Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1050

There were not many, not many, 645 people entering the dark swamp.

These people are male and female, each with a majestic and huge atmosphere. More than half of them are above the realm of imperial martial arts, and the other half are the accomplishments of Wang Wujing in the middle and above.

The leader is Qin Pei, the Wuji demon sect, and the strong one of the nine heavenly mirrors of the quasi emperor.

Qin Pei was followed by the three ancestors of the quasi emperor Wujing of the blood demon sect.

These people\'s eyes are red with blood, and they are extremely bloodthirsty. Their whole bodies are full of magic Qi and vast.

Each of their accomplishments is very powerful. More than 600 people gather together, and the terrible magic gas is connected into one piece, which makes this area like a terrible magic field!

As soon as all the people appeared, they stared at the spore man in the distance!

In their eyes, these spore people are like thousands of years of ginseng and thousands of years of Ganoderma lucidum.

If it weren\'t for the front Qin Pei, I\'m afraid those people of Sha blood demon sect would jump down directly.

As soon as Qin Pei appeared, he was stunned: "it\'s strange. Didn\'t Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming arrive first? Why aren\'t they in this dark swamp in my mind perception?"

Because Shen Lang absorbed the power of Xingda FA, the breath of Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming was absorbed, as if they had never appeared at all.

Even because immortal Tiandao sucks blood and flesh, there is not even a trace of blood smell around here.

In Qin Pei\'s perception, the two people didn\'t seem to have been to the dark swamp at all.

"Are you looking for those two people?" Shen Lang said with a smile, "don\'t look for them. They have gone to a distant place. Soon, you will meet them again."

"Little rabbit, are you talking to me?" Qin Pei said with a fierce look in his eyes. "It\'s you who just said \'welcome to the country of death\'?"

"The kingdom of death... Good name! Yes, this is really the kingdom of death, because... You all want to die!"

Qin Pei glanced coldly at Shen Lang as he spoke.

Then he released his mind completely.

Covered the whole dark swamp.

Although he felt something was wrong, Qin Pei didn\'t think that the two people had been killed.

Because it\'s impossible!

Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming both have better accomplishments than him, and in the dark swamp, Qin Pei\'s strong spiritual perception, that is, the young man in white robe below, has stronger accomplishments.

Even the young man in white robe has only the five Heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror.

Here, no one can threaten Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming!

In addition, Tuoba Xiong and his wife are only one and a half times better than him in the morning. If they are in crisis and have a big war, the dark swamp will not be quiet, let alone remain so complete!

But it\'s really a little strange. Qin Pei watched Tuoba Xiong enter the valley with his own eyes. Where are they dead now?

Did you find any baby, deliberately hide your body and look for the baby?

Well, that\'s the only way!

Qin Pei said secretly, "these two bastards are much better than me in cultivation, and have been trying to exclude me. If they deliberately hide from me, I can\'t find them."

"Obviously, I went into the dark swamp, but now I don\'t see anyone. I\'m obviously looking for good things... Spore people are like ten thousand year Ganoderma lucidum one by one. How can there be no one or two good things in the place where spore people live? He!"

Thinking of this, Qin Pei was very angry: "it seems that we have to ask the trace of those two bastards from these people."

Qin Pei looked up at Shen Lang and said, "have my two senior brothers been here? If you dare to cheat me, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to die!"

"Tell me, where have they gone?"

Shen Lang nodded very "honestly" and said, "indeed, one has come. One has a goat beard and is dressed in dark armor; the other has a white face and is dressed in silver armor. They asked me to bring you a word..."

Qin Pei felt a little bad. The boy in Huangwu territory looked like a smile when he spoke. He didn\'t mean to be afraid at all!

And the group of people in the back, as well as spore people, even looked at them like watching a play. They were also very calm

You find out the situation. You\'re all dying, okay!

A dying man shouldn\'t look like this?

Qin Pei turned his eyes, shook his hands and palms, and took out two giant axes. Then he asked, "boy, tell me where they are, or I\'ll chop you into slag with an axe!"

Shen Lang tilted his eyes and smiled and said, "it\'s really my martial brother\'s deep love. They want me to tell you to go early. There\'s a companion on huangquan Road, hehe hehe."

Hearing this, even an idiot can understand!

The boy in black is just entertaining Qin Pei!

The group of people of the evil blood devil sect immediately shouted: "kill this boy, I don\'t know how to live or die!"

"When death is coming, you play tricks, kill him and refine his soul!"

"I\'m impatient to live like an ant. I dare to make fun of adults. Please let me do it... I\'ll cut off his meat piece by piece and tear down his bones one by one, so that he can\'t survive!"

"What do you say to this waste? Kill him and catch spores!"

Qin Pei\'s eyes moved slightly, slightly turned his head and said to the three strong quasi emperor martial mirrors of the evil blood demon sect: "you three go over and kill him."

