Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1045

"This welcoming ceremony is really grand?" Shen Lang grinned.

Such an attack, ordinary quasi emperor martial mirror, a strong man of heaven, may have to go all out to stop it.

However, this attack is a little childish in Shen Lang\'s eyes.

Even the nine heavenly strongmen of the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror were sure of Shen Lang who was crushed to death by three or two moves. They didn\'t care too much about it.

Shen Lang stretched out his right hand, his five fingers diverged and grabbed it gently!

In the void, an invisible force immediately formed in the Shen wave.

As if there was a sea in front of Shen Lang, all attacks and magic weapons hit the sea and completely lost their effectiveness!

And those powerful magic weapons are trapped in the sea. No matter how urged by the strong of Taiqing and Ruyi Buddha, they can\'t get rid of it!

Soon, Shen Lang\'s five fingers rotated slightly clockwise!

The "sea" immediately formed a deep-sea vortex, sucking all magic weapons or spell attacks and the dark boulders into the depths!

Those powerful magic weapons, boulders and arrow feathers all fell into this deep-sea vortex, and then condensed into a small ball about half a foot in diameter, emerging above Shen Lang\'s palm!

Such an unpredictable magic power, time, makes spore people and all strong people look like death!

"God, why is this? I thought there would be a large army coming in, but I didn\'t expect that a person coming in now would be so strong as to be such a pervert!"

"How can we resist such a powerful force and such an unpredictable magic power? Is heaven going to kill me?"

"We can\'t resist a single person. Which is the strongman of the demon sect?"

"Such terrible accomplishments, even if the two strong ones on the earth crack reach the point, they can\'t compete... This time, we are doomed, doomed!"

At this time, more than 100 bald monks came out under the leadership of master Wuchen.

One by one, the precious faces stood solemnly in the front void.

"Amitabha, put down the butcher\'s knife and become a Buddha on the spot. The sea of suffering is boundless. It\'s time to turn around!" master Wuchen said to Shen Lang with his hands folded.

Other Ruyi Buddhist monks, like angry King Kong, put on a posture of dying together with Shen Lang.

"Put down the butcher\'s knife? If I don\'t, master, what are you going to do?" Shen Lang said faintly with his mouth tilted.

Master Wuchen\'s expression remained unchanged and youyou said, "if you are stubborn, I and others can only use the \'Buddha killing array\' of Ruyi Buddhism to deal with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the strong man of Ruyi Buddha sect in the air moved from standing side by side to surrounding Shen waves!

The strong of the Taiqing sect in the rear were terrified when they heard the "Buddha killing array" in Wuchen\'s mouth!

The leader led a group of people back again and again, shouting: "back! Everyone back now!"

Shen Lang was slightly stunned: "the master said he wanted to use the Buddhist killing array to deal with me, but you surrounded me, but you didn\'t arrange the array. Why?"

The Buddha light on master Wuchen was like the Buddha coming. He smiled and said, "killing array is not array, but sacrificing himself to hell."

"My accomplishments are far less than almsgiver, but I wait for these 108 people, just like 108 Arhats of Buddhism... If almsgiver persists in his mistakes, I will explode at the same time for the sake of more than 100000 lives of the spore people."

"Even the benefactor\'s accomplishments will be hard to escape in the center of self explosion."

Shen Lang was stunned and silent.

"Master!" the Taiqing clan behind burst into tears.

Although the people of the Taiqing sect also appreciate the spore people and know that their lives are at stake now, they still can\'t do such things as Ruyi Buddhist monks.

Wuchen and others really did so. Maybe they can really kill the mysterious strong man.

This group of people of Ruyi Buddha sect saved not only 100000 people, but also more than 300 people of Taiqing sect!

Shen Lang\'s eyes were bright and colorful. He said: "spore people have saved masters and others, but masters and others want to stop me with self explosion in order to help them. Why bother?"

"Amitabha, if I don\'t go to hell, who will go to hell?" master Wuchen folded his hands and closed his eyes.

The rest of Ruyi Buddhists also closed their eyes and put their hands together.

The peaceful Buddha light was released from everyone, forming a huge golden mask that enveloped the Shen waves.

As long as Shen Lang has any movement, these people will explode immediately!

108 strong men in the imperial martial arts arena blew themselves up. I\'m afraid the dark swamp will collapse!

But now it seems that this is the only way for spore people to live

Shen Lang was silent for a moment, suddenly smiled and said, "well, don\'t be nervous, everyone. Just now I was just kidding you."

