Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1048

When Tuoba Xiong\'s cruel words came out and the unbearable pressure shrouded the whole dark swamp, many people behind him immediately burst into uncontrollable tears.

The shadow of death enveloped the whole dark swamp.

For most of the people present, the power released by the nine strong heavenly powers of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror is no different from the gods and demons!

They just need a thought to make these people disappear!

Being suppressed by this kind of coercion, even a group of powerful people in the imperial martial arts can\'t help feeling desperate

Don\'t say resistance, you can\'t even have the idea of resistance!

So powerful!

It\'s desperate!

At this time, Lu Ming in the air leaned slightly and said, "senior brother Tuoba, I just scanned the dark swamp. I didn\'t find any special places or stronger people."

"In this place, the strongest one is the guy of the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian below. It seems that he was the one who sneaked in before. It\'s a false alarm."

"I\'ll take care of the guy in the wuchongtian of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. As for the boy who doesn\'t die fast enough, elder martial brother will shoot him directly and draw his soul."

"It\'s urgent that we solve the spore man so that we don\'t have too many dreams at night."

"But when elder martial brother starts, he still needs to control... These spore people are too fragile, but they must not be involved in the storm. If... The loss will be too great!"

With that, Lu Ming shot out of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror with the breath of the strong man in the sky!

Impressively, with Lu Ming as the center, the terrible storm spread in all directions, flying sand and stones, no light in the sun and moon!

"Hey, hey, you don\'t have to remind me. This seat knows."

Tuoba Xiong laughed wildly and stretched out his palm. More than 300 meters apart, he grabbed Shen langxu.

In the void, a huge palm condenses out of thin air.

This huge palm looks like a mountain thousands of feet high. It is full of all kinds of runes and array diagrams. It is crazy to absorb the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth and grasp it directly according to Shen waves with absolute power!

Tuo Boxiong\'s killing intention was magnificent. He used three successful forces and made up his mind to catch Shen Lang to death!

"After barking for a long time, are the two old dogs finally ready for death?"

Shen Lang, who had always been a lazy posture, changed his temperament at this moment and became as sharp as a knife!

Before, he was worried that the war here would hurt the spore people. Unexpectedly, only two people came now.

And these two people are also afraid to hurt the spore man, so their strength has converged!

Now Tuoba Xiong\'s action against him is the best time for Shen Lang\'s action!



At the critical moment when Tuoba Xiong\'s huge palm print fell, Shen Lang disappeared out of thin air under such great pressure!

The sound of the long knife coming out of its sheath suddenly sounded at this moment!

At this moment, Shen Lang appeared in front of Tuoba Xiong like a ghost!

On the immortal sky knife, with the light of chaos, with a speed dozens of times faster than the sound, a knife fell on the top of Tuoba Xiong!

After all, he is a strong man in the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, and he is in the dark swamp. Shen Lang doesn\'t dare to hold up the big one. He does his best!

With this knife, the dark swamp, which was a little dark, was as if a sun had appeared!

The light of the knife is as bright as day!

"It\'s impossible!" Tuoba Xiong shouted from the bottom of his heart.

In any case, he didn\'t expect that it was just an ant like thing in his and Lu Ming\'s eyes. The speed was so fast!

Such a speed has far exceeded him and Lu Ming!

He didn\'t even see how Shen Lang crossed a distance of more than 300 meters, so he came to him!

His outstretched hand hasn\'t even had time to take it back

The immortal sky sword, with the terrible light of chaos, has fallen!

The knife was so fast that even Lu Ming didn\'t react.

And Tuoba Xiong, obviously saw this knife, but his body can\'t keep up!


At the moment when the immortal Tiandao was about to touch Tuoba Xiong\'s head, the man\'s armor spontaneously released a shield to block the Dao between lightning and flint!


Tuoba Xiong was overjoyed and wanted to step back.

And his right hand, a fan of homeopathy, was ready to shoot the immortal sky knife

However, it is still a step too late.


The shield of Tuoba Xiong\'s armor lasted less than a tenth of a second and was cut in an instant.

Tuoba Xiong\'s palm was held back in fear

The dark armor, with a bang, broke neatly towards both sides and divided into two!

No, not armor

It\'s with Tuoba Xiong\'s body!

Tuoba Xiong\'s body was separated in an instant.

Strangely, there was not a little blood floating out!

In an instant, the blood gas on Tuoba Xiong\'s body had been absorbed by immortal Tiandao, and he fell down with a bang!

There was general silence

Even those spore man children who were crying before looked at all this, covered their mouths and dared not make a little sound.

Taiqingzong and Ruyi Buddha Zong opened their mouths and couldn\'t close them at all.

It\'s hard to imagine seeing all this

Even if they sincerely hope Shen Lang can cope with this disaster, no one will think it is so simple!

