Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1062

Shen Lang stirred up the power of chaos and once again displayed the "Vientiane demon", leaving a series of residual shadows in the air and running back!

This "Vientiane demon" was originally a wonderful way to escape.

When we arrived at Shen Lang, it became a way to travel!

Fortunately, although the "Vientiane demon" consumes great divine power, it can be done for six or seven hours.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"The ghost and evil energy of those abyss demons are good things!"

"Good, I\'ve decided. When my cultivation is stronger, I\'ll go to the dark abyss, ha ha!"

Shen Lang thought of the endless abyss demons in the dark abyss, and his eyes were full of stars.

Just like the devil of the abyss thought he would see hundreds of millions of people after climbing out.


But when the speed of the sinking wave reached the extreme, it was time to rush back.

Sun Yangfeng of Mingxin sword sect over there is also chasing him.

Sun Yangfeng was annoyed while chasing: "the speed of a strong swordsman is like a sword in his hand. It\'s as fast as lightning. I didn\'t expect to be so bent today!"

"He can\'t catch up with Sima Minghe. Why can\'t he even catch up with the boy of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"Yes, the boy used the magic Dun method. Although the speed of the magic Dun method is fast, it is at the cost of wasting cultivation. Now after so long, it seems that he can\'t support it, and then he died in the hands of Sima Minghe."

"Yes, that\'s it!"

Thinking of this, sun Yangfeng\'s speed slowed down.

Anyway, it\'s just a play to show the determination of Mingxin sword sect to defend the right path.

It\'s been so far, and the boy was obviously killed. It\'s not necessary to run again.

"You\'d better go back, or you\'ll meet simaming River later. What should you do?"

"You\'re here to see a play? It\'s so counseling! As a strong Kendo, how can you say such words?"

"Said he came to save the boy? That\'s not good. I\'m afraid I can\'t afford to go away if I annoy the devil Sima Minghe!"

"The old devil advanced to the imperial martial mirror thousands of years ago, but now he is the peak of the imperial martial mirror! Moreover, the level of the heavenly spirit seal in his hand is better than the sword in my hand..."

"Well, maybe Sima Minghe is going back now. It\'s too embarrassing. Anyway, I\'m just pretending. Let\'s go back."

"It\'s not a pity that a boy suspected of Tianqing sect took the wrong medicine to provoke Sima Minghe, a great devil. If Sima Minghe was angry on my head because of him, it would be very bad."

Sun Yangfeng immediately stopped and was ready to turn around and rush back.

As soon as he turned around, he suddenly turned back

Under the cover of his mind, a black figure is flying here faster than him!

"Wocao, this... This is the boy chased and killed by Sima Minghe?!" Sun Yangfeng thought his mind was wrong.

He quickly turned around and focused on urging his mind to sweep towards Shen waves.

"Unexpectedly, it was really him!" Sun Yangfeng took a cold breath: "since he came back unharmed, what about simaming river?"

For a moment, Shen Lang had arrived.

"Oh, what a great accomplishment! You know I\'m fine in advance and are ready to go back? I admire you!"

Shen Lang just saw sun Yangfeng turn around.

Moreover, Shen Lang was also clear about the attitude and practice of Mingxin sword sect.

The people of Mingxin sword sect are still pretending when they die. How can Shen Lang not know?

Sun Yangfeng is here to see the excitement and pretend. Now he can\'t catch up, so he\'s ready to go back.

It was just seen by Shen Lang.

Although the people of Mingxin sword sect have no obligation to save Shen Lang, Shen Lang despises this kind of advice in the bottom of his heart.

Moreover, the people of the Taiqing sect clearly said that the people of the Mingxin sword sect would come in about six or seven days. Only a few hours later, these two people appeared. Why?

Do the people of Mingxin sword sect really care about the crack in the earth?

Did they know this would happen here?

Not necessarily!

The biggest possibility is that Mingxin sword sect also learned about spore man through some channel!

Mingxin sword sect also wants to touch spore people!

Otherwise, how could it be so fast and so coincidental?

Just because of this, Shen Lang didn\'t like sun Yangfeng at all.

Sun Yangfeng heard what Shen Lang said, a face of old face and a cold sneer. "What do you mean, little boy?"

Shen Lang slowed down, smiled and said, "it doesn\'t mean anything. I just want to say sorry to you... Don\'t you want to come and see if I have been killed by simaming river? I\'m really sorry to disappoint you. I\'m still alive."

When it came to the last word "little Ye", Shen Lang was very cold and passed sun Yangfeng.

If there was no conflict between the two sides and Mingxin sword sect came to guard the cracks in the earth, Shen Lang really didn\'t mind killing sun Yangfeng and taking his soul by the way!

Tai Chi map is like a bottomless pit. It needs boundless energy. Shen Lang really wants to catch some strong imperial martial mirrors and enrich the Tai Chi map. He can study it by the way!

Of course, Shen Lang\'s power can\'t kill sun Yangfeng.

But Zuo Wentian can!

Shen Lang kept on for a moment, passed sun Yangfeng, and continued to rush to the valley of poverty as fast as possible.

