Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1072

The blood clan at the front sent out a very magnetic voice and said, "it has been controlled by our blood clan for millions of kilometers. You fools not only don\'t escape, but also delusion that we are the enemy. Don\'t you know how to write the word \'death\'?"

"Our undead Legion and Zerg Legion crush any race, and the creatures in this area will all become members of the undead Legion in a few months, and conquer the whole world under the leadership of our blood clan!"

"Why do you resist? Give up resistance and become one of our undead legions. You will have endless life and immortality!"

"You will witness all this with us and reign in the world!"

In the crowd below, a Shura woman scolded: "well, are you an idiot of the blood clan above? If such a three-year-old child can\'t cheat, you can say it?"

"Come on, you come down and become an immortal first. Let me see!"

"As long as you are willing to become a little zombie, i... I still don\'t want to, ha ha ha!"

A big man of the stone people said, "this is our home. We are different from your cowardly and evil blood family. We will never easily escape our home. We will fight to the end!"

"In order to recapture our home, we will do whatever it takes!"

"Even if you\'re scared!"

"You scum still wants to conquer the whole world? In addition to driving these undead creatures and Zerg, can you take my move?!"

Other stone people immediately shouted, and the rumbling sound was like thunder.

The blood clan was ridiculed by the Shura women and excited by the strong men of the stone people. He was calm.

He stroked his hair narcissistically, just smiled and said, "it\'s no use to resist, and it\'s no use to talk."

"Even if you don\'t meet me this time and are not pursued by me, you will be corrupted by the plague and become a member of the undead army in a short time."

"In the center of the moonlight woodland, the \'source of pain\' has been planted, and the area of millions of miles is under our control. Any race and any creature in it will eventually become a member of our undead army."

"This is your life."

Speaking of this, the blood clan\'s eyes wandered back and forth on the chest and breast of the Shura women, licked their tongue and said, "the Shura women are really gorgeous in the world. I\'m really reluctant to turn you into a member of the undead army."

"Well, that\'s the end of the chase game..."

"Leave all the Shura women, and they will become the female slaves of this seat. I want to enjoy them and finally suck their blood!"

"As for the three Yumu people, seize them, and then extract their memories to see if there is any information about the eternal tree... Hum, the cunning eternal tree doesn\'t know where to hide. It\'s unreasonable!"

"Kill all the others."

Blood clan Aino flicked his finger gently.

The undead creatures below immediately raised their heads and howled!

Among the Zerg, the three tall Mantis demons also screamed, urging the Zerg all over the sky to prepare for attack!

Neither the undead below nor the Zerg in the air are very powerful.

Most of the power is around the Lingwu realm, and a few can have the power of the Xuanwu realm.

But the strength is that there are too many people to kill!

And the surrounded group of people, after many wars, are about to run out of oil and the lamp is dry

At this time, as soon as the undead and the Zerg moved, everyone was nervous again!

"Stone sky! After I break, you take them first!" the quasi emperor Wujing strongman of the Shura family shouted violently.

In an instant, the face of the strong Shura people was filled with strange lines, and on his body, there was a green flame spreading, which was extremely terrible!

At the same time, his breath soared wildly!

The strong man of Shura family is actually preparing to use the secret method of burning life and wants to forcibly improve his cultivation!


Among the Shura crowd, those women shouted madly.


Shi Tianmu\'s canthus were about to crack and burst into a roar.

Although reluctantly, ah Xiu has begun to urge the secret method. Shi Tian has no choice but to wave his big hand and wrap everyone in a circle of gray strength, so he is ready to rush out of the Siege!

"Shura\'s\' degenerate secret method \'? Hum! What about the degenerate secret method? Even if you raise your cultivation to a higher level, you have only one way to die!" the blood clan Ainuo said with a sneer.

"Once this secret method is urged, you will die without a place to bury yourself, and your soul will fall into the nine netherworld prison forever!"

"Do you think you can save them by sacrificing yourself? Joke!"

Just at this time

A knife light like lightning burst out in the distant sky!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The unparalleled sword light passed through layers of Zerg, and then a knife fell on Ashu\'s back, who was urging the secret method!

This knife is too fast, too fierce.

Soon, Ashu and Shitian, the two strong quasi emperor martial mirrors, didn\'t react!


