Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1069

There is a big gap between the cultivation of "law" and "body".

So big that even if Shen Lang has the memory of the war emperor, he can\'t catch up with the strengthening of the chaotic God body.

Of course, in addition to the speed of cultivation, Shen Lang obtained the power of gods and Demons and Yuan power fragments in the dragon scale temple, which is also a very important reason.

But the advantages of chaos God are very obvious.

In the past, increasing strength mainly depended on forging, and then increasing the number of ten divine beast particles.

Now, the increase in the number of ten divine beast particles still plays an important role in cultivation, but the most important thing is to enhance each ten divine beast particle!

The ten divine beasts have the feeling of being a living body and can become stronger by themselves. This is different from separation, that is, they lack a little sense of autonomy.

Shen Lang is almost sure and can clearly feel that once the chaotic divine body reaches a certain level, any of the ten divine animal particles can become an avatar!

Shen Lang can\'t figure out which level to reach.

Maybe you can get one or two drops of divine beast blood essence?

Maybe you can reach it after hitting the imperial martial mirror?

No matter when it is reached, once all cells in the body turn into ten divine beast particles and grow and grow, then

Shen Lang will have hundreds of millions of people!

This hundred million split may be a long time later than the ten Yuan government split, but this incomparable gap in quantity can not help but make Shen Lang excited!

"Instead of wasting time, energy and energy to grow the Shiyuan mansion, it\'s better to import all the energy in the Shiyuan mansion into the chaotic divine body! In the future, focus on the development of the chaotic divine body, open up the world in the Taiji diagram and develop the way of heaven!"

Shen Lang finally made a choice and chose the direction of cultivation.

When practicing, you go to a fork in the road, which will confuse many strong people.

This choice is also very important for future development.

As soon as this problem was solved, Shen Lang felt refreshed. With a little step, he immediately came out of the seal of the earth crack.

With his right hand raised, three jade slips flew towards Ouyang blue waves.

"Inside one of the jade slips is an array that seals the cracks in the earth; the other two are a large array that integrates attack and defense and can be superimposed." Shen Lang said faintly: "first remove the seal of the cracks in the earth and seal it again according to the arrangement on the jade slips."

"When it\'s finished, stack the large array of the other two jade slips around the seal. There are tens of thousands of strong people to maintain the large array, and there are strong emperor Wujing to take charge. Even if the abyss lord appears, it can be blasted into slag!"

"If people in the evil way dare to commit it again, the big array can transform freely in the protection and killing array, and kill them all!"

Then, Shen Lang ignored Ouyang Bilang\'s expression of falling down, took out a thing and threw it at random.

This is a Vajra demon subduing pestle that releases surging Buddha power.

One end is like a Vajra pestle, the other end is triangular and pointed, and there are three Buddha heads in the middle as handles, one laughing, one angry and one scolding.

Vajra demon subduing pestle is a common magic weapon in Buddhism. It is used to subdue evil spirits and has powerful magic power.

The one Shen Lang threw to luanlai has no surprising shape.

But the release of the towering Buddha power surprised a group of Ruyi Buddhists!

"This is from the yumudong blessed land. After thinking about it, you are the only one who is most suitable. Take it and use it well. When you meet the enemy next time, beat it hard!"

With these words, Shen Lang smiled and raised his hand towards Xue Shiyin.

Xue Shiyin smiled and took Shen Lang\'s hand two steps forward.

Holding hands, they waved to the crowd and walked in vain.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have something important to go to the depths of the wilderness. I\'ll see you later."

Monk Bu se ran out: "shishuzu, don\'t go, there\'s me? There\'s me!"

Master headroom also ran out: "Oh, don\'t go yet. I\'ll tell you about the Xingyue Bodhi beads... Young people today are so impatient!"

But when the sound reverberated in the valley of poverty, the poetry of Shen wave and snow had disappeared in the air.

Master Jingkong had no choice but to urge his mind to catch up with Shen Lang: "Shen Lang, the star moon Bodhi beads on your body are not ordinary Buddhist beads, but boneless relics from the Buddha."

"The outer layer of the package is a seal. It is sealed by the strong man of the legendary sect and the Buddha sect. If you can untie the seal, this Buddha bead can destroy the sky and the earth!"

"All evils do not invade, and all demons retreat!"


Shen Lang, who took Xue Shiyin\'s hand and went away, was stunned: "Buddha\'s boneless relic? It seems to have been said, but I checked it once before and found no abnormality. Unexpectedly, it was sealed by the peerless strong man of douzhan Buddhism?"

Soon, Shen Lang\'s eyes were clear: "the boneless relic from the Buddha world, doesn\'t it mean that the boneless relic contains... Also divine power!"

"What\'s the matter?" Xue Shiyin was held by Shen Lang and always dared not look at him.

