Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1060

Not only is the clearance master half dead.

All the people saved by Shen Lang also have very ugly faces at this time!

The life-saving benefactor was so simple that he was killed in front of them... It\'s crazy!

However, these people can\'t afford to provoke Sima Minghe, a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, or the legendary sect Wuji demon sect.

Sima Minghe insisted that this was a personal grudge and no one could do anything about him.

But Sima Minghe\'s not much better than these people.

Spore people don\'t know where they have been taken by Shen Lang, and there is no hope for the eternal tree. They wasted their mind for half a life, a joy and sorrow!

If you can, Sima Minghe really wants to save Shen Lang, and then kill, kill, and then save him!

If you don\'t torture him for thousands of years, it\'s hard to eliminate Sima Minghe\'s hatred!

And just go back like this. How can you make an assignment to zongnei?

Lu Tian, who is old and immortal, will certainly put pressure on him through this matter. At that time, his life in Wuji demon clan will be sad!

Sima Minghe turned around with an unlucky face and raised his feet to go to the dark swamp to find clues about spore man.


Sima Ming River stopped again and looked to the East.

In the eastern sky, two swords are in high spirits, and two figures like gods and demons come in vain!

"The people of Mingxin sword sect came so fast?" Sima Minghe was slightly surprised. "Do they know about spore people? The people of Mingxin sword sect also want a share?"

After feeling the breath of the two people, Sima Minghe\'s heart calmed again: "it\'s these two people. I\'m afraid of a bird!"

Those two people who came here are the strong emperor Wujing of Mingxin sword sect!

The two were just far away, and the next moment they had crossed the space and generally appeared over the valley of the fallen.

Both of them are dressed in white robes. They look like middle-aged people. They are carrying an ancient sword behind them. The whole person is like a divine sword.

"Brother Sima, long time no see." one of them arched his hand towards simaming river.

Sima Minghe said with a smile: "I haven\'t seen you for decades. Brother Lang and brother Feng are still elegant. Congratulations."

Ouyang Bilang and sun Yangfeng of Mingxin sword sect looked at simaming River and the situation below. Their faces became dignified.

Ouyang Bilang stretched out his right hand and split it at will!

Thousands of sharp and unparalleled sword Qi came out of thin air and killed all the fallen abyss demons within 500 miles!

At this time, he looked at the two strong martial mirrors of the Emperor Taizong and asked coldly, "what\'s going on?"

A strong man of the Taiqing sect immediately came forward and said in a respectful voice, "if you return to your excellency, the seal we put under the crack of the dark abyss was destroyed. The abyss demon Magnus led the demon Legion to break through the seal and want to seize the crack of the earth. We were almost drowned by this endless demon..."

"At the critical moment, a young hero suspected of Tianqing sect appeared, killed all the abyss demons with two knives and saved us."

"But without saying a word, the strong man of Wuji demon sect beat the young hero into fly ash!"

"Please make decisions for us!"

All the people below immediately shouted in unison: "please make decisions for us!"

It\'s up to you

Being a fart master, Sima Minghe looked at Ouyang Bilang like a smile.

Although the two are also the first-class strongmen of the imperial martial mirror, they have just advanced the imperial martial mirror. Compared with Sima Minghe, who advanced the imperial martial mirror more than 2000 years ago, there is a big gap.

Even if these two people work together, Sima Minghe has enough power to kill them!

Now things have been destroyed by shenlang. Originally, simaming river was gloomy and wanted to go to the dark swamp to find spore man.

But if Ouyang and Bilang really want to stand up for Shen Lang, Sima Minghe can find this excuse to beat them seriously and kill all these people below!

By the way, take the eternal tree!

Anyway, at that time, it can be said that there was a conflict and war with Mingxin sword sect, and these people were affected, so they were shattered together with the eternal tree!

At that time, how about other sects taking the limitless demon sect?

As for Mingxin sword sect, although they are legendary sect like Wuji demon sect, they are not at the same level!

I don\'t think they have the courage to fight against the limitless demon sect!

Thinking of this, Sima Minghe began to take great risks in his eyes!

His heart has begun to look forward to Ouyang Bilang\'s trouble

However, Sima Minghe can think of these things. How can Ouyang Bilang and sun Yangfeng, as emperor Wujing, not understand them?

Ouyang Bilang looked at Sima Minghe, and his killing intention became more and more prosperous. He was a little nervous, but he said calmly on his face: "brother Sima didn\'t help the human warrior deal with the abyss devil, but he killed such a young hero... But do you really want to risk the world\'s condemnation and seize the abyss crack?"

He was not stupid either. He buttoned his hat on Sima Minghe first.

Anyway, as long as it involves the earth crack, it\'s not just the matter of Mingxin sword sect.