Ah Xiu, who was unable to prevent, was blown to blood by this knife!

The secret method that was just urging was interrupted in an instant!

Ah Xiu screamed, like a meteorite, falling towards the undead Legion below!


The strong men of Shura and stone people screamed repeatedly.

Shi Tian quickly poked out one hand and turned into a huge light palm. He picked up ah Xiu with one hand.

The blood clan three were also stunned.

I didn\'t understand who was killed on the way?

It seems to stop ah Xiu from continuing to urge the secret method, but this knife really hurt ah Xiu?

"His soul may fall into the nine netherworld prison forever. Where does your soul go?"

A chilly voice came from the distant sky.

Without waiting for the blood clan Aino to speak, the endless fire suddenly appeared!

Above the sky, a huge palm made of red flame pressed down like a mountain!

The palm of the hand was printed in the air, almost covering an area of 500 miles!

All undead creatures, all Zerg, are shrouded in it!

This is not the most frightening

The most frightening thing is the fire, not an ordinary flame!

This is the red flame!

It is the rosefinch fire that burns all things!

Even most of the people present could not recognize the rosefinch\'s divine fire.

However, everyone can clearly feel the destructive breath and terror from the rosefinch fire!

As soon as this palm is printed, whether blood clan, undead, or Zerg, and the group of people pursued and killed, they are all imprisoned in an instant and can\'t move at all!

This palm seems to destroy all the living creatures here!


The strong man of the blood clan screamed, and his whole body exploded and turned into thousands of bloody bats.

However, the proud escape method of the blood clan is useless under the palm of the rosefinch divine fire

All the blood bats who wanted to escape from the sky burst into blood before they really met the rapidly pressing palm.

Then, it was burned by the rosefinch fire in an instant!


Keep pressing down quickly without stopping!

The Zerg infected with a little rosefinch fire immediately burned up and turned into ashes in an instant!

The huge palm was so powerful and fast.

Just as soon as it appeared and just landed, it was like a palm slapping on one side of the water, forming an elliptical upward air wave, which was spectacular!

All Zerg are burned directly into nothingness!

The endless undead creatures below were crushed to ashes by this huge pressure before they were contaminated with the rosefinch fire!

All this is a long story. In fact, it is just a matter between electricity, light and flint.

Under this terrible pressure, Shi Tian and injured ah Xiu shot at the same time!

"Lingyan cage!"

"Shura barrier!"

Taking the stone sky as the center, huge rocks emerge out of thin air, and then they are piled up, forming an airtight cage to protect all these people!

The spirit rock cage is indestructible. It was originally used to trap the enemy.

Facing the pressure brought by the terrible rosefinch divine fire palm, Shi Tian and other strong quasi emperor martial mirrors are difficult to escape, let alone move this group of people out.

So at the moment of life and death, he protected the people with this Lingyan cage.

At the same time, in the Lingyan cage, ah Xiu, who was pale and more ferocious, held up the sky with his hands and opened a barrier over his head!

This Shura barrier is similar to the "demon gate" learned by Shen Lang from the remnant soul of the abyss Lord.

It opened a door to Shura hell!

Can divert most of the enemy\'s attacks!

The two quasi emperor martial mirrors are already at the end of a powerful crossbow. Now they urge the whole body\'s spiritual power. With such a move, they are panting and will fall to the ground at any time

All the people in this Lingyan cage look like earth.

Many people even close their eyes


Not surprisingly, the loud noise after the huge palm exploded immediately.

At this moment, everyone felt the smell of death!

However, after the loud noise, ah Xiu and Shi Tian first raised their heads with wide eyes... The loud noise came, but the "spirit rock cage" and "Shura barrier" were not shaken!

No, don\'t say it\'s shaking, even if it\'s a little shaking, there\'s no shaking!

But the sound of the mountain collapse and the earth crack just now was definitely made by that palm. This is not an illusion!

Everyone heard it!

I even felt the movement of mountains and earth cracking outside!

Did the palm of his hand pass over the group and fall to the ground?


Everyone was stunned and heard a light sound. Everyone who had just fallen into darkness saw the sun again!

The spirit stone cage opened by Shi Tian seemed to be cut open by a knife, split in two towards the left and right, and then disappeared into fly ash in the air with a bang.