Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1053

The blood light burst out in Lu Tian\'s eyes, and the magic gas in the whole room dissipated instantly, but was shrouded by infinite blood light.

The house became a sea of Shura blood in an instant

"The quasi emperor\'s martial mirror jiuchongtian is equal to you and Tuoba Xiong at best. You are still wearing the armor I have obtained from a secret place for 300 years. How can you die in the hands of such people?" Lu Tian said coldly.

"Tell me all the details. If you miss one, I\'ll let you soak in the sea of blood for three days and nights!"

At that moment, Lu Ming said how to see Shen Lang, and then Shen Lang killed Tuoba Xiong... All these things.

Lu Tian\'s face became more and more ugly

"The martial arts of jiuchongtian in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor killed the same level with a second knife. Even the Xuantian armor on you only resisted for a short time? Haven\'t you heard of such a powerful swordsman in several nearby regions?"

Lu Tian clenched his fist and said darkly, "no matter who he is, no matter how backstage he is, kill my son and rob my spore man, I\'ll kill his whole family!"


With Lu Tian\'s violent drinking in his life, a cloud of smoke condensed into a human shape in the void, knelt respectfully in the air and said, "please command!"

Lu Tian\'s eyes were cruel and cold and said, "I have sent Sima Minghe to deal with the earth crack before. According to his speed, he should have reached the edge of the earth crack in the valley of poverty."

"Spore man\'s value is absolutely no less than that of the eternal tree. Send notes to Sima Ming River and send our orders. After he succeeds in the eternal tree, go to the dark swamp... No matter what means he uses, find the black boy with a knife!"

"Then bring it back to this seat!"

"Remember, this seat wants to live!"

"Refine his soul with the sea of blood, let him sink into my sea of blood artistic conception forever, and suffer all the torture, so as to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

"As for those spore people, hey, hey, there can be no less!"


The shadow in the void immediately got up and said, "yes!"

The shadow flashed out of the house like smoke and fog.

Lu Ming clenched his teeth and said, "OK! Sima Minghe is a heavenly peak of emperor Wujing. He is famous in our Wuji demon sect. Now that he has reached the valley of desperation, the boy in black can\'t escape from his palm!"

"The spore man robbed by the boy in black will be taken back... Moreover, I will watch him survive in the sea of dad\'s blood, not to die!"

"Get out!" Lu Tian didn\'t look at it. He slapped Lu Ming out of the room.


Down Valley, not down.

But it was bleak.

This huge Valley is dotted in the wilderness. Grass grows over the body and is filled with white fog day and night.

I don\'t know why. There is no miasma in the deep valley, but the trees are very similar to those in the broken soul mountain. Every tree is like a monster stretching its claws and teeth.

Although the whole valley exudes an ancient and primitive atmosphere, it gives people a creepy sense of crisis.

In the thick fog, people always feel that something bad will climb out.

Especially some time ago, there was an abyss crack here. After the abyss demon climbed out of the crack

The strong Terran garrisons in this desolate valley look at these thick fog, subconsciously they will come up with some strange ideas. They always unconsciously think that an abyss demon will rush out of the thick fog at the next moment.

This kind of feeling is like a devil in the heart, which is deeply hated by the strong who have to stay here.

If it goes on for a long time, even the strong Wang Wujing may go crazy!

This is a disgusting and desperate world.

A gust of wind blew, the thick fog cleared away, and the bodies of more than 300 strong men guarding the edge of the crack in the abyss were revealed.

Each of the more than 300 people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect has a great momentum and is extraordinary!

Except for the two teams patrolling back and forth on both sides of the abyss crack, everyone else sat down according to a specific position.

This is a large array jointly arranged by Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect.

Although most of the strong people sitting in a specific position close their eyes, their minds are scanning the abyss and cracks in front of them all the time.

On the 100 meter long chasm of the abyss, there are lightning and Buddha light intertwined, and endless mysterious runes swimming.

Some time ago, the demons in the dark abyss attacked this seal several times, all in vain.

During this time, it finally stopped.

But in such an environment, most people really don\'t want to look forward to it.

On the side of the crack, a patrol of strong men walked among the strange stones, carefully looking around and walking slowly.

The person at the front complained: "this ghost place is always so gloomy and terrible. Alas, I don\'t know when it will end. I really don\'t want to stay here all day! I\'m going to collapse after a long time in this ghost fog!"

Another comforted: "let\'s hold on for a while. It\'s said that the legendary Mingxin sword sect has sent strong people. With their people, we don\'t have to work hard day and night."

"I hope so." the man who began to speak sighed, turned his face and looked at the seal of the crack in the abyss.

