Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1057

"Calm down, it\'s not what you think." Shen Lang was a little dissatisfied with Zuo Wentian\'s surprise.

It seems that I really want to give this guy a chance to get some air.

When you say you\'re in trouble, you\'ll get him excited!

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, so that the scene of abject Valley appeared in Feng Tianding.

As soon as this scene appeared, several people stood up and stared at all this.

Endless abyss demons impact the array. Thousands of strong people fight bravely outside the array and drown in the sea of demons

This scene is too shocking, too tragic!

Xue Shiyin almost wanted to ask for war and came up with the idea of killing Feng Tianding.

At this time, Shen langcai said, "simply speaking, a strong warrior of the demon emperor Wujing secretly made trouble and let the overwhelming abyss demons climb out of the dark abyss. Now a group of strong Terrans guarding here are fighting with the abyss demons."

"If I don\'t do it, I\'m afraid these people can\'t last three or two days. And the longer I wait, the more casualties will be."

"And if I take a shot and peep at the strong emperor\'s martial mirror on the side, I will not give up!"

"With my current strength, I can deal with him for one or two, but I\'m sure I can\'t fight. If I\'m not careful, I may be crippled by the other party... So you need to do it."

Zuo Wentian has been lonely for thousands of years. Hearing this, he immediately rubbed his hands and said, "master, what should I do? Now go out and kill this guy?"

"Don\'t worry, my soul is concise now. Although it\'s far from the heyday, it won\'t take too much effort to kill an emperor\'s martial mirror."

Shen Lang said with a black face, "your knife skill recognition is too high. If you go out to do this now, it won\'t take a few days. The whole world knows that you\'re not dead. Then I\'ll be chased by dozens of strong men of legendary sects!"

"Er, then... What should I do?" asked Zuo Tianshan.

Shen Lang said calmly, "it\'s very simple. After I go out, I\'ll solve these abyss demons in the shortest time, and then spread my feet to escape. I\'m bad for that guy, so I\'ll never let him go..."

"Shizun is Shizun. He even said such happy and righteous words when he ran away. It\'s true that no disciple can compare." Zuo Wentian flattered solemnly.

But this flattery is obviously on the thigh.

This kind of remark sounds completely ironic to others.

"Shit! Don\'t flatter anyone if you can\'t flatter! You\'re completely scolding me for being shameless?" Shen Lang said with a smile: "continue... When you leave here for a distance, you control my body and kill it with the strongest killing moves."

"That\'s it."

Zuo Wentian nodded slightly: "I understand."

Shen Lang sighed and said, "Alas, I didn\'t want to let you do it casually. As a martial artist, I have to go through all kinds of hardships, the baptism of blood and fire, and the crisis to grow to the greatest extent. However, the enemy I face this time is too strong..."

"Well, I\'ll go down now and touch the edge of the crack in the earth first."

Shen Lang said, Yungong converged his breath, fell to the ground silently, and sneaked away towards the crack in the earth of Luopu valley.

At this time, on the other side of the valley, simaming River\'s mind was sweeping through every plant and tree in an area of eight thousand miles;

Shen Lang is slowly approaching the battlefield;

On the other side of the crack in the earth, there was a loud cry of killing.

Outside the array are vast abyss demons, and their number is still increasing.

The strong men of thousands of Terrans led by the wind are strong in cultivation, but placed in such a place is like a stone thrown into the sea, which is difficult to stir up a spray.

And the number of people is still decreasing

From time to time, strong people are killed by powerful abyss demons;

There have even been some strong people who are infected with evil energy and know they have a dead end. They explode directly!

In the big array, tens of thousands of strong people looking at all this want to split their eyes!

The people in the array trembled and their blood surged, and even their souls began to tremble

However, the power of bombarding the large array is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure on the large array is also getting bigger and bigger. It is difficult to transfer people out!

"Can we really last six or seven days?"

Such a question has arisen in the hearts of many people.

The three words "six or seven days" were said by the ancestors of the Taiqing emperor.

As long as we hold on for six or seven days, the strong man of Mingxin sword sect will come, and then this dilemma will be solved.

But looking at the endless abyss demons outside the array, listening to the terrible cry and feeling the great pressure transmitted from the array, everyone was sweating.

Not to mention whether it can support six or seven days in strength. Seeing such a scene, the mind of ordinary strong people is also unbearable!

On the edge of the mess, Ye Feng of the Taiqing emperor clenched his hands and was walking around constantly. He still said, "when will Lord Shen Lang arrive? It won\'t work like this!"

Among the tens of thousands of people, that is, those saved by Shen Lang in the broken soul mountain, as well as those who mess with Ruyi Buddhism, put their hope on Shen Lang.

