Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1051


Three loud sounds sounded almost at the same time, as if there was only one.

Immediately, everyone\'s pupils contracted

Then he saw that the armor on the three people of the evil blood demon sect suddenly broke with the violent strength!

No, not just armor!

While the armor broke, the bodies of the three people also broke

Blow up!

Not being beaten to spit blood, nor being beaten into a blood hole, but... Really smashing into slag!

The four heavenly strongmen of the great quasi emperor\'s martial mirror are the peerless strongmen who can dominate a region, and they are still three scattered people. They don\'t even have a chance to run or scream

Just one punch!

What a violent force is this?

What a hegemonic force!

In everyone\'s unbelievable eyes, two of Shen Lang\'s three figures dissipated like smoke, leaving only one... The two figures are not separated, but just residual shadows!

In other words, Shen Lang punched the three at the extreme speed. Because the speed was too fast, it looked like three Shen Lang punched at the same time!

Very fast, and just with your fist!

This kind of play is simple, rough and straightforward.

The strength and speed of rolling performance are incisively and vividly!

Directly let life out of an unparalleled feeling!

It makes people feel that not to mention the three strong men of the four heaven of the quasi emperor martial mirror, even the strong man at the peak of the quasi emperor martial mirror behind can\'t stop such a punch!

The visual impact and the sudden sense of fear made taiqingzong and spore people\'s stomach churn, and there were new changes in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

Although Shen Lang is the Savior of these people and spore people, Shen Lang\'s posture of dominating the world also makes these people deeply afraid!

Just then

Qin Pei, hiding in the crowd, finally reacted and made a bold move!

Qin Pei is old and cunning. He hides in the crowd just in case of accidents.

Now, seeing Shen Lang\'s powerful means, Qin Pei already knows that Tuoba Xiong and others have encountered an accident. Where can he have the courage to fight Shen Lang?

Qin Pei\'s two handed axe, like two huge door panels, pushed forward smoothly!

The ferocious and violent force, like it was still difficult, washed out more than 200 strong men of the evil blood demon sect in a fan!

The sound of "poop poop" rang out again and again!

These people who just looked at Shen Lang like ancient ferocious animals, one by one, with desperate expressions, like meteorites, couldn\'t help but hit Shen Lang!

After beating these people out, Qin Pei turned around and rushed to the exit of the dark swamp like a strong wind!

At the same time, Qin Pei\'s two giant axes burst into light, and he saw that when he lifted them up, they would split out into the sky!

Is it easy for the strong to be strong?

If these two axes were waved out by him, the rocks at the top of the dark swamp would completely collapse!

The whole dark swamp will collapse!

Everyone present will be buried alive!

Shen Lang\'s accomplishments, even if suppressed by the mountains, will not be hurt too much, but none of the 100000 spores and the hundreds of people\'s martial arts can escape!

Qin Pei is ten times more treacherous and vicious than Tuoba Xiong!

Once he found something bad, on the one hand, he wanted to use this move to drag Shen Lang, on the other hand, he also wanted to kill all these spores to vent his anger!


Shen Lang had expected it. He snorted coldly, and the immortal Tiandao suddenly came out of its scabbard.

Peerless Sabre light, sweep on the spot!

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone present, there was only an oblique knife light

A knife that destroys heaven and earth!

An irresistible knife!

Cross the sky and dominate the world!

This startling knife swept through, and all the people who were stained with the Qi of the knife were shocked to pieces!

Qin Pei, who wanted to collapse the dark swamp, just raised his hands, and his upper body and lower body were directly separated.

Then, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang bang bang!

Two huge axes were blown out in an instant!

The rest of the strong men of the evil blood demon sect sent out inhuman screams and fled like headless flies!

With a knife, not only Qin Pei, the strong man of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, was broken, but also two-thirds of the 600 strong men of the blood devil sect were dead!

Except for those lucky enough not to touch the light of the knife, the rest have become bits and pieces!


The zombie screams that make people\'s eardrums hurt. Duanmuzheng comes up to pick up a bargain!

Duanmu Zheng couldn\'t help it. If the three people who came out before weren\'t too powerful, he couldn\'t fight, this guy would have rushed out.

Now all the quasi emperor martial mirrors present have been killed by Shen lang. it\'s a bit outrageous that he doesn\'t catch this opportunity to flatter.

Duanmu rushed into the sky like a rocket, giggled, and grabbed the head of a warrior in Huangwu territory who fled here in a panic


Duanmuzheng\'s hand had not been grasped, and the evil blood demon sect had been blown away.

