Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1059


The terrible energy ball formed by the move of "ghost demon robbery" exploded in the deep crack of the abyss!

The whole valley shook wildly like a big earthquake!

The rocks on the surrounding cliffs kept rolling down.

In the roaring sound, the crack completely collapsed.

Countless huge rocks completely fill the crack!

And between the cracks of these rocks, there is endless chaotic energy!

Lightning and thunder will last for a long time

If an abyss demon wants to pass through this energy chaotic area, I\'m afraid it will be blasted into slag in an instant!

The "sequelae" left by the attack is almost ten times stronger than the seal placed by the four strong quasi emperor martial mirrors!

Well, there are only a bunch of completely petrified people and some abyssal demons less than one thousandth of the previous ones left in the desolate valley

Whether the strong Terran in the array or outside the array, they all stared at all this.

That\'s it?

That endless abyss demon, just dissipated like the wind?

Who is this?


Everyone opened their mouths and stared at the place where Shen waves disappeared.

Many people are still wondering if they are frightened by the devil of the abyss and have hallucinations!

Those who are stunned are not just the strong people of the Terran in the valley of poverty.

There is also Sima Minghe, the strong man of the limitless demon sect above the sky!

Sima Ming River was just trying to urge his mind to search around the dark swamp to find Shen Lang!

When he found that there was a big movement here, Shen Lang had killed the devil in the abyss.

Sima Minghe was stunned when he saw Shen Lang in black and burst out of thin air under the cover of his mind.

Just stay for a little while, a few breathing time

Magnus and the abyss demon Legion are dead!

The plan of Wuji demon sect is completely bankrupt!

"Wow, that\'s the boy in black!" Sima Ming River jumped three feet high: "bad Lao Tzu, good thing, I want you to die without a place to bury!"

Sima Minghe was so angry that he didn\'t care that many people were watching. Almost the next second after Shen Lang threw the energy ball into the crack of the abyss, and then ran out 200 meters, he took a bold shot and slapped Shen Lang!

In the dark

Two hundred and fifty miles away, a terrible fingerprint like a mountain was formed in an instant!

How terrible it is that the emperor\'s martial mirror shot in anger!

Under the "gaze" of the strong minds here, the handprint pressed down from the void and shrouded the area around shenlang for 300 miles!

Shen Lang\'s speed is fast, but it is impossible to escape from the scope covered by this terrible handprint!


The chaos in the big array here is about to crack your eyes and canthus. Drink violently!


This movement is much bigger than all the previous movements combined!

It\'s really destroying heaven and earth, destroying heaven and earth!

When the palmprint of destroying mountains was pressed down, a five finger seal with a radius of 300 miles was formed.

The mountains were shattered and the earth collapsed.

The dust all over the sky formed a huge mushroom cloud, straight into the sky!

The afterwave of terrible energy surged in all directions, destroying the withered and decaying, and generally formed a dead area in this wilderness!

This area has no vitality!


All the strong Terrans in the valley of the fallen are stunned, their blood is surging, and they are extremely fierce!

This boy is their Savior, their benefactor!

You were crushed into powder by the people of Wuji demon sect without even knowing your name?

The way of heaven is unfair!

"Why... Why?"

Everyone\'s eyes turned to Sima Minghe who appeared in the void!

However, in Sima Minghe\'s eyes, all the people who should have died are like ants. Where will he pay attention to them?

Sima Ming River\'s mind covered the area where the handprint was located, and fiercely searched for the breath of Shen waves.

This area has completely lost the smell of Shen waves.

There is no vitality at all.

In this area, whether powerful monsters or Warcraft, or weak insects, are turned into fly ash.


At this time, at the last moment, he escaped into the Shen wave of fengtianding, looked at the devastated earth outside, and giggled.

Xue Shiyin watched the whole process inside Feng Tianding before. Seeing Shen Lang coming in, she immediately screamed and rushed up, holding Shen Lang directly in her arms.

The ape, the four bone demons and duanmuzheng immediately turned around, looked at the nose, the nose and the heart.

Feeling the worry of snow poetry and embracing the snow poetry still trembling all over his body, Shen Lang felt a trace of guilt.

Although everything was carried out according to the expected plan, the scene was extremely dangerous, and anyone who saw it could not help worrying about Shen Lang.

Shen Lang patted xueshiyin on the shoulder and said, "it\'s okay, it\'s okay, everything is under my control."

Xue Shiyin raised her head, and there were two tears on her face.

Shen Lang felt distressed for a while. He raised his hand and gently wiped the tears off Xue Shiyin\'s face and said, "don\'t worry. With my current strength, even if I don\'t enter fengtianding, this palm will hurt me at most, but it\'s impossible to kill me."

