Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1070

When everyone didn\'t speak, Bai Yan didn\'t open the pot and picked up the pot. The time startled everyone present!

He saw Ouyang\'s blue waves and iron blue face and turned back.

He looked at Bai Yan as if he was going to tear Bai Yan alive!

The emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, isn\'t it easy?

Ouyang Bilang was just unhappy in his heart and didn\'t see how he acted. The terrible pressure like a mountain made Bai Yan and the people nearby sweat and tremble all over!

"Senior brother!" Sun Yangfeng was afraid that he would kill Bai Yan directly. At that time, Shen Lang knew it would be very troublesome and hurried to catch Ouyang Bilang.

"What the little girl said is also good. Since there are three array charts on it, let\'s see what kind of array chart it is first."

Thinking of Shen Lang\'s horror, Ouyang Bilang took a deep breath, subdued his anger, nodded and said, "well, let\'s take a look at this array... You taiqingzong worship Shen Lang so much, then these three arrays will be given to you taiqingzong."

This seems to be giving alms to the Taiqing emperor, but there is still a threat in giving alms.

Make it clear that you are very dissatisfied with the people of the Taiqing emperor!

A group of people of the Taiqing sect secretly complain

Dark gold level forces, who wants to be remembered by the strong emperor Wujing?

And now the main force of Taiqing sect is still guarding the earth cracks here!

If Ouyang Bilang is thinking about them, he will be wronged if he meets the abyss demon to impact the seal next time, or if the strong devil wants to fight the eternal tree, in a word, he will send the Taiqing emperor to the front line to die?

People of the Taiqing emperor also have an impulse to kill Bai Yan.

It\'s not good to be talkative at any time. Be talkative at this time!

I offended Shen Lang before. I\'m generous and don\'t have the same experience as you.

But Ouyang blue waves don\'t have the bearing of Shen waves!

Besides, I\'ve choked half to death by Shen Lang\'s words before. Are you impatient to touch this mildew?

At this time, Ouyang Bilang has raised his hand to stick one of the jade slips on his forehead

The people of the taiqingzong were just waiting for the death sentence. Don\'t mention it in their hearts;

Although the people of Ruyi Buddhism are all Buddhist monks, they all seem to smile rather than smile, and their faces are very strange.

The people of Ruyi Buddhism already know that Shen Lang sealed the crack in the land of Zichu;

Shen Lang broke the ancient strange array and seal on the dragon scale temple, and the people of Ruyi Buddha know it!

Shen Lang\'s attainments in the way of array are most clear to Ruyi Buddha sect. However, at the moment, they are all ready to see Ouyang Bilang\'s jokes!

Ouyang Bilang proudly pasted a jade slip on his forehead and was about to laugh at it

In the eyes of everyone, Ouyang Bilang\'s smile suddenly stopped.

The elated smile was so stiff on his face.

The whole person was motionless and kept the posture of sticking the jade slips on his forehead.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Ouyang Bilang\'s forehead

For a while, Ouyang Bilang\'s hand just came down and found the ancestor of Taiqing in the crowd.

Feng wupian was frightened at this time. When he saw Ouyang Bilang looking at him, his face stepped down... The disaster caused by Bai Yan has hurt the whole Taiqing sect!

You see, Ouyang Bilang really wants to settle accounts with our taiqingzong!

It\'s over, it\'s over

The cold sweat on Feng wupian\'s face came down.


Ouyang Bilang slapped fengwupian gently and said politely, "well... Wupian, you and your master grew up watching me. I had a good relationship with your Shizu, didn\'t I?"

"Ah? Oh!" Feng wupian was stunned and completely confused about the situation.

Ouyang Bilang, the old monster, wants to settle accounts with taiqingzong. Shouldn\'t it be cynical and even use some small hands to suppress us and make a fool of us?

Why are you so polite, and it\'s about our teacher respecting our ancestors?

It\'s not that I don\'t understand. The world changes fast.

Ouyang Bilang\'s face piled up a smile, from an old devil who frightened the people of taiqingzong to a kind and kind elder.

He gently patted fengwupian\'s shoulder, like an elder who saw an old friend and descendant he hadn\'t seen for many years. With a little emotion, a little sigh and a little discussion tone, he said, "wupian, how about we discuss?"

Feng wupian began to wipe his sweat again: "what... What discussion? Sir, if you have anything, just tell me. Feng wupian will go through fire and water!"

Ouyang Bilang was very satisfied with Feng wupian\'s attitude, and his smile became more brilliant: "didn\'t I just say to give you these three arrays?"

"I mean... Otherwise, I\'ll take out three taixuan pills, three Mingxin sword sect\'s supreme sword skills, plus ten imperial instruments of more than four grades. How about exchanging these three arrays with you?"

"..." everyone in the Taiqing emperor was stunned.

The picture changed so fast that the people of taiqingzong didn\'t react!

