Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1063

Seeing master Jingkong, they were furious and couldn\'t help persuading them: "it\'s not necessary for the two Shizu. Elder martial brother Shen Lang\'s luck is amazing and he has encountered countless dangers, but both can be killed and saved from danger."

"I believe he can\'t be anything this time."

In fact, chaos is not much calmer than others.

In addition to comforting master headroom and others, he is also comforting himself.

After all, the crisis of being chased and killed by the powerful emperor\'s martial mirror is really desperate.

In the face of absolute power, any trick is a joke.

Shen Lang can\'t stop the opponent\'s move and can\'t run away. This... This is a dead end!

Master Jingkong sighed and said, "Amitabha, although it\'s the first time to see Shen Lang, Shen Lang is also a disciple of Ruyi Buddhism, and I\'m still the one who got the Buddha bead. I didn\'t expect that Ruyi Buddhism\'s disciple encountered such a crisis in front of me, but I can\'t get involved at all."

"I can only watch him being chased, alas..."

"Amitabha, Buddha bless you."

Master headroom closed his eyes and began to chant.

Seeing this, the surrounding Ruyi Buddhist disciples also sat down one by one and chanted scriptures and prayed.

The wind was biting and took a group of people to the side of luanlai, respectfully saluted and said: "Feng was ignorant. He had offended the master before, and he was really sorry to master Shen Lang and master Shen Lang... I hope you don\'t mind."

In terms of seniority, the wind is chilly, but the elder hurried to return the courtesy: "elder Feng is polite, how can the younger generation mind."

The wind sighed and whispered, "master, where are the relatives and friends of Lord Shen Lang? Is it in Tianfeng city of Zichu state?"

"My life was saved by Lord Shen Lang. I have no other ability to help him, but even if I fight my life, I must protect his relatives and friends!"

In his words, the cold wind also revealed the meaning of his heart.

Shen Lang is chased and killed by the powerful martial mirror of the demon emperor, and the people of Mingxin sword sect are unwilling to help. I\'m afraid Shen Lang is already in danger.

If you can\'t save Shen Lang, you can only help Shen Lang\'s family and friends.

There is no way

The group of people who ran on Ye Feng before also clapped their chest and talked about it.

"Yes, we must receive the relatives of Lord Shen Lang to our Taiqing emperor!"

"So many people in the Taiqing sect were saved by Lord Shen Lang, and we all owe him a life!"

"Alas, before, we didn\'t believe Ye Feng\'s words and Lord Shen Lang\'s terrible cultivation. Now we think about it, it\'s really ashamed, ashamed!"

"Anyway, we have to do something! Lord Shen Lang died for us!"

"Yes, he was chased and killed by the demon head of simaming river because he destroyed the plot of the limitless demon sect and saved us! If he hadn\'t done it, we might have become food for the devil in the abyss!"

"Alas, such a peerless genius has fallen like this. It\'s sad!"

Suddenly, a slightly lazy voice sounded in the air: "pity your sister, sigh your sister, I live well, you are crying here? Bah!"

Everyone was stunned

Immediately, everyone looked up into the air with ecstasy!

Northwest, walking with a grass and snow, who is not Shen Lang?

In addition to being slapped by Sima Minghe and several holes in his armor, Shen Lang\'s energy and spirit are in full bloom. Where can he be chased and killed?

And he has a grass in his mouth, shaking and shaking, very leisurely!

"Amitabha, shishuzu, you didn\'t hang up?"

A figure rose to the sky, hugged Shen Lang\'s thigh and cried.

This man is the dishonorable monk who swept the herb garden with Shen Lang in the dragon scale temple!

"Shit, I won\'t hang up if you hang up!" Shen Lang scolded with a smile: "I didn\'t hang up. Can you be so sad?"

Shen Lang raised his foot and kicked the monk out directly.

The crowd immediately laughed.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered here.

They all thought Shen Lang was dead. Unexpectedly, he came back unharmed

Nothing is more exciting and exciting than this kind of thing!

Even master qingkong and master Jingyuan of Ruyi Buddhism stood up with their beards cocked.

Who says the family is clean and empty?

When master Jingkong and master Jingyuan see Shen Lang coming back alive, how different can they be from the monk?

Under the leadership of luanlai, a group of people immediately flew into the air and surrounded Shen waves, one by one with great excitement.

The reaction of the crowd made Shen Lang a little moved.

On the edge of the crack in the earth, Ouyang blue waves were stunned and tongue tied.

I didn\'t understand. What\'s going on?

"The boy came back alive? He escaped from the clutches of Sima Ming River? How could it be!"

"Where\'s Sima Minghe? Where\'s younger martial brother sun?"

"It\'s incredible. It\'s impossible! A mere quasi Emperor Wu Jingwu can escape from the pursuit of simaming river?"

"Well, you should be able to find out when younger martial brother sun comes back. Don\'t worry about him for the time being."

"I heard from the taiqingzong that the boy has been to the dark swamp. Since he has come back, ask him about the spore man?"