Originally, there was only one earth crack pouring out of the valley.

Unexpectedly, an abyss crack has emerged, in which powerful and evil abyss demons have been climbing out, causing a large number of casualties to Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect.

The two sects had to arrange a group of strong men to guard here day and night.

Fortunately, the strong quasi emperor martial mirror came two days ago and strengthened the seal here. All talents can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The man in front tried to look at the seal and shook his head slightly.

When the Qi of the most Yin pervaded the whole world, the world was in chaos. Even the terrible abyss demons were attracted by the Qi of the most Yin and climbed out of the abyss. The world was no longer calm.

Before the emperor\'s martial arts, it was a strong man who could establish a sect.

Now it has become the existence of patrol soldiers, * * * * patrolling around the crack of the abyss night and night.

"It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s a day or two. It doesn\'t matter whether it\'s a year or two. I just don\'t know when this kind of day will end?"

Looking at the seal at the crack of the abyss, he tried to give a dark sigh.


I was stunned!

In his sight, on the seal of the abyss crack, there was a huge demon face!

The seal swayed slowly like water, and the huge devil\'s face seemed to be at the bottom of the water, making him try to have an elusive feeling of looking at the moon in the water.

This terrible devil\'s face is too big. He has occupied more than half of the 100 meter long crack!

Just when trying to look at the devil\'s face, the devil\'s huge and blood red eyes turned slightly and looked at the figure!

"Abyss demon!"

Being looked at by the evil and evil eyes, I tried to feel the cold all over my body, the cold hair stood upright, and I screamed and retreated again and again!

"What\'s the matter?"

The rest of the strong men in the patrol were surprised, all held their hands, turned around and made a fighting posture!

However, when everyone quickly turned around and looked at the crack in the abyss, they found that

The seal on the crack of the abyss is no different;

And the "abyss devil" in his mouth has no trace at all!

Trying hard to wipe his eyes, he said in a panic: "I just... I just seemed to see a demon\'s face, and he turned his blood red eyes to look at me!"

"The eyes are evil and evil. Just looking at it makes me feel like I\'m in the dark abyss and can\'t extricate myself!"

"Can\'t it?" the spirits of a group of strong people immediately shrouded in the seal.

However, as soon as they touched the seal, everyone\'s mind was bounced back.

"Nothing strange? The power of the seal is still incomparably strong. Do you think too much and hallucinate recently?"

"I\'ve always sighed recently. I\'m a triple strong man in the imperial martial arts realm. Now I\'m a little nervous."

"It\'s not his fault. His daughter was almost killed by a demon two months ago. A few days ago, his uncle was hit hard by the abyss demon. You can\'t bear the blow one by one."

"Yes, it used to be a joke to hear that the spirit of nine stars and beads to Yin appeared. Who knows, it was true... And it came so fast that everyone didn\'t even prepare!"

"It is said that heroes are born in troubled times, but seriously, who is willing to be such heroes? We just want to live a quiet and stable life!"

"Don\'t look at it. You\'ve been thinking too much recently. If you don\'t stabilize your state of mind, it will have a great impact on your future cultivation!"

He tried to shake his head without arguing.

That scene was so realistic.

At the state of Huangwu, the spirit is stable. It\'s no small matter. Where can there be hallucinations because of a slight mood fluctuation?

"No!" he tried to drink softly and insisted, "I\'m sure what I just saw is not an illusion. There must be an abyss demon trying to impact the seal!"

Everyone was stunned and immediately laughed.

"You\'re really a little neurotic. You know, the abyss demons are guys with muscles in their heads. They only know destruction and killing... They want to impact the seal. They\'ve already directly impacted. Where can they play tricks?"

"Yes, don\'t worry if you try hard. The seal at the crack mouth was reinforced by two quasi emperor martial mirror strongmen a few days ago, and the most powerful abyss demon that rushed out before is equivalent to the strongman of six heavy heaven Terrans in Huangwu territory. How can they be able to break the seal? You worry too much."

Everyone didn\'t believe that he really saw the devil in the abyss.

"No, I\'ll go to the edge of the crack and have a closer look."

Trying to hold the gun tightly, he cautiously walked to the edge of the crack.

Everyone looked at each other and was a little helpless about the way they tried to do it.

Everyone shrugged and was about to follow


An extremely evil evil power rose from the seal!

The terrible smell of covering the sky and blocking the sun surged out, thinking of crazy sweeping in all directions!

There was no sign, no preparation... The seal that was supposed to be very stable began to break like an egg shell!

And the terrible magic power is transmitted from the seal cracks!

"Enemy attack!"

The one who walked in the front tried to roar up to the sky!