Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1064

Ouyang Bilang took a flag in his hand and patted it gently in his palm.

Looking down here, I was elated.

Shen Lang saw that Ouyang Bilang was taking a high attitude, as if he were the reborn parents of those injured people. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly and glanced at him.

Then Shen Lang turned around and continued to talk with Ruyi Buddha.


This time, not only Ouyang Bilang was stunned.

Most of the people present were stunned.


That\'s crazy!

How domineering!

It\'s scary enough to destroy simaming River\'s plot, provoke simaming River, and then be chased and killed by simaming river.

Now Shen Lang ignores Ouyang blue wave in front of so many people and makes Ouyang blue wave come to an end!

Ouyang Bilang talked to him, but he didn\'t bother to talk to him!

"Xiao Wang, eight eggs, dare to ignore me! How dare you think that a strong emperor martial mirror like me does not exist? Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

In front of so many people, Ouyang blue wave was so angry that he was embarrassed by Shen wave.

He is Ouyang Bilang, but the famous Imperial martial mirror strongman of Mingxin sword sect!

At any time before, he was above!

No one dares to look directly at the warrior under the emperor\'s martial mirror, and no one dares not to be respectful and trembling!

This ignorant boy is so arrogant!

Is it tolerable or intolerable?

Ouyang Bilang showed a sinister color in his eyes and said secretly, "I wanted to find an excuse to ask him for spores. Good! Very good! This boy who doesn\'t know how to die has created such an opportunity for me!"

"Now you are disrespectful to me. Isn\'t it right for me to do it to you?"

"Who else dares to gossip? Ha ha"

Ouyang Bilang laughed wildly at the bottom of his heart. The momentum climbed and swept the whole audience!

All the people present were greatly changed: "it\'s over! Shen Lang angered Ouyang Bilang. Ouyang Bilang was angry. He wanted to fight him!"

"What should I do? Shen Lang can\'t resist the strong emperor\'s martial mirror no matter how strong he is! Moreover, he seems to have used the magic Dun method that consumes cultivation before, and he just came back..."

Everyone\'s heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

Ruyi Buddha sect\'s strong people racked their brains and didn\'t come up with a good plan to deal with this matter!

Seeing Ouyang blue waves, I\'m going to get angry!

Just then!

Tired and half dead sun Yangfeng finally came back

Sun Yangfeng is also very oppressive.

As soon as Shen Lang left, he followed up with his hind feet.

As a result, the suckling force came out, but the distance between him and Shen Lang was farther and farther!

Even if you can\'t keep up with Sima Minghe, the strong emperor\'s martial mirror Kendo can\'t keep up with the speed of a quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!

If this gets out, sun Yangfeng won\'t have to come out to mix up in the future.

But Sun Yangfeng dared not get angry with Shen Lang.

It was just a short time ago, but Sun Yangfeng could see that Shen Lang was definitely not easy to provoke!

How can people who can kill simaming river be easy to mess with?

Sun Yangfeng glanced at Ouyang blue waves and said in a sullen voice, "I\'m back!"

Ouyang Bilang, who was just about to fight Shen Lang, was stunned, and his raised palm came back: "Sun Yangfeng doesn\'t say much at ordinary times. What\'s the matter today? It\'s like a big girl being turned?"

Ouyang Bilang released Shen Lang for a while, and his mind sent a message to sun Yangfeng and asked, "younger martial brother sun, what\'s the matter with you? What happened to simaming river? The little rabbit can get rid of simaming river?"

"His grandmother, the boy dared to show me his face just now! If you hadn\'t come back, I would have been ready to teach him a good lesson!"

"..." Sun Yangfeng was surprised.

Ouyang\'s blue wave breath soared. Is this going to teach Shen Lang a lesson?

Shit, you don\'t have to bother me if you want to die?

Do you know what the little evil star can do?

You still want to teach him a lesson?

Seeing that sun Yangfeng was stunned and didn\'t speak, Ouyang Bilang said again: "younger martial brother, just come back. The secret order we received is to find the spore man as soon as possible and capture all the spore men, but I had swept the dark swamp several times before. It seems that there is no smell of spore man there."

"Now the fate of spore man will fall on Shen Lang."

"I\'ll teach him a lesson later, then catch him, give him some pain, and then force him to find out the whereabouts of the spore man!"

"Hum, I don\'t believe that 100000 spore people will disappear without a trace! They must have hidden somewhere..."

Ouyang Bilang said, turned back and prepared to fight Shen Lang.


Sun Yangfeng grabbed Ouyang Bilang\'s wrist.

Moreover, the force used was quite large, and almost pulled Ouyang Bi wave, which was not reversed, staggering!

"Younger martial brother sun, what are you doing?" Ouyang Bilang was furious.

Sun Yangfeng thought aloud and said, "elder martial brother Ouyang, didn\'t you ask me a lot of questions just now? I haven\'t had time to answer."

Ouyang blue wave didn\'t fight: "it\'s troublesome to communicate with you. Say it!"

Sun Yangfeng looked at the Shen wave over there, took a deep breath and said, "simaming river was killed by Shen wave."

He didn\'t answer Ouyang Bilang\'s questions one by one.

Ouyang Bilang asked several questions, and sun Yangfeng said so.

