Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1058

Besieging the windy, are the three most powerful demons under Magnus!

Any one, the wind is biting, must join hands with another person in order to resist it.

Any one, I\'m afraid, has a powerful power that is not inferior to the first-class strongman of the quasi emperor martial mirror!

Now the three attacked him at the same time!

The power of this claw, the strong wind, destroys mountains and mountains!

The sharp sound of breaking the air has overwhelmed the roar of thousands of abyss demons!

All the nearby abyss demons were torn to pieces by the strong Qi, and other strong Terrans who wanted to rush over were also blocked by the strong Qi and were difficult to get close!

The huge pressure, even the wind was cold, and the surrounding air was bound.

It\'s so windy that you can\'t change and escape!

"Beast! Death will pull you on your back!"

When the wind was cold, he drank violently, and a mouthful of blood essence suddenly sprayed on the blade of the long knife.

The breath of the long sword soared, released the breath of destruction, and suddenly lifted it up, ready to die together!


"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

A sword light of equal quantity swept down obliquely from the sky!

The light of this Sabre is not very big, but the wind is cold. When the strong person of this Sabre sees the light of this sabre, he is cold and bristling all over. He feels that he will be broken into pieces!

Even if the three powerful demons attacked him together, they didn\'t make the wind feel like this!

It was the appearance of this knife that made the windy knife pause without sending it out.

Between lightning and flint, the knife light swept over three huge abyss demons at the speed of reaching the extreme!

Under the condition that many people don\'t react!

The body of the abyss devil, which is difficult to cut with the peak strength of jiuchongtian in the cold imperial martial realm, is like straw, in the sight of the wind and the people in the array

Broken into six sections!

Yes, it\'s six!

Just a knife, three abyss demons, all divided in two!

The knife light swept over the head of the wind. Although it was half a foot away, it made the wind feel like passing by the God of death!

He can clearly feel that as long as the knife light comes down another two inches, his head will fall down

The knife is coming to the extreme.

Fast to the point where the wind is cold and there is no time to dodge and resist!

"What a terrible knife! What a powerful knife!"

Surrounded by thousands of abyss demons, the wind was cold, and he was shocked by the knife that helped him. He was stiff and motionless!

At this time, both the wind and the people in the array saw the source of the light

On the cliff, a black figure was wrapped by endless thunder and lightning and fell down at an unimaginable speed!

The terrible force of thunder on the black figure made all the abyss demons look up at this moment!

The scene of the war also stopped for it.

In a twinkling of an eye, the black figure, which was so fast that people couldn\'t see clearly, fell towards the middle of the devil like a meteorite hitting a planet!


The figure fell on its feet like a giant!

With this figure as the center, a circle of shock waves with extreme terror swept away in all directions!

Where the shock wave passed, all the abyss demons were blown to pieces!

No one was spared!

In the dense abyss demons, a huge circle with a diameter of 60 Li immediately appeared.

The circle is not deep, but it seems to be cut with a knife. It is incomparably smooth.

And within the scope of this circle, the devil of the abyss turns into ashes, and there is no living mouth!

It was at this time that people saw the man clearly

He\'s a boy in black!

The boy in black is Shen Lang naturally.

People almost had no time to be surprised or cheer. They saw that the boy in black suddenly turned crazy like a whirlwind!

"Water magic knife, split the sea and break the sky!"

As if the voice from the demon God of the nine netherworld prison echoed in the valley.

Although the voice is young, it is extremely overbearing!

The next second, a knife light that seemed to cut through the sky condensed into shape.

Towards the crack of the abyss, cut down suddenly!


A knife out, ghosts and gods surprised!

Heaven and earth turn pale!

Between the earth and the mountains, a grand canyon more than 300 miles long and 50 miles wide was formed in an instant.

Start from the boy\'s position and go straight to the crack of the abyss!

All the abyss demons in the Grand Canyon turned into ashes, and all the abyss demons stained with this knife gas turned into fragments in the area extending 50 miles from both sides of the Grand Canyon!

Blood burst out, stumps and broken arms piled up into a mountain!

The terrible sword is intended to remain on the court after the light of the sword dissipates. It continues to harvest the lives of the demons in the abyss.

Some abyss demons with higher intelligence rushed towards the periphery madly and wanted to escape here!


The young man in the air waved a knife, didn\'t stop at all, and rushed out more than 50 meters in an instant.

When people were speechless, his second knife had been waved!

"Earth magic knife, burn the sky, cook the sea and twist the universe!"