It\'s all over the world!

Sima Minghe sneered and said, "brother Lang thinks too much. What\'s the use of this earth crack?"

"I killed the boy in black just because he killed Lu Ming, the son of our elder, purely because of personal grudges."

"Why, brother Lang means that if he can kill the people of my Wuji demon clan, can\'t I kill him?"

"You Mingxin sword sect, but you want to stand out for that boy?"

The world\'s strength is respected. Sima Minghe\'s cultivation is above Ouyang Bilang. He doesn\'t care what they dare to do to him.

Now Sima Minghe is afraid that these two people dare not stand up for Shen Lang.

Ouyang Bilang glanced at the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi sect, hesitated and said, "we won\'t get involved in personal gratitude and resentment... Our mission is to guard this crack in the earth. Brother Sima has killed his enemy now. Please."

As soon as he said this, except sun Yangfeng on the edge of Ouyang Bilang, everyone present wanted to kill Ouyang Bilang.

Of course, it refers to everyone. Of course, all of them also include simaming river.

For the people of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddha, Sima Minghe directed the whole thing and was the culprit.

Whether he almost killed everyone, or said he wanted to rob the eternal tree, or said he killed everyone\'s benefactor... Anyway, this person is damned!

Everyone wants to eat their meat and drink their blood!

It\'s not easy to come to Mingxin sword sect, two strong imperial martial mirrors, and let him go... It can make these people crazy!

Sima Minghe was also angry that the two Mingxin sword sect guys had no backbone: "he, two counsellors! Don\'t even give me a chance to get angry! I\'m so angry!"

"If you two were a little tougher, I might as well start!"

The two men agreed, but Sima Minghe didn\'t have a chance to make trouble.

Although his accomplishments are better than these two people and he is confident to hit them hard, it is not enough to kill them.

Otherwise, you don\'t have to be so troublesome. Just kill these two people first, and then destroy Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect.

"See you later!" Sima Minghe snorted coldly and turned reluctantly to go to the dark swamp.

However, Sima Ming River\'s feet suddenly stopped!

Under the cover of his mind, the smell of the boy in black, which had disappeared without a trace, appeared again!

And it\'s where the palm print is!

Sure enough, Shen Lang appeared in the sky above the palm print, smiled and said, "old devil, I\'m not dead yet. Where are you going?"

The only difference is that Shen Lang put on a terrible armor full of barbs.

But except Ouyang Bilang, everyone else knows Shen Lang and remembers his breath!

Everyone in the valley was stunned

Sima Minghe and Ouyang Bilang also stopped.

Just now, there was no breath at all. Everyone\'s mind could not feel the breath of Shen waves.

Why is this guy alive again?

It\'s just that the people in Huangwu realm or quasi emperor martial mirror don\'t notice his breath. There are three strong emperor martial mirrors on it?

At the next moment, everyone cried in the bottom of their hearts!

Ah, why is this guy so stupid?

If you don\'t shoot you, you can pretend to be dead!

You ran out to die again!

You not only ran out, but also provoked simaming river. Isn\'t this your own death?

"You him!"

Sima Minghe was angry, surprised and happy, and grabbed Shen Lang, who was more than 250 miles away!

More than 250 miles apart, a terrible claw appeared out of thin air and grabbed Shen Lang!

"Ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang laughed wildly, turned his body, and the strong breath that had converged before burst out!

"Tianfu star, open!"

The fourth star of "Nine Star Mystery", burst in an instant!

Shen Lang clenched the immortal sky knife with both hands, urged chaos\'s divine power and cut off the huge claw!

Apart from the power of the seal on the immortal heaven knife used by the blood emperor, this is the strongest knife that Shen Lang can send so far!

The speed of this knife is 100 times faster than the speed of sound!

The world shook with a knife!

In the void, a vacuum was formed around the sabre Qi, lightning and thunder!

The whole space seems to be cut

"Boom, boom!"

The immortal Tiandao, with unparalleled Dao light, accurately fell on the terrible claws of simaming river!

The endless roar continued like thunder.

The terrible claws were immediately broken, and there were shocking cracks in Shen Lang\'s armor.


Shen Lang\'s Qi and blood churned, and he couldn\'t help spewing out a mouthful of blood and flew out upside down!

"Sure enough, the gap is huge. I can\'t resist it! Let\'s go!"

Shen Lang urges life and spiritual power to run the whole body, depress the churning Qi and blood and rise in the air!

"Still want to go? Dream!"

Simaming river once caught it with one claw!

This claw is more than ten times stronger than the previous one!

"Sir, please help him!" the disorderly eyes were about to crack and roared at Ouyang Bilang.

Ouyang Bilang hesitated for a moment. Simaming River\'s claws had been caught, but where was there time?