Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1065

When everyone was stunned, Bai Yan suddenly came up with such a sentence.

It attracted everyone\'s attention in the past.

Taiqingzong\'s wind was cold and his eyes were round. He asked, "what\'s your name?"

Bai Yan was watched by so many people. When he saw his elders asking questions, he immediately trembled: "I... my name... My name..."

After calling for a long time, she didn\'t say her name, which made everyone around laugh angrily.

Ye Feng quickly and respectfully said, "if you return to your master, she is my little younger martial sister, Bai Yan, a disciple of Luo Linfeng."

The wind was sharp and said with a grin: "good, good! I didn\'t expect that Bai Yan could keenly notice this when everyone was shocked and couldn\'t react at all. Such mind and observation are very good! Very good!"

"Ye Feng, when things here are settled and stable, you can bring her to see me."

A crowd of taiqingzong strongmen around immediately showed envy, jealousy and hatred.

As a windy man, it seems that Ye Feng and Bai Yan are going to get an opportunity!

Ye Feng was overjoyed and said, "thank you, master!"

Bai Yan was stunned, and immediately his face was smiling.

As Bai Yan said, two hours later

When Shen Lang finally absorbed the countless demon ghosts and evil energy, he really helped luanlai and others and solved the problem of evil energy in his body.

After the evil energy entered the body, it seemed as if it had a root and tightly entangled the martial arts\' meridians and flesh.

Even the strong emperor\'s martial mirror can hardly drive the evil energy out of these people\'s bodies without effort.

How can the powerful emperor with powerful martial mirrors be willing to work hard for these people who have nothing to do with him?

Therefore, Ouyang Bilang of Mingxin sword sect just controlled the evil energy of these people in one place, so that these evil energy could not spread in a short time.

But he didn\'t help anyone and completely expel evil energy.

But Shen Lang is different.

Like the black dove voodoo or the gas of the yellow spring, this evil energy that makes all the strong people fear is just a kind of energy for him.

No threat!

Shen Lang, under everyone\'s stunned eyes, urged the star sucking Da FA, and easily absorbed all the evil energy of luanlai and others!

The evil energy that once tortured these strong people to death simply left these people\'s bodies.

Taiqingzong\'s group of injured strong people couldn\'t believe this fact until their evil energy was expelled!

At this time, Shen Lang came to the crack in the earth.

Inside the seal, at the edge of the crack, the eternal tree is thriving, absorbing the Qi of yin and releasing the aura of life.

"The eternal tree is still good. It\'s pity to see that the blood family should not have hurt the eternal tree... The eight heavenly kings came early in the morning. I hope they can protect the eternal tree and the Yumu family."

Shen Lang sighed, then looked at Ouyang Bilang and said, "open this array."

At this time, the earth cracks are almost the same as those in Zichu.

Although the eternal tree has been planted, it has not been planted for long. The balance between life aura and Zhiyin Qi has not been reached.

In that seal, the Yin Qi, like the black sea water, is constantly surging, making the sound of surging waves.

Ouyang Bilang was shocked when he heard Shen Lang\'s words: "lying in the groove, he doesn\'t want to enter the seal and absorb the Qi of yin?"

"It\'s impossible, it\'s impossible!"

"Even if it\'s the most Yin constitution of the powerful devil, he doesn\'t dare to absorb the most Yin Qi easily... It\'s not right. This boy can absorb the evil energy of the abyss devil. What\'s wrong... How can there be such a freak? I\'ve never heard of it!"

At this time, Ouyang Bilang no longer had the previous lofty attitude.

Ouyang Bilang didn\'t see the killing of simaming river.

But just now Shen Lang\'s means of absorbing demonic ghost and evil energy really frightened him.

This terrible and unreasonable thing can\'t calm his mind even if he has seen it.

Unexpectedly, Shen Lang now has the idea to fight to Yin Qi!

Strictly speaking, the blood clan that urgently wants the Qi of Zhiyin to flow out and permeate the whole world can\'t absorb the Qi of Zhiyin like the general martial arts.

This Yin Qi can only be truly utilized by thoroughly demonized creatures.

If you really want to be completely demonized, you have basically lost your intelligence and become a demon that only knows how to kill.

At present, except for some dark creatures such as abyss demons, no living species living on the surface of the earth can absorb the Qi of Yin.

Shen Lang is a Terran warrior, but now

Ouyang Bilang didn\'t dare to think any more. When he moved, he and sun Yangfeng fell to Shen Lang\'s side.

At this time, Ouyang Bilang and sun Yangfeng naturally put flattering smiles on their faces.

"Lang Shao, do you... Want to absorb the Qi of the most yin?" Ouyang Bilang couldn\'t help but asked: "but the Qi of the most Yin is too terrible, and almost all of them have been liquefied. The pressure inside the seal is great. Even if I go in with younger martial brother sun, I can\'t support it for too long."

"And once it breaks out, I\'m afraid it will be ground into powder for 5000 miles. It\'s not appropriate to rush in?"

He was unhappy if he didn\'t ask.

Whether it is the horror of the Yin Qi itself or the density of the Yin Qi contained in the earth cracks here, he is a strong emperor\'s martial mirror.

It\'s unthinkable that Shen Lang dares to touch the Yin Qi!

Even if he swallowed so much evil energy, he dared to move the most Yin Qi of this density and capacity, and he was not afraid of being supported to death?

"It doesn\'t matter." Shen Lang waved his hand and said, "if I can\'t bear it, I\'ll come out. Open the array."

Ouyang Bilang hesitated and finally opened a gap in the seal.

Frightened by Shen Lang, he has no courage to fight against Shen Lang at the bottom of his heart.