But Shen Lang has not come yet. The decision of "internal flowering" has not played a great role.

If this situation continues, even Ye Feng, who is at the beginning of the imperial martial arts realm, can see... They can only support one and a half days at most!

And this has to be in the absence of other accidents!

If there are casualties among the four strong men who entangle Magnus over there, or Magnus suddenly reacts and runs directly to attack the array, it doesn\'t need to be said

"Ye Feng, did you take the wrong medicine? Just replaced you, you don\'t go to meditate and recover. What are you doing?" a strong man of the taiqingzong drank coldly: "it\'s no use relying on anyone at this time. The most important thing is to rely on yourself!"

"I\'ve heard of Shen Lang you said. Although I killed several fighters in the imperial martial arts realm, it\'s not enough to deal with the current situation. Do you understand?"

"Look at the abyss demons outside. Even if the strong warrior of the prospective emperor comes and wants to kill them all, I don\'t know how long it will take! Save your strength!"

Qingming, who was with Ye Feng, wanted to talk and stopped.

In fact, they have only guessed about Shen Lang\'s accomplishments and determined how high Shen Lang\'s accomplishments are.

Another Taiqing strongman also said: "Uncle Feng also said before, just rumors... We can\'t put our hope on such people who can be exaggerated!"

"At present, it\'s the right way to stick to this situation until the people of Mingxin sword sect come."

Another person sneered and said, "Ye Feng, you are really funny. We asked you Shen Lang\'s accomplishments, and you hesitated."

"Ask him how powerful he is. You said he killed the strong man of the evil blood demon clan within a radius of 5000 miles, but you said it was from his mouth. You\'re not sure;"

"You also said that in the dark swamp, there is a strong man in the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor Wujing of the limitless demon sect. Shen Lang is going to the dark swamp to save the spore man... This means that he has more than nine heaven accomplishments of the quasi emperor Wujing? Isn\'t this a joke!"

"The quasi emperor\'s martial mirror has nine heaven. Even if it\'s a disorderly master, I\'m not sure!"

"It\'s just because he pretended to kill several demon warriors in front of you. You should trust all our lives on him? Ridiculous!"

Ye Feng had a dark face and didn\'t speak.

It is meaningless to argue about such things. If we continue to argue at this time, it will affect our morale.

Moreover, these people who run on him are senior brothers who have a bad relationship with him.

"I\'m too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You\'ll know later." Ye Feng angrily dropped a sentence and stood beside the mess.

Seeing Ye Feng\'s downfall, those people dared not argue with them, and they were proud one by one.

"In the future? It depends on whether we can survive this disaster! Anyway, it\'s impossible to expect the heavy waves you said. I think you\'d better die."

"Three years ago, he was a guy in Lingwu realm. No matter how talented he is, he is a younger generation. Ye Feng, if you speak \'adult\' and shut up \'adult\', you don\'t feel like losing your share? I blush for you."

"I think the \'adult\' in Ye Feng\'s mouth is actually a young \'villain\' who has never seen anything in the world. If he really comes here, he may be scared to pee his pants by so many abyss demons? Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha!"

A group of people of the Taiqing emperor laughed.

These people are very happy to find such a good opportunity to run on Ye Feng.

Their complacent smile, complacent smile, listening to Ye Feng\'s ears, it was like the cry of a frog.

From here, we can see that the state of mind of the strong people of Buddhism is different from those of these people. After a flash of anger in their eyes, they immediately return to normal.

No matter how these people laugh at Ye Feng and Shen Lang, their disorderly look remains the same, as if they had nothing to do with him.

Ye Feng blushed and had a thick neck. If Qingming hadn\'t held him, I\'m afraid he would really go back to fight with those people.

Just then

Having been observing the chaos of the war, he suddenly grew up and said, "no, master Feng, it\'s difficult!"

Everyone was surprised and looked at it with disorderly eyes.

Then he saw that the three powerful abyss demons broke up the other strong ones and rushed towards the wind with a ferocious smile!

The three demons had bleeding knife marks, and they were all hurt.

But by contrast, the wind is cold and breathless, and the strength is unsustainable;

The three demons were not weak, but became crazy because of the injury!

Originally, the wind was cold and six people were two to deal with one demon. Now three demons rush to the wind at the same time

The other strong men drank loudly and wanted to rush to rescue, but they were entangled by countless abyss demons, which was difficult to get rid of!

Just two or three breaths!

The huge claws of the three demons have been grasping down from three directions towards the wind!

The wind is biting, the enemy is on the back, and they are all strong enemies!