"This joke is not funny." master Wuchen still didn\'t open his eyes and said, "donor, if you don\'t want to die with me and others, please make a demon blood oath and give up \'hunting\' spore people."

Taiqingzong and others, as well as spore people, became more nervous!

The key to determining everyone\'s life is at this moment!

Shen Lang said with a wry smile, "master is a person of Ruyi Buddhism. Then, do you know this thing?"

With that, Shen Lang\'s heart moved. On the palm of his left hand, the star moon Bodhi Rosary from master kongjing of Ruyi Buddhism slowly floated out!

Far beyond the 1808 people, the supreme Buddha light shrouded the Shen waves in an instant and dissipated outward.

Shrouded in this Buddha light, the original murderous scene suddenly changed into a look!

At this moment, all the strong people of Ruyi Buddhism opened their eyes!

"Xingyue Bodhi beads!" master Wuchen said in a surprised voice, "you... Are you martial uncle Shen Lang?"

It seems that master Wuchen is a generation younger than luanlai, and a generation older than monk Bu se.

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "I am Shen lang."

The people of Ruyi Buddha sect were stunned again.

They all know the star moon Bodhi beads from Ruyi Buddhism.

And Shen Lang\'s name, Ruyi Buddha, is like thunder!

They didn\'t expect that the boy in black was not the God of death who came to harvest their lives, but also the great Savior!

This person

Once subdued the stiff emperor Duanmu evil;

Once, he took Ruyi Buddha and dishonor monk to get up in the dragon scale temple;

Once, in the capital of Zichu, the emperor was happy with gratitude and revenge and killed the strong warrior of the quasi emperor!

Whether he has made rapid progress in cultivation or what he has done in the past two years, he is shocking!

This is a legend!

A legend related to Ruyi Buddha!

Although he was not a Buddhist disciple, he became the elder martial brother of master luanlai when he was still in the Lingwu realm when the star moon Bodhi beads automatically recognized the Lord!

Unexpectedly, now he appears here!

Master Wuchen looked surprised and said, "Amitabha, God has the virtue of living well. Martial uncle is here, and the spore people are finally saved."

After saying this, master Wuchen was shocked and fell directly to the ground!

Shen Lang\'s sleeved robe was thrown, and a gentle force immediately dragged the falling Wuchen.

Then, with a gentle wave of Shen Lang\'s right hand, the ball in his hand flew into the air.

The magic weapons and blades originally mixed together were restored one by one and fell back into the hands of the people.

The stones thrown by the fungus giant turned into fly ash and dispersed with the wind.

Everyone was stunned. Immediately, they didn\'t know who started the head and cheered wildly!

Shen Lang\'s eyes fell on the spore people behind him and said with respect: "race does not mean glory. People should not judge their different existence rashly. When the spore people are not strong in self-protection ability, they were born to help the injured people. You deserve the respect of any race."

"Many years ago, when the world changed dramatically and the survival of all living creatures was threatened, the Yumu family had been running and working hard to fight against darkness and evil... Like them, you deserve the respect of the human race."

"The people of Ruyi Buddhism are willing to exchange self explosion for a glimmer of vitality of the spore people. I think the spore people may also understand... Although the people are ugly, they also have truth, goodness and beauty. Not all the people treat you as food."

"Life should be respected."

"One day, the spore people will be able to live with other races without thousands of years of fear and fear."

"Wuwuwuwuwu..." several spore man elders below, with their beards warped and old tears.

As a race whose intelligence is no worse than that of the Terran, the spore people are very small.

But for thousands of years, they also want equal treatment.

No one, no race, wants to be treated as food.

No one wants to live a life of hiding and being easily exterminated!

Spore people have wanted to be recognized by other races for thousands of years!

Now this kind of words, this sense of identity, come out of a powerful Terran, why don\'t the spore people get very excited?

At this time, Shen Lang\'s eyes looked at the people of Taiqing sect and Ruyi Buddha sect present.

The people of Ruyi Buddhism are just fine. After all, they have heard of Shen Lang\'s legendary deeds, so they all look at Shen Lang with respect.

But the people of the taiqingzong were scared to death by Shen lang. at the moment, many people dare not say it on the surface, but they are cursing Shen Lang at the bottom of their heart.

No one wants to be fooled like this.

If Shen Lang\'s cultivation was not strong, I\'m afraid someone would point at his nose and yell.

Shen Lang smiled and said, "I have no intention of teasing any of you, but the despair and fear brought by this death threat is not an opportunity?"

"I create such an atmosphere of despair, so that you can\'t see hope, there is no way back, and feel wandering on the edge of death... It should be very good for your mental cultivation?"