Isn\'t Ouyang Bilang trying to deal with the Taiqing emperor?

Don\'t you despise Shen Lang\'s three array charts, disdain to use them, and want to throw them to the Taiqing emperor?

How dare you use this tone and take out so many treasures to exchange this array with the Taiqing emperor?

Is that the array

Everyone understood at once!

A group of monks from Ruyi Buddha sect, who knew this early on, turned their eyes together.

Feng wupian shivered and said, "you don\'t have to change it with us. After all, the sentence given to us is a joke..."

This Feng wupian is also crafty. As soon as he said that, he immediately reacted, and added a sentence: "just rub another copy directly."

It can make Ouyang Bilang eat his words and fat, and then take out a lot of babies to redeem them. Idiots know that the three arrays must be crying ghosts and gods.

Feng wupian put forward the simplest method, and then rubbing a copy!

Ouyang Bilang shook his head and said, "no, I want to rub it, but Shen Lang added a ban on it. Not only can it not be rubbed, but the array still shows in stages..."

"Now what I see is only a small part. When I use this small part when arranging the array, the rest will appear one after another."

"To get this complete array, only a number of array masters can work together and study it from beginning to end when arranging, so as to record it and combine it with memory."

"Wupian, I watched you grow up..." Ouyang Bilang repeated this sentence: "I have taken good care of you taiqingzong these years. You can\'t refuse me in old love."

"I won\'t hide it from you. These three arrays are ancient strange arrays. I haven\'t even seen them. They are an ancient strange array integrating attack and defense!"

Ouyang blue wave\'s trembling voice frightened even sun Yangfeng on the side.

"You see, I\'ve taken out taixuan pill, skills and imperial instruments." Ouyang Bilang knew that iron should be made while it was hot.

In order to get the picture of Shen Lang, the strong Emperor Wu Jing, who just ignored it, interpreted "shameless" incisively and vividly.

Everyone present was petrified.


When there is a lot of noise in the valley, Shen Lang and Xue Shiyin have gone to the depths of the Western wasteland.

The western wilderness is so large that many people are poor that they can\'t explore one percent in their life.

It is covered by a large area of primitive dense forest, with thousands of ancient trees intertwined and ten thousand old vines wrapped around.

In the rolling large mountains, countless terrible smells burst out and were in danger.

Shen Lang thought duanmuzheng\'s speed was too slow. He urged his spiritual power to fly with snow poetry.

It took several days to push more than 270000 miles into the depths of the western wilderness.

In this position, the bad environment is completely reflected.

Even if the snow poetry sound will bring the five Heaven breath of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror to the outside, there are still powerful monsters roaring up to the sky from time to time.

These roaring and roaring voices pierce the golden crack stone and tear the clouds!

On the sky, a ferocious and terrible Luan began to appear, and they jumped at Shen Lang bravely and fearlessly.

These ancient Da Luan\'s wings spread out for a hundred meters, and their claws tore gold and cracked jade. They were fierce and boundless, and captured people\'s soul.

Many of the ancient Da Luan\'s strength was not inferior to the strong ones in the middle and late period of the human emperor\'s martial arts.

But it is not like the general shape of ordinary demon clan, and its intelligence is not very high.

However, these ancient luans are powerful. It\'s not high enough to show off their authority in front of Shen Lang.

With the knife light, the blood light blooms!

No matter how powerful the attacked Da Luan is and how strong his body is, without exception, he is separated from it and cut in half.

Just at the moment when the body of Da Luan was divided into two, its ferocious demon crystal had been instantly absorbed by Shen Lang.

When the demon bird fell down, Shen Lang and others had already disappeared in the distance.

Where Shen Lang and his wife passed by, they often had blood flying and feathers floating in disorder. They had a feeling of "chicken flying and dog jumping".

Xue Shiyin was held by Shen Lang and flew in the wind. Listening to Shen Lang humming a small song, he made a laugh like a mountain stream and a clear spring from time to time.

This kind of scene, which only existed when I dreamed before, makes Xue Shiyin feel very satisfied and comfortable.

If she could, she wanted time to stop.

They hold hands forever

However, this kind of thing is to think about it.

Jingle\'s thing is that snow poetry can\'t be avoided, and it\'s also a barrier in the past.

How can we find Dingdang, how to face it after finding it, and how to deal with the messy relationship between them? These things are already done if you don\'t want to. Thinking about them makes Xue Shiyin feel heavy.

"But that\'s enough..."

Xue Shiyin turned her head and looked at Shen Lang with endless affection and endless love in her eyes.

However, at this look, Xue Shiyin was slightly stunned.

Shen Lang, who was just humming a little song, looked unusually dignified at this time.

"What\'s the matter?" Xue Shiyin held Shen Lang\'s hand tightly.

Shen Lang said cautiously, "suddenly, there is a very ominous feeling. There is a faint air of death in this wild and abundant vitality."