Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1068

The edge of the earth crack.

Nine hours have passed since Shen Lang entered the earth crack seal.

Nine hours later, the frightening Qi of Yin in the cracks of the earth has completely disappeared.

In the past, the most Yin Qi was like the sea water in the sea, tumbling and billowing.

The eternal tree is a bit like the sea god needle, which plays a stable role. Unfortunately, the eternal tree was planted soon, which is too "immature".

Now, the sea has completely disappeared.

Exposed the dark abyss of cracks.

The sea, under the stunned gaze of people outside, is completely exhausted

At present, there are still Yin Qi pouring out from the cracks of the earth, but this degree of Yin Qi has maintained a balanced state under the absorption of the eternal tree.

Shen Lang opened his eyes, took a look at the crack in the earth and sighed.

With the power of Tai Chi today, it took so long to absorb the Qi of Yin.

It can be seen that there is plenty of Yin Qi in this earth crack!

In these eight hours, Shen Lang madly introduced the energy in the Tai Chi diagram and the power of gods and demons, and the breath of the whole person is also growing madly!

Before, Shen Lang was introverted, just like a boy next door.

If others are polite to him, he is also polite to others with a smile;

Only when Ouyang Bilang faced him, he showed a little spirit.

Now, because of the crazy activation of chaotic gods and the crazy expansion of chaotic gods, the breath of Shen Lang is undoubtedly exposed!

It\'s just a scabbard magic knife!

Domineering, extremely sharp!

Shen Lang\'s eyes opened. In the void in front of him, there were countless Dao Qi crisscross and hiss!

"This feeling of drinking nectar is great! As soon as the matter of moonlight forest land is solved, I\'ll run to the earth cracks everywhere! It\'s a pity to put such strong energy, ha ha!"

This time, Shen Lang not only absorbed all the Qi of Yin.

Even the life aura released by the eternal tree nearby was absorbed by Shen Lang.

This harvest is more than a hundred times greater than when the Qi of Yin was absorbed for the first time!

Shen Lang felt the condition inside his body and frowned slightly.

"I now have a great success in the Shiyuan mansion. Although the time to condense the yuan mansion is not long enough, the power in each Yuan mansion is abundant and condensed to the extreme because of the Tai Chi diagram!"

"Once the emperor\'s martial mirror is achieved, the ten yuan mansion will condense the baby again, and these ten separate bodies will be stronger than ever!"

"But in this case, we still go back to the old road of cultivation."

"Although the Shiyuan mansion is full, it is much stronger than any other martial artist, and its cultivation is much faster..."

Shen Lang once explained the cultivation of each stage when he helped the wolf members and the seven general of the Yan devil.

The cultivation of ordinary martial artists, when they arrive at the imperial martial realm, is to open up the yuan house and prepare to condense the yuan house.

Once the quasi emperor martial mirror is achieved, each yuan house opened up will share the soul of Danying, and then condense into a baby.

At that time, the warrior will have two yuan houses, so he can have two more separate bodies.

If there are three yuan houses, there will be three more separate bodies.

Moreover, this separation is completely different from the separation of ordinary Wang Wujing or those in Huangwu territory.

Generally, the separation of the king\'s martial mirror or the emperor\'s martial arts is condensed with the help of foreign objects.

Some people\'s part may be a puppet;

For example, Shen Langlong got many powerful puppets in the temple of dragon scales, so he handed them over to the members of the war wolf and asked them to finally refine these puppets into a separate body.

Some people\'s parts may be monster bodies;

For example, when the ape was very young, it was caught by people in the animal palace. Finally, it was refined by the ancestors of the animal palace to become a separate body.

If it hadn\'t been for Shen Lang, the ancestor of the animal palace was only one step away, he could occupy the body of the ape without breaking the body wilderness, and then achieve a demon body separation.

These separate bodies are supposed to borrow foreign things.

Moreover, because it is a foreign object, it is often more like a tool, subject to many restrictions, and it is impossible to achieve much in the future.

Warwolves use puppets to refine into separate bodies. At present, the strength of separate bodies is much higher than them.

However, it is very difficult to improve cultivation in the future.

When the strong came to the Huangwu territory, the Yuan government began to prepare for congealing the baby. The avatar after congealing the baby was not comparable to the puppet avatar!

The yuan mansion in the Xuanwu realm was simply used as a part to store spiritual power, just like an additional Danhai;

However, the yuan mansion at the time of Wang Wujing is a fusion of the warrior\'s understanding of the energy in the yuan mansion, which contains the warrior\'s understanding of the avenue of heaven and earth!

Huangwu territory is another combination of Danying and Yuanfu.

With the advance of time and cultivation, each yuan house began to share the soul power. At the time of final success, each yuan house was a pill baby!

The original normal cultivation path is like this

At the peak of Huangwu territory, while continuing to open up the yuan house, he began to prepare to condense the yuan house;

After breaking through the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, Ning Ying succeeded and completed it separately;

Then they can separate themselves in the body and cultivate by themselves, and the cultivation speed increases exponentially;

This separation can escape from the body and rest on some puppets or other magic weapons. It can also stay in the body until it can condense the real body

However, Shen Lang\'s accomplishments grew up when he was in the dragon scale temple. He didn\'t have time to do such a thing at all.