But seeing Shen Lang\'s moving face, I couldn\'t help asking.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "master Jingkong told me a secret about the Buddha beads. I have to study it later."


Near the earth crack.

Taiqingzong\'s Bai Yandu said, "Alas, such a handsome and powerful genius, I can only hope to quench my thirst. Old innocence is unfair. Why should he like men? If he likes women, maybe I still have a chance..."

A group of women around felt the same and nodded one after another.

This is a young hero, a peerless genius, but he likes men. It\'s really unreasonable!

In the crowd, he put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, it\'s people\'s choice to like men or women. We should respect everyone\'s choice. You are all strong, so why look at it from such a secular perspective?"

"That one is gorgeous, but he is not inferior to any woman."


Before people could react, master headroom knocked on the disorderly head with a burst of chestnuts: "bastard, you don\'t think you\'re disorderly enough. Do you still want to mess around? You know that xueshiyin is a woman. Are you still pretending?"

He bared his teeth and rubbed his head vigorously and said, "this... Is just a joke to ease the atmosphere. Shizu, don\'t you think the atmosphere is too depressed now?"

"Ah? That one... Is a woman?" people immediately burst the pot.

After a long time, people\'s orientation is still normal?

"What a perfect man!" Bai Yan sighed.

When she met Shen Lang, she looked down on each other and then put all her cynicism behind her.

"Women like selective amnesia, throw away the bad things they don\'t like, and finally even believe that... Those things really haven\'t happened!" sighed Lin Yun.

Lin Yun helped Bai Yan satirize Shen Lang when he was in the broken soul mountain. They were a pair of golden girls that people envied.

But now

"You don\'t agree!" Bai Yan\'s fierce temperament revealed no doubt: "if you have one percent of Lord Shen Lang... No, one thousandth, we wouldn\'t have been nearly killed by that bastard before!"

It\'s noisy here. On the other side, Ouyang Bilang is playing with the jade slips thrown by Shen Lang.

He dared not say anything in front of Shen Lang.

As soon as Shen Lang left, Ouyang Bilang put on a mocking smile: "Shen Lang\'s talent is really unprecedented. There is no one coming after him. There is only a line to the emperor\'s martial mirror."

"But when it comes to array, he is a little too confident."

Everyone around was stunned. The noise immediately dissipated and stopped talking.

Ouyang Bilang said triumphantly, "array can\'t succeed only by talent. In addition to the guidance of famous teachers, there should also be amazing opportunities. At the same time, it also needs strong ideas and a lot of time!"

"My master is one of the best weapon refining masters of Mingxin sword sect. In the way of array, if I am the second brother of Mingxin sword sect, no one dares to be the first!"

Still no one spoke. After all, it was the emperor\'s martial mirror. Most people were unhappy and didn\'t dare to say it casually.

And Ouyang Bilang said these words, crazy is crazy, and it is indeed a fact.

Not to mention the others, sun Yangfeng, who stands beside Ouyang Bilang, is also a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, but his achievements in the way of array are probably not even one tenth of Ouyang Bilang.

Ouyang Bilang smiled and said, "don\'t think I\'m deliberately belittling Shen lang. you know, Shen Lang is only 19 years old now, not 20 years old? No matter how talented he is, even if he began to learn array from his mother, he has only studied it for 20 years."

"And I Ouyang blue waves, but I have practiced the array for more than 8000 years!"

"And my master is still a master of weapon refining!"

Ouyang Bilang gently threw the jade slips in his hand twice and continued: "the array of his jade slips should be good, but how can it be compared with the big array of my Mingxin sword sect?"

"His array is fundamentally different from the array I prepared to arrange before!"

At this time, sun Yangfeng also interrupted and said, "elder martial brother Ouyang\'s achievements in array are obvious to all. This is not empty talk."

"I think you should stop talking, senior brother. You\'d better lead everyone to finish the array first."

"If the array is rearranged, we can easily repel the abyss demons or the demon sect, even if they have any ideas!"

Ouyang Bilang nodded: "well, younger martial brother, you\'re right. Now, let\'s start the array with me!"

"I was delayed by Shen Lang for most of the day..."

People were really upset when they heard these words.

But it\'s really hard to argue with this kind of Emperor Wu Jing\'s strong man theory. In a world where the strong man is respected, even if what the Emperor Wu Jing\'s strong man says is wrong, there is an eight point reason!

Who can say no?

But there are still some lengtouqing

When the crowd turned around, Bai Yan suddenly said, "Lord Shen Lang said that even the abyss Lord is not afraid of the arrangement of the large array. Would you like to have a look at the array diagram in the jade slip first?"

A group of people of the Taiqing emperor scared half to death!

This stupid girl who doesn\'t know what to do. Can you say that?

Don\'t talk about you. Even the taiqingzong is a small ant nest in the eyes of others. You can trample it with one foot!

You want to destroy the Taiqing emperor!

Sure enough