"You!" Xue Shiyin said angrily for the first time, "how can you take such a big risk in the face of such a strong emperor\'s martial mirror and know that the other party will be crazy? You should enter here at the first time as soon as you kill the abyss demon."

"I know, not next time." Shen Lang pointed to the outside and said, "the old devil is angry. This palm has at least one heaven power and eight success power of emperor Wujing."

"Although I can\'t beat him, this guy\'s ability is so great that he can\'t kill me."

At this time, Sima Minghe gnashed his teeth and said, "little rabbit, it\'s cheap to kill you!"

"I should catch you first, draw your soul, refine your soul and die of torture!"

Lu Tian, the great elder of Wuji demon sect, ordered Sima Minghe to catch Shen Lang back.

On the one hand, he wanted to extract Shen Lang\'s soul, refine his soul and torture him to death in order to avenge the murder of his son;

On the other hand, the spore man is a "thing" that can almost change the fate of the limitless demon clan, and this thing will fall on Shen Lang.

But what Sima Minghe planned was made a mess by Shen Lang, and Shen Lang seemed to know his existence. As soon as he finished this kind of thing, he ran away immediately!

Sima Minghe almost didn\'t react. He couldn\'t help but slap him in anger

If this slap goes on, it\'s too late for Sima Minghe to regret.

Within a radius of 380 miles, it becomes a powder!

And the smell of Shen waves disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the clearance master of Ruyi Buddhism said loudly, "Amitabha, there is no end to the sea of suffering!"

"Master Sima and Wuji demon sect, do you really want to be enemies with hundreds of millions of creatures in the world? Do you Wuji demon sect really want to seize this crack in the earth and let the Qi of Yin permeate the world?"

Clearance\'s face is very ugly.

It\'s so ugly!

As a generation of eminent monks of Ruyi Buddha sect, this face has almost never been seen on the face of master Jingkong.

It can be seen that the bottom of Jingkong\'s heart has been extremely angry!

Shen Lang carries the "boneless relic" of Ruyi Buddhism. How can master Jingkong, the strongest of unintentional Buddhism, not feel it?

And the reaction is so big!

Others don\'t know Shen Lang\'s identity. Clearance has understood that Shen Lang is coming.

Shen Lang got the "boneless relic" and is nominally a disciple of Ruyi Buddhism.

And just killed all the abyss demons and saved so many people.

Such an evil character is destined to achieve extraordinary achievements in the future.

As a result, it was too late to stop him. He was slapped to death by Sima Minghe

Even master Jingkong, a Buddhist monk, wants to scold "fucking" now!

If you can\'t beat simaming River, I\'m afraid you\'ve rushed up and tried your best to follow simaming river!

"Hmm? Old monk, what are you talking nonsense about? Your eyes see that this seat wants to seize the cracks in the earth? Dare to slander this seat, and you Ruyi Buddha will not be afraid to annoy this seat and destroy all of you?" Sima Minghe pretended to be stupid and threatened master clearance fiercely.

The idea of cracking the earth is to be an enemy to all living races. The words of clearance are not alarmist.

Now even the demon temple has sent strong people to help guard the cracks in the earth.

In addition to blood clan and abyss demons, only those demonized dark creatures want to seize the cracks in the earth.

The clearance directly puts such a hat on simaming River and Wuji demon sect. Simaming River can\'t bear it, neither can Wuji demon sect!

If this matter is true and spread, the limitless demon sect will become the target of public criticism!

Sima Minghe\'s face was like a dye shop. He came out green and white, and said coldly, "the boy in black killed Lu Ming, the son of the great elder of the infinite demon sect. He and I are personal grudges. What\'s the matter with you? What\'s the relationship with the cracks in the earth?"

"If I kill someone, do I have to explain to you, the old monk?"

Master headroom looked solemn and looked at simaming river like this.

Sima Minghe was stunned by the old monk and said, "speaking of the cracks in the earth, hum, I just finally came here. If this boy didn\'t make a move, I would kill these abyss demons."

"It\'s ridiculous that you monk slandered us for trying to compete with you for this crack in the earth!"

"The devil can\'t bear the attack of the most Yin Qi. What\'s the use of this earth crack?"

Sima Minghe pushed it clean in a few words and brought the killing of Shen Lang to personal resentment.

And never say the eternal tree from beginning to end, pretending to know nothing.

He brazenly refused to admit it. There was no evidence here, and Shen Lang was killed by him. Rao was in such a state of mind as master Jingkong. At this time, he was very angry!