Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1056

Shen Lang is not the only one watching this scene outside the valley.

There is also a powerful emperor of Wuji demon sect, Sima Minghe!

Sima Ming river stood with his hands on his back, standing above the western position outside the valley, looking down with a black line on his face.

"Is all his shit in the head of the abyss demon?"

"Under the condition of being completely crushed by power, he even tied with just two people from the dark gold sect. Really, he\'s all fools!"

"No, it\'s not a draw... If these people hold on for a few days and the people of Mingxin sword sect come, these abyss demons will die."

"It doesn\'t matter whether the devil in the abyss is dead or not, but I did all this for nothing!"

Simaming River wanted to rush down and slap Magnus to death.

The Wuji demon sect planned this matter and sent him to carry it out. It was a good abacus.

First of all, simaming river went into the dark abyss and found the most powerful abyss demon in the dark abyss, Magnus.

Then simaming river left a message to Magnus

The seal at the crack of the abyss will loosen at 5 p.m. today.

At that time, Magnus can assemble a large army to break through the seal, sweep the valley of poverty and occupy the cracks in the earth!

The Qi of Yin is the most attractive thing for the abyss devil.

Moreover, a small group of abyss demons had climbed out once before. Simaming river was not worried that Magnus would refuse.


After Magnus killed all the people in the valley and occupied the cracks in the earth, simaming River reappeared to kill Magnus and all the abyss demons.

Take away the eternal tree.

At that time, the limitless demon sect will push all things on the abyss demons such as Magnus.

The people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect, of course, were killed by the demon Legion led by Magnus;

The eternal tree, of course, was destroyed by Magnus;

Sima Ming River, who passed by here, saw this terrible scene, killed all the abyss demons in his anger, and then forcibly sealed the cracks in the earth!

In this way, simaming river will become a great hero and should enjoy the admiration of all people

This is killing three birds with one stone!

The limitless demon sect has won the eternal tree, 100000 spores and a good reputation.

What a perfect plan!

If it weren\'t for such a wonderful opportunity, why would Sima Minghe, a powerful imperial martial mirror, come here to drink the West and north wind?


Now the plot directed by Sima Minghe did not go in the opposite direction as he thought.

Originally, all this went very smoothly.

Most abyssal demons are not smart enough to think about intrigues. They only advocate power and only like destruction and killing.

Magnus knew that the seal would loosen. Without doubt, he gathered a large army and rushed out!

This is as like as two peas Sima predicted.

In the first half, magnos was also very "obedient" and walked on the road arranged by simaming river.

With the power of Magnus and the demon legion, we can basically crush the strong ones of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect.

According to Sima Minghe\'s calculation, people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect can\'t hold on for more than two hours.

But what is Magnus doing now?

This bastard is playing hide and seek with those four people!

Sima Minghe was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

According to the route of simaming River, Magnus should leave the four masters of clearance and rush directly to the crack of the earth!

With Magnus\'s power, you can break through this array in three or two times.

Once the array is broken, the two strongmen here in the desolate valley are basically dead end and can\'t escape.

But the problem is, Magnus obviously didn\'t think so far and thought so perfectly!

He had no advantage in speed. He was so angry that he was provoked by the four masters of clearance. He rushed and hit wildly with the Double Headed Spear. The mountains collapsed and the earth shook!

But the four people whose accomplishments were much lower than him were still alive

If we continue to fight like this, when will it end?

Looking at all this in the air, simaming river was so angry that it was full of smoke!

"Dry your bread, I have a dog smarter than you! This Magnus is the best of the abyss demons, wonderful!" Sima Minghe said gnashing his teeth.

It shows that Magnus has great talent in irritating people.

Magnus was proud enough to make the simaming river of the imperial martial mirror so angry.

However, Sima Minghe didn\'t think about it. There was such a big gap between the size. If he really met Magnus, it\'s hard to say who did who

"I\'ll bear it a little longer!"

Simaming River can\'t see it anymore.

His powerful mind began from the valley of desperation and quickly extended outward, enveloping the area thousands of miles around.

Sima Ming River\'s mind is almost scanning this area inch by inch, looking for something.

"Yes, the old devil Lu Tian said that Lu Ming was killed by a boy in black. Let me catch the boy and bring him back to the limitless demon sect as soon as possible... The old man will really arrange things for me!"

"Your disheartening son died. Why should I help him take revenge? I\'m not your father!"

"Dressed in black and with a simple long knife, let me find someone... NIMA, I can run outside and find 10000 such people for you! Lu Tian is an old man who doesn\'t hurt his back. He really calls me like a dog?"

"Hehe, it\'s just a celebration. In the past, Lu Ming\'s little beast was arrogant and domineering when he saw me. Unexpectedly, he was slaughtered... He died well, he died well, and he died quack!"

