Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1055

It\'s changing a little fast.

The abyss demons still climbing out below are stunned. It seems that their heads haven\'t turned around yet

Their powerful leader, how can they say it\'s gone without it?

The four guys of the Terran are clearly not the opponent of Lord Magnus at all?

"Do it!"

The four masters of clearance shot at the same time, pulled the round bowl that released thousands of Buddha lights with great magic power, and flew directly to the opposite direction of the earth crack!

In the void, it was like four horses pulling a carriage, making a rumbling sound, running towards the outside of the valley as fast as lightning.

While running wildly, the four kept playing the formula towards the round bowl.

As soon as the Dharma formula hit the round bowl, mysterious golden characters immediately appeared on the round bowl.

Countless golden characters burst out and quickly swam on the round bowl to form a large array, tightly binding Magnus inside.

In the round bowl, it vibrated wildly and made a loud "bang bang" sound.

There was also the voice of Magnus\'s rage in the middle!

A strong man of the Taiqing sect was furious and said, "Damn it! The seal was really tampered with by people, and it deceived several of us. The Wuji demon sect really dares to do such a shameful thing!"

"Are they not afraid to become enemies all over the world and be crushed into powder in an instant?"

"Amitabha, of course, the limitless demon sect doesn\'t dare to do such a thing openly, so they want to kill us with the help of the hands of the abyss demons, and then take away the eternal tree at the crack mouth." master Jingkong sighed.

"What they have done is watertight. Even if we know now, we can\'t show evidence. Even if the strong man of Mingxin sword sect comes and they deny it, we can\'t help him!"

The strongman of the Taiqing sect shouted angrily, "for the sake of the eternal tree, the limitless demon sect even ignored the influence of the Yin Qi on the human world and cooperated with the abyss demons. They are crazy!"

"Do we really want to suffer such a heavy loss? Will Mingxin sword sect really sit idly by?"

Master Jingkong shook his head and said, "Amitabha, the comprehensive strength of Mingxin sword sect is even weaker than the limitless demon sect. If there is no absolute advantage, even if the evidence is in the front, they may not easily attack the limitless demon sect."

"The people of Wuji demon sect will not show up easily. At that time, they will insist that it has nothing to do with them, and there is no good way for other sects."

"Unless the war god temple sends someone to investigate this matter, otherwise..."

Master Jingkong is an eminent Buddhist monk, but he can see these curves more thoroughly than those of the Taiqing sect.

For a moment, the two of taiqingzong also shut up and didn\'t know what to say.

At this time, the impact of magnos in the round bowl is getting stronger and stronger. I can see that the round bowl won\'t last long!

"Ten minutes, it can only last ten minutes at most." the clearance master sighed: "next, the four of us will try our best to deal with the devil in the abyss... And the life and death of everyone in the crack of the earth depends on whether the four of us can hold the devil!"

The other three looked at each other and nodded firmly!

Here in the earth crack are basically all the elites of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect.

If these people were killed by the devil of the abyss, the two main gates would almost be doomed.

Apart from the cracks in the earth, even for their own sect, these sect ancestors also have the heart to die!



In the abyss crack, among the dense abyss demons, three demons smaller than Magnus flew out.

"Damn it, what do these cunning humans want to do when they drag Lord Magnus away?"

"Ah, fool, they just took Magnus to another battlefield. They were worried about the terrible destructive power of Magnus and killed those people behind them... Gaga, in fact, we don\'t want Magnus to kill those people! These human beings are tender and delicious! It\'s better to leave them to us to eat!"

"Well, I can\'t wait! The stronger these human beings are, the more delicious they are, and the pure Yin Qi can make our cultivation progress by leaps and bounds... The back, come out quickly and follow us to impact the crack in the earth!"

With a wave of three powerful demon arms, they led the dense dark creatures of the abyss to rush towards the crack of the earth!

At this time, the number of demons climbing out of the abyss crack has reached more than 70000!

And the back, like a flood, is still pouring out!

For a moment, the sky and the earth were covered with abyss demons!

On the other side of the earth crack, the war will start;

At the edge of the valley far from the crack of the earth, magnos was trapped for more than ten minutes, broke the round bowl, howled and tore four strong Terrans!

The greatest advantage of the abyss devil is that it has the evil energy that can corrode all creatures, as well as the powerful power to terror and indestructible body;

The disadvantage of the abyss devil is that his head is not smart, and because his body is huge and his speed is not fast enough, his action is not smart.

This Magnus spear has the power to smash the strong man of the human race in the seven heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

But the four Terran strongmen did not fight with him at all, but stayed far away and fought guerrilla warfare with him!

Being chased tightly, I cut a sword and punched.

Although it was not painful to hit Magnus, the more angered the abyss demon was, the more he refused to stop. He chased the four people and made the earth shaking and the sky dark!

Among the four strong Terrans, the only one with the highest cultivation is the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian, and the other three are the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian. However, they entangled with Magnus by using speed, but maintained a delicate balance... No one can do anything!