"We have to find a way to get the spore man... Hum, sun Yangfeng and I ran here in a hurry for what? Isn\'t it the spore man?"

"If the boy takes it out obediently, it\'s all right. If he pretends to be crazy and refuses to take it out, it\'s no wonder I have to rob it!"

"Hum, a little Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect, don\'t you dare to gossip about us? These bastards ignore our existence and greet Shen Lang like a great hero returning triumphantly... If I hadn\'t been here, you would have been destroyed by the people of Wuji demon sect!"

"Shen Lang was chased by Sima Minghe before. You can\'t do anything? Don\'t you dare to fart?"

When Ouyang Bilang was in a mess and began to find an excuse to ask Shen Lang for spore people

"Amitabha, I haven\'t seen it in a year. The elder not only made great progress in cultivation, but also the spirit of the whole person has changed completely. Congratulations."

Xue Shiyin frowned and stared: "who... Who is your elder! Get out!"

Women care about age at any time.

Especially now Shen Lang is still holding Xue Shiyin\'s hand and standing side by side.

The word "senior" is old

The glare of Xue Shiyin, except for a few monks, all the people around have a feeling of moving.

Xue Shiyin is dressed up in men\'s clothes. Her accomplishments have reached the level of the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and she has learned the mysterious method of converging her breath taught by Shen Lang.

Now, if I didn\'t know her, I\'m afraid it would be difficult for even the clearance masters of Ruyi Buddhism to see that she was a daughter.

Therefore, such a big "man" looks back and smiles, frowns and sighs that thousands of people pity... It\'s terrible!

In addition to several people who knew Xue Shiyin, such as luanlai, others fought a cold war one by one.

At this time, people noticed that Shen Lang\'s five fingers and Xue Shiyin\'s five fingers were closely linked!

This discovery, someone\'s legs softened on the spot and almost ran away

In broad daylight, two big men holding hands like this is a bit shocking.

Forget it. After all, he is a great hero and genius. What does it matter if people have this hobby?

Flaws don\'t hide virtues!

It\'s a pity. If he doesn\'t like men, he can introduce his niece and sister to him!

Even if there is no niece or sister, there are many beautiful young people in the family

What a pity, what a pity!

They looked at each other and found that others had the same general ideas as themselves. They immediately sighed again and again.

Shen Lang didn\'t know that these guys thought so dirty. He patted disorderly on the shoulder and said, "I haven\'t seen you for so long. Why haven\'t you made any progress in cultivation?"

"Amitabha, I\'ve advanced from the quadruple heaven of Huangwu territory to the quintuple heaven of Huangwu territory... I\'m an ordinary person, but I can\'t compare with the pervert like senior brother." he laughed.

"Scold who is abnormal?" Shen Lang turned his white eyes and said, "are you okay? I heard you were seriously injured?"

"If elder martial brother doesn\'t come, there will be something really wrong." luanlai raised the palm of his right hand and said, "an abyss demon caught him on the shoulder. Evil can enter the body. He almost couldn\'t see elder martial brother."

"Fortunately, the two martial uncles helped me control the evil energy, and then Ouyang, the elder of Mingxin sword sect, helped me expel the evil energy to the palm of my hand. At that time, it will take a few years to expel all the evil energy."

Everyone\'s eyes fell on the disorderly palm.

I saw that the palm of my right hand was rotten, the dark green light lingered on it, and the evil breath was released. It was shocking!

Being possessed by the evil of the abyss devil is more terrible than many legendary voodoo!

The evil energy contains the evil will of the abyss devil, and the corrosivity is extremely terrible. One carelessness will spread to the whole body.

Once it erodes the heart or Danying, it will be difficult for the gods and demons to save it.

Shen Lang took a look at the disorderly palm, frowned and said, "how many people here have been hurt, and then evil can enter the body?"

The wind was biting and hurried to say, "I led more than 1000 people out of the battle array before. These more than 1000 people were basically injured, but only 432 people were evil."

"Thanks to master Ouyang of Mingxin sword sect, the evil energy in everyone\'s body was controlled and did not spread."

"Look, my Lord, these more than 400 people are gathered together. The strong people of Ruyi Buddha sect are using Buddha power to help them expel evil energy."

Shen Lang looked around in the direction of the wind. Sure enough, he saw more than 400 people sitting around, closing their eyes and practicing kung fu.

Around them, there are more people of Ruyi Buddhism, who are urging Buddha power to help these people dispel evil energy.

Over these people, the miserable dark green breath gathered into a piece, entangled with the Golden Buddha light, and the scene was terrible.

At this time, Ouyang blue waves, who had been listening to all this in the distance, knew it was time to come on stage.

Ouyang Bilang walked down slowly from the void proudly: "eh? Did you get rid of simaming river?"

"You are so talented and lucky!"

"Oh, these young people are also lucky. They are absorbed by evil energy. Even those who are strong in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor can\'t get rid of all the evil energy in their bodies. Fortunately, we arrived and helped them suppress the evil energy, otherwise... Hei hei!"