Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1066

The tree of the world is a part of Shen Lang.

Today\'s tree of the world, after absorbing a large number of powerful Danying and other energy, puts aside the mysterious functions of Taiji diagram. Simply speaking of power, its power has far exceeded that of the powerful imperial mirror.

Even the most Yin Qi that is being absorbed crazily now is basically equivalent to the power of a first-class strongman of imperial martial mirror.

If such abundant energy is absorbed, it is equivalent to receiving another simaming river.

But this is only in theory.

According to the current situation, even if the Taiji diagram absorbs the energy from ten or eight earth cracks, Shen Lang will run away later if he meets a strong man like simaming river.

If you don\'t want to run, you can only let Zuo Wentian do it again.

Shen Lang certainly doesn\'t mind having such a nanny, but the nanny can cope with Sima Minghe, the first-class strongman of imperial martial mirror, but may not be able to cope with the next situation... Next, Shen Lang will go to the moonlight forest land to face the blood clan strongman, the devil Temple strongman, and even the battle Temple strongman!

What he has to face is at least the middle period of emperor Wujing!

Any one, maybe a finger, can crush simaming River to death!

Therefore, improving his strength is what Shen Lang urgently wants to do now.

Previously, Shen Lang\'s focus was on the chaotic God.

Tai Chi diagram is completely regarded as a separate body and let it develop naturally.

Now, Tai Chi diagram has developed to a certain extent, and it\'s time to give full play to its unpredictable power

Now the fatal problem is still the problem just now. The separation is strong, but the Buddha is not so strong!

The tree of the world has indeed become very powerful. Danying, who is so powerful as the emperor\'s martial mirror, can be refined quickly.

But the tree of the world cannot be directly released against the enemy!

Shen Lang knew a fact when he used the tree of the world to capture thunder and the tree of the world to capture Tianshu

The tree of the world is the heavenly way of heaven and earth in the Tai Chi diagram. At present, we can\'t leave the Tai Chi diagram.

Once you leave the Tai Chi diagram, you will be contradicted and crushed by the power of the current world rules!

A world can only have one way of heaven!

If the Tao of heaven in the Tai Chi diagram comes out, the worst result is to be destroyed by the Tao of heaven in the world now!

So the first two times, the tree of the world just showed a branch, and the earth fell apart, and the movement was frightening.

Shen Lang occasionally thought that when he was in the dragon scale temple, there was a smell of destruction in the sky. Finally, Feng Tianding appeared and turned into two big words "Feng Tian"... Does this have anything to do with himself?

This is not Shen Lang\'s imagination.

Shen Lang can\'t help thinking like this... Because Feng Tianding is always in his knowledge of the sea, but he sees another Feng Tianding in the sky!

Until this time, Shen Lang realized that he knew that the fengtianding in the sea was not an entity.

But the projection of fengtianding!

Then the question comes again. Why should Shen Lang\'s fengtianding be sealed?

This matter is a mystery in the hearts of all the strong among the Dragon scales.

No antecedents, no consequences, no clues.

However, Feng Tianding is in Shen Lang\'s mind, and there is a way of heaven excluded from the world in the Tai Chi diagram. If Shen Lang, like others, treats the event of "Feng Tian" as a mystery that has nothing to do with himself, it would be really stupid.

First, Shen Lang used the tree of the world to capture the 99 thunder;

Later, Shen Lang used the tree of the world to capture the book of heaven;

The "closure of heaven" happened in the middle of these two things.

So can Shen Lang think so

Because Shen Lang used the tree of the world to capture the 99 lightning robbery, and made the tree of the world appear in the world, he attracted the attention of the heaven of the world!

There are ants under heaven.

The sage God King is no exception.

Once anyone is concerned about the way of heaven, there is only one result... Ashes!


Then there was "seal the sky"!

It was also because of the "closure of heaven", that Shen Lang did not attract the attention of the Tao of heaven again when he captured the book of heaven again by using the tree of the world!

"NIMA\'s, my imagination can write novels!"

Shen Lang was startled by his idea.

Immediately, Shen Lang was really shocked... In addition to his own inference, some of this idea was transmitted from the tree of the world!

"Lying trough, which means that this inference is correct?"

Shen Lang was full of excitement: "so, who controls fengtianding and Fengtian? Is it the purple robed man?"

Suddenly shook his head, Shen Lang smiled bitterly and thought: "maybe he absorbed too many demon ghosts, and his mind was a little affected... What I think now is how to use the current power of Taiji diagram, rather than thinking about purple robed people and what heaven!"

Throw away the messy thoughts in his mind, and Shen Lang\'s mind turns back.

But after this inference, Shen Lang dared not let the tree of the world leave the Tai Chi map.

It\'s a little too risky.

The so-called heaven\'s way of the world refers to the heaven\'s way of the universe, not the heaven\'s way of the star continent.

The star continent is only a chestnut in the sea relative to the universe.

