Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1071

Xue Shiyin was surprised, let go of her divine consciousness and felt it for a while, but she didn\'t find anything strange.

"You can\'t feel it yet, because the source of the Qi of death is very far away from here. I found it unusual because I was practicing the way of death recently and the artistic conception of death has risen to the peak of Xiaocheng."

Speaking of this, Shen Lang slowed down and stopped: "I\'ll take a good look first."

"HMM." seeing Shen Lang\'s solemn words, Xue Shiyin let go of his hand and stood next to Shen Lang with his divine sword Tianqi.

Shen Lang broke his arrogant silver eyes and began to scan ahead.

Now Shen Lang\'s mind is hundreds of times stronger than when he was in the dragon scale temple.

The broken false silver eyes, which need to be inspired by God, can observe farther, and the area they can reach is almost more than 500000 - Li.

Not only that, breaking through the false silver eyes and seeing through the essence of things is also much stronger.

With the urge of breaking false silver eyes, a map like scene immediately appeared in front of Shen Lang.

Under the gaze of broken false silver eyes, an area four hundred thousand miles away has almost been completely shrouded by the gas of death!

That large area, boundless!

How big is the area shrouded by the Qi of death? Shen Lang\'s broken silver eyes are uncertain.

But the spread is boundless. I\'m afraid it will not be less than a million - kilometers around!

According to the map left by Yu Lingfeng, more than 400000 - Li from here is the legendary moonlight forest land.

On the "map" seen by Shen Lang\'s false silver eyes, where is there any moonlight forest land!

The location of moonlight forest land is the source of the spread of death!

In the area shrouded by the Qi of death, plague is rampant, and the Qi of corpse and death are crisscrossed and driven in the air.

Not only that, in the sky over that area, under the observation of broken silver eyes, there are endless small energy fluctuations.

It\'s like

The whole air is full of death, and the whole ground is covered by dense insects or ants!

Shen Lang\'s heart sank suddenly: "something in the moonlight forest is spreading plague and death. This large area is not only covered by the gas of death, but also covered by the Zerg."

"First, use demonized demons and ghosts to attack human cities, then use this natural disaster of death to transform and control all living races, and also use this overwhelming Zerg to sweep the world... The real blood clan hides behind, and all these actions of the blood clan are completely different from those in the blood clan chaos!"

"Their strength has become stronger, and they have become more cautious and cunning!"

"Or... Are you late?"

"When Yu Lingfeng felt that the eternal tree was threatened, it\'s only a month now. How can the blood clan move so fast!"

Standing in the empty Shen wave, the strong breath on his body suddenly burst open, and he was in high spirits!

"Blood clan, damn it!" Shen Lang roared up to the sky.

Angry, unwilling

Killing is surging!

"What\'s the matter? What happened?" Xue Shiyin asked in a startled voice.

Shen Lang almost clenched his teeth and said, "the legendary place where the Yumu people live, that is, the moonlight forest land, has been destroyed."

"Centered on the moonlight forest land, the gas of death, the plague is spreading in all directions."

"There are endless Zerg in this area."

"It\'s not just the Yumu clan. I\'m afraid all the living races in this area have suffered..."

Xue Shiyin said, "how could this happen? I\'ve never heard that blood clan will control undead creatures and Zerg?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said, "Xuezu has been hiding in Xuezu mausoleum for more than a million years. No one knows what he has done and what he has become now."

"It can be predicted that the blood clan is prepared this time."

"And it was chosen when the nine stars linked the beads and the Qi of Yin emerged in the human world... If you can\'t pass this time, the star continent will perish."

Then Shen Lang turned around, looked at Xue Shiyin and said, "the next road will be extremely difficult and dangerous. My current cultivation is far from enough to deal with..."

Xue Shiyin gently shook Shen Lang\'s hand and said, "I know. I\'ll seal Tianding back to practice... But you want me to see you all the time and know what you\'re doing, okay?"

"HMM." Shen Lang nodded gently.

"Be careful yourself, don\'t take too much risks, you know?" Xue Shiyin took a deep look at Shen Lang.

Everything Shen Lang will face, xueshiyin, a quasi imperial martial mirror, can\'t help much.

Even Shen Lang can\'t do too much with his current cultivation.

But no matter what happens ahead, no matter how difficult it is ahead, Shen Lang has never retreated since he came!

Shen Lang\'s heart moved, and Feng Tianding released a white light, enveloping the sound of snow poetry.

When Xue Shiyin entered the fengtianding, Shen Lang was shrouded in a cloud of chaos and threw it out like a shell.

Shen Lang raised his speed to the limit and flew towards the area shrouded in the air of death.


