Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1046

Soon after Shen Lang entered the dark swamp.

Outside the dark swamp, in the blood devil cage array, a terrible breath suddenly broke out!

The terrible thoughts of the strong man of the Ninth Heaven in the martial mirror of the quasi emperor shook up over the blood devil cage array.

The three quasi emperors of Wuji demon sect, who are strong in martial mirrors, began to communicate with their gods more than a thousand miles apart.

"I can\'t wait. You\'re ready to enter the dark swamp and start hunting spore people."

The other two were obviously surprised.

The plan is to enter the dark swamp tomorrow night.

Moreover, this order was issued by the high level of the limitless demon sect. Why did it suddenly advance?

Another quasi emperor Wujing Jiuchong strong man said, "these spore people are already in our hands. Why is senior brother Tuoba so anxious?"

"Elder martial brother thinks that the spore man can help him break the bottleneck of the peak of the quasi emperor martial mirror, so can\'t wait? Ha ha!"

The third prospective emperor Wujing jiuzhong tianqiang smiled and said, "the plan is to wait until the seal of the abyss over the valley is broken tomorrow and the devil of the abyss rushes out."

"On the one hand, we should use the hand of the abyss devil to eradicate Ruyi Buddha sect and Taiqing sect, and then let the abyss devil carry the black pot; on the other hand, we should wait for martial uncle Nangong to come and be safe."

"Senior brother Tuoba thought of the life power in the spore human body and thought that this life power could help you break through, so he couldn\'t help it?"

Senior brother Tuoba, who first spoke, said with a cold hum, "no matter how anxious you are, can\'t you wait for this day?"

"I just don\'t know why. Just now, a thread of panic came out of my Inexplicable heart, with a sense of foreboding..."

The other two were stunned and silent.

To the strong of this series, although we can not say that we can achieve the unity of heaven and man, our understanding on the avenue of heaven and earth is no small matter.

In the dark, they have an indescribable connection with the world.

Even if you don\'t see anything, your mind doesn\'t feel anything, but this sudden feeling is very accurate.

Many strong people also rely on this sudden sense of crisis to avoid doom.

Although Tuoba Xiong and they are both quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian, they have entered this realm for hundreds of years, and their accomplishments are much better than them.

Now Tuoba Xiong suddenly said that there was a ray of panic in his heart. There was a sense of foreboding, but the two people couldn\'t care less!

One of them said, "senior brother Tuoba\'s accomplishments are far above us. We dare not question senior brother Tuoba."

"But I still don\'t understand... This trip may be a little variable. It\'s the crack in the earth of Luopu Valley, so zongnei sent martial uncle Nangong of emperor Wujing to make sure everything is safe."

"As for us, even the arrival of all the strong ones of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddhism will not change the fate of spore people in our pocket."

"There are only two dark gold forces, and the strongest one is the quasi emperor Wujing wuchongtian. In front of us, they are no different from mole ants. I Qin Pei can scare them with one finger!"

"These spore people have no attack power at all. Even the waste of shaxue demon sect is like slaughtering pigs and dogs."

"In addition, although the evil blood devil sect is very weak, the evil blood devil cage array is quite useful. Even if I want to break through this array, it is impossible without two or three hours... If someone wants to break through such a large array, and it is under the eyes of the three of us, it is simply impossible."

"Senior brother Tuoba may be a little worried."

Although Qin Pei\'s words were polite, he made it clear that he would not listen to Tuoba Xiong\'s words and immediately entered the dark swamp.

Of course, he couldn\'t wait, but he couldn\'t listen to the orders of the high level of the Pope.

If Tuoba Xiong violates the order in advance because of a feeling, who will be held responsible?

Even if you really want to enter now, say these things clearly first. If there is a problem at that time, you can all push it on Tuoba Xiong!

Tuoba Xiong is old and crafty, and has been with Qin PEI for many years. Why don\'t you understand what he thinks?

He said coldly, "younger martial brother Qin, are you doubting me?"

Qin Pei smiled and said, "no, little brother, it\'s just a little strange."

At this time, the man who had been silent before said, "senior brother Tuoba is only one step away from achieving the imperial martial mirror. The strong cultivation is by no means comparable between the two younger brothers. Since senior brother Tuoba suddenly feels this way, the younger brother suggested that we should first thoroughly investigate the situation in the blood devil cage array."

"If there is a problem, it\'s not too late to make a decision."

Seeing that the two sides were at loggerheads, the man offered a compromise.

Tuoba Xiong and Qin Pei both released their thoughts and covered the whole evil blood devil cage array.

Immediately, the two exclaimed at the same time, "please do this!"

