Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1067

When Shen Lang is at the edge of the crack in the earth, urging Taiji to absorb the Qi of Yin crazily

A threat he doesn\'t know is approaching rapidly.

In the void, Murong Changfeng, wearing a black robe, is walking.

Every time he stepped, he appeared dozens of miles away as if he had shrunk to an inch.

The speed is incredible!

However, this Murong Changfeng is not the other Murong Changfeng.

To be exact, this is the "shadow" of Murong Changfeng.

Prepare to go to the wilderness to find Shen Lang, and then kill Shen Lang, a possible small threat in the future!

For the sake of distinction, let\'s call him "shadow" for the time being.

The shadow and Murong as like as two peas, but the temperament is quite different.

If two people stand together, it is actually very easy to distinguish.

Murong Changfeng\'s face is like a crown of jade. He is elegant, natural and unrestrained. He has always been a calm, calm and intelligent bead in his hand;

Although the shadow looks the same as him, its eyes are fierce, domineering and evil, its killing intention is booming, and its whole body emits a dangerous smell all the time.

This has a lot to do with their cultivation skills and personality.

Shadow is the separation derived from Murong Changfeng\'s cultivation of "magic Yan formula" after he was valued by the demon king of Tianyuan.

However, Murong Changfeng\'s accomplishments are the same as this shadow.

Even in some aspects, the shadow has been stronger than Murong Changfeng, and the shadow has been independent and is not greatly controlled by Murong Changfeng.

The cultivation of the separation of other strong people not only enhances the strength of the separation, but also strengthens the self;

Murong Changfeng and shadow are just the opposite. The cultivation of shadow has little impact on Murong Changfeng, but Murong Changfeng cultivation can expand the shadow!

This is a very strange but helpless thing... Because the cultivation of "magic Yan Jue" can\'t stop at this point.

Even if Murong Changfeng stops practicing, "magic Yan formula" will run by itself, making his accomplishments stronger and stronger... And then part of his accomplishments will be transferred to the shadow!

The shadow is focused on cultivating "killing magic skill" and growing up by killing.

The goal of the shadow is to control the killing armor freely and achieve a generation of "killing Lord"!

From the very beginning, the cultivation of shadow is mainly killing.

The artistic conception is also the legendary "killing artistic conception" with strong attack power!

Moreover, the killing mood of the shadow has reached the medium-term level!

How terrible is the killing mood in the middle period?

It\'s so terrible that only one thought from him can kill all the creatures in a 5000 mile radius!

And he doesn\'t need to consume a little power!

The shadow once boasted in front of Murong Changfeng: under the emperor\'s martial mirror, he is invincible!

The mood of killing shrouded in the mid-term, and the strong of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror will not last long;

The artistic conception of killing in the mid-term converges and takes shape, which is an invincible "sword of killing"!

When the sword of killing comes out, you can\'t kill anyone!

At this time, the shadow did not deliberately release the killing intention, but the naturally dispersed killing intention still made the creatures who touched the killing intention split up.

Where the shadow flies, birds and animals within a thousand miles are trembling, trembling and afraid to move!

Wherever he flew, any creature felt that he had walked on the edge of death and saw a sea of corpses, blood and hell!

Even some strong Terrans in the big city feel the killing intention that makes people collapse. They are sweating and panting

We can see the powerful artistic conception of killing!

The arrogant posture of the shadow can be seen!

"It\'s so wild. Where can I find the boy?"

The shadow flying rapidly in the void held his chin and murmured, "yes, I said that now the strong in the western wilderness are gathered, and the blood clan and the demon general\'s house in the demon God hall will certainly have several big scuffles. When Shen Lang runs to the wilderness, he will have a round with the people of the rosefinch house at the first time."

"As long as I find the people in Zhuque mansion, I will naturally find Shen lang."

"The problem is, once I really let him meet with the people in Zhuque mansion, I won\'t have a chance to kill him!"

"Except for the abnormal right envoy, the left envoy or the right envoy are all elite. I\'m definitely not an opponent..."

"If one is not careful and is chased and killed by those women in the rosefinch house, it\'s a little uneconomical."

His eyes turned twice, and the shadow sneered: "first find the position of the people in the Zhuque mansion, and then stay on the road until Shen Lang arrives! Intercept him on the way!"

"Still wrong!"

"According to my analysis, when I came out of the Dream Star domain, Shen Lang should have rushed to the wilderness. He should meet the rosefinch house before I intercepted him!"

"It\'s really a little troublesome. It\'s so easy to kill a group of strong men in the middle and late period of Emperor Wu mirror?"

"Alas, if you had let me analyze it before, why do you have such a headache now?"

"Shen Lang, Shen Lang, my dear brother, it\'s not easy to kill you... But the people I Murong Changfeng wants to kill, you have three heads and six arms. You have to die even if you go to the ends of the earth!"

