Strongest Battle Emperor

Chapter 1044


The voice of red eyebrows and fear came from the darkness. The Danying who wanted to rush out of the flesh had no resistance. When he brushed it, he was pulled in by the vortex!

Then, the tall body of red eyebrows was evacuated in an instant, and the body became dry and fell to the ground!

Shen Lang is the one who kills the top strongman in the imperial martial arts realm of the evil blood demon sect.

The second form of jiuzhuan life and death Xuangong "star sucking Da Fa" was founded based on the crazy absorption power of Taiji diagram.

At the beginning of its establishment, this move can not only devour energy, but also devour the blood and gas of monsters.

Shen Lang robbed the nine immortal Ganoderma lucidum of the demon warrior outside Tianfeng city and was chased and killed by the man. He used this move to sneak into the other party and destroy the other party\'s arm at the end.

However, Shen Lang\'s move has only been used for monsters, and basically has not been used for people.

This time, Shen Lang was furious to see those guys who like to eat "people" from the evil blood demon sect. After receiving the red eyebrow pill baby, he drained his blood by the way.

Whether human beings are strong or monsters, even if they don\'t deliberately forge their bodies, the power in the flesh is very powerful.

Therefore, some big aristocratic families often hunt powerful monsters and let their children eat the meat of monsters and swallow some precious blood of powerful monsters from an early age, so as to strengthen themselves.

The flesh of the strong of the human race can\'t compare with the demon race in the same realm.

But the power contained in it is also very powerful.

However, they are all of the same kind. Many demon warriors like to absorb the blood and gas of Terran warriors, but Shen Lang doesn\'t like it.

Shen Lang absorbed the blood of the red eyebrows, felt the power, and slowly raised his head like death.

He looked at the more than ten blood demons who were stunned.

At this time, the more than ten strong Huangwu were still in a petrified state.

Those who are strong in the imperial martial arts are absolutely dominating in places like the purple Chu state.

It is reasonable to say that there are really not many things that can completely freeze the strong in this realm.

But no wonder they

Because even the powerful devil like them saw such a terrible thing for the first time!

He is already the martial uncle at the peak of Huangwu realm. He was just telling them about spore man. It was not a while

There will be no resistance to be killed!

Simply, not only the Danying was extracted, but also the flesh blood gas was directly drained!

All this is like a dream!


Until the demon like young man turned his eyes to this side!

A group of powerful demons, who were originally in high spirits, screamed and rushed out in several directions at an unprecedented speed!

No one dares to stay!

No one dares to try to fight the devil!

Everyone has only one thought at this time: run!

The faster you run, the better!

They hoped that the devil would not come after them;

They also want the devil to chase others!

They never thought that when spore man was about to fall into his hands, he was so happy that he met this "God of death"!

Just now, I was still thinking about the delicacy of spore people, and I was still calm in the fast - feeling of killing those mountain people who had no resistance. At this moment, they had fallen into the shadow of death and fled for their lives!

Shen Lang glanced at the group of strong men of the evil blood demon sect who had fled in all directions, and the knife light flashed in his eyes,

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The shrill sound of breaking the air sounded again and again.

In the dark, the sword light flashed, Shen Lang didn\'t even move

The more than ten people who flew out quickly were cut off by the invincible sword Qi!

Then, Shen Lang lifted his right hand, and a black hole in the palm of his hand released the terrible suction, and caught all the Danying of more than ten people!

Today\'s Tai Chi diagram has grown to a terrible situation.

Within a hundred miles, the quasi emperor\'s martial mirror, the soul of a strong man, can\'t get rid of the attraction of Taiji map!

Not to mention the soul of the early martial arts in Huangwu territory.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, and more than a dozen souls hovered in the air.

As if they were strangled by someone, the souls of the more than a dozen strong people struggled frantically, shook their heads and released their thoughts of begging for mercy.

"If you like to kill, you must have the consciousness of being killed;"

"If you like to use people\'s soul refining tools, you must have the consciousness of being extracted to refine your soul."

Shen Lang\'s extremely cold voice sounded in the dark, like from hell.

Then, Shen Lang\'s palm shook slightly, and the black hole turned again, inhaling all the more than ten Danying into the Tai Chi diagram!

Such a group of elixir babies in the Huangwu realm were refined in the Tai Chi diagram and turned into the nutrients of the Tai Chi diagram.

Completely, scared!

At this time, more than a dozen Danying who were absorbed into the Tai Chi diagram were immediately pierced by the branches of the world tree and began to be refined.

It has to be said that if it is simply power, even the vitality released from the fragments of yuan power in the same time can not be compared with the strong person above the imperial martial arts realm.

Yuan Li fragments can release surging pure vitality for a long time.

But even if Shen Lang sat in front of Yuanli fragments and spent more than half a month frantically absorbing vitality, he still couldn\'t afford to directly refine more than a dozen elixirs in the imperial martial arts realm.

Most of the power of human warriors is in Danying.