And here, sun Yangfeng stood on the spot

"What\'s the matter with him? The boy was chased and killed by Sima Minghe. Why did he come back unharmed?"

"Just now I sensed that there was a powerful sword Qi in the distance. Did he fight with Sima Minghe?"

"Sima Minghe doesn\'t use a knife. This boy uses a knife... But the knife in the valley of the fallen is definitely his peak. He can\'t send out this kind of knife Qi ten times and 100 times stronger than before!"

"Wait, wait, my head is a little confused... This little bastard was just laughing at me and satirizing me! And he called himself \'little master\' in front of me!"

Sun Yangfeng was furious. As soon as he raised his speed, he chased Shen Lang and shouted, "boy, stop!"


When the wind swept, Shen Lang really stopped and turned around.

"Why, do you want to do something?" Shen Lang put his hands on his chest and looked at Sun Yangfeng coldly.

This place is far away from the valley of desperation. Zuo Wentian will not be found even if he does it again.

As soon as sun Yangfeng saw Shen Lang\'s calm eyes, he burst out in his heart.

This is not normal

A quasi emperor martial mirror is a quasi emperor martial mirror no matter how powerful it is.

How can you be so calm in the face of a strong imperial mirror?

And it was chased and killed by simaming River\'s demon giant before!

Sun Yangfeng swallowed all the words that had just come to his mouth and said, "well, how\'s Sima Minghe? Aren\'t you hurt?"

This guy is also crafty.

At least a little smarter than simaming river. The conversation turns very fast!

I just wanted to deal with Shen Lang, but Shen Lang stared at me and found something wrong. I immediately became concerned about Shen Lang!

Shen Lang said with a mocking smile, "Sima Minghe? I killed him. Is there a problem?"

"..." Sun Yangfeng was stunned.

He was frightened by Shen Lang\'s stare. He said subconsciously.

I never thought I would get the answer from Shen Langkou.

I didn\'t think it would be such an answer!

Sima Minghe, he killed him!

This sentence, in sun Yangfeng\'s mind, seemed to explode thousands of angry thunder, which made his eyes black!

After being stunned for a while, sun Yangfeng wiped a cold sweat and said, "no... There\'s nothing else. Sima Minghe is a big devil of the limitless demon sect. Damn it!"

"The people of Ruyi Buddha sect are worried about you. Go back early."

Although Shen Lang\'s words are too shocking and even absurd, sun Yangfeng has believed most of them.

In fact, this kind of thing, would rather believe its existence than its absence!

Shen Lang didn\'t speak. He turned around and urged the "Vientiane demon" again. There were thousands of residual shadows in the sky, hula, heading for the valley of the fallen.

"Fortunately, I\'m smart and my head turns fast! If I had just shot him..."

Sun Yangfeng thought while wiping a cold sweat.

"There are ants under the emperor\'s martial mirror. This smelly boy just dared to ridicule me and directly provoke me. Which prospective emperor\'s martial mirror takes the wrong medicine and dares to provoke the emperor\'s martial mirror?"

"The boy provoked Sima Ming River and made Sima Ming River jump with anger. Now Sima Ming River is gone, but he lives well;"

"Then he\'s still so arrogant in front of me... Just, I\'ll continue to bear it. If this bastard really has the ability to kill Sima Minghe, don\'t I want to die?"

This cautious idea saved sun Yangfeng\'s life.

If sun Yangfeng is as furious as Sima Minghe, then he catches up and wants to deal with Shen Lang.

I\'m afraid another strong emperor\'s martial mirror will fall in the place where the bird doesn\'t shit.

It\'s not that Shen Lang is so murderous.

The problem is that the freak Zuo Wentian either doesn\'t make a move, and once he does, he will never make people lack arms and legs... Generally, he lacks a life!


Down valley.

The people of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism are busy.

At this time, all the abyss demons and dark creatures have been destroyed.

Led by Ouyang Bilang of Mingxin sword sect, they began to seal the abyss cracks again, and then clean the battlefield.

Although they are busy, everyone is still thinking about Shen Lang and worrying about Shen Lang.

The faces of each one are not very good.

Especially those of Ruyi Buddha sect.

It used to be that eminent monks in the world have no desire and no desire. Since Shen Lang happened, now they all look like angry King Kong!

Anyway, whether Shen Lang wants it or not, people of Ruyi Buddhism have long regarded him as a disciple of Ruyi Buddhism.

You know, the star moon Bodhi rosary of Ruyi Buddha is not an ordinary Buddha Rosary!

This is the "boneless relic" of the Buddha that even the legendary Buddhists envy!

It is said that the person who can make the "boneless relic" recognize the Lord will eventually become the "Buddha" who commands the Buddha sect all over the world!

And Ruyi Buddhists have seen Shen Lang\'s birth and all kinds of actions to frighten the world!

Such an amazing genius was born in the sky only a short time ago, but now he is chased and killed by the powerful martial mirror of the demon Emperor

And everyone\'s strength is low, there is no way!

It\'s really sad.

The cruelty of the law of the jungle is proclaimed incisively and vividly at this moment