Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1047

Shen Lang let Xue Shiyin and Duanmu out of fengtianding and said calmly. "Shiyin, you and Duanmu Zheng protect them from being affected. Give me the rest."

"HMM." Xue Shiyin agreed, and the divine sword Tian sobbed out of its scabbard in an instant.

Duanmuzheng Jie screamed: "Jie, these Buddhists are bald... Monk, I\'m the zombie to protect one day. Wow, ha ha!"

A group of Ruyi Buddhists looked at each other.

Fortunately, the zombie is standing on the edge of Shen wave. If it appears in other places, their magic weapon may attack at the first time!

"Master, take the spore people and retreat to the depths of the dark swamp to avoid accidents." Shen Lang turned to master Wuchen and said, "I\'ll go out and get rid of these people outside later."

Although the other party called him "martial uncle", Shen Lang still politely called the other party\'s master.

Shen Lang pondered for a while and said, "as for the things on the other side of the earth crack, my only worry is that there will be a strong emperor\'s mirror. If there is a strong emperor\'s mirror, it will be a lot of trouble."

Shen Lang is certainly not worried about the strong of ordinary imperial martial mirrors.

But the high-level strongman in the imperial martial mirror.

If it\'s just the first level of emperor\'s martial mirror, compared with Shen Lang\'s current cultivation, although there is still a great gap, at least it has the strength to deal with each other.

If you are really defeated, let Zuo Wentian come out for a walk!

Today\'s Zuo Wentian, there are life spiritual power in front and Yuan force fragments in the back, and the soul is becoming solid every day.

Most importantly, his soul has begun to mutate.

Now after using power, it is not as soul power consuming as before, and it is difficult to recover.

Now Zuo Wentian is a wonderful flower. Even Shen Lang, who has the memory of the emperor of war, can\'t see clearly

Although he is still in a state of soul and has not changed to ghost Taoism, he can practice ghost Taoism like old ghosts and their ghosts!

Moreover, the power consumed is the same as that of ordinary martial arts. After being consumed, it can be recovered as soon as possible through cultivation!

In short, Zuo Wentian didn\'t turn to ghost Road, but his spiritual power and spiritual power have been separated.

In the past, Zuo Wentian, who didn\'t turn to ghost Road, used power every time, that is, spiritual power and spiritual power were consumed at the same time.

So when Shen Lang encountered a crisis, Zuo Wentian made a move, and finally lost his soul power, and then became half dead.

And now the left asked the sky, after the shot, there is no consumption of soul power!

It\'s no different from a normal warrior!

However, today\'s Zuo Wentian has not recast his body, which is far from being compared with the heyday of that year.

If you meet the first-class strongman of imperial martial mirror, it\'s nothing to kill in an instant with his peerless sword skill.

But if you meet the strong man above the middle stage of emperor Wujing, now Zuo Wentian can only run away.

When master Wuchen saw that old Shen Lang was confident, he put down his hanging heart and said respectfully, "everything is arranged by martial uncle."

Master Wuchen immediately asked the people of Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect to retreat to the dark swamp with spore people.

After a while, the dark swamp became lively again.

After xueshiyin and duanmuzheng were broken, the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi sect, escorting the spore man, began to retreat quickly.

A group of Buddhist strongmen are followed by a zombie. This scene is really a little strange.



The terrible airflow swept from the entrance of the dark swamp!

It\'s like the dam burst and the flood surged out, which makes people completely unable to resist and despair!

"Oh?" Shen Lang\'s eyes flashed. "It seems that they have found that people at 36 nodes are missing. They are ready to start in advance."

The people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect also felt the surging breath coming from the entrance!

The people of the evil blood demon sect and the limitless demon sect really started in advance!

They are approaching the entrance of the dark swamp at an amazing speed!

As soon as their faces changed, they accelerated and retreated under the protection of Xue Shiyin!

If the prospective emperor\'s martial mirror is strong, I\'m afraid it will become a death within hundreds of miles!

When everyone was trembling like walking on thin ice, the sword light flashed in Shen Lang\'s eyes!

He didn\'t do it and didn\'t see his knife. In the void, there was an unpredictable knife light, which fell in the middle of the terrible torrent.

It seemed that the torrent that could sweep the whole dark swamp was split in two by the knife light, rushed out to both sides for hundreds of meters, and all dissipated!

At the moment when the torrent is separated and dissipated

Two figures like gods and Demons took the lead in entering the dark swamp!

"Very good, very good! The spore people are still there, and they have gathered together, so we don\'t have to look for them one by one, ha ha!"

Tuoba Xiong\'s unbridled laughter rang through the whole dark swamp!

A large number of spore people with weak strength, like facing gods and demons, were shocked to crawl to the ground by this terrible pressure and were difficult to get up

Even the strong ones such as Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect look like Earth in the face of this terrible atmosphere.

