Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1054

Everyone knows that the devil of the abyss may also impact the seal of the crack.

But everyone doesn\'t think that the abyss devil has the strength to break through this seal.

Although there are a large number of demons crawling out of the abyss cracks here, the cultivation accomplishments of the demons that appeared before are not very powerful.

In the case of Ruyi Buddhism, Taiqing Buddhism and several quasi emperor martial mirrors, this seal should be very stable.

However, no one thought

After trying to see the devil\'s face, the seal broke like an egg shell!

More than 300 strong people around the crack in the abyss grew up, operated their skills and urged the Dharma formula at the same time!

Everyone is pointing at the sky like a sword!

An electric light immediately appeared on everyone\'s fingers, connected to the sky!

"Boom, boom..."

Then he saw that nine thunderbolts with a diameter of one foot fell down at the top of the abyss crack!

As soon as the nine thunder pillars fell, they fell like a waterfall. Taking the falling position as the origin, they spread in all directions.

The whole nine thunderbolt power grids were covered on the rupturing seal in an instant!

Within the seal, there was a chaotic scream immediately!

After being superimposed and covered by these nine thunder power grids, the terrible magic power from the abyss cracks finally dissipated a lot.

"Woo woo!"

Someone sounded a spiral horn and asked for help from the strong at the crack in the earth on the other side.

Trying to wait for people to see that the thunder power grid is constantly reinforced and sealed, one by one panting and showing joy.

However, they haven\'t had time to speak yet

Then he saw that under the seal, a vague demon face slowly emerged!

Then the dazzling light burst from the seal!

The endless force of thunder is like a hot spring, surging up in Chaoshan!

However, this is not a hot spring, but an abyss crack;

What gushes out is not water, but the power of terrible thunder!

"Go back!"

In the face of such a terrible scene, he tried his best to fly out!

In the deafening roar, a huge body shattered the seal, dispersed the power of thunder and came to the world!

The unimaginable shock wave swept the whole audience, and the people who were trying to escape madly on both sides of the crack were the first to bear the brunt. They were affected by the general shock wave of the wave, and their seven orifices bled. They thought about flying out on both sides at a faster speed!

This is an abyss demon up to 40 meters high.

Like other abyss demons, this one has huge demon wings, thick scales on its back, a sharp triangular bone plate in the middle of its back, and a tail like a dinosaur behind it.

He was burning green flames all over his body and held a huge Double Headed Spear.

He glanced at the "mole ants" below with the attitude of Jun Lianxia and sneered.

"Human beings are really weak. Indeed, they are only worthy of our food!" the devil made a grinding voice: "I Magnus rushed out of the dark abyss today and occupied the earth cracks in the valley. I will be able to become the Lord of the abyss and the superior devil in a short time!"

"Ha ha ha!"

Under the impact of that terrible sound wave, more than 300 strong people who maintained the formation looked like earth and retreated step by step!

At the same time, behind Magnus, the demon Legion kept climbing out!

Even if the huge pillar of thunder in the air is still falling and killing a batch of abyss demons, but in a short time, more than 10000 abyss demons have been drilled out of the crack!

These abyss demons and dark creatures roared up to the sky. In an instant, a spiral storm formed, which directly dispersed the large array outside the abyss crack!

The abyss devil\'s head is not smart, and the low-level abyss devil acts only by instinct.

Many demons don\'t know what the array is. They just feel that this space makes them depressed, and the power of thunder makes them afraid. They must destroy it!

In the dark, this coincides with the truth of "breaking cleverness with force", and it is broken directly with violence!

When the array is broken

Impressively, the dark magic gas and the dark green evil energy gas entangled together and burst out like a sea of mountains.

Boundless, block out the sky and the sun!

A breath of extreme evil and danger was released from countless abyss demons.

Attack the hearts of every strong Terran in the valley!

The doomsday scene, in unexpected circumstances, came here

In the desolate valley, all kinds of spiritual lights rushed up to nine days to disperse the thick fog and render the sky colorful.

All the Terran strongmen were alarmed!

All kinds of powerful magic weapons or magic weapons are urged.

A great war is coming!

It was at this time that two startling sword Qi and two huge Buddha\'s hand prints fell from the sky and attacked Magnus!

The two swords crossed the sky and fell from left to right, as if they had cut the void apart;

The two giant Buddha\'s hand prints, 100 meters long and composed of the most pure Buddha power, were stacked up and down and photographed by Magnus!

Many low-level demons below were frightened and shouted when they saw the Buddha\'s handprint.

The Dharma and power of Buddhism itself are the banes of these abyss demons.