Now the ten yuan houses in the body were reopened in xuandaozong a few days ago.

At the time of opening up this yuan mansion, the chaotic divine body had grown to the point of the quasi emperor Wujing bachongtian.

After the emperor\'s martial arts realm, he will condense the yuan house into a baby. Any martial artist will have two choices.

The first choice is to use the strength of feeding to condense the baby and condense the baby as soon as possible;

As long as Ning Ying succeeds when he advances to the quasi emperor martial mirror, there will be several more parts. Each part can practice independently, and the speed of cultivation will increase exponentially!

Moreover, every single body will become the greatest help for practitioners.

For example, many people let their several bodies separate to cultivate the art of combined attack and array, which is unfavourable to the enemy.

The second choice is not to do anything, nor to condense the baby, so practice to the emperor\'s martial mirror;

After the emperor\'s martial mirror is advanced, the baby will be condensed. At this time, the baby will be extremely powerful and frightening!

There is even a 30% chance that this newly condensed Danying will reach an agreement with his cultivation - that is, become an emperor\'s martial mirror!

I have to say, both options are very attractive.

But the second choice is too difficult, and most martial artists are unwilling to do it.

After all, it\'s too difficult and ethereal to achieve the imperial martial mirror.

This choice must be made when they are in Huangwu territory, but in fact, many strong people in Huangwu territory can\'t advance to the quasi emperor martial mirror all their life.

Not to mention the imperial mirror.

Who is willing to wait until the emperor\'s martial mirror to condense when he can condense the separation of the yuan family and improve the cultivation speed several times?

Shen Lang made no choice.

Because Shen Lang has no chance to choose.

In the dragon scale temple, there were only two yuan houses. They had not had time to cover the heat. They turned into quasi emperor martial mirrors.

Now the emperor\'s martial mirror is in front of you and is readily available.

Shen Lang had to start thinking about the ten Yuan Fu Ning Ying.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth;

Wind, thunder, ice, yin and Yang;

If the ten yuan mansion can condense babies, any one will be an earth shaking existence.

Even the strong at the level of general Yan devil seven is three or four separate at best.

And Shen Lang, there will be ten separate bodies now!

But also after the impact of the emperor\'s martial mirror, gather again!

If you are lucky, these ten separate bodies can really achieve the emperor\'s martial mirror like the legend

This will be unprecedented!

But it didn\'t make Shen Lang happy.

It\'s like Shen Lang\'s practice of peerless Sabre skill can kill the emperor\'s martial mirror with one knife, and then he comes back to learn the long gun from the basics... It\'s a waste of time!

After all, Shen Lang is not like the original emperor of war.

The emperor of war has to master countless weapons, cultivate countless skills, ponder various side occupations and cultivate them to the peak. In Shen Lang\'s opinion, this kind of thing is really idle!

Of course, now Shen Lang knows that emperor Zhan is his own soul. Emperor Zhan does all this to lay a foundation for Shen Lang.

So it\'s in the past.

Otherwise, it\'s really full!

In the past, Shen Lang was a "double cultivation of Dharma and body".

But now the chaotic divine body has developed to this point, "body" is far superior to "law".

Moreover, Shen Lang also knows that the power of chaotic divine body is the power of God and devil at the highest level, which is chaotic divine power.

It\'s a little too late to spend time and energy to cultivate various forces in the world.

Shen Lang said in secret, "my practice of chaotic divine body is a very different way from that of this world."

"The ten divine beast particles have been activated by the blood essence of Kirin, and each one seems to have life. I can feel any movement of Kirin... Joy, bloodthirsty and irritability, and can completely control the chaotic divine power in the ten divine beast particles."

"These ten divine beast particles have really come to life. They are almost a living body. Now I\'m afraid I\'ll be divided into two parts. As long as one of the ten divine beast particles is left, I can revive!"

"Since the chaotic divine body continues, there will be hundreds of millions of separated bodies, what\'s the significance of cultivating this ten yuan house into separated bodies?"

"The great fullness of Shiyuan mansion is certainly worth looking forward to, but how can it be more powerful than chaotic gods?"

"No matter how powerful the pure spiritual power of various systems such as gold, wood, water, fire and earth is, how can it be stronger than the chaotic divine power containing the meaning of rules?"

Thinking of this, Shen Lang had to face a choice

First, choose the chaotic divine body and the ten yuan mansion to separate and practice separately. The two are irrelevant.

At that time, the ten yuan mansion will successfully condense the baby, and the cultivation speed will be increased ten times;

But this kind of cultivation is of little significance... For example, Shen Lang, when facing a powerful enemy, he rarely urges the power of the yuan house to fight the enemy.

Basically, it is to urge the power of chaotic gods to fight the enemy.

The reason is very simple, because the power of chaos God is far beyond the power of the Yuan government!

Second, we should focus on the chaotic God body, supplemented by everything else, so that the chaotic God body can absorb the power in the ten yuan mansion, and finally let the chaotic God body begin to share the power of the soul and go in the direction of hundreds of millions of people!

Focus on chaotic gods. All resources and efforts are mainly chaotic gods!