Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1049

Everyone in the distance was stunned

Especially those who know a little about the ups and downs of Ruyi Buddha!

In theory, it is impossible to kill the nine heavenly strongmen of the quasi imperial martial mirror so easily without the cultivation of the imperial martial mirror?

Can we say that Shen Lang is already an emperor\'s mirror?

If it weren\'t for the emperor\'s martial mirror, even if Shen Lang and those two people have the same cultivation level and can kill that person, how can they easily kill those two people like killing chickens and ducks?

The people of Ruyi Buddhism know Shen Lang\'s deeds very well. They know that Shen Lang was still a cultivation in Lingwu realm when he killed Yu wenhuaji in Tianfeng City three years ago.

It\'s only three years. He has become the emperor\'s martial mirror?

How could there be such a thing at the end of the day?

Among the crowd, only Xue Shiyin and duanmuzheng could keep calm.

Xue Shiyin\'s eyes are full of colors. Looking at Shen Lang standing in the void, she vaguely sees the figure of the world in those years

As for Duan muzheng, this guy has the same blind worship of Shen Lang as his brother Duan Muxie.

Don\'t say kill two would-be emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strongmen. Even if someone said that Shen Lang could kill a great emperor, Duanmu would nod and say, "yes!"

Just when everyone was stunned

Shen Lang grabbed both sides without warning!


Hundreds of meters away from his left and right sides, thousands of thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air!

Countless lightning and thunder crisscross, forming a cage up to one foot in four directions!

The cage accurately trapped two one foot tall Danying in the center.

These two Dan babies are Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming!

The two men\'s Danying were hiding their bodies and wanted to take the opportunity to escape. Unexpectedly, there was still a distance from the exit and they were trapped in the thunder cage by Shen Lang!


The terrible shrill cry sounded at the same time in the thunder cage.

Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming shouted together

"Please let me go. I\'ve been practicing for thousands of years. It\'s not easy to practice to this point. You can\'t kill them all!"

"Spare my life, everything is easy to say! As long as you let me go, I promise whatever you want!"

So they were held in the middle by two groups of thunder cages and dared not move again.

As soon as they touch the thunder and lightning on the thunder cage, the pain of tearing their souls will make them miserable.

And soul power will pass quickly!

Although the power of Danying is still very strong, Danying is very fragile and has no protective power at all.

And the power and soul power are integrated together, with one point less.

It\'s as like as two peas.

It\'s the same when practicing to Zuo Wentian, not to mention Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming, the pill babies of quasi emperor martial arts and mirror martial arts.

In the face of the force of thunder with the smell of destruction, Tuoba Xiong\'s little Dan baby didn\'t dare to move!

"Spare you?" Shen Lang smiled as if he heard something strange.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the two thunder storms immediately contracted and were pulled to him like a huge thunder ball.

"If spore men beg for mercy in front of you, will you let them go?"

Shen Lang stopped talking nonsense, spread his five fingers, "star sucking Da Fa" immediately offered it, and took Lu Ming\'s Danying in as soon as he took it.

However, when Shen Lang\'s palm extended to Tuoba Xiong\'s Danying, Shen Lang\'s hand stopped and his face showed a strange color

"Little beast, you really want to kill them all. You must die!"

That Tuoba Xiong watched Shen Lang take Lu Ming\'s Danying away. Knowing that the other party could not let him go, he immediately went crazy and shouted.

"Dare to be rampant when death comes!"

Shen Lang\'s mind moved. The thunder cage shrank immediately. The power of the thunder from Zhiyang to gang immediately made Tuoba Xiong\'s soul scream!

At this time, Shen Lang has focused on his body.

At the moment, Shen Lang\'s body, the book gathered and formed that day, and turned slowly above the Tai Chi diagram.

The ideas released from the heavenly book are just like the ideas passed from the world tree to Shen Lang in the Tai Chi picture, which makes Shen Lang feel clearly!

The meaning of the heavenly book is

The soul of Tuoba Xiong has the smell of death rules!

To be exact, it is the artistic conception of Tuoba Xiong\'s cultivation and death.

Moreover, it has also reached the state of Xiaocheng!

The meaning of Tianshu is to absorb the artistic conception of Xiaocheng\'s death!

"Artistic conception is a martial artist\'s perception of the rules of heaven and earth. Even if it is a Tai Chi diagram, it will take a lot of time to refine after absorbing the pill baby, so as to take this perception back to himself."

"But the last time the book of heaven absorbed the origin of death in the blood essence of Unicorn, it was very simple. Can it be said that... As long as it is the artistic conception related to the rules of death, even the meaning of the rules, the book of heaven can simply absorb it, and then turn it into the nutrient for me to practice the way of death?"

"Absorbing other people\'s death artistic conception, can it be superimposed on my death artistic conception and make my death artistic conception get greater development?"

Shen Lang thought of this, his heart moved, and the heavenly book in his body immediately turned slowly!

At the same time, Shen Lang\'s broken false silver eyes also urged him.

