Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1052

Shen Lang was silent for a moment, his eyes fell on several elders of spore man, and said solemnly, "the dark swamp has been known by the demon sect. I\'m afraid you\'re going to move to other places."

Knowing that they had to move away from the dark swamp where they had lived for thousands of years, many female sporozoans immediately began to cry.

As soon as they cried, the children cried.

At Dayton\'s time, there was a cry under the dark swamp, and there were gloomy clouds over the dark swamp.

"Migration? Where to move?" a spore man elder poked the ground heavily with a crutch and said with a cocked beard: "we spore people have no attack power and weak protection... But now in the wilderness, countless demons and monsters are rampant, which is ten times more dangerous than before?"

"There are only 500 fungus giants here, and one fungus giant can\'t even beat the king Wujing among your Terrans. Where do you want us to move? I\'m afraid it will become food for all kinds of demons as soon as we go out!"

"Only when you come to escort us, can we have hope!"

Spore people recognize Shen Lang and want Shen Lang to escort them away.

The people of Taiqing sect hurriedly said, "adults have to go to the earth crack in the valley of the fallen soul. They will directly compete with the strong man of the demon sect. I\'m afraid it\'s impossible to escort you out in a short time. If you want to escort, you have to wait until the matter of the earth crack is solved."

Another spore man elder sighed: "we shouldn\'t have been born at the beginning. Now, the world is big. Where can we accommodate spore men?"

The remaining two spore man elders were more direct. Without saying a word, they directly burst into tears.

The old and the small cry together. Rao is Shen Lang\'s heart, and he can\'t support it.

"Well, I\'ll stop it!" Shen Lang said softly, "I\'m going to the wild depths after I\'ve solved the crack in the earth of the abject valley. I\'m afraid I can\'t spare time to escort you."

A group of spore people, all the time, look like death.

Shen Lang pondered for a moment and said, "but there is another way..."

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears.

Shen Lang then said, "I have a magic weapon, which has a huge space and can carry life. If you can trust me, come with me first."

"As long as I don\'t die, I\'ll keep you safe."

"When I finish the wild things, I\'ll take you wherever you want to go."

Everyone present was stunned.

Magic weapon?

Capable of carrying life?

It\'s not unheard of that magic weapon that can carry life, but the spore man has more than 100000?

The world has never heard of such an unnatural magic weapon?

At this time, one of the spore man elders came out and said with eager eyes, "is what your adult said true? Your adult has a magic instrument that can directly accommodate our 100000 spore people?"

Spore people are not stupid, although they can\'t believe it too much.

But they don\'t doubt Shen Lang\'s words.

If Shen Lang, a strong man of cultivation, wants to make their ideas, how can spore people have the qualification to resist?

Since they are not qualified to resist, Shen Lang has no need to hypocritically say these words to deceive their trust.

If Shen Lang wants to plot against the spore man, he slaps him and catches them all.

Why beat around the Bush?

The key question is whether the magic weapon Shen Lang said can really carry these 100000 spore people.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "it\'s nothing to talk about 100000, 200000 and 300000. And I can guarantee that no strong person can perceive you, and you can be in an absolutely safe state."

"But what I\'m going to do in the wilderness is not easy. I\'m sure it\'s a few months. Maybe it\'s a year and a half. I\'d like to explain this in advance."

The spore man elder said with a ecstatic expression on his face, "then, can you take me in first and let the old man have a try?"

"Of course." Shen Lang waved his hand gently, and a white light covered the spore man elder. "Elder, please relax and don\'t resist."

The white light swished and immediately brought the spore man elder into the fengtianding.

The space in fengtianding is very large, and large arrays are arranged by Shen Lang in different areas.

At the beginning, one of the large arrays contained tens of thousands of Yan demons!

The spore man elder walked around the fengtianding, immediately ran out happily and dragged several spore man elders together for discussion.

After a while, several elders bowed to Shen Lang and said respectfully, "we are willing to enter the magic instrument of the Lord and follow the Lord. Please wait for two hours and let\'s clean up."

"OK." Shen Lang raised his hand and made a "please" gesture.


When Shen Lang sat cross legged in the void and urged Tai Chi to madly refine the strong Danying.

In a secret room of the limitless demon sect, which is more than 30000 miles away from the broken soul mountain, Lu Ming in a white robe is practicing with his eyes closed.

His whole body was shrouded in a dark red flame. The flame was high and low, bright and dark. It can be seen that Lu Ming\'s cultivation was very unstable.

Lu Ming\'s cultivation in this secret room is the peak of Huangwu realm.

It\'s Lu Ming\'s part who was killed by Shen Lang in the dark swamp.