Moonlight woodland, this is a mysterious place.

According to legend, this is the place where the eternal tree was born, and it is also the home of the magical race Yumu family.

Moonlight woodland hides in the wilderness, away from the secular noise.

Even away from the cruelty of the wild law of the jungle.

It is pure and peaceful. It is a safe harbor for many creatures.

It has always been a mystery for the plume family to come to this world.

The Yumu tribe is a tree man race. They are plant life in human form.

For millions of years, they have not been noticed, and no one knows why they appear in this world.

According to legend, they have been looking for the meaning of survival.

Even Shen Lang, who has the memory of the war emperor, learned from the Yuling wind outlet that the eternal tree was sown by the Pangu Protoss in order to heal the wounds of the world.

The Yumu people do not know their mission as in legend.

They know their mission very well.

They know what they were born for

So when the nine stars linked the beads, all the Yumu people left their homes and went around the world to look for the cracks in the earth.

Then the seeds of the eternal tree were sown on the edge of the crack in the earth.

This is a race that should have been remembered by thousands of races, remembered by all creatures and respected by all creatures.

When the dust of time annihilates everything, when the dark clouds of the world dissipate, when the world returns to peace

Their names should be spread in the long river of years!

Their stories should be respected by hundreds of millions of creatures!

We should not forget that there was such an ethnic group

They stand tall between heaven and earth, exhausting their last strength for the world!

And it is such a race, such an eternal tree, that has suffered the disaster of destruction when countless people are unaware of it!

When Shen Lang arrived at the edge of the area shrouded by the gas of death, uncontrollable anger erupted again!

The beautiful place in the legend, the pure and peaceful place, has completely become a place of plague!

The land here is barren, shrouded in clouds, and the whole world becomes extremely dark.

The air was filled with poisonous fog and dead gas, and animals and plants became dirty and corrupt.

The forest has been corrupted, the earth has been eroded, and the mountains and rivers have become like demons

This is a frightening, dark place.

Zombies, skeleton soldiers, gargoyles, ghosts and fear banshees without independent consciousness occupy all areas.

There are ruins everywhere and undead creatures everywhere.

These undead creatures are also called undead creatures. Most of them are slow and lack self-awareness.

Strictly speaking, they are all dead.

Just walking dead, no soul, no fear.

Neither ghosts like the ghost King nor zombies like Duanmu evil brothers with joys and sorrows.

This is a special form of life produced by the nostalgia of the living before death and the deep grievances that cannot be resolved.

The natural disaster of death is still further corrupting the world.

Transform the creatures in it into undead.

Shen Lang stood on the edge and looked forward quietly.

The evil shadow has swallowed up the horizon.

This land has been cursed

"Click, click, click..."

Walking slowly in the world shrouded by the natural disaster of death, stepping over the edge of a pile of white bones, Shen Lang\'s fingers clattered.

Just then, Shen Lang raised his head and looked at the distant sky.

In the distant sky, there are large tracts of magic light, accompanied by earth shaking explosions.

Shen Lang stepped forward and disappeared on the spot.

The strong mind radiated away. Before reaching the place, Shen Lang had "seen" what was happening.

It was a messy team

Among them, three of the Yumu warriors were not small wounded and were protected in the middle by all the people;

There are eight Shiren warriors who are up to one foot high and covered with fine rocks;

There are more than twenty men and women who are not very different from ordinary Terrans.

However, these men\'s and women\'s temperament is still very different from the Terran... The women among them are flirtatious and enchanting all sentient beings; Men are ugly and ferocious.

This is the legendary Shura people with beautiful women and ugly men.

The cultivation of these people is not low. The breath released from their whole body is actually above the Terran emperor\'s martial arts realm.

Two of them, Shura and Shiren, have distinct breath, and have reached the realm of the double heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing, the strong man of the human race!

But this is such a team. At this time, it floats in the air. The oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. It is at a dead end and in a mess!

Surround them

On the ground, there are endless undead creatures, including tall zombies, countless skeleton soldiers and many fear banshees;

In the air, there are grasshoppers and gargoyles;

Among those Zerg, it is clear that there are four Mantis demons with two meters of body and foot, whose breath is not inferior to that of the strong warrior mirror of the quasi emperor!

The eyes of the four Mantis demons glittered with strange light. They all held two long machetes, which were sharp and unparalleled.

In the outermost part, there are three blood families dressed in blood red cloak.

Among the three blood clans, only the one in front has the cultivation of quasi imperial martial mirror, and the two behind are just the first level of imperial martial realm.

But these countless undead creatures and Zerg are obviously driven by them and under their control!

At this time, the three people are just like watching the game between cat and mouse. They are watching all this very leisurely.