In front of heaven, this is just a dust.

A moving thought, I\'m afraid even the dust doesn\'t exist

In addition to taking one breath, Shen Lang\'s palpitations turned their attention to the tree of the world.

When the tree of the world grows to a certain extent and can really evolve into a world, maybe it can be balanced with the Tiandao pit of the world now?

However, Shen Lang is too lazy to think about such illusory things, things that he can\'t do without knowing the years and months of the monkey.

What Shen Lang is thinking now is how to make use of the power of Tai Chi diagram and deal with the strong emperor\'s martial mirror!

The tree of the world cannot produce the Tai Chi diagram, but can only refine the rules of heaven and earth in the Tai Chi diagram;

"Star sucking big - Method" is also mainly used to restrain the creatures in the soul, but the effect on the creatures with flesh is not big enough;

As for the "ghost demon robbery", the power used in a short time is actually no stronger than Shen Lang\'s limit knife.

If Shen Lang has enough time to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth here and finally reach the limit of the energy ball, he can really kill the strong ones such as simaming River

The question is, Sima Minghe took the wrong medicine, which made you crazy to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and then kill him?

The period of absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth is enough for simaming River to kill Shen Lang a hundred times.

Since the development of chaotic gods, the "Youming magic robbery" created at the beginning has been a little chicken ribs.

Think about it

Shen Lang had a feeling that he had a weapon to kill the emperor\'s powerful mirror, but he couldn\'t move it!

The "nine turns of life and death Xuangong" evolved from the Tai Chi diagram, whether it is the first type of "ghost demon robbery" or the second type of "star sucking Da Fa", its pure attack power is not enough to deal with the strong emperor\'s martial mirror.

Because of the limitation of Taiji diagram, the "nine turn Xuangong of life and death", which was first created, has stagnated and has not evolved the third form.

Shen Lang\'s brain runs like a computer while opening the vortex like a black hole.

"Chaotic gods can devour the power of gods and demons, and the power of heavenly demons... Even evil energy can be absorbed without refining."

"In this way, the energy in the Tai Chi diagram is abundant to the extreme. After the refining of the Tai Chi diagram, it should be absorbed by the chaotic divine body!"

"These energies are indeed far inferior to the power of gods and Demons..."

"There is no comparison in quality, but there is an advantage in quantity!"

At the thought of this, Shen Lang\'s eyes were shining!

You know, the growth of chaotic gods now mainly depends on absorbing the power of gods and demons.

However, the power of gods and Demons obtained in the dragon scale temple is very limited.

One day it will be exhausted!

At that time, the growth of chaotic gods will stop and can no longer advance by leaps and bounds like now!

Shen Lang went into a misunderstanding before and always focused on the power of gods and demons.

I always think about how to find ways to get more power of gods and demons, but I don\'t need the terrible energy in the Tai Chi diagram!

If you can absorb this energy in the Tai Chi diagram

Even if it\'s not all, it\'s just the most Yin Qi at the crack of the earth. It\'s nothing to rush into God\'s martial mirror!

Shen Lang will do whatever he wants!

Immediately urged the Tai Chi diagram, so that the energy in the Tai Chi diagram is generally instilled into the chaotic divine body!

Sure enough!

The ten divine beast particles in the chaotic God body immediately changed!

The unicorn roared and immediately began to open his mouth and devour the surging energy!

As for the virtual shadow of other divine beasts, although it has not become alive, the speed of absorbing this energy is far from being compared with that of Kirin, but the nine divine beasts together can absorb energy half as fast as that of Kirin!

Just less than five minutes later, Shen Lang accurately calculated a little

At the same time, the chaotic divine body absorbs 1000 parts of Taiji diagram energy, which is equal to absorbing one part of the power of gods and demons.

In other words, the chaotic divine body absorbs a thousand copies of the energy of the Tai Chi diagram or one copy of the power of the gods and demons, and the final growth is the same.

That\'s a little too much.

But the key is

The power of gods and demons is used less and less. It can\'t last for a month.

The energy in the Tai Chi diagram can be supplied for a long time!


Not to mention that now it has absorbed the Danying of Sima Minghe and other strong people, and absorbed the residual souls and evil energy of hundreds of thousands of abyss demons. Now it is equivalent to the Yin Qi of a strong emperor\'s martial mirror!

Even if the Qi of Zhiyin is absorbed, isn\'t there still a yuan force fragment in the sealed Tianding?

Seeing that the ten divine beast particles are getting stronger and stronger, and the Kirin in them is becoming stronger and stronger, Shen Lang was so happy that he suddenly mentioned the speed of Tai Chi diagram releasing energy!

The operation of this Tai Chi diagram was urged to the extreme in an instant!

The surging terror energy can almost explode the strong man at the peak of the quasi emperor martial mirror!

But Shen Lang, who has a chaotic divine body, doesn\'t care!

On the contrary, I don\'t think it\'s fast enough!