Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1061

All the people were extremely disappointed in the Mingxin sword sect.

Also desperate to the extreme

Before, I watched Shen Lang be "killed" and had nothing to do;

Unexpectedly, after the arrival of Mingxin sword emperor martial mirror, I have to watch it again!

And still helpless!


Shen Lang\'s whole body was radiant, and his magic Qi surged up.

In an instant, it turned into an overwhelming magic fog!

In the magic fog, thousands of immortal lights and shadows appeared one by one, and thousands of Shen waves rushed out in all directions!

The claw of simaming river broke thousands of "Shen waves".

However, those caught and broken are all virtual shadows!

This is Shen Lang\'s magic skill from the memory of the devil, "Vientiane devil"!

As soon as the Vientiane demon was urged, countless "separated bodies" appeared.

Each one is as fast as lightning.

And every one seems to be an entity!

If Shen Lang hadn\'t had broken false silver eyes, I\'m afraid he couldn\'t have got the ghost of the devil that day!

Although this "Vientiane heavenly devil" looks very similar to the "blood escape method" of some demons in the world, there is a world difference between the two.

The exertion of "Vientiane heavenly demon" consumes much more power than "blood escape method", but it will not have any impact on the body;

The use of "blood Dun Dharma" is based on the premise of wasting cultivation.

Consuming strength and cultivating accomplishments are two different concepts.

If you consume strength, you can use pill or time to replenish it quickly;

If you have lost ten years of cultivation, you will have to practice for at least another ten years to recover.

Moreover, "Vientiane demons" spread the breath of the Buddha among all illusions, and the divine thoughts of ordinary strong people are completely indistinguishable!

Not only that, after the Vientiane demon came out, Shen Lang\'s speed was more than three times faster than before!

It is not inferior to the ordinary emperor\'s martial mirror, a strong man in the sky!

Sima Ming River in the air killed Shen Lang again and again, and was on the verge of success. At the moment, he was also very angry: "do you dare to make a fool of yourself?"

"The little rabbit has no other means. It\'s humiliating for him to use this method of hiding in front of us!"

Sima Minghe sneered and put his mind out, enveloping all Shen Lang\'s "separation".

However, the chin of Sima Ming River was about to fall off: "it\'s all entities? How can it be!"

Sima Minghe thinks he can kill Shen Lang easily;

He also thinks he is the peerless strong man of the imperial martial mirror. He pretends and doesn\'t do his best.

At this moment of stupidity, Shen Lang has flown out for more than 2000 miles, which has completely exceeded the limit of the minds of most people present!

And there are still thousands of separate bodies flying out in all directions!

"Wang Ba Dan, what kind of skill is this?" Sima Minghe roared: "little rabbit, do you think you can run?"

Regardless of anything else, Sima Minghe\'s mind locked the most powerful part of the sword and immediately chased it!

However, as soon as Sima Ming River stepped out of the hundred miles, Shen Lang stopped in the northwest and shouted, "fool, here! What are you doing there?"

Sima Ming River was so angry that his eyes were black. He screamed and chased towards the northwest!

It\'s not Shen Lang playing tricks on him. Shen Lang who just spoke is really the Buddha!

However, after such a little delay and such a long distance, the speed of Shen Lang\'s use of "Vientiane demon" is no less than that of simaming river.

After chasing and escaping, he was five thousand miles away!

All the people here are stunned.

The two men of Mingxin sword sect also have straight eyes

When Shen Lang sent out the knife there, he could almost let the strong emperor Wujing feel it. His strongest strength was to reach the peak of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing.

But that\'s the key.

No matter how high you are, you are also a quasi emperor martial mirror!

Such a boy of quasi emperor martial mirror should play Sima Minghe around?

Moreover, the speed of Mingxin sword sect is lower than that of both of them!

In addition, how could the same skill as the devil\'s blood Dun Dharma be all entities under their spiritual feelings?

"Please help my senior brother!"

He flew into the air in spite of his serious injury.

"Master... Elder martial brother?" the wind in the air was cold and stunned.

Soon, the wind was cold and the people who laughed at Ye Feng almost jumped up: "the boy in black is the disorderly elder martial brother, Shen Lang?"

Ye Feng held his head high, looked forward to himself, nodded fiercely and said, "yes, he is Lord Shen Lang!"

An eyeball suddenly fell off the ground

At this time, Ouyang Bilang pondered for a moment and said, "junior brother sun, you can catch up and have a look. If you can save the boy, you can help him."

This is just a show.

Ouyang Bilang knew that even if he joined hands with sun Yangfeng, he was not Sima Minghe\'s opponent.

If only one sun Yangfeng is sent out, how can Shen Lang be saved?

Besides, with sun Yangfeng\'s speed, how can he catch up with his boss Ma Minghe?

Sun Yangfeng also knew this, nodded and said, "OK, I\'ll catch up and have a look."