The other party didn\'t do anything, just let the whole body breath release.

It\'s like a mountain, pressing on people\'s heads, making it difficult to breathe and move!

Just when these two people came, it was as if thousands of troops were pressing on the border, curbing 100000 spores and hundreds of strong Terrans!

The quasi emperor martial mirror has the breath of a strong man at the peak. It\'s so strong!

The greedy eyes of Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming swept around the dark spore man crowd, just like scanning Jinshan silver mine.

Shen Lang, who stood in front, was also looking at the two people at the moment, but he was completely ignored by the two people.

Shen Lang\'s breath now is just the middle of Huangwu territory.

A warrior of this level is not qualified to attract the attention of the strong man of the quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian!

Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming\'s eyes scanned spore man for a moment, and finally moved away, and finally fell on xueshiyin in the distance.

"Young generation, it\'s you who sneaked into the evil blood demon cage array and killed more than 300 people of the evil blood demon clan?"

"You are so brave to do such a thing under our eyes!"

Tuoba xiongyin said, "no matter which sect you are, you will die without a place to bury if you dare to intervene in the affairs of my Wuji demon sect!"

As soon as the voice fell, Tuoba Xiong\'s vigorous pressure into the sea rolled towards xueshiyin.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

In the void, the sword idea released by Shen Lang turned into wisps of knife light, cutting tuoboxiong\'s powerful authority into fragments.

"Hmm? A mere warrior at the beginning of Huangwu territory has understood such a powerful sword idea?" this situation immediately stunned Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming.

Shen Lang rolled his eyelids and said, "you\'re looking for the wrong person. I killed the people of the evil blood demon clan."

"Hehe, you old devil dogs think... You can only kill people. If others dare to touch your people, they will die without a place to bury?"

"Old dog?" Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming laughed angrily!

Although Shen Lang was closest to them, they didn\'t pay attention to the boy at all.

Unexpectedly, this kind of self-cultivation boy dared to stand in front of their quasi emperor martial mirror peak strongman, so arrogant!

Dare you call them "old dog"?

This is unimaginable!

Tuo Ba Xiong\'s killing intention was vigorous and condensed into the essence: "little beast, you are impatient to live? You want to stimulate me to kill and die happily?"

While talking, the killing intention released from Tuoba Xiong was like a thin cloud, enveloping Shen waves.

The people in the rear were surprised and looked at all this with fear and sweat!

If the ordinary emperor is strong, I\'m afraid he has collapsed in the face of such terrible killing intention.

Shen Lang didn\'t let it go and let the murderous spirit envelop him... This is the strong man of the nine heaven of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror. Is it too big?

Even master Wuchen of Ruyi Buddhism is wiping sweat at the moment.

However, to everyone\'s surprise, Shen Lang, whose breath is different from those two powerful demons, seems to be unable to feel the killing intention and doesn\'t move!

The killing intention that can make people fear to mental collapse has no impact on him!

"Eh? No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. You can be so calm in the face of our killing intention?" Tuoba Xiong was slightly stunned: "where did you come from? You really have a little ability?"

"Just don\'t know, are you really calm, or are you trying to pretend?"

Tuoba Xiong sneered and said, "but it doesn\'t matter. The important thing is that you will die here soon... Although those behind you will die, you will become the first person to die in my hands!"

"Little beast, you should feel happy and glorious... We want to hunt spore people, and you are useless and worthless in our eyes!"

"If in the past, you don\'t even have the qualification to die in the hands of this seat!"

After entering the dark swamp with inexplicable panic, Tuoba Xiong found that it was only xueshiyin, a martial artist who would like to be the emperor\'s martial mirror and five Heaven, who slipped into the place. His hanging heart was immediately relieved.

At this time, his attention was not on Xue Shiyin, but on Shen Lang, who called him an "old dog".

Lu Ming on the side also sneered: "elder martial brother, don\'t be angry. This aphid that can be crushed by a finger is not qualified to make you angry."

"It seems that he is desperate and knows that he will die, so he wants to annoy you and die happily."

Tuoba Xiong laughed: "want to die happily? I can\'t let him achieve his wish... I\'ll extract his soul and refine him for 300 years, so that he can\'t survive or die!"

"This is the consequence of provoking this seat!"

As soon as the voice fell, the pressure over the dark swamp suddenly mentioned again!

Under this unimaginable pressure, except Shen Lang and Xue\'s poetry, everyone else felt that their hearts were about to explode at any time!

Xue Shi\'s voice showed an anxious look and looked at Shen Lang.

"I can\'t resist the pressure released by the two quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian strong men. I\'m afraid... Xiaolang seems to have everything under control. He\'s waiting for the best time to attack!"

"We\'ll hold on a little longer! Hold on a little longer!"