In an instant, under the gaze of broken arrogant silver eyes, thin golden silk threads were released from the book of heaven, which passed through the thunder cage and tightly bound Tuoba Xiong\'s Danying!

After only a while, Tuoba Xiong\'s understanding of the artistic conception of death in his soul turned into strange golden characters, and then gathered the books in Shen Lang\'s body!

Tuoba Xiong, stripped of the artistic conception of death, can\'t believe such a thing!

Originally, I thought the other party was just using a means similar to the devil\'s way to absorb the power of him and Lu Mingdan.

Unexpectedly, Danying is still well now. It is already the death artistic conception of Xiaocheng realm. It has disappeared out of thin air!

Is this boy in front of you a man or a God?

Where on earth did such a terrible figure come from


Shen Lang\'s eyes moved slightly, removed the broken silver eyes, and began to feel the golden characters absorbed by the book of heaven.

Shen Lang was surprised by this feeling!

Only after absorbing Tuoba Xiong\'s death artistic conception and integrating the death artistic conception into his own death artistic conception, the original Xiaocheng\'s death artistic conception has a sign of breaking through to the middle stage!

It\'s like a bottle that originally contained half a bottle of water.

Now after injecting water from the outside, the water has risen and is almost at the mouth of the bottle!

The function of this heavenly book in this aspect is very single, and it is not like the Taiji diagram, which can refine everything in heaven and earth.

But in terms of absorbing the artistic conception of death, the speed is more than ten times faster than the current Tai Chi diagram!

Moreover, this book of heaven can also perceive the understanding of the way of death in some strong people in advance!

This discovery inadvertently put a smile on the corners of Shen Lang\'s mouth.

Above the artistic conception is the field, above the field is the rule, above the rule is the origin, and above the origin is the final law.

It is really difficult to reach the end of this world Avenue.

Even in the heyday of the war emperor, he has surpassed the cultivation of the great emperor and stood at the peak of the world, but what he has is the medium-term imperial field and war field.

It is still very difficult to break through the rules.

But now Shen Lang has a heavenly book in his hand. It\'s much simpler to cultivate the way of death than the emperor of war!

"It\'s a pity that the artistic conception of death can reach the middle stage only by a little." Shen Lang sighed.

Tuoba Xiong\'s artistic conception of death was absorbed by Shen Lang, and finally pushed Shen Lang\'s artistic conception of death to the peak of Xiaocheng.

But it didn\'t break through that bottleneck and reach the medium-term level.

This makes Shen Lang a little sorry.

Shen Lang glanced obliquely at Tuoba Xiong, who showed his fear. As soon as the Tai Chi diagram was urged, the star sucking Da FA immediately collected Tuoba Xiong into the Tai Chi diagram.

In the Tai Chi diagram, the tree of the world made a happy sound, wrapped and lived the Dan baby of the nine strong heaven of the two quasi emperor martial mirrors, and hung it on the branches, just like fruit.

Such two quasi emperor martial mirrors are the Danes of the nine strong heaven, which is better than tens of thousands of Danes of the strong in the imperial martial realm!

The powerful energy contained in it destroys the sky and the earth, which is unimaginable!

As soon as the tree of the world wrapped the two babies, the already tall tree of the world immediately opened its branches and leaves, and then grew up!

The endless roots of the world tree, like snakes, spread in all directions.

The edge of space in this Tai Chi diagram is where the roots of the world tree reach.

When the roots spread outward, the space in the Tai Chi diagram will continue to expand.

This piece of space, from the original appearance of about 5000 miles, has spread outward. After a short meeting, it has been expanded to the point of 60000 miles!

The space in the Tai Chi diagram has expanded more than ten times since the two Dan babies have just begun to refine!

As the tree of the world grows higher and larger, the space of Tai Chi diagram becomes wider, and the power of Tai Chi diagram itself has doubled!

In this case, several looting mines hanging on the tree of the world have completely lost their resistance,

The speed of refining and robbing thunder in Taiji is more than 30 times faster than before entering the wilderness!

"The pill babies of more than 300 warriors in the imperial martial arts realm swallowed up in the blood devil cage are less than 1% compared with the pill babies of the nine strong heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. If you can swallow up the pill babies of a strong emperor\'s martial mirror, Hei hei..."

Shen Lang felt the changes in the Tai Chi diagram and realized something in his heart.

At the same time, in the induction of Shen Lang\'s divine thoughts, the last quasi emperor Wujing jiuzhong tianqiang, has led more than 600 people of the evil blood demon sect, and is coming quickly towards the entrance through the Canyon!

"Ha ha, people, I\'m Qin Pei!"

Before the man arrived, a wild laugh like thunder came in from the entrance of the dark swamp.

"Welcome!" Shen Lang put on a smile that was hard to hide.

Then he opened his hands as if to greet something, and said, "welcome to the kingdom of death!"

Next second


Qin Pei, the prospective emperor of Wujing nine heaven strongman of Wuji demon sect, took all the strongmen of Shasha blood demon sect into the dark swamp!