"Ah?" the three were stunned.

Kill a boy in the imperial martial arts realm and ask the three strong quasi emperor martial mirrors to fight together?

Does that look down on him too much?

Well, a whole hundred thousand spore people are right in front of us. The boy who doesn\'t know how to live or die is here chirping and wasting our time. Kill him. Anyway, blowing a breath can make him ashes.

The three people of the evil blood devil sect smiled grimly, moved at the same time, and immediately surrounded Shen Lang in the center as an equilateral triangle!

And Qin Pei, who didn\'t advance but retreated, retreated to the group of people of the evil blood demon sect!

Those who can cultivate to this level are really not fools. Qin Pei doesn\'t feel good.

On the contrary, the three people of the evil blood demon sect didn\'t notice Qin Pei\'s expression.

One of them held a big blood red sword, flicked the sword with his fingers and said, "mole ants, you shouldn\'t offend Lord Qin. If you didn\'t offend Lord Qin, we\'ll kill you and other Terran warriors with a sword. It won\'t be much pain..."

"But not now. Now even if you want to kneel down and beg us to let you die happily, it\'s impossible!"

"This seat will cut off your meat piece by piece, and then remove your bones one by one..."

"And I will cast a spell to keep you awake... What else do you want to say?"

The man looked at Shen Lang with teasing eyes, as if he wanted to see fear and despair in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

At the same time, he continued: "give you one last chance. Say your last words now, but it won\'t change your destiny of death. In a moment, your scream will ring through this space!"

"Moreover, it will last for a long time, a long time, ha ha ha!"

Shen Lang grinned and said, "your head was kicked by a donkey?"

"...." the three strong quasi emperor martial mirrors of the evil blood demon sect, as well as more than 600 people behind, were stunned.

Originally, they thought the boy in front of them would kneel down and beg for mercy.

The three ancestors of the blood demon sect let him go.

But I never thought that such a remark came out of the boy\'s playful face!

In silence, Shen Lang\'s head tilted, pointed to Qin Pei who had hidden in the crowd over there and said, "you don\'t accept that your head was kicked by a donkey. Look at that guy, he\'s much smarter than you. People know it\'s wrong and they know to hide in the crowd."

"You three idiots are still talking nonsense?"

"Well, I\'m not interested in listening to your last words. You\'re all ready to die."

Even the last few words, said from Shen Lang\'s mouth, were light and light without any smoke and anger.

It\'s like saying to a friend, let\'s have a drink

"Yes!" the three strong quasi emperor martial mirrors of Sha blood demon sect were angry!

A mere warrior in the imperial martial arts realm, even arrogant and domineering to this point?

How dare you threaten them even if you don\'t know when you\'re dying?

Is there such a stupid person in the world?


The man holding the blood red sword bah, and the sword in his hand fell head to Shen Lang with a slip of blood light, which would split Shen Lang in half in an instant!

After being scolded by Shen Lang, the man forgot what he said to torture Shen Lang slowly.

"Cheap boy!" the other two sneered.

The ancestor of the evil blood demon sect, who was in the fourth heaven of the martial mirror of the prospective emperor, was cut down with a sword in anger. It was really a change for ghosts and gods!

The bloody sword light is like a bloody lightning. The speed is so fast that even the snow poetry below shrinks!

When this sword was sent out, countless sword Qi twisted wildly around, and the surrounding void sent out a strong shock, as if this space could not bear this sword!

If this sword is struck, Shen Lang will turn into fly ash in an instant!

There\'s no residue left!

Looking at the spore people here from a distance, they screamed

Although they knew that Shen Lang was unlikely to have anything to do, when they saw the sword wielded by the ancestor of the evil blood demon sect, Shen Lang didn\'t move, and they subconsciously squeezed a sweat.


Something completely unexpected happened

The blood red sword, which seemed to cut through the void, was caught by two fingers at the moment it fell on Shen Lang\'s head!

Just two fingers!

It seems that ordinary fingers simply clamped the terrible bloody sword.

not to turn a hair!

"Don\'t people believe the truth in this age? I said you were kicked by a donkey in the head, so you were really kicked by a donkey. Why don\'t you believe it..."

It\'s still the same sound, but now it sounds like a talisman.

Shen Lang clamped the two fingers of the bloody sword and made a slight effort!


The bloody sword, in everyone\'s incredible eyes, broke in response!

Huangqi was so simple that he broke it with two fingers!


The shadow as like as two peas passed through the field, and three identical waves appeared at the same time.

The three Shen waves appeared at the same time in front of the three strong men of the evil blood demon sect and punched them in the chest!

This punch, no fancy.

I can see that there seems to be a cloud of ash on it.

It\'s hard to find strength. It doesn\'t seem to have much power.