Even the abyss devil of the quasi emperor martial mirror level will feel extremely frightened in the heart in the face of such a degree of Buddha\'s hand seal.

But this is only about those lower abyss demons.

As the leader of this group of abyss demons, Magnus obviously could not care about such a degree of attack.

"Hmm? There are four mole ants that are a little stronger? They look delicious!"

Namagnos licked his lips, turned his wrists, and the huge Double Headed Spear swept up with a sharp sound of breaking the air!

The huge Double Headed Spear left a trace of arc in the air and swept the two sword Qi and Buddha\'s hand prints simply and directly.

"Boom, boom!"

The violent energy ripples rippled in all directions. Magnus\'s huge body was as stable as Mount Tai in the air, and there was no vibration at all!

The attack of the four strong men of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect has been easily broken by him!

The storm formed by the confrontation between the two sides swept away in the east-west direction, flying sand and stones, and the sky was dark!

"Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack

Magnus suddenly slapped a pile of meat wings, blew a terrible wind, and rushed directly at the strong Buddha who made him feel the most annoying.

The Double Headed Spear more than 40 meters long suddenly rotated and fell on the head of the strong one of the Buddha sect with terrible evil energy!


The power gap between the two sides was huge. The old monk of Ruyi Buddha didn\'t dare to resist hard. He shook his body and hid away.


When the earth shook and the mountains shook, a canyon 500 meters long and bottomless was smashed out on the ground!

The abyss demon Magnus, with a powerful blow, makes people smack!

But this first round made everyone\'s heart sink

The strongest of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism came.

But when the four people work together, compared with each other, they don\'t seem to be in the same level at all!

The attack of the four people can\'t help Magnus at all. Even master Jingkong, the strongest of Ruyi Buddhism, can\'t take the move of the abyss devil!

You know, Buddhism is compassionate, and its attack power is relatively weak, but its defense power is so strong that it is abnormal, and master headroom unexpectedly relies on dodging to deal with the abyss devil!

It can be seen how afraid he is of the devil\'s power!

An abyssal devil is so powerful that there are countless abyssal demons behind him. They are constantly climbing out!

This time, it\'s really desperate!

At this time, the thick fog in the distance was torn apart like cloth and silk.

Four tall figures finally appeared in the void.

In the distance behind them, there are more than 3000 heavily armed Terran strongmen!

"Everyone, retreat to the guard array of the earth crack! The devil in the abyss is powerful and can\'t be attacked... This devil is dealt with by four of us. Anyway, you just need to guard the array!"

"As long as we delay for a period of time, the strong emperor Wujing of Mingxin sword sect will come and save the danger!"

The majestic voice sounded in the ears of all Terran strongmen.

Immediately, one of the four strong men threw his robe, and a soft light danced like a horse, holding all the strong people around the abyss crack and taking them directly to the back.

Thousands of Terran strongmen heard the command, immediately retreated and hid into the big array in the thick fog.

The Magnus was so powerful that its terrible breath made the four people in the air tremble.

Although the attack on master headroom just now was avoided by master headroom, its terrible destructive power is too amazing.

Even if four people work together, they can\'t stop it!

This Magnus has just come out and has not started yet. Most of the strong Terrans who used to guard at the crack of the abyss have been seriously injured!

If we fight directly like this, in a short time, the strong Terrans in this desolate valley may not survive

Now in this situation, we can only find a way to move Magnus out and entangle him!

Then let everyone use the large array at the crack of the earth to resist the impact of the devil in the abyss!

Although the number of these abyss demons is very large, as long as Magnus doesn\'t bombard the big array himself, the big array can resist these demons for at least six or seven days!

Calculate the time. After six or seven days, the strong man of Mingxin sword sect should come!

The four people in the air reacted very quickly. In a few seconds, they had exchanged ideas.

Then he surrounded namagnos and put on a posture of dueling with him!

The abyss devil only knows killing and destruction, but he won\'t tell you morality, let alone fight with your soldiers.

The four strong men are ready to use their magic powers and forcibly drag the most powerful Magnus to a distance!

On this side, Magnus\'s fierce blow was avoided by the clearance master, and his eyes suddenly became more blood red: "human little reptiles know to hide and dare to fight with me!"

"Four little mole ants, but they are ready to be my food? Don\'t worry..."

Before he finished, master headroom pinched his fingers and pointed out according to him!

"Demon subduing bowl, close it!"

A golden bowl dripped in the air, rose in the wind, and became hundreds of times larger in an instant.

Cover Magnus\'s huge body directly!