"But where did the boy in black die? As soon as I received the note, I shrouded the area thousands of miles with divine thoughts, and I didn\'t see any boy in black?"

"There\'s miasma in the dark swamp, the wind is too strong, and my mind can\'t get in... Look at this, either the boy has left the scope covered by my mind, or he\'s still in the dark swamp!"

"Lu Ming\'s little beast is really useless. At least it\'s the Ninth Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. The spore man didn\'t catch it, but he hung up. It\'s estimated that Lu Tian\'s old guy will have trouble eating and sleeping for a while."

"Well, think about Lu Tian\'s old and immortal appearance. I can\'t say it in my heart."

"Hum, if I hadn\'t pity the spore man, he wouldn\'t bother to help you find the boy in black!"

"It\'s troublesome. The devil in the abyss here hasn\'t been solved yet. Over there, the boy in black will be hard to find if he leaves the wilderness with the spore man!"

Sima Minghe wanted to go to the dark swamp and catch the boy in black first, but he didn\'t trust the things here in the valley.

"No... it doesn\'t make sense. If the boy in black wants to take the spore man in such a short time, it\'s impossible!"

"A whole hundred thousand people can\'t leave the dark swamp so soon, and there can\'t be no movement at all!"

After hesitating for a while, Sima Minghe scolded again: "Magnus, when do you want to fight? I don\'t have so much time to play here with you!"

"After you kill the people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect, I\'ll kill you again, and then take away the eternal tree. This scene can be a perfect end!"

I\'m afraid simaming river is the only one who wants to spit blood and stamp his feet.

On the contrary, the Shen waves in the cliffs in the east outside the valley are obviously much calmer than the simaming river.

There was nothing strange about the cliff. On the stone stood a Mountain Eagle more than one meter high, pecking its feathers comfortably.

Two meters to the right of the Mountain Eagle, the cliff is covered with a thick layer of moss.

The moss shook twice like water, and Shen Lang\'s handsome face appeared faintly.

A silver thread flashed through the eyes of a pair of stars. They were carefully observing the western direction of the valley. That position was the hiding place of simaming River, the limitless demon sect.

"The imperial martial mirror is the peak of the second heaven. It\'s only one line away from the imperial martial mirror. It\'s a little troublesome."

Shen Lang\'s eyebrows locked up.

Although the power of the chaotic divine body is powerful, Shen Lang has just advanced to about the eighth heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror. Although it doesn\'t take much effort to crush the Ninth Heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror, it still has a very large distance compared with the imperial martial mirror.

How far is it?

Up to now, Shen Lang has to weigh it again and again, and he doesn\'t dare to make a move easily!

Shen Lang, who integrates the memory of the emperor of war, knows much more about the strength of the strong at all levels than anyone in the world.

The gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror far exceeds the gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial realm.

The greater the gap between these realms, the greater it will be.

If the gap between Wang Wujing and Huangwu is the distance from one side of a big river to the other;

Then the gap between the imperial martial arts realm and the quasi imperial martial mirror is the distance from one side of the sea to the other;

The gap between the quasi imperial martial mirror and the imperial martial mirror is the distance from one world to another!

The peak of the quasi imperial martial mirror is like Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming killed by Shen lang. even if these people reach the peak of the quasi imperial martial mirror, as long as they do not advance the imperial martial mirror, they are basically no different from ants in front of the imperial martial mirror.

To the point of Emperor Wu Jing, it is not simply measured by strength.

In addition to the power difference between heaven and earth, there are also differences in the understanding of the way of heaven and earth.

This is why Shen Lang went to the valley of desperation and watched the beginning of the fierce war below, but he still didn\'t make a move.

"Wentian, your soul is more and more refined now. When you get to the moonlight forest land, as long as the eternal tree helps me, I can help you recast your flesh." Shen Lang suddenly said to Zuo Wentian in Feng Tianding.

Zuo Wentian, who was in the process of cultivation, woke up: "if the master\'s Qi was not amazing and his means were all powerful, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t have this day in thousands of years..."

"Now the life spiritual power I absorb is transforming my soul and refining my soul all the time; there is no polluted pure vitality on the Yuanli fragment, which consolidates and repairs my soul; the immortal unique skill \'soul eating infinite formula\' of the four pole buried soul emperor in the South wasteland soul hall further solidifies my soul who has not changed to ghost road!"

"All this is given by the master, disciple..."

"OK, OK." Shen Lang interrupted Zuo Wentian and said, "if you don\'t talk for thousands of years, you\'ll talk nonsense as soon as you open your mouth."

"Wake you up mainly because I\'m in trouble this time and need your help."

"What!" left asked the sky and sat up: "who is so bold?"