"Woo woo!"

On the seal of the earth crack, a small hole opened.

Even if a small opening is opened, there is still thunder and lightning on the small opening, which is extremely frightening.

Shen Lang\'s shoulder shook and passed directly through the thunder and lightning.

At the next moment when he stood at the edge of the earth crack, Shen Lang used that move again and began to absorb the Qi of Yin crazily, just as Ouyang Bilang thought!

Shen Lang is like a bottomless pit, absorbing the Qi of the most Yin crazily at an unimaginable speed!

The Yin Qi in the cracks of the earth here has a huge capacity and is completely like a black ocean. However, after the Shen wave urges the "star sucking Da Fa", the terrible Yin Qi is like a dam burst. Finally, there is a vent and flows madly into the vortex like a black hole!

At the same time, the space in the Tai Chi diagram is expanding madly!

Shen Lang stood quietly on the edge of the crack in the earth, opened his hands and closed his eyes.

While frantically absorbing the Qi of Yin, Shen Lang\'s mind has sunk into the Tai Chi diagram.

After coming to the wilderness

Shen Lang first killed Tuoba Xiong, Lu Ming and Qin Pei and collected their Danying;

After arriving at the despicable Valley, Shen Lang killed the abyss demon Magnus and collected his complete baby pill as quickly as possible;

After that, Zuo Wentian killed Sima Minghe, the strong emperor\'s martial mirror, and Shen Lang collected the incomplete Danying of Sima Minghe Ning;

Finally, it took several hours for Shen Lang to absorb the ghost of hundreds of thousands of abyss demons here and the evil energy that did not dissipate into the Tai Chi diagram!

These things happen in a very short time.

But in this short period of time, it is unimaginable for Taiji to absorb energy!

The absorbed pills and energy are still being refined.

Only a small part has been refined.

But the space in the Tai Chi map has expanded to 300000 square kilometers!

And it\'s still expanding wildly at an amazing speed!

If all these energies are refined, the space in the Tai Chi diagram may reach millions of square kilometers!

Shen Lang can vaguely feel that when the space in the Tai Chi map expands to one million square kilometers, it should be the time for the transformation of the Tai Chi map.

Shen Lang doesn\'t know how the Tai Chi diagram will change and what will happen.

So Shen Lang is looking forward to it.

On the other hand, counting the time, when the Tai Chi diagram degenerates, the lightning bolts hanging on the branches should also be thoroughly refined.

When we understand and control the power of robbing thunder, Shen Lang will have an unimaginable breakthrough!

Even the northern underworld polar heaven sect at that time, at best, was to guide and make use of the power of robbing thunder.

And it is not possible to control how much power to rob mines.

Now Shen Lang, once he refines the mine robbing with the help of the world tree, he will be able to control the mine robbing freely at last!

And by robbing thunder, touch the rules between heaven and earth!

At that time, how powerful will this regular destructive power be combined with chaotic divine power?

On the contrary, Shen Lang got the cause and effect source from the heavenly book. Because Shen Lang knew nothing about this thing and didn\'t know what the source was for. For the time being, he had to hand over the cause and effect source to the tree of the world and refine it slowly.


The strengthening of Taiji diagram is equal to the strengthening of another Shen wave.

Because the tree of the world in it is the separation of Shen Lang.

The tree of the world is the "way of heaven" of this world!

The way of heaven that rules everything!

Shen Lang quietly looked at the growing tree of the world, motionless.

The tree of the world is becoming taller and stronger.

By this time, this big tree and the name "tree of the world" have become more and more compatible.

Its endless roots are expanding in all directions.

The end of the root expansion is the end of the Taiji diagram space.

Once a large amount of new energy is provided, this root will continue to expand outward, open up chaos and open up space.

The whole space in the Tai Chi diagram is supported by such a tree of the world.

Tai Chi diagram has absorbed so much energy, and the tree of the world has grown to such a point, and it is still growing madly.

But strictly speaking, Shen Lang doesn\'t get much benefit from Tai Chi diagram.

This is a very strange thing.

The tree of the world is equal to Shen Lang\'s separation. The separation has become strong, but the Buddha has not benefited too much.

This is a little unreasonable.

Shen Lang is thinking about it now

PS: there was a big outbreak on the 15th, so the two chapters on the 15th will not be sent out a few minutes after 0:00, but will be sent out together with the outbreak. The outbreak occurred after 12 a.m. on January 15.

But please note that the big outbreak after 12:00 on the 15th is not a crash, because the background can\'t do this. Each chapter in the middle should be separated for a few minutes, otherwise it\'s easy to mess up the sequence. So I suggest you look after 13 o\'clock... It is conservatively estimated that there may be more than 25 chapters.

In addition: what I said earlier is so clear that it indicates the outbreak on the 15th. A few days ago, someone asked me: didn\'t you promise to break out? Why not break out? You liar! Seriously, I\'m really speechless. These people read novels at a glance and read half a line of words. Where is the fun?

Maybe you can\'t see fighting and killing every day in my novels, but I write stories that need to be read carefully and use my brain.

Whether it\'s the purple robed man, the great demon king, the beast swallowing heaven, or the warlord, in fact, there are very clear tips in front. Brothers, pay attention to the details. It\'s much better to judge the plot and the background or identity of some characters by relying on the details than if you asked me and I told you. Some brothers went to see it for the second time, and some even watched it for the third time. They all said that after watching it for the second time, they felt different. They found everything they hadn\'t noticed before... So slow down when watching. Even if you regard webwriting as instant noodles, can you eat instant noodles in a minute? At least you have to soak for three minutes and five minutes!