If they don\'t check, they find the problem at the same time

The 108 nodes of the evil blood devil cage array were originally garrisoned by the strong of the evil blood devil sect, but their minds found that... The people at 36 nodes have died!

Under the cover of these two strong thoughts, I saw the bodies of the 36 nodes lying on the ground, one by one dry and drained of blood!

"What a cruel means! Which devil wants to rob us of spores?" Qin Pei said in silence.

Tuoba Xiong suddenly jumped in the corner of his eye: "we killed so many people under our eyes, but we didn\'t realize it. Moreover, the means used by the people were extremely cruel... Indeed, the people who came were not good!"

"Now there is no smell of that man in the formation. I\'m afraid he has entered the dark swamp!"

"Lu Ming, you go to the dark swamp with me first!" Tuoba Xiong shouted violently: "Qin Pei, you lead the people of the evil blood demon sect to follow!"

Two streamers flashed in the sky and fell towards the entrance of the dark swamp.

In the dark, Qin Pei, with a fierce face, showed his body, looked at the entrance of the dark swamp and said, "Tuoba Xiong, an old dog, deliberately put me behind!"

"After I get the spore man this time, if I advance the imperial martial mirror one step earlier than you, I\'ll see how I deal with you!"

Qin Pei didn\'t want to delay. His mind covered the whole evil blood demon cage array and aroused the people of the evil blood demon sect. He followed Tuoba Xiong and Lu Ming and went straight to the dark swamp!


In the dark swamp, when Shen Lang said that he deliberately joked and created a real "despair" for these people

Those who were still blaming Shen Lang in taiqingzong\'s heart just now stayed for a while.

Then, everyone was surprised!

For people of such a big sect as the Taiqing sect, this desperate situation is almost difficult to encounter.

Even now, they can\'t imagine being caught in a jar and having no way out!

Just now, seeing Shen Lang\'s cultivation so strong, everyone\'s heart sank completely.

Even if the people of Ruyi Buddhism are ready to sacrifice their lives for righteousness, many people feel little hope.

The feeling of despair, tragedy and death

This has greatly changed the mood of these strong people.

The benefits of this change for their future cultivation are amazing!

At this time, the leader of the Taiqing emperor flew up, bowed respectfully to Shen Lang and said, "I\'ve seen Lord Shen Lang, Xiao Han of the Taiqing emperor."

"Now that you have entered the dark swamp, I don\'t know what\'s going on outside?"

"We have been trapped here for seven days and nights..."

"Outside?" Shen Lang said with a cold flash in his eyes, "thousands of people surrounded the area around 2000 miles, and arranged a \'blood devil cage\' array. Even a mosquito is not ready to let out!"

"Among these people, there are three quasi emperor Wujing three or four heaven strongmen of shaxue demon sect and three quasi emperor Wujing nine heaven strongmen of Wuji demon sect."

"Three quasi emperor martial mirrors and nine strong heaven?" everyone at the scene took a cold breath: "hiss!"

Before these people could speak, Shen Lang said again: "not only here, the people of the evil blood demon sect and the limitless demon sect, but also want to rob the eternal tree in the crack of the earth in the valley of poverty."

"There are many more strong people on the other side of the valley than on this side."

"They started at both ends and secretly destroyed the seal of the gap in the dark abyss. They wanted the devil of the abyss to climb out and impact the crack in the earth. Finally, they caught all the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect over the crack in the earth!"

The people whose faces had just become better looked pale again!

It\'s just that the thousand people of the evil blood demon sect have returned

Quasi emperor Wujing jiuchongtian peak strongman, this is a stamp, which can completely destroy the role of the dark swamp!

In order to deal with the spore man, three people came here?

And they also want to... Kill all the people guarding the cracks in the earth in Luobu Valley!

There are no less than 8000 people from Taiqing sect, Ruyi sect and the following Lingtong sect in Luopu Valley!

At this time, master Wuchen woke up first: "I don\'t know martial uncle, do you have a plan to deal with it?"

Everyone was stunned, and soon hope began to rise from the bottom of their heart!

Although they can\'t see through Shen Lang\'s cultivation, their previous performance is frightening!

Moreover, he can enter the dark swamp under the eyes of the three quasi emperor Wujing peak strongmen... Does this mean that he has the strength to deal with the quasi emperor Wujing peak strongmen?

Shen Lang smiled and said, "there is no special plan. On the dark swamp side, I changed the \'blood devil cage\' array they arranged into a large array to trap them."

"Don\'t they want to keep a mosquito out?"

"I think the same as them, and I\'m not going to let any of them go."

It sounds very plain, but with it, even the strong Buddhists have changed their complexion and have a boundless intention to kill!