Together with the whirlwind, sun Yangfeng has chased to the northwest.

All the people present were sweating for Shen Lang, so they could only pray at the bottom of their hearts that he would escape from the clutches of simaming river.


On the other side, Sima Ming River and Shen Lang ran after each other for more than two hours.

The distance between the two sides is constantly shortening!

"Little rabbit, I see where you\'re going this time!"

Sima Minghe said fiercely, turned his wrist and took out the divine soldier "Tianling seal" that he refused to take out.

This "heavenly seal" is square, dark and inconspicuous.

But this is the humble "Tianling seal". Once Sheng pressed a strong man who had just advanced the imperial martial mirror into minced meat!

Sima Minghe was put forward by Shen Lang and had to face up to his opponent.

This time, he will never allow Shen Lang to escape again!

After catching up for another half an hour, Shen Lang will be within the scope of his attack. Simaming River can\'t wait.

He never wanted to kill anyone like that!

At this moment, the spore man was forgotten by him.

Sima Minghe had three words in his heart: "kill him!"

Time just goes by

Half an hour later, the distance between the two sides is closer again!

Sima Minghe smiled grimly and slowly raised his hand to hold the "tianlingyin" tightly: "little rabbit, your time of death is coming!"

Just then

It seems that Shen Lang knows that there is no escape. After falling into the attack range of simaming River, Shen Lang simply stopped!

"It seems that it\'s time for the magic. The Little Wang eight lambs have run out of oil and the lamp is dry. Ha ha!" Sima Minghe laughed wildly.

He didn\'t know that he was dying. He only wanted to kill Shen Lang.

Don\'t think about it. Shen Lang was slapped by him before. Why was he unharmed? Why did he come out again when he left?

Sima Minghe is aware of his rolling power and has no doubt about him.

But I don\'t know that death has come

As Shen Lang turned around, Sima Minghe was stunned.

At this time, Shen Lang stood with his hands on his back, and his eyes looked at simaming river like a sharp magic knife.

From a distance, the minds of Sima Minghe and other strong emperor Wujing were in a trance.

It seemed that what he saw was not the Shen wave that was chased and killed by him.

It\'s a magic knife!

The magic knife that destroys heaven and earth!

Moreover, Shen Lang was carrying his hands. Not only was there no panic, but also there was no sign that the oil lamp was dry.

The calm attitude and indifferent eyes are like gods and Demons overlooking all living beings!

And the momentum is still climbing wildly!

Shen Lang looked at Sima Minghe as if he were looking at a dead man

Sima Minghe panicked for no reason: "yes, what\'s going on? After a while, how did the boy\'s momentum change so much? How did he seem to have changed?"

"Such a master\'s demeanor is definitely not weaker than any strong swordsman in the world?"

"Is it the soul of a strong man attached to him? How does it make me feel frightened?"

Sima Minghe sneered: "even if the soul of a strong man is attached to him, he can\'t exert one or two of his strength! As long as he doesn\'t lose, it\'s not enough to be afraid!"

"If he had the strength to deal with me, he wouldn\'t have run away like this before!"

Sima Minghe fiercely clenched his teeth, and the heavenly seal burst out a boundless light, which was about to hit Shen Lang!


This is the sound of the long knife coming out of its sheath.

It was also the last sound heard by simaming river.

Sima Minghe didn\'t see how Shen Lang did it. A peerless Sabre light had reached his head!

He didn\'t even have time to urge the holy seal to resist!

There\'s no time to get out of the way!

No, it\'s no use even in time.

As soon as the knife light came, the surrounding space had been imprisoned!

Where is this a knife that can be issued by a strong emperor\'s martial mirror?

Unfortunately, it\'s too late for Sima Minghe to regret


Like the sound of tearing cloth.

Sima Ming River "saw" that his body separated towards the left and right sides.

The next moment, endless darkness swept over

The two halves of simaming river burst into ash!

Then, the Shen wave in the distance changed back to its original shape and ran over happily.

As soon as the "star sucking Dharma" was urged, the terrible black hole reappeared, and immediately consumed all the broken soul and blood gas of simaming river!

"Ask God, are you two?"

"I asked you to kill him, but I didn\'t let you crush his soul!"

"You wasted more than half of the power of the powerful emperor Wujing... If it wasn\'t for the star sucking power now - the Dharma is hundreds and thousands of times stronger than before, it\'s two things to say whether you can absorb the remnant soul!" Shen Lang frowned.

Zuo Wentian in Feng Tianding said, "I haven\'t shot for a long time, and I haven\'t had a body for a long time. I\'m a little rusty... I didn\'t expect this guy to be so bad."

"This guy is really terrible!"

Shen Lang was speechless: "he\'s bad, so I\'m not worse... I was chased up and down by him!"

"Forget it, go back quickly!"

"If it\'s late, the souls of hundreds of thousands of abyssal demons in the poor valley will dissipate in the air... Go back to have a big meal, ha ha!"