A strong man who has practiced for hundreds of years, even thousands of years, has great power in his pill baby.

That is to say, Shen Lang and other mental natures could resist and didn\'t kill wantonly under the condition of having such things as Taiji diagram.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid Shen Lang is already a murderous God.

Shen Lang felt the power refined in the Tai Chi diagram. As soon as his sleeve robe was thrown away, he took all the xumijie and weapons of those killed.

On one of the black magic balls, thousands of complaining souls cried wildly

They have felt that the master who controls the magic ball has died.

The master of the magic ball is their master and their enemy... They want to eat their meat and drink their blood!

Only when the master dies can they hope to escape the magic ball.

Otherwise, you will always be imprisoned by this magic ball until the power of the soul dissipates completely, or swallowed up by other resentful souls.

The evil spirit released from the magic ball made Shen Lang frown.

This is the spirit of terror and resentment that can directly crush the spirit of ordinary martial artists.

Shen Lang held the magic ball and said lightly, "don\'t be impatient. The person who abused killed and imprisoned you is dead. I will send the magic ball to the Buddhist monk and let him surpass you."

Thousands of resentment souls in the magic ball immediately screamed.

The idea of gratitude was released from the magic ball and entered Shen Lang\'s mind.

Shen Lang\'s mind moved, put away the magic ball and those Xumi rings, and slowly walked towards the bloody giant sword.

"After returning from the wilderness, the first thing is to uproot the evil blood demon sect!"

With a cold light in Shen Lang\'s eyes, he slowly pasted his palm on the blood red giant sword and began to rewrite the array on it.

The quieter the wind, the deeper the night.

The people of the evil blood demon sect can\'t imagine that in their proud "evil blood demon cage" array, a god of death is reaping their lives one by one.

At this time, the people of the evil blood demon sect were still imagining entering the dark swamp one day and harvesting the lives of spore people.

Still having such a dream once in a lifetime.

But I don\'t know that their fate is doomed.

Death has enveloped them.


Shen Lang killed all the people in the 36 nodes of the big array, and then changed all the arrays at that node.

Then he flew into the canyon at the entrance.

The thirty-six arrays were changed by Shen lang. without attracting the attention of the strong of the blood demon sect, the control of this large array fell into Shen Lang\'s hands.

As long as Shen Lang a magic formula, the whole array will turn to check and balance these people.

At that time, everyone in this array will be unable to fly!

Even if the thirty-six array changes are found, there is nothing to do about the abilities of people like the blood demon sect and the limitless demon sect!

Such a large array can be transformed and captured in such a short time without being discovered by anyone. Only some top array masters or weapon refining masters can do it in the world.

There is still a long distance in the canyon at the entrance.

The canyon is just some cracks in the ground, narrow and winding, and constantly bending downward.

But the speed of sinking waves did not slow down, but faster and faster.

His mind radiated out early in the morning and explored all the routes. It was like a bat flying in it. There was no possibility of hitting the wall.

After flying in the canyon for five minutes, the dark Canyon finally showed light.

Covered by Shen Lang\'s mind, he immediately saw the situation at the entrance of the dark swamp clearly.

At this time, at the entrance, there are more than 200 strong people, who are organizing together.

The entrance is completely covered by a water like light curtain.

"Unfortunately, there are not many people who are proficient in the array, and this array has not been formed. It is impossible to stop the strong warrior of the quasi emperor."

Shen Lang shook his head slightly. Without hesitation, he pierced the light curtain and passed through the array barrier jointly arranged by a group of strong men!

This hole pierced the array barrier, and more than 200 people who were arranging the array were directly blown out!

Fortunately, Shen Lang didn\'t mean to hurt people, otherwise these people would be knocked out of their limbs by the array they arranged!

A group of Terran strongmen, as well as more than 100000 spore people, are already frightened and worried.

The array that was finally arranged was broken in an instant. In a short time, the whole dark swamp was boiling!

"Here they are! Kill them!"

"Whoever wants to destroy our spore people\'s homes will die!"

"Our lives were saved by spore people. At most, we should return this life to spore people... We must not let anyone hurt them!"

More than 400 celebrities and strong people, regardless of their injuries, rushed to heaven one by one!

Without saying a word, he attacked Shen Lang!

For a moment, a flood of colorful skills shrouded the waves;

The sabre light and sword Qi are crisscross. I want to divide Shen Lang into thousands of pieces;

The mountain like round bowl released thousands of Buddha lights, as if to suppress Shen Lang, an evil demon on the spot;

With the sound of rumbling, the green pagoda dozens of feet high fell head-on towards the head of Shen Lang;

More than 60 arrow feathers that seem to be able to shoot through mountains, rivers and earth, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, want to shoot Shen waves into horse beehives!

All kinds of powerful skills and all kinds of terrible magic weapons greet Shen Lang!

At the back, 500 fungal giants, each roaring, threw huge stones with a diameter of more than ten feet towards the Shen wave, trying to smash him into ashes!