But Shen Lang over there began to kill the remaining strong demons like a god of killing!

Duanmu is blinking and chasing the three furthest away from Shen Lang.

However, Duanmu Zheng just ran over and the terrible claw was trying to catch the three people

"Poof poof!"

Not only these three people, but also the strong ones of the evil blood demon sect near duanmuzheng, were all killed by the knife light!

Duanmuzheng was stunned and rushed towards the nearest two people at a faster speed.

Who knows they haven\'t arrived yet? Poof poof, those two people are killing each other!

After only a short meeting, in the dark swamp, the powerful devil died cleanly in an instant, and there was no one left

Duanmu Zheng looked at Shen Lang bitterly and whispered, "boss, how can you do this?"

Where will Shen Lang take care of duanmuzheng?

After killing all these people, Shen Lang didn\'t hesitate. In front of the strong person of Ruyi Buddha sect, he began to use the star sucking Da FA to prepare to suck all the Dan babies of these people!

If the people of Ruyi Buddhism didn\'t know him well, the people present also knew that he came to rescue. Shen Lang would definitely be regarded as a great devil... Even the great devil doesn\'t dare to refine his soul so recklessly!

Just below the entrance of the dark swamp, stumps and broken arms fell all over the ground;

On the void, hundreds of souls sent out heartbreaking wails, and then were sucked by the black hole opened by Shen Lang\'s hands.

From the three ancestors of the evil blood demon sect, to everyone being killed, to Shen Lang\'s unscrupulous collection of souls

This scene after scene is like a hell of Shura!

Many spore people are more frightened when they look at Shen Lang than when they look at Tuoba Xiong and others.

Ruyi Buddhists put their hands together and bowed their heads to chant "Amitabha".

Well, in fact, transcendence is completely useless. The souls of these people who were killed were absorbed by Shen Lang.

When the most powerful Danying of Qin Pei was caught by Shen Lang, Qin Pei made an inhuman voice and shouted, "please let me go. I\'m the top strongman of the quasi emperor martial mirror. I\'m one step closer to the emperor martial mirror. Even if my body is destroyed, it\'s still of great use value!"

"I can submit to you and become your slave. I can donate my soul blood and listen to you all my life! Please let go..."

Shen Lang tilted his mouth slightly and said, "what do I want you to do?"

As soon as the star sucking method urged, Qin Pei\'s Danying had no resistance and was immediately dragged in.

Because the Tai Chi diagram was refining Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming\'s Danying, it was only a short time, and the suction of the star sucking Da FA was greatly increased than before.

The pill baby of the nine strong heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror also has no resistance at all!

The second form of the "nine turn Xuangong of life and death" is really the extreme against the sky, and it is the biggest enemy of the soul or energy body.

At the beginning, in the dragon scale temple, ghost zunye Youming saw Shen Lang use this move and thought Shen Lang would be the most terrible enemy of qianhun hall. He wanted to destroy him.

Now, the power of Tai Chi diagram is totally different from that at that time!

After all this, Shen Lang took a deep breath and turned around: "you look like this, but you are dissatisfied with what I have done?"

"Amitabha, I didn\'t see anything. I only saw martial uncle fighting with the powerful devil in order to save spore man." master Wuchen said solemnly.

The people of the Taiqing emperor were stunned and immediately said in unison, "master, you\'re right!"

Duanmu in the air quacked with a strange smile: "shit, you\'re more shameless than me. You\'re lying with your eyes open..."

Seeing Xue Shiyin\'s murderous eyes, Duanmu was excited and roared with righteous words: "do you still need to say it? The boss did it right!"

Ruyi Buddhists and Shang Dun sighed. Under Shen Lang\'s training, even zombies with rigid heads and extremely evil can become so obedient and react so quickly!

At this time, master Wuchen said again, "martial uncle, what should we do now?"

"I\'m afraid martial uncle has to go to the valley to rescue, otherwise..."

"And here, since the place where spore people live has been known by the evil blood demon clan and the limitless demon clan, they can\'t stop killing them."

"This time, the strong man of the nine heaven of the quasi imperial martial mirror will come. I\'m afraid it will be the imperial martial mirror next time."

The spore man who just relaxed a little bit immediately became nervous again!

The taiqingzong group also frowned.

According to the evil blood demon sect, Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect can still cope. These three sects are secret gold sects.

But Wuji demon sect, that\'s the legendary demon sect!

And even among the legendary sect, the limitless demon sect is also famous!

Let alone Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect, there is a great gap between them. Even if their comprehensive strength is equal, it is impossible to prevent them.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?