The killing intention of the shadow suddenly mentioned, like lightning, and disappeared in the distance.


Five hours have passed, and Shen Lang is still absorbing the most Yin Qi from the cracks in the earth.

The first time I did such a thing was in the state of Zichu.

At that time, Shen Lang also very carefully told the people of huanglongzong not to spread the matter.

Now Shen Lang, on the one hand, is already the left envoy of Zhuque mansion in the demon God hall. On the other hand, his cultivation has increased sharply, and he has reached the edge of the emperor\'s martial mirror.

So there are no such big concerns.

If someone really comes to the idea of "star sucking Da Fa", it depends on his ability.

"This speed is still a little too slow."

"Slow, because the Tai Chi diagram is now absorbing and refining the Qi to Yin. Maybe I\'m too anxious."

"But after absorbing the most Yin Qi, I will go to the moonlight forest immediately. The things or people I will face need strong strength to deal with."

"The power now is far from enough, far from enough!"

"I want to improve my strength as soon as possible, improve my strength as soon as possible!"

Just then, on the outskirts of the wilderness, I met the strong emperor Wujing.

If you go into the depths, not to mention the powerful monsters that are terrible, or the strong men of other races who are hostile to the human race, I\'m afraid you can scare people to death just the strong men of the blood clan and the demon temple.

Shen Lang\'s brain runs fast and quickly analyzes the advanced time!

"After absorbing the Qi of Yin, Tai Chi will be transferred to the extreme. It only takes eight days to break through the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"It only takes 30 days to advance the emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"But this is just about absorbing the energy in the Tai Chi diagram! If you absorb the energy in the Tai Chi diagram and the power of gods and Demons stored in it, the time to advance the imperial martial mirror will be shortened by more than half!"

"It only takes twelve days at most, and I can achieve the imperial martial mirror!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang laughed wildly and urged the Tai Chi diagram to run wildly.

While absorbing the Qi of Yin, he frantically releases his power to the chaotic God body!

The strong people outside the crack turned their eyes.

"You see, Shen Lang is so happy to absorb the Qi of Yin... There are such freaks and wonderful flowers in the world. If I hadn\'t seen them with my own eyes, I wouldn\'t believe it!"

"Bastard, you don\'t want to live? You say that Lord Shen Lang is a freak and a wonderful flower?"

"Well, these two words are not derogatory words for him. If you don\'t use these two words, you can\'t find another word more suitable for him."

"That\'s true... By the way, why did he suddenly burst into laughter?"

"If I can absorb the Qi of Yin, I can\'t help laughing wildly in the face of such abundant Qi of Yin."


"Shen Lang absorbs so much Yin Qi, won\'t he become a devil?"

"Who is Lord Shen Lang? How can he become a devil? So many evils can be swallowed by him. Do you see any change in him?"

"Yes, it\'s unbelievable to say that! So many evil energies, even if Magnus is not dead, this degree of evil energy added to him can make Magnus explode directly! Lord Shen Lang has not changed at all!"

The crowd kept whispering.

On the other side, Ouyang Bilang dragged his chin and said: "so much Yin Qi has been absorbed by him, he won\'t directly break through to the imperial martial mirror? This level of Yin Qi, purely from the energy point of view, already has the power of a half imperial martial mirror and a powerful one!"

"Yes, there should be such a thing in the world!"

"This freak can kill Sima Minghe of the imperial martial mirror when he is still in the quasi imperial martial mirror. If he advances to the imperial martial mirror, he doesn\'t know how powerful and terrible he can be?"

"I hope he doesn\'t hate my previous attitude!"

"Fortunately, younger martial brother sun came back in time, otherwise..."

Thinking of this, Ouyang Bilang made a cold war, then piled up a smile, gently patted sun Yangfeng on the shoulder and said to sun Yangfeng: "younger martial brother, you always wanted to borrow my \'heart of holy sword\' to practice, but at that time, your cultivation was still shallow and it was difficult to resist the supreme sword intention, so I never gave it to you."

"Hmm?" Sun Yangfeng wondered for a moment. What does it mean to talk about it at this time?

Ouyang Bilang said again, "now your cultivation is no worse than me... I have been your senior brother for so many years and haven\'t given you anything. The heart of the holy sword will be my gift and give it to you."

"What?" Sun Yangfeng was stunned again.

Soon, he saw the poetry of snow on the edge.

Thinking of Xue Shiyin and Shen Lang holding hands, sun Yangfeng immediately bristled: "shit, Ouyang Bilang, an Iron Rooster, said to give me the heart of the holy sword? He won\'t be stimulated by these two people and want to make my idea!"

"No, how can he be stimulated and change? It should be said that he used to be such a person!"

"Your grandmother seduced me with the heart of a holy sword? I\'m not Shen Lang! I only like women, I don\'t like to engage in - Ji!"