Just a knife

The great quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, the nine strong heaven, was split in two!

What kind of knife is this?

What kind of person is this?

What is domineering?

This is domineering!

What does it mean to destroy?

This is destroying the withered and decaying!

"Ho... Ho... Ho!"

Lu Ming made a strange voice in his throat. Looking at Shen Lang, he was full of despair and fear!

He had locked snow Shiyin in his mind and was thinking of killing snow Shiyin with one move.

As a result, I just felt that Tuoba Xiong, who had the strongest cultivation among the three martial brothers, had died on the spot.

One point, two and a half!

Not even a move!

And the one who did it was the boy he called "aphid"!

This aphid, now in Lu Ming\'s eyes, is the absolute God of death!

Just then, Shen Lang slightly tilted his head and squinted at Lu Ming, who was trembling all over his body!

Shen Lang\'s eyes have not changed, still as indifferent as before.

But at this moment, Lu Ming understood... The indifferent eyes treat them as dead people!

However, neither he nor Tuoba Xiong felt it before!

"No, no... you can\'t kill me. My father is a great elder of Wuji demon sect and a strong emperor of Wujing. You can\'t kill me... If you kill me, not only my father will not let you go, but even Wuji demon sect will not let you go!"

"We Wuji demon sect... Wuji demon sect is a legendary sect! Little brother, let me go, everything is easy to say!"

Lu Ming was frightened by the knife and didn\'t dare to fight Shen Lang at all. He just waved his hand and retreated like a poor man.

The previous appearance of life and death has disappeared.

At this time, the despair in his eyes is no less than that in the eyes of spore people!

"The emperor\'s martial mirror is strong? The legendary sect gate?" Shen Lang smiled.

His mind not only covers the area at the entrance, but also extends outward to cover the canyon outside the entrance.

The last quasi emperor Wujing Jiuchong tianqiang, who called the people of the evil blood demon sect outside, hasn\'t come yet.

It would be a bit troublesome if the three top strongmen of the quasi emperor martial mirror appeared together without affecting the spore man.

But now

Shen Lang smiled coldly and flashed in front of Lu Ming!

When the long knife shakes, the light of the knife rises again!

It\'s just a simple knife. It doesn\'t even stimulate the powerful knife skill.

But this simple knife was as fast as lightning, and through the immortal sky knife, it stimulated Shen Lang\'s chaotic power dozens of times!

God block and cut God!

Stop the devil and cut the devil!


Lu Mingheng painted halberd in front of Fang Tian and contacted the immortal sky knife.

The deafening sound burst out, and the endless energy ripples rippled in all directions centered on the contact point between the immortal Tiandao and Fang Tianhua halberd!


The square sky painting halberd just resisted for only one second, then made a crisp sound and directly broke into two sections!

And the spirit of the sealed instrument in it also roared reluctantly and disappeared in an instant!

The immortal sky Sabre passed through the halberd protection of the square sky painting, and the evil fell on Lu Ming\'s chest!


Lu Ming was hit by this knife, but the protection of armor finally blocked Shen Lang\'s knife. Finally, he avoided being cut in half by one knife!

However, the violent power of this knife still made Lu Ming spit blood.

Then, like a meteorite hitting the earth, it fell down at the speed of reaching the pole!

"The armor on the eldest elder\'s son is really extraordinary. The inside information of the legendary demon sect is really strong."

Shen Lang\'s chilly voice sounded in the air. He was in a flash and had caught up with him. The second one came first and then three knives!

These three swords not only gather all the chaotic powers of Shen Lang, but also integrate the meaning of medium-term swords!

And, all cut in the flaw of Lu Ming\'s armor!

"Young generation, do you really dare to kill me? The limitless demon sect will not let you go!"

Lu Mingmu wanted to break his canthus and resist, but he couldn\'t keep up with Shen Lang\'s speed. He punched out and failed!

And Shen Lang\'s three knives all fell on him accurately!


Although it was three knives, there was only one sound.

As if the three knives fell on Lu Ming\'s armor at the same time!

When the three knives fell, Lu Ming\'s stronger armor also fell apart and turned into fragments.

Three powerful Dao Qi crisscross, cutting Lu Ming into a fast, scattered in all directions.

If Tuoba Xiong was too impatient to prevent being plotted against, Lu Ming should have reacted and had a chance to resist.

However, even if it is really resisted.

Still can\'t escape the result of being killed on the spot.

Fighting Shen Lang is not a series at all!

Tuoba Xiong was divided into two parts by a knife;

After a few words, Lu Ming was cut into many pieces by three knives!

Two would-be emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strong men, stamping their feet can lead to the existence of mountain collapse and earth crack

Died in an instant.

After killing Lu Ming, Shen Lang put his knife into the scabbard, looked at the fallen body and said, "why don\'t you dare?"