After saying this, Ouyang Bilang shook his whole body, and the array flag in his hand fell down

"You... What did you just say?" Ouyang Bilang thought he had heard wrong.

"Sima Minghe was killed by Shen lang." Sun Yangfeng repeated again, and then said, "I\'ll forget about spore man, senior brother... Even if you want to continue looking for spore man, you have to let the elders in the clan come."

"The two of us... The two of us, we\'d better solve the problem of the crack in the earth first."

At this point, sun Yangfeng\'s mouth was bitter and his face drooped.

In the face of Sima Minghe\'s kind of devil, both of them admit counseling, which can make them feel very uncomfortable and suffocate to death.

Now, in the face of Shen Lang who hasn\'t reached the emperor\'s martial mirror, I have to admit Counseling... And I have to admit counseling!

This is crazy!

And Ouyang Bilang, staring at Sun Yangfeng blankly, didn\'t respond for half a sound.

At this time, there was movement over Shen Lang.

"Well, you guys, what can I say later? I have something urgent to do first."

Shen Lang said, moving and jumping over the center of the valley.

Broken false silver eyes immediately turned

Under the broken silver eyes, this valley is really more down than ever.

Over the whole valley, there are broken souls of some abyss demons!

At the beginning, Shen Lang was afraid of simaming River, so he used all his strength and was extremely fierce.

When the "magic knife formula" was wielded, not only the bodies of those abyss demons were blown to pieces, but also their souls became broken and scattered everywhere.

Now, in the sky over this valley, there are also areas around 500 miles, all of which are unconscious and floating residual souls.

At the same time, the ground at the place of the previous war was also corroded into a dead land by evil energy.

Endless evil energy is surging and mighty!

Surrounded by the strong here with big stones, forming a closed area.

What Shen Lang wants to see now is these evil spirits and the frightening evil power of demons!

"Fortunately, I came back in time. In more than an hour, I\'m afraid these residual souls will disappear between heaven and earth."

Shen Lang smiled. His hands seemed to embrace the whole world. He propped up and said, "suck the stars - Dharma!"

"Hoo Hoo!"

With Shen Lang as the center, a black hole like terror vortex immediately formed!

As soon as the vortex comes out, the wind is strong and the world changes color!

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, the ghost of the abyss devil scattered in the air, and the surging evil energy in the sky and underground... All surge towards the vortex like a long whale absorbing water!

"Luo, Luo, Luo..." Ouyang Bilang made a strange voice in his neck. His fingers trembled and pointed to the Shen wave in the distance, but he didn\'t even say a word!

Sun Yangfeng was swallowing saliva and wiping cold sweat.

The strong emperor\'s martial mirror was stunned by this scene, not to mention the tens of thousands of Terran martial artists in the down and out valley.

The worst of the strong in this valley are already above Wang Wujing.

How can such a strong man of cultivation not understand... Shen Lang is absorbing the ghost of the devil in the abyss and evil energy?

And that\'s the problem!

The remnant of the devil in the abyss is a combination of evil ideas. It contains only evil, killing, destruction, tyranny and many other negative energies!

This evil and evil soul, or energy, even if the strong in the imperial martial arts realm touch a little, I\'m afraid the whole person will go crazy or become possessed directly!

In the end, it may turn into a madman who can only kill!

In this valley, there were hundreds of thousands of abyss demons before!

Even those who go to the qianhun hall to be the strongest in the world dare not do such a thing!

Even if some demonic ghosts have dissipated between heaven and earth, the area where countless ghosts gather is still like a ghost area.

Before, people were still thinking of letting all the people of Ruyi Buddhism join hands to urge the Buddha to completely disperse these demonic ghosts

Shen Lang even began to absorb the ghost of these abyss demons!

And so unscrupulous!

As if a wisp of soul would not let go!

Not only that, he is also crazy to absorb demon evil energy!

Devil evil energy, that\'s the evil energy in the devil of the abyss

In the whole world, except for the abyss demons, I have never heard that anyone can absorb evil energy?

This evil energy is evil to evil and contains the will of the abyss devil. Even the strong emperor Wujing has not heard that it can absorb and transform evil energy?

Even if the strong emperor Wujing is infected with evil energy, he should try his best to expel the evil energy from his body at the first time!

Hundreds of thousands of abyss demons were killed, and almost all the evil energy left in the valley polluted that area into a sea of evil energy... Shen Lang wanted to devour all the sea of evil energy?

How could there be such a crazy and unimaginable thing in this world?

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness..."

Ruyi Buddha sect a group of strong people put their hands together and recite the Buddha\'s name.

Others fell into a dull state, looked up at the incredible scene in the air, and almost twisted their necks.

Time passed so little by little.

No one spoke.

Tens of thousands of people witnessed this incredible scene.

Even Ouyang Bilang and sun Yangfeng of emperor Wujing were shocked to lose their temper at this time.

"Since Lord Shen Lang can absorb evil energy, does that mean he can absorb the evil energy from more than 400 predecessors?"

A timid female voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, everyone\'s eyes focused on Bai Yan, a female disciple of King Wujing of the Taiqing emperor.

This Bai Yan was the one who mocked Shen Lang at the broken soul mountain that day