After Wang Wujing, many strong people will try their best to cultivate one or two separate bodies in case of accidents.

Separation is sharing the life of the soul and has all the memory of the self.

Even if Lu Ming was killed, even if Dan Ying was refined by Shen Lang, it could not be regarded as a complete death.

Shuitianji, Zhuge Xianer\'s mother, was killed by Shen Lang outside Tianfeng city because of her only separation. Therefore, I ran to seek revenge and wanted to destroy Shen lang. as a result, she was destroyed by Hongyu.


At this time, Lu Ming is at a critical juncture of seclusion.

In this case, any accident or other movement may affect the cultivator.

I was killed by Shen Lang in the dark swamp. Lu Ming\'s state of mind was already in a mess. He insisted on it without success, but he still didn\'t control it in the end.

His whole body\'s spiritual power ran around uncontrollably like a wild horse.

After holding on for a while, the flame condensed from the whole body finally dissipated with a puff.


Lu Ming could no longer control the spiritual power in his body. He suddenly ejected a mouthful of blood and opened his eyes!

His whole face was pale, his breath was disordered, and his powerful Qi burst out uncontrollably, making the surrounding walls thump.

This is enough. Lu Ming not only failed to attack the bottleneck of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, but also suffered a heavy blow to many meridians that are difficult to heal!

Without the best medicine, I\'m afraid it can\'t be repaired for ten or eight years

"Damn it! Damn it! Who the hell is that young man? Why is he so vulnerable in front of him? Where did he come from?"

Lu Ming roared in the secret room.

The spore man didn\'t get it. I was killed by someone. Finally, even this split was implicated and severely damaged

Lu Ming is mad!

He put three pills into his mouth, which took a lot of effort to suppress the injury temporarily.

As soon as the injury was depressed, Lu Ming staggered out of the secret room and went straight to a quiet other hospital on yanluofeng.

The other courtyard is the place where the great elder of Wuji demon sect, the legendary sect, lives.

The powerful elder of Wuji demon sect is Lu Ming\'s father!

"Dad! Help me! Help me take revenge!" Lu Ming cried as soon as he entered the yard.

In a flash, an ugly old man appeared beside Lu Ming and held him.

The old man\'s breath is introverted. He is not surrounded by magic like Lu Ming and others, but there is a terrible scene like hell and blood in his eyes!

As long as you look at him, I\'m afraid ordinary martial artists will immediately sink their minds and know the sea!

This is Lu Tian, Lu Ming\'s father, the eldest elder of Wuji demon sect!

In the open air, his hands flew up and down like butterflies, and took more than a dozen photos on Lu Ming. Then he sat back on the chair like a throne with a cold hum.

"Waste!" Lu Tian scolded with hatred for iron and steel: "I\'ve made so much effort to cultivate you. I\'ve made sure everything is safe. I fell short when I finally hit the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror!"

Lu Ming took a long breath and wailed, "Dad, it\'s not me... It\'s me who was killed in the dark swamp!"

"What?" Lu Tian Huoran got up: "how could it be? You are the martial mirror jiuchongtian of the quasi emperor, and you go with Tuoba Xiong and Qin Pei. Who can kill you?"

Lu Tian lost his composure and roared, "you rushed to the spore man as soon as you got the news. At present, even among the Wuji demon sect, only a few senior leaders know; and you have Tuoba Xiong and Qin Pei around you... Say! What\'s going on!"

As soon as Lu Tian got angry, the evil spirit rolled in the whole room, like a huge wave. Those seats were all turned into ashes in the storm.

Lu Ming knelt on the ground and didn\'t even dare to lift his head. He said, "I don\'t know what kind of existence it is... Tuoba Xiong and I stayed in the blood devil cage array. We were going to start tomorrow as planned..."

"Unexpectedly, Tuoba Xiong suddenly said that he felt uneasy and was afraid of an accident. He took Qin Pei and me and said that we should enter in advance and catch the spore man in advance."

"As soon as we looked, we found that the blood devil cage array was sneaked into under the condition of our ignorance!"

"Tuoba Xiong and I kept going for a moment and entered the dark swamp. There, we saw a martial artist in the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror and a young man in black... The young man in black had only the first level accomplishments of the imperial martial arts realm in the induction of our thoughts."

Lu Tian was so angry that he kicked Lu Ming out with one foot: "absurd! Can\'t you and Tuoba Xiong beat a warrior who is a quasi emperor\'s Wujing wuchongtian?"

Lu mingzhan got up trembling and cried, "the problem is not the martial artist of the quasi emperor martial mirror wuchongtian, but the boy in black... The little beast used some secret method to hide his accomplishments! He at least has the highest accomplishments of the quasi emperor martial mirror jiuchongtian!"