d rather die than save them!"

"They regard us as inferior creatures. The strong men among them also want to plunder our Shura women... They don\'t treat us as human beings at all!"

"I will never trust these selfish Terrans!"

Ah Qing\'s voice became louder and louder, and she cried as she spoke.

With the last sentence, she turned and wiped her tears with her back to this side.

Feather spirit month several people want to comfort a few words, but also completely speechless.

After so many things, beautiful homes were destroyed, brothers and sisters were killed... And then transformed into immortals.

Although I had a little mental preparation before, who can really accept this doomsday scene in the end?

Ah Qing is right. Apart from the undead creatures and Zerg of the blood clan, there are also the strong ones in the demon temple!

They fought here madly, earth shaking!

The "source of pain" has not been planted, the plague has not spread, and the scourge of the dead has not come yet

This land has been devastated.

Tiankeng was everywhere, mountains collapsed and rivers stopped flowing.

The prophecy of the eternal tree to Shen Lang is too ethereal. Even if it is said, other races may not believe it or accept it.

Except for the three of the Yumu clan, although the others were saved by Shen Lang, they all looked at Shen Lang with hostility.

Shen Lang didn\'t argue. After being silent for a while, he said to Yu Lingyue: "Lingyue, please tell me the specific situation here... Don\'t worry, I promise you, I will try my best to help the eternal tree and the Yumu family."

"Cut!" ah Qing turned back and said, "who do you think you are? Savior? You people are always like this. You think you are great and exaggerate your abilities at will. There is no truth in your mouth!"

The rest of the Shura and stone people nodded.

Ah Xiu looked at Shen Lang with a sad face and an apology.

Ah Qing continued endlessly: "your accomplishments are much better than ours, but no matter how powerful you are, you are just the peak of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. Who can you help?"

"The blood clan has a large number of strong imperial martial mirrors in the middle and late stages. The quasi imperial martial mirrors are even more than those of our Shura clan. Undead creatures and Zerg are killing endlessly, and they are still emerging... There are also a large number of imperial martial mirrors in the middle and late stages of the demon God hall. Tell me, who can you beat?"

"Who can you help?"

"Lingyue, the eternal tree is a big deal. You must not tell this Terran..."

Shen Lang\'s eyes burst with pure light and pointed at ah Qing in the air!

His speed was so fast that almost no one in the audience reacted. He saw a flash of the wind and hit ah Qing\'s forehead!

A ray of light immediately spread all over ah Qing\'s body from his forehead. Ah Qing was completely imprisoned in an instant, with his mouth open and motionless!

Shen Lang turned and leaned towards ah Xiu and said, "I don\'t have much time to explain or entangle these, so I can only temporarily imprison her. The restraint will be lifted naturally in an hour. Sorry."

Ah Xiu nodded: "yes, yes..."

It\'s a miracle that no matter which family\'s strong man is run by others and doesn\'t kill ah Qing directly.

Shen Lang turned to Yu Lingyue again.

Yu Lingyue calmed her mind and said with a very fast speed: "the eternal tree felt the threat of death more than a month ago, so she hid her real body into the amber dream in advance, but the entrance of the amber dream has been changing for millions of years."

"Now even we don\'t know where the entrance of the amber dream is."

Shen Lang\'s face was frozen and murmured, "no one in your plume family knows the entrance of the amber dream?"

According to legend, the amber dream is a spiritual world and another world attached to the material world of the star continent.

In the amber dream, the earth is beautiful and pure, calm and serene. Everything is in the original state, which is what the star continent looked like at the beginning.

There is no war, no evil.

It\'s like a world without a trace overlapping with the star continent.

It is said that there is such a dream in any human world such as the star continent.

This is the blueprint constructed by the creator for these worlds.

If there is no such war of destroying heaven and earth as the war of gods and demons, the development of the human world will be consistent with this amber dream.

When many strong people understand the way of heaven and earth, they may occasionally touch or even enter this amber dream.

They will find that the amber dream is exactly the same as the star continent.

But the star continent has been in constant war for thousands of years, and has become fragmented and broken, while the mountains and rivers in the dream are very complete.

Many strong people have made breakthroughs with the help of this rare opportunity.

But no one can stay in the amber dream for too long.

Unless it\'s a demon who has mastered the rules

After entering the amber dream, many strong people don\'t know it is an amber dream, but think it is their own dream.

The amber dream of the star continent was really discovered because the Pangu Protoss opened the door to the dream after coming to this world.

They opened the door and planted the eternal tree in the moonlight woodland, giving the eternal tree the right to enter and leave the dream at will.

And let the green dragon, the most humble among the Dragon families and closest to nature, guard in this dream.

The door to the amber dream is in the moonlight woodland.

Now blood clan, human clan and demon clan are looking for the entrance of amber dream.

Want to find the eternal tree first.

The life and death of the eternal tree is not only the survival of the Yumu family.

It affects the whole world.

Pangu Protoss planted the eternal tree to heal the wounds of the earth;

Now, the eternal tree has been planted on the Terran and demon territories, and even on the edge of many earth cracks in the wilderness.

It is also the eternal tree that absorbs the Qi of yin and balances the changes of heaven and earth.

Once the blood clan finds the eternal tree and destroys it

On the one hand, the whole star continent may collapse and perish;

On the other hand, even if the star continent is still stable, the Yin Qi in the earth crack will sweep out, and the world will eventually perish.

When the Yin Qi completely envelops the world, except some of the strongest can resist its erosion, others will be completely demonized

It\'s more terrible than death!

Therefore, after receiving Shen Lang\'s message from the demon temple, LAN Mengling sent the strong man of Zhuque mansion on the one hand and sent the message to the black dragon demon king on the other hand.

After the arrival of the people from the rosefinch mansion, the strong men of other great magic generals also appeared in this wilderness one after another.

Seeing Shen Lang\'s question, Yu Lingyue hurriedly said, "among the Yumu clan, except those who have entered the amber dream, only three people outside know the entrance position of the amber dream... One of them died with the blood clan by means of self explosion when fighting with the blood clan;"

"Another man was captured by the blood clan, and she didn\'t even have time to explode, but she finally erased her memory, and now her life and death are uncertain;"

"The last one is the genius of our Yumu family and the strongest one besides the eternal tree, yuchenfeng."

"Three days ago, CHENFENG led us to help the Shura and the stone people. Finally, we were scattered by the strong men of the blood family. The three of us and master Shitian fled here, but CHENFENG didn\'t know where to go..."

"I can feel that he is still alive, but his breath is very weak, just like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time."

At this point, the tears of Yu Lingyue began to fall uncontrollably.

In the eyes of the people around him, tears rolled around.