At the same time, more than an hour has passed from the crack in the earth, and more than 100000 dark creatures and abyss demons have gathered!

Led by three powerful abyss demons, these demons spread like a tide and began to impact the protective array outside the crack of the earth!

These abyss demons are not like the demons that attacked Tianfeng city or the imperial capital of Zichu state.

The cultivation of those demons demonized by the Qi of the most Yin is not high.

It\'s just a huge number.

But the bodies of these abyss demons are like refined steel, and the liquid that can corrode the weapons is constantly overflowing.

Even if the Terran strongmen fight one-on-one with them, they can\'t kill them without some effort.

Now, there are less than 10000 strong Terrans in this array!

The gap in quantity makes people feel desperate.

Without the protection of this array, I\'m afraid these 10000 strong people can\'t support two breaths and will be completely submerged

In the noisy and harsh noise, endless evil Qi and evil energy light rushed to the big array outside the crack of the earth.

The big array kept making the sound of "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Those terrible attacks of the abyss devil were dissolved by the big array, which was only slightly shaking and solid as gold!

However, there are more and more abyss demons outside the array!

In all directions, almost all of them are abyss demons. They can\'t see the edge at all!

If it goes on like this, whether this big array can support six or seven days as the strong man of the Taiqing emperor said is really a matter of two words!

"If this goes on, we will sit and wait for death! We will take the initiative to attack and weaken their strength!"

At this time, a middle-aged man with a long knife and gold armor rose into the air.

This is the strongest under the ancestor of the Taiqing emperor. The wind in the Jiuchong sky of the Huangwu territory is cold.

The wind was sharp and the long knife said in a loud voice: "Fang Xin, Chang Qi, Ling Shiqing, Du kexu and Yan Wen... The five of you came out with me and pulled the three abyssal demons into the center of the demon Legion. Give him an internal blossom! Hang the demon legion with the power of these three demons!"

"Jian Yuan, Shen Shikang, Han Shiyu and Qin Yun, you four lead 500 people to attack in a fan, cut the abyss demon formation and kill these demons in a guerrilla way... If you are defeated, retreat immediately!"

"Yes!" strong figures soared into the air.

These strong men who are very suffocated by the abyss demons, with divine soldiers in hand and armor added, have long been ready to kill!

The wind was chilly and a little sideways. He said again, "master disorderly, I\'ll leave it to you to maintain the big array."

The ruffians below sighed and said, "Ye Feng and they have sent good news before. My elder martial brother Shen Lang will come here after solving the problem of spore man in the dark swamp. Why should master Feng take risks?"

The wind was cold and his face showed an unhappy color and said, "master luanlai, it\'s bad. Several ancestors entangled the abyss demon Magnus, and we use the support of the big array here for only one purpose, that is, to support the arrival of the emperor\'s powerful mirror of Mingxin sword sect!"

"Master, you should understand that the person we have to wait for is the strong emperor of Mingxin sword sect, not the Shen Lang you said... Only the people of Mingxin sword sect can change the current situation, not the peerless genius Shen Lang in the master\'s mouth!"

The chaos was about to stop, but he didn\'t argue with the wind.

His eyes swept over the strong people in the sky, and his heart was clear... Almost no one in the Taiqing sect pinned his hope on Shen Lang!

Everyone has the same idea as the wind - Shen Lang\'s talent has been exaggerated. He can\'t have the strength as strong as the legend!

"Well, let them go." disorderly sighed.

But the wind was cold, but he still said: "it\'s absurd for a boy who was in the Lingwu realm three years ago to say that he has the strength to kill the strong of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

"I\'m windy and talented. I focus on the Dao and practice hard. I\'m down-to-earth. Thousands of years ago, now I\'m the cultivation of jiuchongtian in the imperial martial arts realm... I\'ve seen a lot and know that it\'s not easy to practice, but I\'ve never heard of such an anti heaven person!"

"At the moment of life and death, master, do you want to put your hope on a boy who is extremely exaggerated? I\'ve seen this kind of thing spread from ten to ten, from one to another, to the top of heaven more than once..."

"Well, master, you\'re seriously injured. You don\'t have to say much. You just need to maintain the array... You\'ll come out with me and kill him!"

"As long as we succeed for a few days, the strong of Mingxin sword sect will come, and then it will be the end of these abyss demons!"

The wind was cold and did not give a chance to talk. With a wave of the long knife, he led the strong out of the array and was ready to kill!

"Alas..." he sighed.

In fact, it\'s more than windy. Even in Ruyi Buddhism, there are many people who don\'t believe in Shen Lang.

It\'s really no wonder that they would not believe that there would be such a rebellious figure in the world if they hadn\'t seen Shen Lang\'s rebellious means with their own eyes.

But whether it is windy or disorderly, I don\'t know that Shen Lang has actually come long ago.

At the moment, Shen Lang is hiding in the cliffs in the east outside the poverty Valley, hiding his body shape and watching this scene quietly