This knife does not have the power of the first knife, nor the visual impact of the first knife that cuts through the sky.

But this knife is more terrible than the first one!

The first knife, just a knife!

This second knife is ten million!

Mingming watched his long knife chop down, but this knife turned into thousands of knives!

Moreover, this knife seems to be a magnet. When it is sent out, it attracts the horror knife gas from the earth!

But it seems that there are countless strong people on the earth who give out their swords and spit out their swords!

The attack range of the first knife is far less than that of the second knife!

This second knife almost covers the whole valley!

No matter how many demons you have in the abyss, they are all wrapped in them!

Endless sword Qi rages in the desolate Canyon and strangles the demons of the abyss.

The land covered by this abyss demon burst out with countless sword Qi, making a hissing sound, and frantically reaping the lives of these terrible demons!

"Earth magic knife! It\'s the earth magic knife of Tianqing sect!"

The more than 1000 strong Terrans brought out by the cold wind were scared to death. They slipped and rushed up into the air with all their strength.

At this time, many people finally reacted.

This peerless Sabre skill comes from the legendary Tianqing sect that was at its peak!

Tianqing sect\'s "magic knife formula"!

The visitor is the strongman of Tianqing sect!

Everyone cheered!

In those days, Tianqing sect was a legendary sect in its heyday. It is said that even the great emperor was afraid of its peerless sword skill!

All the strong people outside the array, including the cold wind, suddenly raised their yuan skills and rushed up into the air.

Although they believed that the strong men of the Qing sect would not hurt them on this day, and they also believed that the sword skill of the mysterious strong man was very accurate, this scene was too shocking and terrible.

No one wants to face the terrible knife Qi.

Even the strong ones like the wind are feeling... If they stay a little later, if they stay stunned, they may be cut into pieces by this Sabre gas like these abyss demons!

The strong man of the Terran race, such as the cold wind, rushed up to look at the sky, opened his mouth, and looked at all this in disbelief.

Even the four quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen and Magnus stopped temporarily!

But it\'s not over


Shen Lang\'s body spun rapidly into the sky and cut off towards Magnus in the distance!


The four would-be emperor Wujing strong men were startled. They didn\'t want to, and ran away as fast as possible in four directions!

If you don\'t escape, I\'m afraid even they will lose this knife!


The sound of gold and iron came, and Magnus\'s scaly body was full of fire!

Blood burst!

Namagnos\'s huge body, like a broken kite, threw back, broke huge stone pillars, and smashed big pits on the ground, leaving the ground in a mess.

However, such a terrible knife did not kill the abyss demon.

He just blew the devil out and seriously injured him!

"The devil of the abyss has soaked his body for thousands of years in evil energy. He is really strong enough."

A sneer came, the speed of Shen wave was the fastest, and the two breaths rushed to Magnus\' head, and the immortal sky knife cut off Magnus with the light of chaos!

The crisis of death came from the immortal sword. Although Magnus reacted slowly, he also knew that he was on the line of life and death!


The Magnus monster roared and clenched his Double Headed Spear with both hands!

On the Double Headed Spear, evil energy surged wildly, forming a huge shield to block Magnus\'s head!


The undead sky knife, which is completely out of proportion in size, breaks the shield, cuts off the Double Headed Spear with one knife, and then goes down from the top of Magnus


In the dazzling light, dark green evil energy is mixed with black evil gas and knife light.

The powerful Magnus finally didn\'t avoid the fate of being split in half!

The two huge bodies were under people\'s attention, separated towards both sides in the loud noise, and then exploded into pieces with a bang!

At the same time of strong Qi explosion, Shen Lang\'s star sucking big - method is displayed to devour the Danying of naganos in an instant!

After all this, Shen Lang screamed, "the wind is tight, pull!"

Chi slip, Shen Lang has escaped more than 50 miles!

It\'s almost three hundred miles from here to the crack of the abyss. It\'s only a few breaths for Shen Lang.

In these breathing times, the first type of "Youming magic robbery" of "nine turn Xuangong of life and death" has already been urged!

When Shen Lang passed through the crack of the abyss, "Youming magic robbery" had taken shape!

On the palm of his right hand, a black-and-white energy ball the size of a football released a frightening breath. When the waves passed through the crack of the abyss, they threw it down

The Tai Chi diagram is ten million times stronger than when it was created. Although it takes only two or three breaths, it is enough to blow up the crack when it is used.

At this time, the abyss cracks are still climbing out of the abyss demons with few tendons!